dilations(int|list): the dilations of convolution kernel, shold be
[dilation_h, dilation_w], or an integer dialtion treated as
[dilation, dilation]. For default, it will be [1, 1].
name(str, optional): The default value is None.
Normally there is no need for user to set this property.
For more information, please refer to :ref:`api_guide_Name`
Variable: The tensor variable corresponding to the sliding local blocks. The output shape is [N, Cout, Lout] as decribled above. Cout is the total number of values within each block, and Lout is the total number of such blocks.
The tensor variable corresponding to the sliding local blocks.
The output shape is [N, Cout, Lout] as decribled above.
Cout is the total number of values within each block,
and Lout is the total number of such blocks.
The data type of output is the same as the input :math:`x`