4 合并请求!11636[IMPORTANT] MKLDNN layout: Support for sum operator,!2081Release/0.10.0,!1237wording update after previous pr review,!1235added region check step, route53 config.
@@ -201,14 +207,15 @@ paste into following inline policies:
`Version` : Its value has to be exactly "2012-10-17".
`AWS_ACCOUNT_ID`: You can get it from following command line:
aws sts get-caller-identity --output text --query Account
`MY_CLUSTER_NAME`: Pick a MY_CLUSTER_NAME that you like, you will use it later as well.
`MY_CLUSTER_NAME`: Pick a MY_CLUSTER_NAME that you like, you will use it later as well.
Please note, stack name must satisfy regular expression pattern: [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9*]*, which means no "_" or "-" in stack name, or kube-aws will throw error in later steps.
#### External DNS name
@@ -216,7 +223,7 @@ When the cluster is created, the controller will expose the TLS-secured API on a
The A record of that DNS name needs to be point to the cluster ip address.
We will need to use DNS name later in tutorial. If you don't already own one, you can choose any DNS name (e.g., `paddle`) and modify `/etc/hosts` to associate cluster ip with that DNS name.
We will need to use DNS name later in tutorial. If you don't already own one, you can choose any DNS name (e.g., `paddle`) and modify `/etc/hosts` to associate cluster ip with that DNS name. We will find the ip to map to `paddle` in later steps. Also in this case, will have to add name service (route53) in aws cluster in later step.
#### S3 bucket
@@ -346,7 +353,27 @@ paddle-cl-ElbAPISe-EEOI3EZPR86C-531251350.us-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com. 59 IN A 5
In the above output, both ip ``, `` will work.
If you own a DNS name, set the A record to any of the above ip. Otherwise you can edit `/etc/hosts` to associate ip with the DNS name.
*If you own a DNS name*, set the A record to any of the above ip. Then you can skip to the step "Access the cluster".
*If you do not own a DNS name*:
##### Update local DNS association
Edit `/etc/hosts` to associate above ip with the DNS name.
##### Add Route53 private name service in VPC
- Open Route53 web console
- Create hosted zone with following config
- Domain name: "paddle"
- Type: "Private hosted zone for amazon VPC"
- Add A record
- Click on the zone "paddle" just created
- Click the button "Create record set"
- Name : leave blank
- type: "A"
- Value: <kube-controller'sec2privateip>
- Verify name service
- Connect to any instance created by kube-aws via ssh
- Run command "host paddle", see if the ip returned is the private ip of kube-controller