Dynamic decoding performs :code:`decoder.step()` repeatedly until the returned
Tensor indicating finished status contains all True values or the number of
decoding step reaches to :attr:`max_step_num`.
:code:`decoder.initialize()` would be called once before the decoding loop.
If the `decoder` has implemented `finalize` method, :code:`decoder.finalize()`
would be called once after the decoding loop.
decoder(Decoder): An instance of `Decoder`.
inits(object, optional): Argument passed to `decoder.initialize`.
Default `None`.
max_step_num(int, optional): The maximum number of steps. If not provided,
decode until the decoder is fully done, or in other words, the returned
Tensor by :code:`decoder.step()` indicating finished status contains
all True. Default `None`.
output_time_major(bool, optional): Indicate the data layout of Tensor included
in the final outputs(the first returned value of this method). If
attr:`False`, the data layout would be batch major with shape
`[batch_size, seq_len, ...]`. If attr:`True`, the data layout would
be time major with shape `[seq_len, batch_size, ...]`. Default: `False`.
impute_finished(bool, optional): If `True` and `decoder.tracks_own_finished`
is False, then states get copied through for batch entries which are
marked as finished, which differs with the unfinished using the new states
returned by :code:`decoder.step()` and ensures that the final states have
the correct values. Otherwise, states wouldn't be copied through when
finished. If the returned `final_states` is needed, it should be set as
True, which causes some slowdown. Default `False`.
is_test(bool, optional): A flag indicating whether to use test mode. In
test mode, it is more memory saving. Default `False`.
return_length(bool, optional): A flag indicating whether to return an
extra Tensor variable in the output tuple, which stores the actual
lengths of all decoded sequences. Default `False`.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Arguments passed to `decoder.step`.
- final_outputs (Tensor, nested structure of Tensor), each Tensor in :code:`final_outputs` is the stacked of all decoding steps' outputs, which might be revised
by :code:`decoder.finalize()` if the decoder has implemented finalize.
And :code:`final_outputs` has the same structure and data types as the :code:`outputs`
returned by :code:`decoder.step()`
- final_states (Tensor, nested structure of Tensor), :code:`final_states` is the counterpart at last time step of initial states \
returned by :code:`decoder.initialize()` , thus has the same structure
with it and has tensors with same shapes and data types.
- sequence_lengths (Tensor), stores the actual lengths of all decoded sequences.
sequence_lengths is provided only if :code:`return_length` is True.
.. code-block:: python
import paddle
from paddle.nn import BeamSearchDecoder, dynamic_decode