提交 c6e010d0 编写于 作者: H hedaoyuan

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上级 2608c485
7 合并请求!11636[IMPORTANT] MKLDNN layout: Support for sum operator,!8482Release/0.11.0,!8190Release/0.11.0,!8189Release/0.11.0,!6633给线性回归的get-started代码加上了预测的示例~~,!4615Feature/tensor array add python binding,!2282Add convolution Function
......@@ -104,19 +104,11 @@ public:
size_t getFilterHeight(const TensorShape& filter) const {
if (filter.ndims() == 5) {
return filter[3];
} else {
return filter[2];
filter[filter.ndims() - 2];
size_t getFilterWidth(const TensorShape& filter) const {
if (filter.ndims() == 5) {
return filter[4];
} else {
return filter[3];
filter[filter.ndims() - 1];
std::vector<size_t> strides_;
......@@ -296,9 +296,9 @@ public:
std::shared_ptr<FunctionBase> getCpuFunction() const { return function1_; }
std::shared_ptr<FunctionBase> getFunction1() const { return function1_; }
std::shared_ptr<FunctionBase> getGpuFunction() const { return function2_; }
std::shared_ptr<FunctionBase> getFunction2() const { return function2_; }
// only init cpu argument, gpu argument copy from cpu argument.
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