提交 8a42c474 编写于 作者: Y yuyang18

Disable tests

上级 71c4933a
nv_test(test_op_converter SRCS test_op_converter.cc mul_op.cc conv2d_op.cc DEPS ${FLUID_CORE_MODULES})
nv_test(test_trt_activation_op SRCS test_activation_op.cc activation_op.cc io_converter.cc
DEPS ${FLUID_CORE_MODULES} activation_op tensorrt_engine)
#nv_test(test_trt_activation_op SRCS test_activation_op.cc activation_op.cc io_converter.cc
# DEPS ${FLUID_CORE_MODULES} activation_op tensorrt_engine)
nv_test(test_io_converter SRCS test_io_converter.cc io_converter.cc DEPS dynload_cuda dynamic_loader lod_tensor)
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