echo_line="You must have one RD (XiaoguangHu01 or lanxianghit) and one TPM (saxon-zh or jzhang533 or dingjiaweiww or Heeenrrry or TCChenlong) approval for the api change for the management reason of API interface.\n"
echo_line="You must have one RD (XiaoguangHu01 or lanxianghit) approval for API change.\n"
echo_line="${echo_line} and one TPM approval for API change: \n"
echo_line="${echo_line} jzhang533/ZhangJun, dingjiaweiww/DingJiaWei, Heeenrrry/LiKunLun, TCChenlong/ChenLong for general APIs\n"
echo_line="${echo_line} PangHua/XiangHui for distributed related APIs\n"
echo_line="${echo_line} twismon/WangYunKai, CheQiXiao/CheQiXiao for inference related APIs.\n"
echo"skip paddle.fluid.layers.ops.func for doc diff"
echo_line="You must have one TPM (saxon-zh or jzhang533 or dingjiaweiww or Heeenrrry or TCChenlong) approval for the api change for the management reason of API document.\n"