This operator produces a slice of ``x`` along multiple axes for sparse tensors.
Slice uses ``axes``, ``starts`` and ``ends`` attributes to specify the start and
end dimension for each axis in the list of axes and Slice uses this information
to slice the input sparse tensor (x). If a negative value is passed to
``starts`` or ``ends`` such as :math:`-i`, it represents the reverse position of
the axis :math:`i-1` (here 0 is the initial position).
If the value passed to ``starts`` or ``ends`` is greater than the number of elements
in the dimenstion (n), it represents n.
For slicing to the end of a dimension with unknown size, it is recommended to pass
in INT_MAX. The size of ``axes`` must be equal to ``starts`` and ``ends``.
x (Tensor): The input Tensor (``SparseCooTensor`` or ``SparseCsrTensor``), it's data type should be ``float16``, ``float32``, ``float64``, ``int32``, ``int64``.
axes (list|tuple|Tensor): The data type is ``int32``.If ``axes`` is a list or tuple, the elements of
it should be integers or Tensors with shape [1]. If ``axes`` is a Tensor, it should be a 1-D Tensor.
Axes that `starts` and `ends` apply to.
starts (list|tuple|Tensor): The data type is ``int32``. If ``starts`` is a list or tuple, the elements of
it should be integers or Tensors with shape [1]. If ``starts`` is a Tensor, it should be a 1-D Tensor.
It represents starting indices of corresponding axis in ``axes``.
ends (list|tuple|Tensor): The data type is ``int32``. If ``ends`` is a list or tuple, the elements of
it should be integers or Tensors with shape [1]. If ``ends`` is a Tensor, it should be a 1-D Tensor.
It represents ending indices of corresponding axis in ``axes``.