Users employ API in Python to describe their own network, however, the network construction actually happens in C++. so Protobuf is introduced to send the message between Python and C++.
The Interaction between Python and C++ can be simplified as two steps:
1. C++ tells Python how many Ops there are, and what parameter do users need to offer to initialize a new Op. Python then builds API for each Op at compile time.
2. Users invoke APIs built by Python and provide necessary parameters. These parameters will be sent to C++ fo finish Op construction task.
### Message form C++ to Python
We define a Protobuf message class `OpProto` to hold message needed in the first step. What should an `OpProto` contain? This question is equivalent to “What message do we need to offer, to build a Python API which is legal and user oriented and can use to describe a whole Op.”
Following message are necessary:
1. Op's name, and its simple comment.
2. Input and output variable number; each variable's name, type, and comment.
3. Op's attributes; each attribute includes name, type, comment, **default value** and **value range**.
To hold message needed in the above second step, we define Protobuf message class `OpDesc`. It is used to hold user-specified parameters in Op describing.
## OpProto Register
Every Op has its own `OpProto`. For using convenience, we need to register them and record all their messages. For each `Op` class, we define a corresponding `OpMaker` class, in whose constructor we implement the `OpProto`'s building process. `OpMaker`'s constructor will be invoked by another function `OpRegistry::RegisterOp()`.
AddAttr("scale","scale of cosine op",float).Default(1.0).LargerThan(0.0);
AddComment("This is cos op");
In `REGISTER_OP(CosineOp, CosineOpProtoMaker, cos)`, we register not only `CosineOp` but also `CosineOpProto`. As fields of `CosineOpProto`, the default value and value range of `scale` are also registered here.
## Python API
Python APIs are divided into two types, high-level API and low-level API.
### High-Level API
High-level API is called by users directly, so it should keep its style consistent with existing V2 APIs.