提交 88d3dc94 编写于 作者: Y Yancey1989

Merge branch 'develop' of github.com:PaddlePaddle/Paddle into refine_pg

...@@ -25,12 +25,18 @@ message(STATUS "CXX compiler: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}, version: " ...@@ -25,12 +25,18 @@ message(STATUS "CXX compiler: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}, version: "
message(STATUS "C compiler: ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}, version: " message(STATUS "C compiler: ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}, version: "
if(WIN32) if(WIN32)
add_definitions("/DGOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL=") add_definitions("/DGOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL=")
add_compile_options(/wd4068 /wd4129 /wd4244 /wd4267 /wd4297 /wd4530 /wd4577 /wd4819 /wd4838)
endif(WIN32) endif(WIN32)
find_package(CUDA QUIET) find_package(CUDA QUIET)
# PaddlePaddle # PaddlePaddle
English | [简体中文](./README_cn.md)
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[![Documentation Status](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-latest-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/en/1.2/getstarted/index_en.html) [![Documentation Status](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-latest-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/en/1.2/getstarted/index_en.html)
...@@ -7,7 +8,6 @@ ...@@ -7,7 +8,6 @@
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Welcome to the PaddlePaddle GitHub. Welcome to the PaddlePaddle GitHub.
PaddlePaddle (PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning) is an easy-to-use, PaddlePaddle (PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning) is an easy-to-use,
...@@ -18,16 +18,6 @@ learning to many products at Baidu. ...@@ -18,16 +18,6 @@ learning to many products at Baidu.
Our vision is to enable deep learning for everyone via PaddlePaddle. Our vision is to enable deep learning for everyone via PaddlePaddle.
Please refer to our [release announcement](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/releases) to track the latest feature of PaddlePaddle. Please refer to our [release announcement](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/releases) to track the latest feature of PaddlePaddle.
欢迎来到 PaddlePaddle GitHub
PaddlePaddle (PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning) 是一个简单易用、高效灵活、可扩展的深度学习平台,最初由百度科学家和工程师共同开发,目的是将深度学习技术应用到百度的众多产品中。
### Latest PaddlePaddle Release: [Fluid 1.2.0](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/tree/release/1.2) ### Latest PaddlePaddle Release: [Fluid 1.2.0](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/tree/release/1.2)
### Install Latest Stable Release: ### Install Latest Stable Release:
``` ```
...@@ -43,23 +33,6 @@ pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==1.2.0.post85 ...@@ -43,23 +33,6 @@ pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==1.2.0.post85
# For installation on other platform, refer to http://paddlepaddle.org/ # For installation on other platform, refer to http://paddlepaddle.org/
``` ```
### PaddlePaddle最新版本: [Fluid 1.2.0](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/tree/release/1.2)
### 安装最新稳定版本:
# Linux CPU
pip install paddlepaddle
# Linux GPU cuda9cudnn7
pip install paddlepaddle-gpu
# Linux GPU cuda8cudnn7
pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==1.2.0.post87
# Linux GPU cuda8cudnn5
pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==1.2.0.post85
# 其他平台上的安装指引请参考 http://paddlepaddle.org/
## Features ## Features
- **Flexibility** - **Flexibility**
...@@ -100,38 +73,10 @@ pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==1.2.0.post85 ...@@ -100,38 +73,10 @@ pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==1.2.0.post85
Baidu and it has achieved a significant impact. We hope you can also explore Baidu and it has achieved a significant impact. We hope you can also explore
the capability of PaddlePaddle to make an impact on your product. the capability of PaddlePaddle to make an impact on your product.
## 特点
- **灵活性**
- **高效性**
- 通过SSE/AVX 内置函数、BLAS库(例如MKL、OpenBLAS、cuBLAS)或定制的CPU/GPU内核优化数学操作。
- 通过MKL-DNN库优化CNN网络
- 高度优化循环网络,无需执行 `padding` 操作即可处理 **变长** 序列
- 针对高维稀疏数据模型,优化了局部和分布式训练。
- **稳定性**
有了 PaddlePaddle,使得利用各种CPU/GPU和机器来加速训练变得简单。PaddlePaddle 通过优化通信可以实现巨大吞吐量和快速执行。
- **连接产品**
另外,PaddlePaddle 的设计也易于部署。在百度,PaddlePaddle 已经部署到含有巨大用户量的产品和服务上,包括广告点击率(CTR)预测、大规模图像分类、光学字符识别(OCR)、搜索排序,计算机病毒检测、推荐系统等等。PaddlePaddle广泛应用于百度产品中,产生了非常重要的影响。我们希望您也能探索 PaddlePaddle 的能力,为您的产品创造新的影响力和效果。
## Installation ## Installation
It is recommended to read [this doc](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/zh/1.2/beginners_guide/install/index_cn.html) on our website. It is recommended to read [this doc](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/zh/1.2/beginners_guide/install/index_cn.html) on our website.
## 安装
## Documentation ## Documentation
We provide [English](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/en/1.2/getstarted/index_en.html) and We provide [English](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/en/1.2/getstarted/index_en.html) and
...@@ -153,37 +98,9 @@ We provide [English](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/en/1.2/getstarte ...@@ -153,37 +98,9 @@ We provide [English](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/en/1.2/getstarte
We appreciate your contributions! We appreciate your contributions!
## 文档
[中文](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/zh/1.2/beginners_guide/index.html) 文档
- [深度学习101](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book)
或许您想从这个在线交互式书籍开始,可以在Jupyter Notebook中运行
- [分布式训练](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/zh/1.2/user_guides/howto/training/cluster_howto.html)
- [Python API](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/zh/1.2/api_cn/index_cn.html)
- [贡献方式](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/zh/1.2/advanced_usage/development/contribute_to_paddle/index_cn.html)
## Ask Questions ## Ask Questions
You are welcome to submit questions and bug reports as [Github Issues](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues). You are welcome to submit questions and bug reports as [Github Issues](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues).
## 答疑
欢迎您将问题和bug报告以[Github Issues](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues)的形式提交
## Copyright and License ## Copyright and License
PaddlePaddle is provided under the [Apache-2.0 license](LICENSE). PaddlePaddle is provided under the [Apache-2.0 license](LICENSE).
## 版权和许可证
PaddlePaddle由[Apache-2.0 license](LICENSE)提供
# PaddlePaddle
[English](./README.md) | 简体中文
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/PaddlePaddle/Paddle.svg?branch=develop)](https://travis-ci.org/PaddlePaddle/Paddle)
[![Documentation Status](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-latest-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/en/1.2/getstarted/index_en.html)
[![Documentation Status](https://img.shields.io/badge/中文文档-最新-brightgreen.svg)](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/zh/1.2/beginners_guide/index.html)
欢迎来到 PaddlePaddle GitHub
PaddlePaddle (PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning) 是一个简单易用、高效灵活、可扩展的深度学习平台,最初由百度科学家和工程师共同开发,目的是将深度学习技术应用到百度的众多产品中。
### PaddlePaddle最新版本: [Fluid 1.2.0](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/tree/release/1.2)
### 安装最新稳定版本:
# Linux CPU
pip install paddlepaddle
# Linux GPU cuda9cudnn7
pip install paddlepaddle-gpu
# Linux GPU cuda8cudnn7
pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==1.2.0.post87
# Linux GPU cuda8cudnn5
pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==1.2.0.post85
# 其他平台上的安装指引请参考 http://paddlepaddle.org/
## 特性
- **灵活性**
- **高效性**
- 通过SSE/AVX 内置函数、BLAS库(例如MKL、OpenBLAS、cuBLAS)或定制的CPU/GPU内核优化数学操作。
- 通过MKL-DNN库优化CNN网络
- 高度优化循环网络,无需执行 `padding` 操作即可处理 **变长** 序列
- 针对高维稀疏数据模型,优化了局部和分布式训练。
- **稳定性**
有了 PaddlePaddle,使得利用各种CPU/GPU和机器来加速训练变得简单。PaddlePaddle 通过优化通信可以实现巨大吞吐量和快速执行。
- **与产品相连**
另外,PaddlePaddle 的设计也易于部署。在百度,PaddlePaddle 已经部署到含有巨大用户量的产品和服务上,包括广告点击率(CTR)预测、大规模图像分类、光学字符识别(OCR)、搜索排序,计算机病毒检测、推荐系统等等。PaddlePaddle广泛应用于百度产品中,产生了非常重要的影响。我们希望您也能探索 PaddlePaddle 的能力,为您的产品创造新的影响力和效果。
## 安装
## 文档
[中文](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/zh/1.2/beginners_guide/index.html) 文档
- [深度学习101](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/book)
或许您想从这个在线交互式书籍开始,可以在Jupyter Notebook中运行
- [分布式训练](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/zh/1.2/user_guides/howto/training/cluster_howto.html)
- [Python API](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/zh/1.2/api_cn/index_cn.html)
- [贡献方式](http://paddlepaddle.org/documentation/docs/zh/1.2/advanced_usage/development/contribute_to_paddle/index_cn.html)
## 答疑
欢迎您将问题和bug报告以[Github Issues](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues)的形式提交
## 版权和许可证
PaddlePaddle由[Apache-2.0 license](LICENSE)提供
...@@ -152,7 +152,12 @@ endif() ...@@ -152,7 +152,12 @@ endif()
message(STATUS "Enable Intel OpenMP with ${MKLML_IOMP_LIB}") message(STATUS "Enable Intel OpenMP with ${MKLML_IOMP_LIB}")
set(OPENMP_FLAGS "-fopenmp") if(WIN32)
# openmp not support well for now on windows
set(OPENMP_FLAGS "-fopenmp")
...@@ -203,25 +203,26 @@ list(APPEND CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS "-w") ...@@ -203,25 +203,26 @@ list(APPEND CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS "-w")
list(APPEND CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS "--expt-relaxed-constexpr") list(APPEND CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS "--expt-relaxed-constexpr")
if (NOT WIN32) if (NOT WIN32)
# nvcc 9 does not support -Os. Use Release flags instead # nvcc 9 does not support -Os. Use Release flags instead
endif() endif()
else(NOT WIN32) else(NOT WIN32)
list(APPEND CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS "--compiler-options;/bigobj") list(APPEND CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS "-Xcompiler \"/wd 4244 /wd 4267 /wd 4819\"")
if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") list(APPEND CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS "--compiler-options;/bigobj")
message(FATAL "Windows only support Release or Debug build now. Please set visual studio build type to Release/Debug, x64 build.") message(FATAL "Windows only support Release or Debug build now. Please set visual studio build type to Release/Debug, x64 build.")
endif() endif()
endif(NOT WIN32) endif(NOT WIN32)
...@@ -20,8 +20,10 @@ SET(GLOG_INCLUDE_DIR "${GLOG_INSTALL_DIR}/include" CACHE PATH "glog include dire ...@@ -20,8 +20,10 @@ SET(GLOG_INCLUDE_DIR "${GLOG_INSTALL_DIR}/include" CACHE PATH "glog include dire
...@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ ExternalProject_Add( ...@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ ExternalProject_Add(
...@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ IF(NOT WIN32) ...@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ IF(NOT WIN32)
SET(MKLDNN_FLAG "${MKLDNN_FLAG} -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unused-value") SET(MKLDNN_FLAG "${MKLDNN_FLAG} -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unused-value")
ExternalProject_Add( ExternalProject_Add(
...@@ -61,7 +63,6 @@ ExternalProject_Add( ...@@ -61,7 +63,6 @@ ExternalProject_Add(
...@@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ set(SNAPPY_SOURCES_DIR ${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/snappy) ...@@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ set(SNAPPY_SOURCES_DIR ${THIRD_PARTY_PATH}/snappy)
set(SNAPPY_INCLUDE_DIR "${SNAPPY_INSTALL_DIR}/include" CACHE PATH "snappy include directory." FORCE) set(SNAPPY_INCLUDE_DIR "${SNAPPY_INSTALL_DIR}/include" CACHE PATH "snappy include directory." FORCE)
ExternalProject_Add( ExternalProject_Add(
extern_snappy extern_snappy
GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/google/snappy" GIT_REPOSITORY "https://github.com/google/snappy"
...@@ -31,7 +37,7 @@ ExternalProject_Add( ...@@ -31,7 +37,7 @@ ExternalProject_Add(
...@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function(CheckCompilerCXX11Flag) ...@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function(CheckCompilerCXX11Flag)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported Clang version. Clang >= 3.3 required.") message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported Clang version. Clang >= 3.3 required.")
endif() endif()
endif() endif()
endif() endif()
endfunction() endfunction()
...@@ -147,12 +147,7 @@ set(GPU_COMMON_FLAGS ...@@ -147,12 +147,7 @@ set(GPU_COMMON_FLAGS
-Wno-error=unused-function # Warnings in Numpy Header. -Wno-error=unused-function # Warnings in Numpy Header.
-Wno-error=array-bounds # Warnings in Eigen::array -Wno-error=array-bounds # Warnings in Eigen::array
) )
else(NOT WIN32)
"/w") #disable all warnings.
"/w") #disable all warnings
endif(NOT WIN32) endif(NOT WIN32)
if (APPLE) if (APPLE)
...@@ -193,8 +188,7 @@ safe_set_static_flag() ...@@ -193,8 +188,7 @@ safe_set_static_flag()
if(${flag_var} MATCHES "/W3") string(REGEX REPLACE "(^| )/W[0-9]( |$)" " " ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}")
string(REGEX REPLACE "/W3" "/w" ${flag_var} "${${flag_var}}") set(flag_var "${flag_var} /w")
endif(${flag_var} MATCHES "/W3")
endforeach(flag_var) endforeach(flag_var)
endif(WIN32) endif(WIN32)
...@@ -31,8 +31,23 @@ while ("${PADDLE_VERSION}" STREQUAL "") ...@@ -31,8 +31,23 @@ while ("${PADDLE_VERSION}" STREQUAL "")
set(tmp_version "${GIT_TAG_NAME}~1") set(tmp_version "${GIT_TAG_NAME}~1")
endif() endif()
else() else()
# otherwise, we always set PADDLE_VERSION to 0.0.0 to represent latest execute_process(
set(PADDLE_VERSION "0.0.0") COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} describe --exact-match --tags ${tmp_version}
# Check if current branch is tag branch
set(PADDLE_VERSION "0.0.0")
# otherwise, we always set PADDLE_VERSION to 0.0.0 to represent latest
set(PADDLE_VERSION "0.0.0")
endif() endif()
else() else()
set(PADDLE_VERSION "0.0.0") set(PADDLE_VERSION "0.0.0")
...@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ paddle.fluid.Program.parse_from_string ArgSpec(args=['binary_str'], varargs=None ...@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ paddle.fluid.Program.parse_from_string ArgSpec(args=['binary_str'], varargs=None
paddle.fluid.Program.to_string ArgSpec(args=['self', 'throw_on_error', 'with_details'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(False,)) paddle.fluid.Program.to_string ArgSpec(args=['self', 'throw_on_error', 'with_details'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(False,))
paddle.fluid.default_startup_program ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.default_startup_program ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.default_main_program ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.default_main_program ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.program_guard ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwds', defaults=None) paddle.fluid.program_guard ArgSpec(args=['main_program', 'startup_program'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,))
paddle.fluid.name_scope ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwds', defaults=None) paddle.fluid.name_scope ArgSpec(args=['prefix'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,))
paddle.fluid.Executor.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'place'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.Executor.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'place'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.Executor.close ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.Executor.close ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.Executor.run ArgSpec(args=['self', 'program', 'feed', 'fetch_list', 'feed_var_name', 'fetch_var_name', 'scope', 'return_numpy', 'use_program_cache'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, None, 'feed', 'fetch', None, True, False)) paddle.fluid.Executor.run ArgSpec(args=['self', 'program', 'feed', 'fetch_list', 'feed_var_name', 'fetch_var_name', 'scope', 'return_numpy', 'use_program_cache'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, None, 'feed', 'fetch', None, True, False))
paddle.fluid.global_scope ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.global_scope ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.scope_guard ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwds', defaults=None) paddle.fluid.scope_guard ArgSpec(args=['scope'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.DistributeTranspiler.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'config'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)) paddle.fluid.DistributeTranspiler.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'config'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,))
paddle.fluid.DistributeTranspiler.get_pserver_program ArgSpec(args=['self', 'endpoint'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.DistributeTranspiler.get_pserver_program ArgSpec(args=['self', 'endpoint'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.DistributeTranspiler.get_pserver_programs ArgSpec(args=['self', 'endpoint'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.DistributeTranspiler.get_pserver_programs ArgSpec(args=['self', 'endpoint'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
...@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ paddle.fluid.initializer.XavierInitializer.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'unifo ...@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ paddle.fluid.initializer.XavierInitializer.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'unifo
paddle.fluid.initializer.BilinearInitializer.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.initializer.BilinearInitializer.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.initializer.MSRAInitializer.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'uniform', 'fan_in', 'seed'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(True, None, 0)) paddle.fluid.initializer.MSRAInitializer.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'uniform', 'fan_in', 'seed'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(True, None, 0))
paddle.fluid.initializer.force_init_on_cpu ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.initializer.force_init_on_cpu ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.initializer.init_on_cpu ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwds', defaults=None) paddle.fluid.initializer.init_on_cpu ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.initializer.NumpyArrayInitializer.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'value'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.initializer.NumpyArrayInitializer.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'value'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.layers.fc ArgSpec(args=['input', 'size', 'num_flatten_dims', 'param_attr', 'bias_attr', 'act', 'is_test', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(1, None, None, None, False, None)) paddle.fluid.layers.fc ArgSpec(args=['input', 'size', 'num_flatten_dims', 'param_attr', 'bias_attr', 'act', 'is_test', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(1, None, None, None, False, None))
paddle.fluid.layers.embedding ArgSpec(args=['input', 'size', 'is_sparse', 'is_distributed', 'padding_idx', 'param_attr', 'dtype'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(False, False, None, None, 'float32')) paddle.fluid.layers.embedding ArgSpec(args=['input', 'size', 'is_sparse', 'is_distributed', 'padding_idx', 'param_attr', 'dtype'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(False, False, None, None, 'float32'))
...@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ paddle.fluid.layers.random_data_generator ArgSpec(args=['low', 'high', 'shapes', ...@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ paddle.fluid.layers.random_data_generator ArgSpec(args=['low', 'high', 'shapes',
paddle.fluid.layers.py_reader ArgSpec(args=['capacity', 'shapes', 'dtypes', 'lod_levels', 'name', 'use_double_buffer'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, True)) paddle.fluid.layers.py_reader ArgSpec(args=['capacity', 'shapes', 'dtypes', 'lod_levels', 'name', 'use_double_buffer'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, True))
paddle.fluid.layers.create_py_reader_by_data ArgSpec(args=['capacity', 'feed_list', 'name', 'use_double_buffer'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, True)) paddle.fluid.layers.create_py_reader_by_data ArgSpec(args=['capacity', 'feed_list', 'name', 'use_double_buffer'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, True))
paddle.fluid.layers.Preprocessor.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'reader', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)) paddle.fluid.layers.Preprocessor.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'reader', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,))
paddle.fluid.layers.Preprocessor.block ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwds', defaults=None) paddle.fluid.layers.Preprocessor.block ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.layers.Preprocessor.inputs ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.layers.Preprocessor.inputs ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.layers.Preprocessor.outputs ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs='outs', keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.layers.Preprocessor.outputs ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs='outs', keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.layers.load ArgSpec(args=['out', 'file_path', 'load_as_fp16'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)) paddle.fluid.layers.load ArgSpec(args=['out', 'file_path', 'load_as_fp16'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,))
...@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ paddle.fluid.layers.IfElse.input ArgSpec(args=['self', 'x'], varargs=None, keywo ...@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ paddle.fluid.layers.IfElse.input ArgSpec(args=['self', 'x'], varargs=None, keywo
paddle.fluid.layers.IfElse.output ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs='outs', keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.layers.IfElse.output ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs='outs', keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.layers.IfElse.true_block ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.layers.IfElse.true_block ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.layers.DynamicRNN.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)) paddle.fluid.layers.DynamicRNN.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,))
paddle.fluid.layers.DynamicRNN.block ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwds', defaults=None) paddle.fluid.layers.DynamicRNN.block ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.layers.DynamicRNN.memory ArgSpec(args=['self', 'init', 'shape', 'value', 'need_reorder', 'dtype'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, 0.0, False, 'float32')) paddle.fluid.layers.DynamicRNN.memory ArgSpec(args=['self', 'init', 'shape', 'value', 'need_reorder', 'dtype'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, 0.0, False, 'float32'))
paddle.fluid.layers.DynamicRNN.output ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs='outputs', keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.layers.DynamicRNN.output ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs='outputs', keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.layers.DynamicRNN.static_input ArgSpec(args=['self', 'x'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.layers.DynamicRNN.static_input ArgSpec(args=['self', 'x'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
...@@ -346,12 +346,12 @@ paddle.fluid.contrib.StateCell.set_state ArgSpec(args=['self', 'state_name', 'st ...@@ -346,12 +346,12 @@ paddle.fluid.contrib.StateCell.set_state ArgSpec(args=['self', 'state_name', 'st
paddle.fluid.contrib.StateCell.state_updater ArgSpec(args=['self', 'updater'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.contrib.StateCell.state_updater ArgSpec(args=['self', 'updater'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.contrib.StateCell.update_states ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.contrib.StateCell.update_states ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.contrib.TrainingDecoder.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'state_cell', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)) paddle.fluid.contrib.TrainingDecoder.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'state_cell', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,))
paddle.fluid.contrib.TrainingDecoder.block ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwds', defaults=None) paddle.fluid.contrib.TrainingDecoder.block ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.contrib.TrainingDecoder.output ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs='outputs', keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.contrib.TrainingDecoder.output ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs='outputs', keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.contrib.TrainingDecoder.static_input ArgSpec(args=['self', 'x'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.contrib.TrainingDecoder.static_input ArgSpec(args=['self', 'x'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.contrib.TrainingDecoder.step_input ArgSpec(args=['self', 'x'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.contrib.TrainingDecoder.step_input ArgSpec(args=['self', 'x'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.contrib.BeamSearchDecoder.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'state_cell', 'init_ids', 'init_scores', 'target_dict_dim', 'word_dim', 'input_var_dict', 'topk_size', 'sparse_emb', 'max_len', 'beam_size', 'end_id', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=({}, 50, True, 100, 1, 1, None)) paddle.fluid.contrib.BeamSearchDecoder.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'state_cell', 'init_ids', 'init_scores', 'target_dict_dim', 'word_dim', 'input_var_dict', 'topk_size', 'sparse_emb', 'max_len', 'beam_size', 'end_id', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=({}, 50, True, 100, 1, 1, None))
paddle.fluid.contrib.BeamSearchDecoder.block ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwds', defaults=None) paddle.fluid.contrib.BeamSearchDecoder.block ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.contrib.BeamSearchDecoder.decode ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.contrib.BeamSearchDecoder.decode ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.contrib.BeamSearchDecoder.early_stop ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.contrib.BeamSearchDecoder.early_stop ArgSpec(args=['self'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.contrib.BeamSearchDecoder.read_array ArgSpec(args=['self', 'init', 'is_ids', 'is_scores'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(False, False)) paddle.fluid.contrib.BeamSearchDecoder.read_array ArgSpec(args=['self', 'init', 'is_ids', 'is_scores'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(False, False))
...@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ paddle.fluid.optimizer.AdadeltaOptimizer.apply_gradients ArgSpec(args=['self', ' ...@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ paddle.fluid.optimizer.AdadeltaOptimizer.apply_gradients ArgSpec(args=['self', '
paddle.fluid.optimizer.AdadeltaOptimizer.backward ArgSpec(args=['self', 'loss', 'startup_program', 'parameter_list', 'no_grad_set', 'callbacks'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, None, None)) paddle.fluid.optimizer.AdadeltaOptimizer.backward ArgSpec(args=['self', 'loss', 'startup_program', 'parameter_list', 'no_grad_set', 'callbacks'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, None, None))
paddle.fluid.optimizer.AdadeltaOptimizer.minimize ArgSpec(args=['self', 'loss', 'startup_program', 'parameter_list', 'no_grad_set'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, None)) paddle.fluid.optimizer.AdadeltaOptimizer.minimize ArgSpec(args=['self', 'loss', 'startup_program', 'parameter_list', 'no_grad_set'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, None))
paddle.fluid.optimizer.ModelAverage.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'average_window_rate', 'min_average_window', 'max_average_window', 'regularization', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(10000, 10000, None, None)) paddle.fluid.optimizer.ModelAverage.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'average_window_rate', 'min_average_window', 'max_average_window', 'regularization', 'name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(10000, 10000, None, None))
paddle.fluid.optimizer.ModelAverage.apply ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwds', defaults=None) paddle.fluid.optimizer.ModelAverage.apply ArgSpec(args=['self', 'executor', 'need_restore'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(True,))
paddle.fluid.optimizer.ModelAverage.apply_gradients ArgSpec(args=['self', 'params_grads'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.optimizer.ModelAverage.apply_gradients ArgSpec(args=['self', 'params_grads'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.optimizer.ModelAverage.backward ArgSpec(args=['self', 'loss', 'startup_program', 'parameter_list', 'no_grad_set', 'callbacks'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, None, None)) paddle.fluid.optimizer.ModelAverage.backward ArgSpec(args=['self', 'loss', 'startup_program', 'parameter_list', 'no_grad_set', 'callbacks'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, None, None))
paddle.fluid.optimizer.ModelAverage.minimize ArgSpec(args=['self', 'loss', 'startup_program', 'parameter_list', 'no_grad_set'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, None)) paddle.fluid.optimizer.ModelAverage.minimize ArgSpec(args=['self', 'loss', 'startup_program', 'parameter_list', 'no_grad_set'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None, None))
...@@ -491,14 +491,14 @@ paddle.fluid.clip.ErrorClipByValue.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'max', 'min'], ...@@ -491,14 +491,14 @@ paddle.fluid.clip.ErrorClipByValue.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'max', 'min'],
paddle.fluid.clip.GradientClipByValue.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'max', 'min'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)) paddle.fluid.clip.GradientClipByValue.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'max', 'min'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,))
paddle.fluid.clip.GradientClipByNorm.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'clip_norm'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.clip.GradientClipByNorm.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'clip_norm'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.clip.GradientClipByGlobalNorm.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'clip_norm', 'group_name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=('default_group',)) paddle.fluid.clip.GradientClipByGlobalNorm.__init__ ArgSpec(args=['self', 'clip_norm', 'group_name'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=('default_group',))
paddle.fluid.profiler.cuda_profiler ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwds', defaults=None) paddle.fluid.profiler.cuda_profiler ArgSpec(args=['output_file', 'output_mode', 'config'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, None))
paddle.fluid.profiler.reset_profiler ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.profiler.reset_profiler ArgSpec(args=[], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.profiler.profiler ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwds', defaults=None) paddle.fluid.profiler.profiler ArgSpec(args=['state', 'sorted_key', 'profile_path'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, '/tmp/profile'))
paddle.fluid.profiler.start_profiler ArgSpec(args=['state'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.profiler.start_profiler ArgSpec(args=['state'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.profiler.stop_profiler ArgSpec(args=['sorted_key', 'profile_path'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, '/tmp/profile')) paddle.fluid.profiler.stop_profiler ArgSpec(args=['sorted_key', 'profile_path'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None, '/tmp/profile'))
paddle.fluid.unique_name.generate ArgSpec(args=['key'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None) paddle.fluid.unique_name.generate ArgSpec(args=['key'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=None)
paddle.fluid.unique_name.switch ArgSpec(args=['new_generator'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,)) paddle.fluid.unique_name.switch ArgSpec(args=['new_generator'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,))
paddle.fluid.unique_name.guard ArgSpec(args=[], varargs='args', keywords='kwds', defaults=None) paddle.fluid.unique_name.guard ArgSpec(args=['new_generator'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(None,))
paddle.fluid.recordio_writer.convert_reader_to_recordio_file ArgSpec(args=['filename', 'reader_creator', 'feeder', 'compressor', 'max_num_records', 'feed_order'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(Compressor.Snappy, 1000, None)) paddle.fluid.recordio_writer.convert_reader_to_recordio_file ArgSpec(args=['filename', 'reader_creator', 'feeder', 'compressor', 'max_num_records', 'feed_order'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(Compressor.Snappy, 1000, None))
paddle.fluid.recordio_writer.convert_reader_to_recordio_files ArgSpec(args=['filename', 'batch_per_file', 'reader_creator', 'feeder', 'compressor', 'max_num_records', 'feed_order'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(Compressor.Snappy, 1000, None)) paddle.fluid.recordio_writer.convert_reader_to_recordio_files ArgSpec(args=['filename', 'batch_per_file', 'reader_creator', 'feeder', 'compressor', 'max_num_records', 'feed_order'], varargs=None, keywords=None, defaults=(Compressor.Snappy, 1000, None))
paddle.fluid.Scope Scope() -> paddle.fluid.core._Scope paddle.fluid.Scope Scope() -> paddle.fluid.core._Scope
...@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ cc_test(version_test SRCS version_test.cc DEPS version) ...@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ cc_test(version_test SRCS version_test.cc DEPS version)
cc_library(proto_desc SRCS var_desc.cc op_desc.cc block_desc.cc program_desc.cc DEPS shape_inference op_info operator glog version) cc_library(proto_desc SRCS var_desc.cc op_desc.cc block_desc.cc program_desc.cc DEPS shape_inference op_info operator glog version)
cc_library(op_registry SRCS op_registry.cc DEPS op_proto_maker op_info operator glog proto_desc) cc_library(op_registry SRCS op_registry.cc DEPS op_proto_maker op_info operator glog proto_desc memory_optimize_helper)
nv_test(op_registry_test SRCS op_registry_test.cc DEPS op_registry) nv_test(op_registry_test SRCS op_registry_test.cc DEPS op_registry)
py_proto_compile(framework_py_proto SRCS framework.proto data_feed.proto) py_proto_compile(framework_py_proto SRCS framework.proto data_feed.proto)
...@@ -158,18 +158,19 @@ cc_library(variable_helper SRCS variable_helper.cc DEPS lod_tensor) ...@@ -158,18 +158,19 @@ cc_library(variable_helper SRCS variable_helper.cc DEPS lod_tensor)
cc_library(naive_executor SRCS naive_executor.cc DEPS op_registry device_context scope framework_proto glog lod_rank_table feed_fetch_method graph_to_program_pass variable_helper) cc_library(naive_executor SRCS naive_executor.cc DEPS op_registry device_context scope framework_proto glog lod_rank_table feed_fetch_method graph_to_program_pass variable_helper)
cc_library(executor SRCS executor.cc DEPS op_registry device_context scope framework_proto glog set(NGRAPH_EXE_DEPS ngraph_engine)
lod_rank_table feed_fetch_method sendrecvop_rpc ${GLOB_DISTRIBUTE_DEPS} graph_to_program_pass variable_helper) else()
set(DISTRIBUTE_COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-error=non-virtual-dtor -Wno-error=delete-non-virtual-dtor") if(WITH_DISTRIBUTE)
set_source_files_properties(executor.cc PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${DISTRIBUTE_COMPILE_FLAGS}) cc_library(executor SRCS executor.cc DEPS op_registry device_context scope framework_proto glog
lod_rank_table feed_fetch_method sendrecvop_rpc ${GLOB_DISTRIBUTE_DEPS} graph_to_program_pass variable_helper ${NGRAPH_EXE_DEPS})
set(DISTRIBUTE_COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-error=non-virtual-dtor -Wno-error=delete-non-virtual-dtor")
set_source_files_properties(executor.cc PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${DISTRIBUTE_COMPILE_FLAGS})
else() else()
if (WITH_NGRAPH) cc_library(executor SRCS executor.cc DEPS op_registry device_context scope framework_proto glog lod_rank_table feed_fetch_method graph_to_program_pass variable_helper ${NGRAPH_EXE_DEPS})
cc_library(executor SRCS executor.cc DEPS op_registry device_context scope framework_proto glog lod_rank_table feed_fetch_method graph_to_program_pass variable_helper ngraph_engine)
else ()
cc_library(executor SRCS executor.cc DEPS op_registry device_context scope framework_proto glog lod_rank_table feed_fetch_method graph_to_program_pass variable_helper)
cc_test(test_naive_executor SRCS naive_executor_test.cc DEPS naive_executor elementwise_add_op) cc_test(test_naive_executor SRCS naive_executor_test.cc DEPS naive_executor elementwise_add_op)
endif() endif()
...@@ -192,6 +193,7 @@ cc_library(prune SRCS prune.cc DEPS framework_proto) ...@@ -192,6 +193,7 @@ cc_library(prune SRCS prune.cc DEPS framework_proto)
cc_test(prune_test SRCS prune_test.cc DEPS op_info prune recurrent_op device_context) cc_test(prune_test SRCS prune_test.cc DEPS op_info prune recurrent_op device_context)
cc_test(var_type_inference_test SRCS var_type_inference_test.cc DEPS op_registry cc_test(var_type_inference_test SRCS var_type_inference_test.cc DEPS op_registry
proto_desc) proto_desc)
cc_test(inplace_op_inference_test SRCS inplace_op_inference_test.cc DEPS op_registry proto_desc op_info memory_optimize_helper)
cc_library(selected_rows SRCS selected_rows.cc DEPS tensor) cc_library(selected_rows SRCS selected_rows.cc DEPS tensor)
cc_test(selected_rows_test SRCS selected_rows_test.cc DEPS selected_rows) cc_test(selected_rows_test SRCS selected_rows_test.cc DEPS selected_rows)
...@@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ void AsyncExecutor::RunFromFile(const ProgramDesc& main_program, ...@@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ void AsyncExecutor::RunFromFile(const ProgramDesc& main_program,
auto& block = main_program.Block(0); auto& block = main_program.Block(0);
for (auto var_name : fetch_var_names) { for (auto var_name : fetch_var_names) {
auto var_desc = block.FindVar(var_name); auto var_desc = block.FindVar(var_name);
PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(var_desc, "%s is not found.", var_name);
auto shapes = var_desc->GetShape(); auto shapes = var_desc->GetShape();
PADDLE_ENFORCE(shapes[shapes.size() - 1] == 1, PADDLE_ENFORCE(shapes[shapes.size() - 1] == 1,
"var %s: Fetched var has wrong shape, " "var %s: Fetched var has wrong shape, "
...@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ cc_library(data_balance_op_handle SRCS data_balance_op_handle.cc DEPS op_handle_ ...@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ cc_library(data_balance_op_handle SRCS data_balance_op_handle.cc DEPS op_handle_
cc_library(gather_op_handle SRCS gather_op_handle.cc DEPS op_handle_base scope ddim memory variable_visitor) cc_library(gather_op_handle SRCS gather_op_handle.cc DEPS op_handle_base scope ddim memory variable_visitor)
cc_library(fuse_vars_op_handle SRCS fuse_vars_op_handle.cc DEPS op_handle_base scope) cc_library(fuse_vars_op_handle SRCS fuse_vars_op_handle.cc DEPS op_handle_base scope)
cc_library(memory_optimize_pass SRCS analysis_var_pass.cc memory_reuse_types.cc DEPS graph graph_helper pass) cc_library(memory_optimize_helper SRCS memory_optimize_helper.cc DEPS graph graph_helper)
cc_library(memory_optimize_pass SRCS memory_optimize_pass.cc DEPS memory_optimize_helper pass)
cc_library(inplace_op_pass SRCS inplace_op_pass.cc DEPS memory_optimize_pass op_info)
cc_library(modify_op_lock_and_record_event_pass SRCS modify_op_lock_and_record_event_pass.cc DEPS computation_op_handle op_graph_view multi_devices_helper) cc_library(modify_op_lock_and_record_event_pass SRCS modify_op_lock_and_record_event_pass.cc DEPS computation_op_handle op_graph_view multi_devices_helper)
cc_library(memory_early_delete_pass SRCS memory_early_delete_pass.cc DEPS memory_optimize_pass computation_op_handle scale_loss_grad_op_handle rpc_op_handle
all_reduce_op_handle reduce_op_handle broadcast_op_handle data_balance_op_handle graph graph_helper pass)
cc_library(reference_count_pass_helper SRCS reference_count_pass_helper.cc DEPS garbage_collector computation_op_handle) cc_library(reference_count_pass_helper SRCS reference_count_pass_helper.cc DEPS garbage_collector computation_op_handle)
cc_library(eager_deletion_op_handle SRCS eager_deletion_op_handle.cc DEPS lod_tensor selected_rows reference_count_pass_helper) cc_library(eager_deletion_op_handle SRCS eager_deletion_op_handle.cc DEPS lod_tensor selected_rows reference_count_pass_helper)
cc_library(eager_deletion_pass SRCS eager_deletion_pass.cc DEPS computation_op_handle eager_deletion_op_handle graph graph_helper pass) cc_library(eager_deletion_pass SRCS eager_deletion_pass.cc DEPS computation_op_handle eager_deletion_op_handle graph graph_helper pass)
...@@ -65,13 +65,11 @@ cc_library(all_reduce_deps_pass SRCS all_reduce_deps_pass.cc DEPS graph graph_he ...@@ -65,13 +65,11 @@ cc_library(all_reduce_deps_pass SRCS all_reduce_deps_pass.cc DEPS graph graph_he
cc_library(multi_devices_graph_pass SRCS multi_devices_graph_pass.cc DEPS multi_devices_helper computation_op_handle cc_library(multi_devices_graph_pass SRCS multi_devices_graph_pass.cc DEPS multi_devices_helper computation_op_handle
scale_loss_grad_op_handle rpc_op_handle all_reduce_op_handle reduce_op_handle broadcast_op_handle data_balance_op_handle fused_broadcast_op_handle) scale_loss_grad_op_handle rpc_op_handle all_reduce_op_handle reduce_op_handle broadcast_op_handle data_balance_op_handle fused_broadcast_op_handle)
set(SSA_GRAPH_EXECUTOR_DEPS graph framework_proto sequential_execution_pass modify_op_lock_and_record_event_pass all_reduce_deps_pass reference_count_pass eager_deletion_pass memory_optimize_pass memory_early_delete_pass) set(SSA_GRAPH_EXECUTOR_DEPS graph framework_proto sequential_execution_pass modify_op_lock_and_record_event_pass all_reduce_deps_pass reference_count_pass eager_deletion_pass memory_optimize_pass inplace_op_pass)
list(APPEND SSA_GRAPH_EXECUTOR_DEPS reference_count_pass) list(APPEND SSA_GRAPH_EXECUTOR_DEPS reference_count_pass)
endif() endif()
cc_test(memory_reuse_types_test SRCS memory_reuse_types_test.cc memory_reuse_types.cc DEPS framework_proto graph) cc_test(memory_optimize_helper_test SRCS memory_optimize_helper_test.cc memory_optimize_helper.cc DEPS framework_proto graph graph_helper op_registry)
cc_test(analysis_var_pass_test SRCS analysis_var_pass_test.cc analysis_var_pass.cc memory_reuse_types.cc DEPS framework_proto graph graph_helper op_registry pass)
cc_library(ssa_graph_executor SRCS ssa_graph_executor.cc DEPS ${SSA_GRAPH_EXECUTOR_DEPS}) cc_library(ssa_graph_executor SRCS ssa_graph_executor.cc DEPS ${SSA_GRAPH_EXECUTOR_DEPS})
cc_library(threaded_ssa_graph_executor SRCS threaded_ssa_graph_executor.cc DEPS fetch_op_handle ssa_graph_executor scope cc_library(threaded_ssa_graph_executor SRCS threaded_ssa_graph_executor.cc DEPS fetch_op_handle ssa_graph_executor scope
...@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ limitations under the License. */ ...@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include <glog/logging.h> #include <glog/logging.h>
#include <memory> #include <memory>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/memory_reuse_types.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/memory_optimize_helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/multi_devices_graph_pass.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/multi_devices_graph_pass.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/multi_devices_graph_print_pass.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/multi_devices_graph_print_pass.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/reduce_op_handle.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/reduce_op_handle.h"
...@@ -47,6 +47,22 @@ class ParallelExecutorPassBuilder : public ir::PassBuilder { ...@@ -47,6 +47,22 @@ class ParallelExecutorPassBuilder : public ir::PassBuilder {
AppendPass("sequential_execution_pass"); AppendPass("sequential_execution_pass");
} }
// Add op fusion.
if (strategy.fuse_relu_depthwise_conv_) {
// NOTE(dzhwinter): A note for automatical inplace.
// 1. modify program desc passes should put
// before inplace pass.
// 2. manually configured inplace should put
// before inplace_pass
// Add automatically inplace.
if (strategy_.enable_inplace_) {
// Add a graph viz pass to record a graph. // Add a graph viz pass to record a graph.
if (!strategy_.debug_graphviz_path_.empty()) { if (!strategy_.debug_graphviz_path_.empty()) {
auto viz_pass = AppendPass("graph_viz_pass"); auto viz_pass = AppendPass("graph_viz_pass");
...@@ -55,10 +71,6 @@ class ParallelExecutorPassBuilder : public ir::PassBuilder { ...@@ -55,10 +71,6 @@ class ParallelExecutorPassBuilder : public ir::PassBuilder {
viz_pass->Set<std::string>("graph_viz_path", new std::string(graph_path)); viz_pass->Set<std::string>("graph_viz_path", new std::string(graph_path));
} }
// Add op fusion.
if (strategy.fuse_relu_depthwise_conv_) {
if (strategy.fuse_elewise_add_act_ops_) { if (strategy.fuse_elewise_add_act_ops_) {
auto fuse_elewise_add_act_pass = AppendPass("fuse_elewise_add_act_pass"); auto fuse_elewise_add_act_pass = AppendPass("fuse_elewise_add_act_pass");
// Add a graph viz pass to record a graph. // Add a graph viz pass to record a graph.
...@@ -88,7 +100,7 @@ class ParallelExecutorPassBuilder : public ir::PassBuilder { ...@@ -88,7 +100,7 @@ class ParallelExecutorPassBuilder : public ir::PassBuilder {
// A side-effect of that, memory optimize cannot forsee the fetched vars // A side-effect of that, memory optimize cannot forsee the fetched vars
// , so fetchlist should be set persistable before call the Run interface. // , so fetchlist should be set persistable before call the Run interface.
if (strategy.memory_optimize_) { if (strategy.memory_optimize_) {
auto analysis_var_pass = AppendPass("analysis_var_pass"); auto memory_optimize_pass = AppendPass("memory_optimize_pass");
} }
AppendMultiDevPass(strategy); AppendMultiDevPass(strategy);
...@@ -190,14 +202,14 @@ std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> BuildStrategy::Apply( ...@@ -190,14 +202,14 @@ std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> BuildStrategy::Apply(
pass->Erase("nccl_ctxs"); pass->Erase("nccl_ctxs");
pass->SetNotOwned<platform::NCCLContextMap>("nccl_ctxs", nctx); pass->SetNotOwned<platform::NCCLContextMap>("nccl_ctxs", nctx);
#endif #endif
} else if (pass->Type() == "memory_optimize_pass") {
} else if (pass->Type() == "analysis_var_pass") { if (graph->Has(kAllOpDescs)) {
const std::vector<OpDesc *> *all_op_descs = const std::vector<OpDesc *> *all_op_descs =
new std::vector<OpDesc *>(main_program.Block(0).AllOps()); new std::vector<OpDesc *>(main_program.Block(0).AllOps());
graph->Set<const std::vector<OpDesc *>>(kAllOpDescs, graph->Set<const std::vector<OpDesc *>>(kAllOpDescs,
all_op_descs); // take ownership all_op_descs); // take ownership
new GraphNodePool); // take ownership
pass->Erase(kAllOpDescs); pass->Erase(kAllOpDescs);
pass->SetNotOwned<const std::vector<OpDesc *>>(kAllOpDescs, all_op_descs); pass->SetNotOwned<const std::vector<OpDesc *>>(kAllOpDescs, all_op_descs);
...@@ -218,6 +230,13 @@ std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> BuildStrategy::Apply( ...@@ -218,6 +230,13 @@ std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> BuildStrategy::Apply(
pass->Set<const std::vector<OpDesc *>>( pass->Set<const std::vector<OpDesc *>>(
kAllOpDescs, kAllOpDescs,
new std::vector<OpDesc *>(main_program.Block(0).AllOps())); new std::vector<OpDesc *>(main_program.Block(0).AllOps()));
} else if (pass->Type() == "inplace_pass") {
if (graph->Has(kAllOpDescs)) {
graph->Set<const std::vector<OpDesc *>>(
new std::vector<OpDesc *>(main_program.Block(0).AllOps()));
} else if (pass->Type() == "fuse_relu_depthwise_conv_pass") { } else if (pass->Type() == "fuse_relu_depthwise_conv_pass") {
if (!use_cuda) { if (!use_cuda) {
LOG(WARNING) << "fuse_relu_depthwise_conv_pass is only supported on " LOG(WARNING) << "fuse_relu_depthwise_conv_pass is only supported on "
...@@ -243,9 +262,10 @@ USE_PASS(allreduce_mode_multi_devices_pass); ...@@ -243,9 +262,10 @@ USE_PASS(allreduce_mode_multi_devices_pass);
USE_PASS(dist_multi_devices_pass); USE_PASS(dist_multi_devices_pass);
USE_PASS(multi_devices_check_pass); USE_PASS(multi_devices_check_pass);
USE_PASS(multi_devices_print_pass); USE_PASS(multi_devices_print_pass);
USE_PASS(analysis_var_pass); USE_PASS(memory_optimize_pass);
USE_PASS(sequential_execution_pass); USE_PASS(sequential_execution_pass);
USE_PASS(all_reduce_deps_pass); USE_PASS(all_reduce_deps_pass);
USE_PASS(modify_op_lock_and_record_event_pass); USE_PASS(modify_op_lock_and_record_event_pass);
USE_PASS(lock_free_optimize_pass); USE_PASS(lock_free_optimize_pass);
USE_PASS(graph_to_program_pass); USE_PASS(graph_to_program_pass);
...@@ -77,8 +77,10 @@ struct BuildStrategy { ...@@ -77,8 +77,10 @@ struct BuildStrategy {
bool fuse_relu_depthwise_conv_{false}; bool fuse_relu_depthwise_conv_{false};
bool memory_optimize_{false}; bool memory_optimize_{false};
// TODO(dzhwinter):
bool memory_early_delete_{false}; // make enable_inplace, memory_optimize_
// memory_early_delete_ true by default
bool enable_inplace_{false};
bool enable_sequential_execution_{false}; bool enable_sequential_execution_{false};
...@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ ...@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
namespace paddle { namespace paddle {
namespace framework { namespace framework {
namespace details { namespace details {
struct ComputationOpHandle : public OpHandleBase { class ComputationOpHandle : public OpHandleBase {
public: public:
ComputationOpHandle(ir::Node *node, Scope *scope, platform::Place place, ComputationOpHandle(ir::Node *node, Scope *scope, platform::Place place,
size_t scope_idx); size_t scope_idx);
...@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ struct TestFusedBroadcastOpHandle : TestBroadcastOpHandle { ...@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ struct TestFusedBroadcastOpHandle : TestBroadcastOpHandle {
->Var(details::kLocalExecScopeName) ->Var(details::kLocalExecScopeName)
->GetMutable<Scope*>() = &local_scope; ->GetMutable<Scope*>() = &local_scope;
for (size_t j = 0; j < input_scope_idxes.size(); ++j) { for (size_t j = 0; j < input_scope_idxes.size(); ++j) {
local_scope.Var("out_var" + j); local_scope.Var("out_var" + std::to_string(j));
if (i == j) local_scope.Var("in_var" + j); if (i == j) local_scope.Var("in_var" + std::to_string(j));
} }
param_scopes_.emplace_back(&local_scope); param_scopes_.emplace_back(&local_scope);
} }
...@@ -62,20 +62,21 @@ struct TestFusedBroadcastOpHandle : TestBroadcastOpHandle { ...@@ -62,20 +62,21 @@ struct TestFusedBroadcastOpHandle : TestBroadcastOpHandle {
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_scope_idxes.size(); ++i) { for (size_t i = 0; i < input_scope_idxes.size(); ++i) {
// add input var handle // add input var handle
nodes_.emplace_back( nodes_.emplace_back(ir::CreateNodeForTest("in_node" + std::to_string(i),
ir::CreateNodeForTest("in_node" + i, ir::Node::Type::kVariable)); ir::Node::Type::kVariable));
VarHandle* in_var_handle = VarHandle* in_var_handle = new VarHandle(
new VarHandle(nodes_.back().get(), 1, input_scope_idxes[i], nodes_.back().get(), 1, input_scope_idxes[i],
"in_var" + i, place_list_[input_scope_idxes[i]]); "in_var" + std::to_string(i), place_list_[input_scope_idxes[i]]);
vars_.emplace_back(in_var_handle); vars_.emplace_back(in_var_handle);
op_handle_->AddInput(in_var_handle); op_handle_->AddInput(in_var_handle);
// add output var handle // add output var handle
for (size_t j = 0; j < place_list_.size(); ++j) { for (size_t j = 0; j < place_list_.size(); ++j) {
nodes_.emplace_back( nodes_.emplace_back(ir::CreateNodeForTest(
ir::CreateNodeForTest("out_node" + i, ir::Node::Type::kVariable)); "out_node" + std::to_string(i), ir::Node::Type::kVariable));
VarHandle* out_var_handle = new VarHandle( VarHandle* out_var_handle =
nodes_.back().get(), 2, j, "out_var" + i, place_list_[j]); new VarHandle(nodes_.back().get(), 2, j,
"out_var" + std::to_string(i), place_list_[j]);
vars_.emplace_back(out_var_handle); vars_.emplace_back(out_var_handle);
op_handle_->AddOutput(out_var_handle); op_handle_->AddOutput(out_var_handle);
} }
...@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ struct TestFusedBroadcastOpHandle : TestBroadcastOpHandle { ...@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ struct TestFusedBroadcastOpHandle : TestBroadcastOpHandle {
std::vector<std::vector<float>> send_vec; std::vector<std::vector<float>> send_vec;
f::LoD lod{{0, 10, 20}}; f::LoD lod{{0, 10, 20}};
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_scope_idxes.size(); ++i) { for (size_t i = 0; i < input_scope_idxes.size(); ++i) {
const std::string varname("in_var" + i); const std::string varname("in_var" + std::to_string(i));
float val_scalar = static_cast<float>(i); float val_scalar = static_cast<float>(i);
send_vec.push_back( send_vec.push_back(
InitLoDTensor(varname, input_scope_idxes[i], lod, val_scalar)); InitLoDTensor(varname, input_scope_idxes[i], lod, val_scalar));
...@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ struct TestFusedBroadcastOpHandle : TestBroadcastOpHandle { ...@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ struct TestFusedBroadcastOpHandle : TestBroadcastOpHandle {
WaitAll(); WaitAll();
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_scope_idxes.size(); ++i) { for (size_t i = 0; i < input_scope_idxes.size(); ++i) {
const std::string& varname("out_var" + i); const std::string& varname("out_var" + std::to_string(i));
for (size_t j = 0; j < place_list_.size(); ++j) { for (size_t j = 0; j < place_list_.size(); ++j) {
LoDTensorEqual(varname, send_vec[i], lod, param_scopes_[j]); LoDTensorEqual(varname, send_vec[i], lod, param_scopes_[j]);
} }
...@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ struct TestFusedBroadcastOpHandle : TestBroadcastOpHandle { ...@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ struct TestFusedBroadcastOpHandle : TestBroadcastOpHandle {
2, 4, 6, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 7}; 2, 4, 6, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 7};
int height = static_cast<int>(kDims[0] * 2); int height = static_cast<int>(kDims[0] * 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_scope_idxes.size(); ++i) { for (size_t i = 0; i < input_scope_idxes.size(); ++i) {
const std::string varname("in_var" + i); const std::string varname("in_var" + std::to_string(i));
float val_scalar = static_cast<float>(i); float val_scalar = static_cast<float>(i);
send_vector.push_back(InitSelectedRows(varname, input_scope_idxes[i], send_vector.push_back(InitSelectedRows(varname, input_scope_idxes[i],
rows, height, val_scalar)); rows, height, val_scalar));
...@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ struct TestFusedBroadcastOpHandle : TestBroadcastOpHandle { ...@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ struct TestFusedBroadcastOpHandle : TestBroadcastOpHandle {
WaitAll(); WaitAll();
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_scope_idxes.size(); ++i) { for (size_t i = 0; i < input_scope_idxes.size(); ++i) {
const std::string& varname("out_var" + i); const std::string& varname("out_var" + std::to_string(i));
for (size_t j = 0; j < place_list_.size(); ++j) { for (size_t j = 0; j < place_list_.size(); ++j) {
SelectedRowsEqual(varname, input_scope_idxes[i], send_vector[i], rows, SelectedRowsEqual(varname, input_scope_idxes[i], send_vector[i], rows,
height); height);
// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// //
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
...@@ -13,20 +13,68 @@ ...@@ -13,20 +13,68 @@
// limitations under the License. // limitations under the License.
#pragma once #pragma once
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/early_delete_op_handle.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/pass.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/program_desc.h"
namespace paddle { namespace paddle {
namespace framework { namespace framework {
namespace details {
class MemoryEarlyDeletePass : public ir::Pass { class DummyOp : public OperatorBase {
protected: public:
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> ApplyImpl( DummyOp(const std::string& type, const VariableNameMap& inputs,
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> graph) const override; const VariableNameMap& outputs, const AttributeMap& attrs)
: OperatorBase(type, inputs, outputs, attrs) {}
void RunImpl(const Scope& scope,
const platform::Place& place) const override {}
class SumOpMaker : public OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
void Make() {
AddInput("X", "").AsDuplicable();
AddOutput("Out", "");
class AssignOpMaker : public OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
void Make() {
AddInput("X", "").AsDuplicable();
AddOutput("Out", "");
class SplitOpMaker : public OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
void Make() {
AddInput("X", "");
AddOutput("Out", "").AsDuplicable();
class DummyVarTypeInference : public VarTypeInference {
void operator()(const OpDesc& op_desc, BlockDesc* block) const override {
auto& inputs = op_desc.Input("X");
auto type = block->Var(inputs.front())->GetType();
auto out_var_name = op_desc.Output("Out").front();
}; };
} // namespace details
} // namespace framework } // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle } // namespace paddle
// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/inplace_op_pass.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <deque>
#include <iterator>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/memory_optimize_pass.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_info.h"
// NOTE(dzhwinter): inplace means one op output variable reuse the input space.
// By our design, one operator only can read its input(const Variable),
// write its output(non-const Variable). If one operator is inplaced, means
// user have chance to write the space before reading happens.
// Especially when some optimize code writing style is applied.
// /* wrong case in operator */
// /*In this case, a larger allocation is allocated, input content is lost*/
// const Tensor* in = ctx.Input<Tensor>("In")
// Tensor* out = ctx.Output<Tensor>("Out");
// auto* out_ptr = out->mutable_data<T>(ctx.GetPlace());
// out_ptr[0] = 0; // input contect is overwrited.
// NOTE(dzhwinter):
// Only for backward compacity and stable. if enable_inplace_whitelist is turn
// on.
// only the ops in whitelist will be use inplace strategy.
// if not, all the op will be inplaced if it registered with InplaceClass
enable_inplace_whitelist, false,
"If this option turns on, only these op in whitelist can be inplaced."
"If it turns off, all of the running op can be candidate of inplaced op."
"Such as scale, elementwise_add"
"By default, it's turned on");
// clang-format off
const std::string kInplacedOpWhiteList[] = { // NOLINT
// clang-format on
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
namespace details {
static inline ir::Node* GetNextCascadeInplacedVar(ir::Node* var) {
// if next op is inplaced, then return the output var
// otherwise return nullptr
PADDLE_ENFORCE(var && var->IsVar() && !var->IsCtrlVar());
ir::Node* inplaced_var = nullptr;
for (auto* next_op : var->outputs) {
for (auto* output : next_op->outputs) {
if (output->IsVar() && !output->IsCtrlVar() &&
output->Name() == var->Name()) {
inplaced_var = output;
return inplaced_var;
static inline ir::Node* GetPrevCascadeInplacedVar(ir::Node* var) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(var && var->IsVar() && !var->IsCtrlVar());
if (var->inputs.empty()) return nullptr;
auto* prev_op = var->inputs.at(0);
auto input_it = std::find_if(prev_op->inputs.begin(), prev_op->inputs.end(),
[&](ir::Node* node) {
if (node->IsVar() && !node->IsCtrlVar() &&
node->Name() == var->Name()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return input_it == prev_op->inputs.end() ? nullptr : *input_it;
InplacePass::InplacePass() : Pass() {
if (FLAGS_enable_inplace_whitelist) {
for (auto& s : kInplacedOpWhiteList) {
void InplacePass::InitSSAGraphNodes() const {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_set<ir::Node*>> all_vars;
for (auto* op : view_.AllOps()) {
for (auto* node : op->inputs) {
if (!node->IsVar() || node->IsCtrlVar()) continue;
if (all_vars[node->Name()].count(node) == 0) {
for (auto* node : op->outputs) {
if (!node->IsVar() || node->IsCtrlVar()) continue;
if (all_vars[node->Name()].count(node) == 0) {
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> InplacePass::ApplyImpl(
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> graph) const {
for (auto* op : view_.AllOps()) {
if (FLAGS_enable_inplace_whitelist && !whitelist_.count(op->Name()))
TryInplaceOpInputOutput(op, graph.get());
return graph;
void InplacePass::InplaceModifyDesc(const std::string& var,
const std::string& cache_var,
const size_t& idx) const {
for (size_t i = idx; i < view_.AllOps().size(); ++i) {
ir::Node* op = view_.AllOps()[i];
PADDLE_ENFORCE(op->IsOp() && op->Op());
auto* op_desc = op->Op();
op_desc->RenameInput(var, cache_var);
op_desc->RenameOutput(var, cache_var);
if (op_desc->Block()->HasVar(var)) op_desc->Block()->RemoveVar(var);
const NodeSwapQueue InplacePass::TryInplaceModifyVar(
const std::string& var, const std::string& cache_var, const size_t& idx,
ir::Graph* graph) const {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(var_nodes_[var].size() >= 1 &&
var_nodes_[var].at(0)->Var() != nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<VarDesc> var_desc(new VarDesc(*var_nodes_[var].at(0)->Var()));
NodeSwapQueue swap_nodes;
for (size_t i = idx; i < view_.AllOps().size(); ++i) {
auto* op = view_.AllOps()[i];
// redirect the input to the latest version of cache_var
for (auto* node : op->inputs) {
if (node->Name() == var) {
ir::Node* cache_node = graph->CreateVarNode(var_desc.get());
// swap node to cache_node
node->outputs.begin(), node->outputs.end());
PADDLE_ENFORCE(node->inputs.size() == 1 && node->inputs[0]->IsOp());
auto* prev_op = node->inputs[0];
std::replace(prev_op->outputs.begin(), prev_op->outputs.end(), node,
for (auto* next_op : node->outputs) {
std::replace(next_op->inputs.begin(), next_op->inputs.end(), node,
swap_nodes.emplace_back(std::make_pair(node, cache_node));
// if we need to rename the output,
// always create a newer version of cache_var
for (auto* node : op->outputs) {
if (node->Name() == var) {
ir::Node* cache_node = graph->CreateVarNode(var_desc.get());
// swap node to cache node
node->outputs.begin(), node->outputs.end());
std::replace(op->outputs.begin(), op->outputs.end(), node, cache_node);
for (auto* next_op : node->outputs) {
std::replace(next_op->inputs.begin(), next_op->inputs.end(), node,
swap_nodes.emplace_back(std::make_pair(node, cache_node));
return swap_nodes;
void InplacePass::CommitModify(const NodeSwapQueue& swap_nodes,
ir::Graph* graph) const {
for (auto& pair : swap_nodes) {
auto *node = pair.first, *cache_node = pair.second;
const std::string var = node->Name(), cache_var = cache_node->Name();
auto& nodes = var_nodes_.at(var);
// release unused var in graph. Because python side memory optimize
// may reused the var in same name, so we only clear the var node
// after current inplaced index.
nodes.erase(std::remove(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), node), nodes.end());
void InplacePass::WithdrawModify(const NodeSwapQueue& nodes,
ir::Graph* graph) const {
for (auto& pair : nodes) {
auto *node = pair.first, *cache_node = pair.second;
const std::string var = node->Name(), cache_var = cache_node->Name();
auto* prev_op = node->inputs[0];
std::replace(prev_op->outputs.begin(), prev_op->outputs.end(), cache_node,
for (auto* next_op : node->outputs) {
std::replace(next_op->inputs.begin(), next_op->inputs.end(), cache_node,
void InplacePass::TryInplaceOpInputOutput(ir::Node* op,
ir::Graph* graph) const {
VLOG(4) << "Try to inplace op " << op->Name();
PADDLE_ENFORCE(op->Op() != nullptr && op->Op()->Block() != nullptr,
"op_desc is nullptr");
// some pre-requirments need to meet if the op want to inplaced.
auto* op_desc = op->Op();
auto& infer_inplace =
// 1. infer_inplace_ is registered.
if (!static_cast<bool>(infer_inplace)) return;
"%s's infer_inplace has not been registered", op_desc->Type());
auto* block = op_desc->Block();
auto in_to_outs = infer_inplace(*op_desc, block);
auto& all_ops = view_.AllOps();
auto cursor = std::find(all_ops.begin(), all_ops.end(), op);
size_t idx = std::distance(all_ops.begin(), cursor);
for (auto& pair : in_to_outs) {
auto& in_var_name = pair.first;
auto& out_var_name = pair.second;
auto* in_node = view_.GetNodeByName(in_var_name, op->inputs);
auto* out_node = view_.GetNodeByName(out_var_name, op->outputs);
// 2. there is no external pending op on the input node
if (view_.PendingOpsOnVar(in_node).size() > 1) {
VLOG(4) << string::Sprintf(
"Skiped pair %s => %s. %s input has external dependency."
"inplace such pair will overwrite the memory.",
out_var_name, in_var_name, op->Name());
// 3. if output has been memory optimize by python(fluid.memory_optmize()).
// this candidate can not be inplaced. Will be deprecated in the future.
if (view_.InSkipSet(out_node->Name())) {
VLOG(4) << string::Sprintf(
"Skiped %s => %s reused previous memory block in python memory "
"it inplace may generate a circle",
out_var_name, in_var_name, op->Name());
// Debug Interface. Which would be skipped by the pass.
if (out_node->Name() == FLAGS_memory_optimize_debug) {
VLOG(3) << "Skiped var by force. FLAGS_memory_optimize_debug="
<< out_node->Name();
// NOTE(dzhwinter):
// two stage commit of inplaced process. if after inplace happens generate a
// circle,
// then withdraw the changes. Otherwise, safely add the node.
auto swap_nodes =
TryInplaceModifyVar(out_var_name, in_var_name, idx, graph);
if (!ir::HasCircle(*graph)) {
VLOG(3) << string::Sprintf("!!! %s, %s => %s inplaced", op->Name(),
out_var_name, in_var_name);
InplaceModifyDesc(out_var_name, in_var_name, idx);
CommitModify(swap_nodes, graph);
} else {
VLOG(3) << string::Sprintf(
"Skiped pair %s => %s, inplace will generate a circle. withdraw %s",
out_var_name, in_var_name, op->Name());
WithdrawModify(swap_nodes, graph);
ir::Node* GraphView::GetNodeByName(const std::string& name,
const std::vector<ir::Node*>& nodes) const {
// nodes should be op->inputs/outputs
// node in same node do have different name.
std::unordered_set<std::string> nodes_in_op;
bool has_dup_node =
std::all_of(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), [&nodes_in_op](ir::Node* node) {
if (!node->IsVar() || node->IsCtrlVar() || node->Var() == nullptr) {
if (nodes_in_op.count(node->Name())) return true;
return false;
PADDLE_ENFORCE(has_dup_node == false, "nodes has same name!");
ir::Node* node = nullptr;
for (auto* it : nodes) {
if (!it->IsVar() || it->IsCtrlVar() || it->Var() == nullptr) continue;
if (it->Name() == name) {
node = it;
PADDLE_ENFORCE(node != nullptr,
string::Sprintf("Not found var %s in nodes!", name));
return node;
std::vector<ir::Node*> GraphView::PendingOpsOnVar(ir::Node* node) {
// get the pending ops depends on same var node.
// because node also maybe a inplaced variable, so need to backtrack all the
// previous inplaced vars.
std::vector<ir::Node*> pending_ops;
ir::Node* p = node;
while (p != nullptr) {
pending_ops.insert(pending_ops.end(), p->outputs.begin(), p->outputs.end());
p = GetPrevCascadeInplacedVar(p);
return pending_ops;
void GraphView::Build(ir::Graph* g) {
// track the var nodes in correct order.
// Because we insert some new created node. Which may have data race between
// nodes.
// resolve data harzards depends on the var nodes in right order.
ops_ = SortOpLikeDescOrder(*g);
// 1. track the nodes which reused previous node in Python memory optimize.
// these node can not be inplaced, otherwise may generate a circle in graph.
std::unordered_set<std::string> all_vars;
for (auto& node : g->Nodes()) {
if (node->IsVar()) continue;
for (auto& out : node->outputs) {
if (out->IsCtrlVar() || out->Var() == nullptr) continue;
if (all_vars.count(out->Name())) {
} else {
// 2. track the nodes which used by parameter server.
// these node can not be inplaced, otherwise trainer
// pserver can not find each other name.
auto update_skip_set = [&](ir::Node* node) {
for (auto& in : node->inputs) {
if (in->IsVar() && in->Var() != nullptr) dup_nodes_.emplace(in->Name());
for (auto& out : node->outputs) {
if (out->IsVar() && out->Var() != nullptr)
for (auto& node : g->Nodes()) {
if (!node->IsOp()) continue;
if (node->Name() == "send") update_skip_set(node);
if (node->Name() == "recv") update_skip_set(node);
if (node->Name() == "prefetch") update_skip_set(node);
const std::vector<ir::Node*>& GraphView::AllOps() { return ops_; }
bool GraphView::InSkipSet(const std::string& var) const {
return dup_nodes_.count(var);
} // namespace details
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle
REGISTER_PASS(inplace_pass, paddle::framework::details::InplacePass);
// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may abtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/memory_optimize_helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/pass.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
namespace details {
class GraphView {
GraphView() = default;
void Build(ir::Graph* g);
const std::vector<ir::Node*>& AllOps();
ir::Node* GetNodeByName(const std::string& name,
const std::vector<ir::Node*>& nodes) const;
std::vector<ir::Node*> PendingOpsOnVar(ir::Node* var);
// Will Deperated in the future.
// NOTE(dzhwinter) :
// 1. Python memory optimize will reuse
// memory based var name, so different op output may
// have the same variable name. enable inplace on such node
// will generate a circle in ssa graph.
// 2. DistributeTranspiler will use unique name to
// map the parameter and gradient, must be skipped.
bool InSkipSet(const std::string& var) const;
std::vector<ir::Node*> ops_;
std::unordered_set<std::string> dup_nodes_; // mem opt affect nodes
std::map<ir::Node*, std::unordered_set<ir::Node*>> adj_list_;
// swap pairs in sequence
typedef std::vector<std::pair<ir::Node*, ir::Node*>> NodeSwapQueue;
class InplacePass : public ir::Pass {
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> ApplyImpl(
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> graph) const override;
void InitSSAGraphNodes() const;
const NodeSwapQueue TryInplaceModifyVar(const std::string& var,
const std::string& cache_var,
const size_t& idx,
ir::Graph* graph) const;
void CommitModify(const NodeSwapQueue&, ir::Graph* graph) const;
void WithdrawModify(const NodeSwapQueue& nodes, ir::Graph* graph) const;
void InplaceModifyDesc(const std::string& in_var, const std::string& out_var,
const size_t& idx) const;
void TryInplaceOpInputOutput(ir::Node* op, ir::Graph* graph) const;
mutable std::map<std::string, std::vector<ir::Node*>> var_nodes_;
mutable std::unordered_set<std::string> whitelist_;
mutable GraphView view_;
} // namespace details
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle
// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/memory_early_delete_pass.h"
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/memory_reuse_types.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/multi_devices_helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/reference_count_pass_helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_helper.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
namespace details {
static ComputationOpHandle* FindNextComputationOpHandle(VarHandle* var_in) {
std::queue<VarHandleBase*> queue;
do {
auto* var = queue.front();
for (auto* op : var->PendingOps()) {
auto* compute_op = dynamic_cast<ComputationOpHandle*>(op);
if (compute_op != nullptr && compute_op->GetPlace() == var_in->place()) {
return compute_op;
for (auto* out_var : op->Outputs()) {
} while (!queue.empty());
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> MemoryEarlyDeletePass::ApplyImpl(
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> graph) const {
auto& graph_pool = Get<GraphNodePool>(kGraphNodePool);
auto& gcs = Get<GarbageCollectorMap>(kGarbageCollector);
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_set<OpDesc*>> unlived_vars;
for (auto& pair : graph_pool) {
unlived_vars.insert(std::make_pair(pair.first, pair.second));
auto compare_and_insert_early_delete_op = [&](
OpHandleBase* op, const std::vector<VarHandleBase*>& vars) {
if (unlived_vars.empty()) return;
// unlived vars can be deleted after the last used op has finished.
auto* compute_op = dynamic_cast<ComputationOpHandle*>(op);
const auto& places = Get<std::vector<platform::Place>>(kAllPlaces);
for (auto& var : vars) {
auto* var_handle = dynamic_cast<VarHandle*>(var);
auto var_name = var->Node()->Name();
auto& var_place = var_handle->place();
if (unlived_vars.count(var_name) == 0) continue;
if (!unlived_vars[var_name].empty()) {
if (compute_op != nullptr &&
unlived_vars[var_name].count(compute_op->Node()->Op()) != 0) {
if (var_handle == nullptr || !var_handle->Node()->IsVar() ||
// shameless copyed from reference count pass.
if (compute_op == nullptr) {
// use next computation op scope
compute_op = FindNextComputationOpHandle(var_handle);
auto* early_delete_node =
graph->CreateEmptyNode("early_delete", ir::Node::Type::kOperation);
GarbageCollector* gc = gcs.at(places[compute_op->GetScopeIdx()]).get();
auto* early_delete_handle = new EarlyDeleteOpHandle(
early_delete_node, compute_op->GetScope(), var_place, {var_name}, gc);
if (compute_op->Outputs().empty()) {
auto* dep_var = new DummyVarHandle(graph->CreateControlDepVar());
VLOG(5) << "Add early delete op " << var_name << " to Operator"
<< compute_op->Name();
auto all_ops = ir::FilterByNodeWrapper<OpHandleBase>(*graph);
for (auto& op : all_ops) {
compare_and_insert_early_delete_op(op, op->Inputs());
compare_and_insert_early_delete_op(op, op->Outputs());
return graph;
} // namespace details
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle
...@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ ...@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <iterator> #include <iterator>
#include <list> #include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <utility> #include <utility>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
...@@ -27,37 +29,41 @@ namespace paddle { ...@@ -27,37 +29,41 @@ namespace paddle {
namespace framework { namespace framework {
namespace details { namespace details {
constexpr char kFetchedVars[] = "fetched_vars"; constexpr char kAllOpDescs[] = "all_op_descs";
constexpr char kGraphNodePool[] = "graph_node_pool";
// NOTE(dzh): Variable and the operators use the var. std::vector<ir::Node*> SortOpLikeDescOrder(const ir::Graph& graph);
// for early delete pass.
// Because analysis var pass build base on ir::Node, which maybe released
// or modified between passes, so we use OpDesc* to mark ops.
using GraphNodePool = std::vector<
std::pair<std::string /*var node*/, std::unordered_set<OpDesc*> /* ops */>>;
// NOTE(dzh): by default, it sort node in ascend order(by node bytes size). // NOTE(dzh): A ordered set for node reuse in memory optimize.
// in fluid, -1 means the batch_size is determined in runtime. // the orderedset sort node in ascend order(by node bytes size).
// the node batch_size equal -1 always ranking in the front than the node not. // in fluid, -1 means the batch_size, which is determined in runtime.
// So the reuse happens between nodes who's batch_size both are -1
// simultaneously or not.
// sort rule:
// rule 0 : smaller node ranking in front.
// rule 1 : batch_size equal -1 ranking in the front than the node not.
// For example, // For example,
// node0[-1, 1] node1[-1, 1, 1], node2[1,1], node3[1,1024], .. // node0[-1, 1] node1[-1, 1, 1], node2[1,1], node3[1,1024], ..
// O(1) insert, delete
class OrderedNodePairPool {
using NodePair = std::pair<ir::Node*, std::unordered_set<ir::Node*>>;
using Iter = typename std::list<NodePair>::iterator;
using ConstIter = typename std::list<NodePair>::const_iterator;
void Insert(ir::Node* var, ir::Node* op); class OrderedSet {
// nodes with same name exists in pool.
using NodeVector = std::vector<ir::Node*>;
using Iter = typename std::list<NodeVector>::iterator;
using ConstIter = typename std::list<NodeVector>::const_iterator;
void Insert(ir::Node* var);
void Erase(ir::Node* var); void Erase(ir::Node* var);
bool Has(ir::Node* var) const;
bool Has(ir::Node* var) { return mark_table_.count(var->Name()); } void Clear() {
ir::Node* NodeMatch(ir::Node* var) const; nodes_.clear();
// find the bestfit shape node block with var.
ir::Node* FindBestFitNode(ir::Node* var) const;
// map store non-const iterator, can not promise const // map store non-const iterator, can not promise const
int GetIndex(ir::Node* var); int GetNodeIndexInPool(ir::Node* var);
// pool all node to string // pool all node to string
std::string ToString() const; std::string ToString() const;
...@@ -65,23 +71,112 @@ class OrderedNodePairPool { ...@@ -65,23 +71,112 @@ class OrderedNodePairPool {
Iter end() { return nodes_.end(); } Iter end() { return nodes_.end(); }
ConstIter begin() const { return nodes_.begin(); } ConstIter begin() const { return nodes_.begin(); }
ConstIter end() const { return nodes_.end(); } ConstIter end() const { return nodes_.end(); }
size_t size() const { return nodes_.size(); } size_t size() const { return nodes_.size(); }
private: private:
// for searching. // for searching.
std::unordered_map<std::string, Iter> mark_table_; std::unordered_map<std::string, Iter> mark_table_;
// node swap pairs. var -> ops dep var // node pool
std::list<NodePair> nodes_; std::list<NodeVector> nodes_;
}; };
class ControlFlowGraph {
ControlFlowGraph() = default;
// IR Graph
explicit ControlFlowGraph(const ir::Graph& graph);
void LiveVariableAnalysis();
void RenameVarInCFGGraph(const std::string& old_node,
const std::string& new_node, int begin_idx);
const std::set<std::string> LiveIn(ir::Node* op) const;
const std::set<std::string> LiveOut(ir::Node* op) const;
const std::set<std::string> Use(ir::Node* op) const;
const std::vector<ir::Node*> Ops() const;
std::vector<ir::Node*>& Ops();
// for ssa-graph nodes
ir::Node* GetNodeByName(const std::string& name, ir::Node* op) const;
void BuildCFGGraph();
void ConnectNodes();
using NodeListMap = std::unordered_map<ir::Node*, std::set<ir::Node*>>;
using VarSetMap = std::map<ir::Node*, std::set<std::string>>;
// successors ops use the output variables.
NodeListMap successors_;
// predecessors ops generated input variables.
NodeListMap predecessors_;
// variables lived before run current op.
VarSetMap live_in_;
// variables lived after run current op.
VarSetMap live_out_;
VarSetMap uses_; // op inputs
VarSetMap defs_; // op outputs
std::vector<ir::Node*> ops_; // op sequence by topology sort
// valid a tensor can be reuse or not
bool NodeCanReused(ir::Node* node);
// valid a tensor can be reuse or not.
bool NodeCanReused(const VarDesc& node);
// check op has subblock or not
bool OpHasSubBlock(OpDesc* desc);
// node memory size in bytes
size_t NodeSize(ir::Node* n);
// node memory size in bytes // node memory size in bytes
size_t NodeSizeInBytes(ir::Node* n); size_t NodeSize(const VarDesc&);
std::string DebugString(ir::Node* var); std::string DebugString(ir::Node* var);
// std::string DebugString(VarDesc* var); // NOTE(dzhwinter)
// after node reuse, the replaced node shape is
// different with its VarDesc. So need to find the
// correct VarDesc in Block.
VarDesc* FindVarDescInBlock(ir::Node* n); VarDesc* FindVarDescInBlock(ir::Node* n);
static inline bool IsSameDesc(OpDesc* op1, OpDesc* op2) {
return op1->Type() == op2->Type() && op1->Inputs() == op2->Inputs() &&
op1->Outputs() == op2->Outputs();
template <typename Container, typename Callback>
class FilterVariableImpl {
void operator()(const Container& nodes, Callback callback) {
for (auto* node : nodes) {
// filter var node for op->inputs/outputs
template <typename Callback>
class FilterVariableImpl<std::vector<ir::Node*>, Callback> {
void operator()(const std::vector<ir::Node*>& nodes, Callback callback) {
for (auto* var : nodes) {
if (var->IsVar() && !var->IsCtrlVar()) {
template <typename Container, typename Callback>
void FilterVariables(const Container& nodes, Callback callback) {
FilterVariableImpl<Container, Callback>()(nodes, callback);
} // namespace details } // namespace details
} // namespace framework } // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle } // namespace paddle
...@@ -12,12 +12,18 @@ ...@@ -12,12 +12,18 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License. // limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/analysis_var_pass.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/memory_optimize_helper.h"
#include <algorithm> #include <algorithm>
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <iterator> #include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "glog/logging.h" #include "glog/logging.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/graph_test_base.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_helper.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h"
...@@ -26,46 +32,82 @@ ...@@ -26,46 +32,82 @@
namespace paddle { namespace paddle {
namespace framework { namespace framework {
namespace details {
class DummyOp : public OperatorBase { TEST(OrderedSet, Normal) {
public: OrderedSet pool;
DummyOp(const std::string& type, const VariableNameMap& inputs, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ir::Node>> nodes;
const VariableNameMap& outputs, const AttributeMap& attrs)
: OperatorBase(type, inputs, outputs, attrs) {} // clang-format off
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> shapes = {{-1, 10},
private: {-1, 20},
void RunImpl(const Scope& scope, {1, 2},
const platform::Place& place) const override {} {5, 2},
}; {10, 20},
{-1, 2, 5},
class SumOpMaker : public OpProtoAndCheckerMaker { {-1, 1, 5},
public: {-1, 1}};
void Make() { // clang-format on
AddInput("X", "").AsDuplicable(); const int COUNT = shapes.size();
AddOutput("Out", ""); ProgramDesc prog;
AddComment(""); BlockDesc* block_desc = prog.MutableBlock(0);
auto* op_desc = block_desc->AppendOp();
std::unique_ptr<ir::Node> op = ir::CreateNodeForTest(op_desc);
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
auto desc = block_desc->Var(std::to_string(i));
std::unique_ptr<ir::Node> node = ir::CreateNodeForTest(desc);
} }
// Insert
class AssignOpMaker : public OpProtoAndCheckerMaker { for (auto& node : nodes) {
public: pool.Insert(node.get());
void Make() {
AddInput("X", "").AsDuplicable();
AddOutput("Out", "");
} }
// Has/size
class DummyVarTypeInference : public VarTypeInference { ASSERT_EQ(pool.size(), shapes.size());
public: for (auto& node : nodes) {
void operator()(const OpDesc& op_desc, BlockDesc* block) const override { ASSERT_TRUE(pool.Has(node.get()));
auto& inputs = op_desc.Input("X");
auto type = block->Var(inputs.front())->GetType();
auto out_var_name = op_desc.Output("Out").front();
} }
// assert its order and interface.
std::cout << pool.ToString() << std::endl;
std::cout << pool.ToString() << std::endl;
ASSERT_EQ(pool.size(), static_cast<size_t>(COUNT - 1));
ASSERT_EQ(pool.GetNodeIndexInPool(nodes.back().get()), 0);
auto v1 = block_desc->Var("11");
v1->SetShape({-1, 256, 56, 56});
std::unique_ptr<ir::Node> node1 = ir::CreateNodeForTest(v1);
auto* cache = pool.FindBestFitNode(node1.get());
ASSERT_EQ(cache, nullptr);
auto v2 = block_desc->Var("12");
v2->SetShape({-1, 2, 5});
std::unique_ptr<ir::Node> node1 = ir::CreateNodeForTest(v2);
auto* cache = pool.FindBestFitNode(node1.get());
ASSERT_EQ(pool.GetNodeIndexInPool(cache), 2); // match 6:[-1,2,5]
auto v3 = block_desc->Var("13");
v3->SetShape({2, 5});
std::unique_ptr<ir::Node> node1 = ir::CreateNodeForTest(v3);
auto* cache = pool.FindBestFitNode(node1.get());
ASSERT_EQ(pool.GetNodeIndexInPool(cache), 5); // match 4:[5,2]
} // namespace details
} // namespace framework } // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle } // namespace paddle
...@@ -102,11 +144,6 @@ namespace paddle { ...@@ -102,11 +144,6 @@ namespace paddle {
namespace framework { namespace framework {
namespace details { namespace details {
static inline bool IsSameDesc(OpDesc* op1, OpDesc* op2) {
return op1->Type() == op2->Type() && op1->Inputs() == op2->Inputs() &&
op1->Outputs() == op2->Outputs();
inline static ProgramDesc FillProgramDesc() { inline static ProgramDesc FillProgramDesc() {
ProgramDesc prog; ProgramDesc prog;
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("a")->SetType(proto::VarType::LOD_TENSOR); prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("a")->SetType(proto::VarType::LOD_TENSOR);
...@@ -141,15 +178,6 @@ inline static ProgramDesc FillProgramDesc() { ...@@ -141,15 +178,6 @@ inline static ProgramDesc FillProgramDesc() {
return prog; return prog;
} }
template <typename Container>
inline static std::string DebugString(const Container& c) {
std::stringstream ss;
for (auto& item : c) {
ss << item << " ";
return ss.str();
TEST(CFGGraph, IRGraph) { TEST(CFGGraph, IRGraph) {
// prepare ir graph // prepare ir graph
auto prog = FillProgramDesc(); auto prog = FillProgramDesc();
// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/memory_optimize_pass.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <deque>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "gflags/gflags.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/data_type.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_helper.h"
DEFINE_bool(enable_subgraph_optimize, false,
"SubGraph also reuse global graph variables, it will reduce the "
"memory occupation"
"but a higher risk of memory reuse error. default disabled.");
DEFINE_string(memory_optimize_debug, "",
"debug the operator output variable when do the variable reuse."
"memory reuse pass."
"only for debug, default disabled.");
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
namespace details {
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> MemoryOptimizePass::ApplyImpl(
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> graph) const {
auto nodes = graph->Nodes();
cfg_.reset(new details::ControlFlowGraph(*graph));
int reuse_id = 0;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < cfg_->Ops().size(); ++idx) {
auto& op = cfg_->Ops()[idx];
auto* op_desc = op->Op();
// some op in graph has no op desc
if (op_desc == nullptr) continue;
if (OpHasSubBlock(op_desc)) {
if (FLAGS_enable_subgraph_optimize) {
} else {
VLOG(3) << op->Name()
<< " has subblock, but disable subgraph optimize. skipped.";
for (auto& var : op->outputs) {
if (!NodeCanReused(var) || cfg_->Use(op).count(var->Name()) == 0 ||
ir::Node* cache = pool_.FindBestFitNode(var);
if (var->Name() == FLAGS_memory_optimize_debug) {
VLOG(3) << "start match var " << DebugString(var) << " of op "
<< op->Name();
VLOG(3) << pool_.ToString();
VLOG(3) << "matched in pool : "
<< ((cache == nullptr) ? "False" : "True");
if (cache == nullptr) continue;
if (var->Name() == cache->Name()) {
VLOG(3) << "The same cache variable is cascade reused." << var->Name()
<< " is re-filled to the pool after"
<< "the reused op is finished. Current op can not "
<< "replace it again. Skip this candidate.";
int node_idx_in_pool = pool_.GetNodeIndexInPool(cache);
VLOG(3) << string::Sprintf(
"!!! %s, %s => %s, cache idx %d, pool size %d",
std::to_string(reuse_id++), DebugString(var), DebugString(cache),
node_idx_in_pool, static_cast<int>(pool_.size()));
// update CFG Graph on the fly.
// reused var maybe re-fill into the pool
cfg_->RenameVarInCFGGraph(var->Name(), cache->Name(), idx);
// NOTE(dzhwinter): we need to both update the ProgramDesc
// and IR Graph. because op_desc/var_desc is used in CreateOp,
// CreateVar when running happens. But IR Graph
// define the dependence relationship between nodes.
RenameVarInGraphDesc(var->Name(), cache->Name(), idx);
RenameVarInGraphNode(var->Name(), cache->Name(), idx, graph.get());
// fill the pool
std::unordered_set<std::string> unlived_vars;
for (auto var : cfg_->LiveIn(op)) {
if (cfg_->LiveOut(op).count(var) == 0) {
for (auto var : unlived_vars) {
ir::Node* var_node = cfg_->GetNodeByName(var, op);
if (NodeCanReused(var_node) && !pool_.Has(var_node)) {
return graph;
void MemoryOptimizePass::SubGraphOptimize(OpDesc* op_desc) const {
// conditional block, while op and their grad op
auto* sub_block_desc =
// create a mirror block to construct an IR Graph.
ProgramDesc prog;
auto* copy_block = prog.MutableBlock(0);
for (auto* op : sub_block_desc->AllOps()) {
auto* copy_op = copy_block->AppendOp();
for (auto* var : sub_block_desc->AllVars()) {
auto* copy_var = copy_block->Var(var->Name());
// only lod tensor can be reused. So ignore the multiple dims case.
ir::Graph sub_graph(prog);
std::unordered_set<ir::Node*> sub_graph_all_ops;
FilterVariables(sub_graph.Nodes(), [&](ir::Node* var) {
// sub_graph_all_ops.emplace(var);
if (var->IsVar() && !var->IsCtrlVar()) {
int sub_reuse_id = 0;
// subgraph nodes is unordered, reuse need to follow the desc order.
// find the right op node through the descs
for (auto* sub_op_desc : sub_block_desc->AllOps()) {
ir::Node* sub_op = nullptr;
for (auto* node : sub_graph_all_ops) {
if (node->Op() == sub_op_desc) {
sub_op = node;
PADDLE_ENFORCE(sub_op != nullptr);
for (auto* var : sub_op->outputs) {
if (NodeCanReused(var)) {
ir::Node* cache = pool_.FindBestFitNode(var);
if (cache != nullptr) {
if (var->Var()->GetDataType() != cache->Var()->GetDataType()) {
int node_idx_in_pool = pool_.GetNodeIndexInPool(cache);
VLOG(3) << string::Sprintf(
"!!! %s, %s => %s, cache idx %d, pool size %d",
std::to_string(sub_reuse_id++), DebugString(var),
DebugString(cache), node_idx_in_pool,
// NOTE(dzh): subblock is not in IR graph. Modify the block_desc
// immediately to make the subblock variable reuse strategy take
// effect. Because it is a single op in graph. No need to
// update the ir nodes.
sub_op_desc->Rename(var->Name(), cache->Name());
if (sub_op_desc->Block()->HasVar(var->Name())) {
void MemoryOptimizePass::CollectSkipVarsSet(
const std::unordered_set<ir::Node*>& nodes) const {
auto update_skip_set = [&](OpDesc* op_desc) {
auto inputs = op_desc->InputArgumentNames();
auto outputs = op_desc->OutputArgumentNames();
skip_set_.insert(inputs.begin(), inputs.end());
skip_set_.insert(outputs.begin(), outputs.end());
for (auto& op : nodes) {
if (!op->IsOp() || op->Op() == nullptr) continue;
auto* op_desc = op->Op();
// NOTE(dzhwinter):
// current block can not reuse next level block vars.
if (OpHasSubBlock(op_desc)) update_skip_set(op_desc);
// NOTE(dzhwinter):
// distributed ops input/output name need to
// keep same bettwen trainer/pserver
if (op_desc->Type() == "send") update_skip_set(op_desc);
if (op_desc->Type() == "recv") update_skip_set(op_desc);
if (op_desc->Type() == "prefetch") update_skip_set(op_desc);
void MemoryOptimizePass::RenameVarInGraphDesc(const std::string& var,
const std::string& cache_var,
size_t idx) const {
for (size_t i = idx; i < cfg_->Ops().size(); ++i) {
auto* op = cfg_->Ops()[i];
PADDLE_ENFORCE(op->IsOp() && op->Op());
auto* op_desc = op->Op();
op_desc->RenameInput(var, cache_var);
op_desc->RenameOutput(var, cache_var);
if (op_desc->Block()->HasVar(var)) op_desc->Block()->RemoveVar(var);
void MemoryOptimizePass::InitSSAGraphNodes() const {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_set<ir::Node*>> all_vars;
if (var_nodes_.empty()) {
for (auto* op : cfg_->Ops()) {
for (auto* node : op->inputs) {
if (all_vars[node->Name()].count(node) == 0) {
for (auto* node : op->outputs) {
if (all_vars[node->Name()].count(node) == 0) {
void MemoryOptimizePass::RenameVarInGraphNode(const std::string& var,
const std::string& cache_var,
size_t idx,
ir::Graph* graph) const {
// if replace happens, we need to create a newer version cache_var
// but use the same dims/data_type with var.
PADDLE_ENFORCE(var_nodes_[var].size() >= 1 &&
var_nodes_[var].at(0)->Var() != nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<VarDesc> var_desc(new VarDesc(*var_nodes_[var].at(0)->Var()));
for (size_t i = idx; i < cfg_->Ops().size(); ++i) {
auto* op = cfg_->Ops()[i];
// redirect the input to the latest version of cache_var
for (auto* node : op->inputs) {
if (node->Name() == var) {
ir::Node* cache_node = graph->CreateVarNode(var_desc.get());
// swap node to cache_node
node->outputs.begin(), node->outputs.end());
PADDLE_ENFORCE(node->inputs.size() == 1 && node->inputs[0]->IsOp());
auto* prev_op = node->inputs[0];
std::replace(prev_op->outputs.begin(), prev_op->outputs.end(), node,
for (auto* next_op : node->outputs) {
std::replace(next_op->inputs.begin(), next_op->inputs.end(), node,
// if we need to rename the output,
// always create a newer version of cache_var
for (auto* node : op->outputs) {
if (node->Name() == var) {
ir::Node* cache_node = graph->CreateVarNode(var_desc.get());
// swap node to cache node
node->outputs.begin(), node->outputs.end());
std::replace(op->outputs.begin(), op->outputs.end(), node, cache_node);
for (auto* next_op : node->outputs) {
std::replace(next_op->inputs.begin(), next_op->inputs.end(), node,
// release node of unused var in graph
for (auto* node : var_nodes_[var]) {
} // namespace details
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle
...@@ -25,29 +25,22 @@ ...@@ -25,29 +25,22 @@
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/data_type.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/data_type.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/memory_reuse_types.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/memory_optimize_helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/pass.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/pass.h"
namespace paddle { namespace paddle {
namespace framework { namespace framework {
namespace details { namespace details {
constexpr char kAllOpDescs[] = "all_op_descs";
std::vector<ir::Node*> SortOpLikeDescOrder(const ir::Graph& graph); class MemoryOptimizePass : public ir::Pass {
// sort op in bfs order
std::vector<ir::Node*> BFSSortGraphOps(const ir::Graph& graph);
class ControlFlowGraph;
class AnalysisVarPass : public ir::Pass {
protected: protected:
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> ApplyImpl( std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> ApplyImpl(
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> graph) const override; std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> graph) const override;
// fill the variable map(var_nodes) by version. // fill the variable map(var_nodes) by version.
void InitSSAGraphNodes() const; void InitSSAGraphNodes() const;
// update program descs // update program descs
void RenameVarInGraphDesc(const std::string& var, void RenameVarInGraphDesc(const std::string& var,
const std::string& cache_var, size_t idx) const; const std::string& cache_var, size_t idx) const;
...@@ -57,17 +50,14 @@ class AnalysisVarPass : public ir::Pass { ...@@ -57,17 +50,14 @@ class AnalysisVarPass : public ir::Pass {
ir::Graph* graph) const; ir::Graph* graph) const;
void SubGraphOptimize(OpDesc* op_desc) const; void SubGraphOptimize(OpDesc* op_desc) const;
// valid a tensor can be reuse or not // 1. scan op with subblock and collect the output/input vars.
bool NodeCanReused(ir::Node* node) const; // while, while_grad, conditional_block
// scan subblock and collect the output/input variables. // 2. scan distributed ops and collect the output/input vars
std::unordered_set<std::string> GetSubBlockVars( void CollectSkipVarsSet(const std::unordered_set<ir::Node*>&) const;
const std::unordered_set<ir::Node*>&) const;
// check op has subblock or not
bool OpHasSubBlock(OpDesc* desc) const;
private: private:
// Reuse Node Pool, Owned. // Reuse Node Pool, Owned.
mutable OrderedNodePairPool pool_; mutable OrderedSet pool_;
// controlflow Graph // controlflow Graph
mutable std::unique_ptr<ControlFlowGraph> cfg_; mutable std::unique_ptr<ControlFlowGraph> cfg_;
// skip set // skip set
...@@ -76,45 +66,6 @@ class AnalysisVarPass : public ir::Pass { ...@@ -76,45 +66,6 @@ class AnalysisVarPass : public ir::Pass {
mutable std::map<std::string, std::vector<ir::Node*>> var_nodes_; mutable std::map<std::string, std::vector<ir::Node*>> var_nodes_;
}; };
class ControlFlowGraph {
ControlFlowGraph() = default;
// For IR Graph in parallelexecutor
explicit ControlFlowGraph(const ir::Graph& graph);
void LiveVariableAnalysis();
void RenameVarInCFGGraph(const std::string& old_node,
const std::string& new_node, int begin_idx);
const std::set<std::string> LiveIn(ir::Node* op) const;
const std::set<std::string> LiveOut(ir::Node* op) const;
const std::set<std::string> Use(ir::Node* op) const;
const std::vector<ir::Node*> Ops() const;
std::vector<ir::Node*>& Ops();
// for ssa-graph nodes
ir::Node* GetNodeFromVarName(const std::string& name, ir::Node* op) const;
void BuildCFGGraph();
void ConnectNodes();
using NodeListMap = std::unordered_map<ir::Node*, std::set<ir::Node*>>;
using VarSetMap = std::map<ir::Node*, std::set<std::string>>;
// successors ops use the output variables.
NodeListMap successors_;
// predecessors ops generated input variables.
NodeListMap predecessors_;
// variables lived before run current op.
VarSetMap live_in_;
// variables lived after run current op.
VarSetMap live_out_;
VarSetMap uses_; // op inputs
VarSetMap defs_; // op outputs
std::vector<ir::Node*> ops_; // op sequence by topology sort
} // namespace details } // namespace details
} // namespace framework } // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle } // namespace paddle
// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/memory_reuse_types.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
namespace details {
size_t NodeSizeInBytes(ir::Node* n) {
auto* desc = FindVarDescInBlock(n);
auto shape = desc->GetShape();
size_t type_size = SizeOfType(desc->GetDataType());
int size = 1;
for (auto& s : shape) {
size *= s;
return type_size * std::abs(size);
std::string DebugStringImpl(VarDesc* var) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << var->Name();
ss << "[";
try {
auto shape = var->GetShape();
for (size_t i = 0; i < shape.size(); ++i) {
if (i != shape.size() - 1) {
ss << shape[i] << ",";
} else {
ss << shape[i];
ss << "]";
} catch (...) {
ss << "Var has no VarDesc !!! Name:" << var->Name();
return ss.str();
std::string DebugString(ir::Node* var) {
return DebugStringImpl(FindVarDescInBlock(var));
// return DebugString(var->Var()); }
// NOTE(dzh): based ir node, if a large node has been reused
// by a small size node, then next time it appear in pool, it will
// have the small size. Find the original node shap from blockdesc.
VarDesc* FindVarDescInBlock(ir::Node* n) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(n->IsVar() && !n->IsCtrlVar() && n->inputs.size() == 1);
BlockDesc* block = n->inputs[0]->Op()->Block();
string::Sprintf("Block do not has var %s", n->Name()));
return block->FindVar(n->Name());
struct NodeComparator {
bool operator()(ir::Node* lhs, ir::Node* rhs) const {
auto* lhs_desc = FindVarDescInBlock(lhs);
auto* rhs_desc = FindVarDescInBlock(rhs);
auto lhs_shape = lhs_desc->GetShape();
auto rhs_shape = rhs_desc->GetShape();
if ((lhs_shape[0] == -1 && rhs_shape[0] == -1) ||
(lhs_shape[0] != -1 && rhs_shape[0] != -1)) {
return NodeSizeInBytes(lhs) <= NodeSizeInBytes(rhs);
} else {
return false;
void OrderedNodePairPool::Insert(ir::Node* var, ir::Node* op) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE(var->IsVar() && !var->IsCtrlVar());
if (mark_table_.count(var->Name()) != 0) {
auto* var_desc = FindVarDescInBlock(var);
auto var_shape = var_desc->GetShape();
int batch_size = static_cast<int>(var_shape[0]);
NodeComparator compare_node;
Iter it = nodes_.begin();
while (it != nodes_.end()) {
auto* cache_desc = FindVarDescInBlock(it->first);
int cache_batch_size = cache_desc->GetShape()[0];
if ((cache_batch_size == -1 && batch_size == -1) ||
(cache_batch_size != -1 && batch_size != -1)) {
if (compare_node(it->first, var)) {
} else {
} else if (cache_batch_size == -1 && batch_size != -1) {
} else if (cache_batch_size != -1 && batch_size == -1) {
it =
nodes_.insert(it, std::make_pair(var, std::unordered_set<ir::Node*>{op}));
mark_table_[var->Name()] = it;
int OrderedNodePairPool::GetIndex(ir::Node* var) {
return std::distance(nodes_.begin(), mark_table_[var->Name()]);
ir::Node* OrderedNodePairPool::NodeMatch(ir::Node* var) const {
ir::Node* found_node = nullptr;
NodeComparator compare_node;
for (auto it = nodes_.begin(); it != nodes_.end(); ++it) {
if (compare_node(var, it->first)) {
found_node = it->first;
return found_node;
void OrderedNodePairPool::Erase(ir::Node* var) {
std::string OrderedNodePairPool::ToString() const {
std::stringstream ss;
for (auto it = nodes_.begin(); it != nodes_.end(); ++it) {
ss << DebugString(it->first) << " ";
return ss.str();
} // namespace details
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle
// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/memory_reuse_types.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
namespace details {
TEST(OrderedNodePairPool, Normal) {
OrderedNodePairPool pool;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ir::Node>> nodes;
// clang-format off
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> shapes = {{-1, 10},
{-1, 20},
{1, 2},
{5, 2},
{10, 20},
{-1, 2, 5},
{-1, 1, 5},
{-1, 1}};
// clang-format on
const int COUNT = shapes.size();
ProgramDesc prog;
BlockDesc* block_desc = prog.MutableBlock(0);
auto* op_desc = block_desc->AppendOp();
std::unique_ptr<ir::Node> op = ir::CreateNodeForTest(op_desc);
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
auto desc = block_desc->Var(std::to_string(i));
std::unique_ptr<ir::Node> node = ir::CreateNodeForTest(desc);
for (auto& node : nodes) {
pool.Insert(node.get(), op.get());
// assert its order and interface.
std::cout << pool.ToString() << std::endl;
std::cout << pool.ToString() << std::endl;
ASSERT_EQ(pool.size(), static_cast<size_t>(COUNT - 1));
ASSERT_EQ(pool.GetIndex(nodes.back().get()), 0);
auto v1 = block_desc->Var("11");
v1->SetShape({-1, 256, 56, 56});
std::unique_ptr<ir::Node> node1 = ir::CreateNodeForTest(v1);
auto* cache = pool.NodeMatch(node1.get());
ASSERT_EQ(cache, nullptr);
auto v2 = block_desc->Var("12");
v2->SetShape({-1, 2, 5});
std::unique_ptr<ir::Node> node1 = ir::CreateNodeForTest(v2);
auto* cache = pool.NodeMatch(node1.get());
ASSERT_EQ(pool.GetIndex(cache), 2); // match 6:[-1,2,5]
auto v3 = block_desc->Var("13");
v3->SetShape({2, 5});
std::unique_ptr<ir::Node> node1 = ir::CreateNodeForTest(v3);
auto* cache = pool.NodeMatch(node1.get());
ASSERT_EQ(pool.GetIndex(cache), 5); // match 4:[5,2]
} // namespace details
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle
...@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ limitations under the License. */ ...@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include <tuple> #include <tuple>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/grad_op_desc_maker.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/grad_op_desc_maker.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/inplace_op_inference.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_info.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_info.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_proto_maker.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_proto_maker.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/operator.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/operator.h"
...@@ -32,7 +33,8 @@ enum OpInfoFillType { ...@@ -32,7 +33,8 @@ enum OpInfoFillType {
kOpProtoAndCheckerMaker = 1, kOpProtoAndCheckerMaker = 1,
kGradOpDescMaker = 2, kGradOpDescMaker = 2,
kVarTypeInference = 3, kVarTypeInference = 3,
kShapeInference = 4 kShapeInference = 4,
kInplaceOpInference = 5
}; };
template <typename T> template <typename T>
...@@ -48,8 +50,11 @@ struct OpInfoFillTypeID { ...@@ -48,8 +50,11 @@ struct OpInfoFillTypeID {
? kVarTypeInference ? kVarTypeInference
: (std::is_base_of<InferShapeBase, T>::value : (std::is_base_of<InferShapeBase, T>::value
? kShapeInference ? kShapeInference
: static_cast<OpInfoFillType>( : (std::is_base_of<
-1))))); InplaceOpInference, T>::value
? kInplaceOpInference
: static_cast<OpInfoFillType>(
} }
}; };
...@@ -139,6 +144,16 @@ struct OpInfoFiller<T, kShapeInference> { ...@@ -139,6 +144,16 @@ struct OpInfoFiller<T, kShapeInference> {
} }
}; };
template <typename T>
struct OpInfoFiller<T, kInplaceOpInference> {
void operator()(const char* op_type, OpInfo* info) const {
info->infer_inplace_ = [](const OpDesc& op_desc, BlockDesc* block) {
T infer;
return infer(op_desc, block);
} // namespace details } // namespace details
} // namespace framework } // namespace framework
...@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ FeedFetchList ParallelSSAGraphExecutor::Run( ...@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ FeedFetchList ParallelSSAGraphExecutor::Run(
if (pool_) { if (pool_) {
run_futures.emplace_back(pool_->enqueue(std::move(call))); run_futures.emplace_back(pool_->enqueue(std::move(call)));
} else { } else {
fetch_data.emplace_back(std::move(call())); fetch_data.emplace_back(call());
} }
} }
...@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ FeedFetchList ParallelSSAGraphExecutor::Run( ...@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ FeedFetchList ParallelSSAGraphExecutor::Run(
if (exception_holder_.IsCaught()) { if (exception_holder_.IsCaught()) {
f.wait(); f.wait();
} else { } else {
fetch_data.emplace_back(std::move(f.get())); fetch_data.emplace_back(f.get());
} }
} }
} }
...@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ ...@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <unordered_map> #include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set> #include <unordered_set>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/memory_optimize_helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_proto_maker.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_proto_maker.h"
namespace paddle { namespace paddle {
...@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ namespace paddle { ...@@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ namespace paddle {
namespace framework { namespace framework {
namespace details { namespace details {
constexpr char kAllOpDescs[] = "all_op_descs";
class SequentialExecutionPass : public ir::Pass { class SequentialExecutionPass : public ir::Pass {
protected: protected:
std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> ApplyImpl( std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> ApplyImpl(
...@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ LoDTensor& GetFetchVariable(const Scope& scope, const std::string& var_name, ...@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ LoDTensor& GetFetchVariable(const Scope& scope, const std::string& var_name,
// Since we want to fetch LodTensor from a variable, the variable must // Since we want to fetch LodTensor from a variable, the variable must
// be created alreadly. // be created alreadly.
Variable* g_fetch_value = scope.FindVar(var_name); Variable* g_fetch_value = scope.FindVar(var_name);
PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(g_fetch_value, "%s is not found.", var_name);
PADDLE_ENFORCE(g_fetch_value->IsType<FeedFetchList>(), PADDLE_ENFORCE(g_fetch_value->IsType<FeedFetchList>(),
"Only %s can be invoked by GetFetchVariable", "Only %s can be invoked by GetFetchVariable",
typeid(FeedFetchList).name()); typeid(FeedFetchList).name());
// Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/block_desc.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/details/memory_optimize_helper.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_desc.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/type_defs.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
Inplace Inference for create In->Out pairs for inplaced operator.
If we specify a pair of corresponding names. For example, X->Out.
then Out will inplaced use X's memory. The base class will do
legality validation for both variables.
class InplaceOpInference {
virtual ~InplaceOpInference() {}
virtual std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> operator()(
const OpDesc& op_desc, BlockDesc* block) const = 0;
class InplaceInToOut : public InplaceOpInference {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> operator()(
const OpDesc& op_desc, BlockDesc* block) const {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> ret;
auto in_out_var_names_pair = this->Apply(op_desc, block);
for (auto& pair : in_out_var_names_pair) {
string::Sprintf("op %s do not have input of %s!",
op_desc.Type(), pair.first));
string::Sprintf("op %s do not have output of %s!",
op_desc.Type(), pair.second));
auto& in_name = op_desc.Input(pair.first).at(0);
auto& out_name = op_desc.Output(pair.second).at(0);
auto in = block->FindRecursiveOrCreateVar(in_name);
auto out = block->FindRecursiveOrCreateVar(out_name);
if (TryInplaceInputOutput(in, out)) ret.insert({in_name, out_name});
return ret;
virtual std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> Apply(
const OpDesc& op_desc, BlockDesc* block) const = 0;
bool TryInplaceInputOutput(const VarDesc& in, const VarDesc& out) const {
return in.Name() != out.Name() && details::NodeCanReused(in) &&
details::NodeCanReused(out) &&
details::NodeSize(out) <= details::NodeSize(in);
Inplace In and Out for operator only have an Input and an Output.
For example, activation op.
class SingleOpInplaceInToOut : public InplaceInToOut {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> Apply(
const OpDesc& op_desc, BlockDesc* block) const override {
"Op inputs must not be empty");
"Op outputs must not be empty");
auto x_name = op_desc.InputNames().at(0);
auto out_name = op_desc.OutputNames().at(0);
return std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>{{x_name, out_name}};
Gradient op. Inplace output use it's Input.
For example, Input@Grad->Input reuse strategy.
class GradOpInplaceInToOut : public InplaceInToOut {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> Apply(
const OpDesc& op_desc, BlockDesc* block) const override {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> ret;
std::unordered_set<std::string> output_names(op_desc.OutputNames().begin(),
for (auto& input_name : op_desc.InputNames()) {
if (output_names.count(GradVarName(input_name))) {
ret.insert({input_name, GradVarName(input_name)});
return ret;
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle
/* Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_info.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/op_registry.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/operator.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/program_desc.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/var_type_inference.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
class NOP : public OperatorBase {
NOP(const std::string& type, const VariableNameMap& inputs,
const VariableNameMap& outputs, const AttributeMap& attrs)
: OperatorBase(type, inputs, outputs, attrs) {}
void RunImpl(const Scope& scope,
const platform::Place& place) const override {}
class SingleOpMaker : public OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
void Make() {
AddInput("X", "").AsDuplicable();
AddOutput("Out", "");
class SingleGradOpMaker : public framework::SingleGradOpDescMaker {
using framework::SingleGradOpDescMaker::SingleGradOpDescMaker;
std::unique_ptr<framework::OpDesc> Apply() const override {
auto* op = new framework::OpDesc();
op->SetInput("Out", OutputGrad("Out"));
op->SetOutput(framework::GradVarName("X"), InputGrad("X"));
return std::unique_ptr<OpDesc>(op);
class SingleOpShapeInference : public framework::InferShapeBase {
void operator()(framework::InferShapeContext* ctx) const override {
ctx->SetOutputDim("Out", ctx->GetInputDim("X"));
class SingleGradOpShapeInference : public framework::InferShapeBase {
void operator()(framework::InferShapeContext* ctx) const override {
ctx->SetOutputDim(framework::GradVarName("X"), ctx->GetInputDim("Out"));
class MultiOutOpMaker : public OpProtoAndCheckerMaker {
void Make() {
AddInput("X", "").AsDuplicable();
AddInput("Y", "").AsDuplicable();
AddInput("Z", "").AsDuplicable();
AddOutput("Out", "");
AddOutput("YOut", "");
AddOutput("ZOut", "");
AddOutput("NotReuseOut", "");
class MultiOutShapeInference : public framework::InferShapeBase {
void operator()(framework::InferShapeContext* ctx) const override {
ctx->ShareDim("X", "Out");
ctx->ShareDim("Y", "YOut");
ctx->ShareDim("Z", "ZOut");
class MultiGradOpMaker : public framework::SingleGradOpDescMaker {
using framework::SingleGradOpDescMaker::SingleGradOpDescMaker;
std::unique_ptr<framework::OpDesc> Apply() const override {
auto* op = new framework::OpDesc();
op->SetInput("X", Input("X"));
op->SetOutput(framework::GradVarName("Y"), OutputGrad("YOut"));
op->SetOutput(framework::GradVarName("X"), OutputGrad("Out"));
op->SetOutput(framework::GradVarName("Z"), OutputGrad("ZOut"));
return std::unique_ptr<framework::OpDesc>(op);
class MultiOutGradShapeInference : public framework::InferShapeBase {
void operator()(framework::InferShapeContext* ctx) const override {
class MultiOutInplaceInToOut : public framework::InplaceInToOut {
using framework::InplaceInToOut::InplaceInToOut;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> Apply(
const OpDesc& op_desc, BlockDesc* block) const override {
return std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>{
{"X", "Out"}, {"Y", "YOut"}, {"Z", "ZOut"},
class MultiOutGradInplaceInToOut : public framework::InplaceInToOut {
using framework::InplaceInToOut::InplaceInToOut;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> Apply(
const OpDesc& op_desc, BlockDesc* block) const override {
return std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>{
{framework::GradVarName("YOut"), framework::GradVarName("Y")},
{framework::GradVarName("Out"), framework::GradVarName("X")},
{framework::GradVarName("ZOut"), framework::GradVarName("Z")},
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle
namespace f = paddle::framework;
REGISTER_OPERATOR(single_op, f::NOP, f::SingleOpMaker, f::SingleGradOpMaker,
f::SingleOpInplaceInToOut, f::SingleOpShapeInference);
REGISTER_OPERATOR(single_op_grad, f::NOP, f::SingleOpInplaceInToOut,
REGISTER_OPERATOR(multi_out_op, f::NOP, f::MultiOutOpMaker, f::MultiGradOpMaker,
f::MultiOutInplaceInToOut, f::MultiOutShapeInference);
REGISTER_OPERATOR(multi_out_grad, f::NOP, f::MultiOutGradInplaceInToOut,
namespace paddle {
namespace framework {
TEST(InferInplace, SingleOpInplaceInToOut) {
ProgramDesc prog;
auto* op = prog.MutableBlock(0)->AppendOp();
op->SetInput("X", {"test2_a", "test2_b", "test2_c"});
op->SetOutput("Out", {"test2_out"});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("test2_a")->SetShape({32, 64});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("test2_out")->SetShape({32, 16});
auto& infer_inplace = OpInfoMap::Instance().Get(op->Type()).infer_inplace_;
auto in_to_outs = infer_inplace(*op, op->Block());
EXPECT_EQ(in_to_outs.size(), 1ul);
auto it = in_to_outs.begin();
EXPECT_EQ(it->first, "test2_a");
EXPECT_EQ(it->second, "test2_out");
TEST(InferInplace, SingleGradOpInplaceInToOut) {
ProgramDesc prog;
auto* op = prog.MutableBlock(0)->AppendOp();
op->SetInput(GradVarName("Out"), {"test2_out"});
op->SetOutput(GradVarName("X"), {"test2_a", "test2_b", "test2_c"});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("test2_a")->SetShape({32, 16});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("test2_out")->SetShape({32, 16});
auto& infer_inplace = OpInfoMap::Instance().Get(op->Type()).infer_inplace_;
auto in_to_outs = infer_inplace(*op, op->Block());
EXPECT_EQ(in_to_outs.size(), 1ul);
auto it = in_to_outs.begin();
EXPECT_EQ(it->first, "test2_out");
EXPECT_EQ(it->second, "test2_a");
TEST(InferInplace, MultiOutInplaceInToOut) {
ProgramDesc prog;
auto* op = prog.MutableBlock(0)->AppendOp();
op->SetInput("X", {"a0", "a1"});
op->SetInput("Y", {"b0"});
op->SetInput("Z", {"c0", "c1"});
op->SetOutput("Out", {"o0"});
op->SetOutput("YOut", {"y0"});
op->SetOutput("ZOut", {"z0"});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("a0")->SetShape({32, 16});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("b0")->SetShape({32, 16});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("c0")->SetShape({32, 16});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("o0")->SetShape({32, 16});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("y0")->SetShape({32, 16});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("z0")->SetShape({32, 16});
auto& infer_inplace = OpInfoMap::Instance().Get(op->Type()).infer_inplace_;
auto in_to_outs = infer_inplace(*op, op->Block());
EXPECT_EQ(in_to_outs.size(), 3ul);
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> expects = {
{"a0", "o0"}, {"b0", "y0"}, {"c0", "z0"},
EXPECT_TRUE(expects == in_to_outs);
TEST(InferInplace, MultiGradInplaceInToOut) {
ProgramDesc prog;
auto* op = prog.MutableBlock(0)->AppendOp();
op->SetInput(GradVarName("Out"), {"o0"});
op->SetInput(GradVarName("YOut"), {"y0"});
op->SetInput(GradVarName("ZOut"), {"z0"});
op->SetOutput(GradVarName("X"), {"a0", "a1"});
op->SetOutput(GradVarName("Y"), {"b0"});
op->SetOutput(GradVarName("Z"), {"c0", "c1"});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("a0")->SetShape({32, 16});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("b0")->SetShape({32, 16});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("c0")->SetShape({32, 16});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("o0")->SetShape({32, 16});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("y0")->SetShape({32, 16});
prog.MutableBlock(0)->Var("z0")->SetShape({32, 16});
auto& infer_inplace = OpInfoMap::Instance().Get(op->Type()).infer_inplace_;
auto in_to_outs = infer_inplace(*op, op->Block());
EXPECT_EQ(in_to_outs.size(), 3ul);
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> expects = {
{"o0", "a0"}, {"y0", "b0"}, {"z0", "c0"},
EXPECT_TRUE(expects == in_to_outs);
} // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle
...@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ std::map<std::string, std::vector<ir::Node *>> Graph::InitFromProgram( ...@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ std::map<std::string, std::vector<ir::Node *>> Graph::InitFromProgram(
var->inputs.push_back(node); var->inputs.push_back(node);
} }
} }
return std::move(var_nodes); return var_nodes;
} }
void Graph::ResolveHazard( void Graph::ResolveHazard(
...@@ -141,7 +141,8 @@ class Graph { ...@@ -141,7 +141,8 @@ class Graph {
ir::Node *CreateControlDepVar() { ir::Node *CreateControlDepVar() {
// TODO(panyx0718): control var name should be really unique. // TODO(panyx0718): control var name should be really unique.
const std::string name = string::Sprintf( const std::string name = string::Sprintf(
"%s@%llu", ir::Node::kControlDepVarName, node_set_.size()); "%s@%llu", static_cast<const char *>(ir::Node::kControlDepVarName),
auto *x = AddNode(new ir::Node(name, ir::Node::Type::kVariable)); auto *x = AddNode(new ir::Node(name, ir::Node::Type::kVariable));
x->SetId(num_node_created_++); x->SetId(num_node_created_++);
return x; return x;
...@@ -52,16 +52,29 @@ bool HasCircleHelper( ...@@ -52,16 +52,29 @@ bool HasCircleHelper(
ir::Node *node, ir::Node *node,
const std::map<ir::Node *, std::unordered_set<ir::Node *>> &adj_list, const std::map<ir::Node *, std::unordered_set<ir::Node *>> &adj_list,
std::unordered_set<ir::Node *> *visited, std::unordered_set<ir::Node *> *visited,
std::unordered_set<ir::Node *> *in_trace) { std::unordered_set<ir::Node *> *in_trace,
std::vector<std::vector<ir::Node *>> *circles) {
if (visited->find(node) == visited->end()) { if (visited->find(node) == visited->end()) {
visited->insert(node); visited->insert(node);
in_trace->insert(node); in_trace->insert(node);
for (ir::Node *in : adj_list.at(node)) { for (ir::Node *in : adj_list.at(node)) {
if (visited->find(in) == visited->end() && if (visited->find(in) == visited->end() &&
HasCircleHelper(in, adj_list, visited, in_trace)) { HasCircleHelper(in, adj_list, visited, in_trace, circles)) {
return true; return true;
} else if (in_trace->find(in) != in_trace->end()) { } else if (in_trace->find(in) != in_trace->end()) {
if (circles != nullptr) {
std::vector<ir::Node *> circle;
ir::Node *p = in;
for (auto &adj : adj_list.at(p)) {
if (in_trace->count(adj)) {
p = adj;
return true; return true;
} }
} }
...@@ -71,11 +84,12 @@ bool HasCircleHelper( ...@@ -71,11 +84,12 @@ bool HasCircleHelper(
} }
bool HasCircleInternal( bool HasCircleInternal(
const std::map<ir::Node *, std::unordered_set<ir::Node *>> &adj_list) { const std::map<ir::Node *, std::unordered_set<ir::Node *>> &adj_list,
std::vector<std::vector<ir::Node *>> *circles) {
std::unordered_set<ir::Node *> visited; std::unordered_set<ir::Node *> visited;
std::unordered_set<ir::Node *> in_trace; std::unordered_set<ir::Node *> in_trace;
for (auto &adj : adj_list) { for (auto &adj : adj_list) {
if (HasCircleHelper(adj.first, adj_list, &visited, &in_trace)) { if (HasCircleHelper(adj.first, adj_list, &visited, &in_trace, circles)) {
return true; return true;
} }
} }
...@@ -84,13 +98,18 @@ bool HasCircleInternal( ...@@ -84,13 +98,18 @@ bool HasCircleInternal(
} // namespace } // namespace
bool HasCircle(const Graph &graph) { bool HasCircle(const Graph &graph) {
return HasCircleInternal(BuildOperationAdjList(graph)); return HasCircleInternal(BuildOperationAdjList(graph), nullptr);
bool FindCircleSubGraph(const Graph &graph,
std::vector<std::vector<ir::Node *>> *circles) {
return HasCircleInternal(BuildOperationAdjList(graph), circles);
} }
std::vector<ir::Node *> TopologySortOperations(const Graph &graph) { std::vector<ir::Node *> TopologySortOperations(const Graph &graph) {
std::map<ir::Node *, std::unordered_set<ir::Node *>> adj_list = std::map<ir::Node *, std::unordered_set<ir::Node *>> adj_list =
BuildOperationAdjList(graph); BuildOperationAdjList(graph);
PADDLE_ENFORCE(!HasCircleInternal(adj_list)); PADDLE_ENFORCE(!HasCircleInternal(adj_list, nullptr));
std::unordered_set<ir::Node *> visited; std::unordered_set<ir::Node *> visited;
std::vector<ir::Node *> ret; std::vector<ir::Node *> ret;
for (auto adj : adj_list) { for (auto adj : adj_list) {
...@@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ namespace ir { ...@@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ namespace ir {
// Test if the graph contains circle. // Test if the graph contains circle.
bool HasCircle(const Graph &graph); bool HasCircle(const Graph &graph);
// Find All Circles for debugging,
// store all subgraph in circles.
bool FindCircleSubGraph(const Graph &graph,
std::vector<std::vector<ir::Node *>> *circles);
size_t GraphNum(const Graph &graph); size_t GraphNum(const Graph &graph);
// Topology Sort the operations in the graph from inputs to outputs. // Topology Sort the operations in the graph from inputs to outputs.
...@@ -195,6 +195,17 @@ void BuildTwoGraphs(Graph* g) { ...@@ -195,6 +195,17 @@ void BuildTwoGraphs(Graph* g) {
// v4->outputs.push_back(o5); // v4->outputs.push_back(o5);
} }
TEST(GraphHelperTest, Circles) {
ProgramDesc prog;
Graph g(prog);
std::vector<std::vector<ir::Node*>> circles;
ASSERT_TRUE(FindCircleSubGraph(g, &circles));
ASSERT_EQ(circles.size(), 1UL);
TEST(GraphHelperTest, GraphNum) { TEST(GraphHelperTest, GraphNum) {
ProgramDesc prog; ProgramDesc prog;
...@@ -117,11 +117,6 @@ bool GraphPatternDetector::MarkPDNodesInGraph(const ir::Graph &graph) { ...@@ -117,11 +117,6 @@ bool GraphPatternDetector::MarkPDNodesInGraph(const ir::Graph &graph) {
// return false; // return false;
} }
} }
for (auto &item : pdnodes2nodes_) {
for (auto &n : item.second) {
GetMarkedNodes(const_cast<Graph *>(&graph)).insert(n);
VLOG(3) << pdnodes2nodes_.size() << " nodes marked"; VLOG(3) << pdnodes2nodes_.size() << " nodes marked";
return !pdnodes2nodes_.empty(); return !pdnodes2nodes_.empty();
...@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ class InferCleanGraphPass : public FusePassBase { ...@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ class InferCleanGraphPass : public FusePassBase {
std::unordered_set<const Node*> invalid_nodes; std::unordered_set<const Node*> invalid_nodes;
int valid_op = 0; int valid_op = 0;
for (auto* node : graph->Nodes()) { for (auto* node : graph->Nodes()) {
if (is_valid_node(node)) { if (is_valid_node(node)) {
invalid_nodes.insert(node); invalid_nodes.insert(node);
} else if (node->IsOp()) { } else if (node->IsOp()) {
...@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ ProgramDesc BuildProgramDesc(int num_inputs_of_concat) { ...@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ ProgramDesc BuildProgramDesc(int num_inputs_of_concat) {
}; };
std::vector<std::string> concat_inputs; std::vector<std::string> concat_inputs;
for (int i = 0; i < num_inputs_of_concat; ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < num_inputs_of_concat; ++i) {
std::string prefix = "seqpool_op_" + i; std::string prefix = "seqpool_op_" + std::to_string(i);
new_var(prefix + "in"); new_var(prefix + "in");
new_var(prefix + "out"); new_var(prefix + "out");
new_var(prefix + "out_unused"); new_var(prefix + "out_unused");
...@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ struct OpInfo { ...@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ struct OpInfo {
OpAttrChecker* checker_{nullptr}; OpAttrChecker* checker_{nullptr};
InferVarTypeFN infer_var_type_; InferVarTypeFN infer_var_type_;
InferShapeFN infer_shape_; InferShapeFN infer_shape_;
InferInplaceOpFN infer_inplace_;
bool HasOpProtoAndChecker() const { bool HasOpProtoAndChecker() const {
return proto_ != nullptr && checker_ != nullptr; return proto_ != nullptr && checker_ != nullptr;
...@@ -188,14 +188,14 @@ void OperatorBase::Run(const Scope& scope, const platform::Place& place) { ...@@ -188,14 +188,14 @@ void OperatorBase::Run(const Scope& scope, const platform::Place& place) {
VLOG(3) << place << " " << DebugStringEx(&scope); VLOG(3) << place << " " << DebugStringEx(&scope);
} catch (platform::EnforceNotMet exception) { } catch (platform::EnforceNotMet exception) {
if (Attrs().count("sub_block") != 0) { if (Attrs().count("sub_block") != 0) {
throw exception; throw;
} }
auto& callstack = Attr<std::vector<std::string>>( auto& callstack = Attr<std::vector<std::string>>(
OpProtoAndCheckerMaker::OpCreationCallstackAttrName()); OpProtoAndCheckerMaker::OpCreationCallstackAttrName());
if (callstack.empty()) { if (callstack.empty()) {
throw exception; throw;
} }
std::ostringstream sout; std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "Invoke operator " << Type() << " error.\n"; sout << "Invoke operator " << Type() << " error.\n";
...@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ void OperatorBase::Run(const Scope& scope, const platform::Place& place) { ...@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ void OperatorBase::Run(const Scope& scope, const platform::Place& place) {
sout << "C++ Callstacks: \n"; sout << "C++ Callstacks: \n";
sout << exception.err_str_; sout << exception.err_str_;
exception.err_str_ = sout.str(); exception.err_str_ = sout.str();
throw exception; throw;
} catch (...) { } catch (...) {
std::rethrow_exception(std::current_exception()); std::rethrow_exception(std::current_exception());
} }
...@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ class RuntimeInferShapeContext : public InferShapeContext { ...@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ class RuntimeInferShapeContext : public InferShapeContext {
public: public:
RuntimeInferShapeContext(const OperatorBase& op, const Scope& scope, RuntimeInferShapeContext(const OperatorBase& op, const Scope& scope,
const RuntimeContext& ctx) const RuntimeContext& ctx)
: op_(op), scope_(scope), ctx_(ctx) {} : op_(op), ctx_(ctx) {}
bool HasInput(const std::string& name) const override { bool HasInput(const std::string& name) const override {
// has only one input // has only one input
...@@ -881,7 +881,6 @@ class RuntimeInferShapeContext : public InferShapeContext { ...@@ -881,7 +881,6 @@ class RuntimeInferShapeContext : public InferShapeContext {
} }
const OperatorBase& op_; const OperatorBase& op_;
const Scope& scope_;
const RuntimeContext& ctx_; const RuntimeContext& ctx_;
}; };
...@@ -990,11 +989,14 @@ void OperatorWithKernel::TransferInplaceVarsBack( ...@@ -990,11 +989,14 @@ void OperatorWithKernel::TransferInplaceVarsBack(
const Scope& transfer_scope) const { const Scope& transfer_scope) const {
for (auto& var_name : inplace_vars) { for (auto& var_name : inplace_vars) {
VLOG(3) << "share inplace var " + var_name + " back to it's original scope"; VLOG(3) << "share inplace var " + var_name + " back to it's original scope";
auto* origin_var = scope.FindVar(var_name);
PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(origin_var, "The var[%s] should not be nullptr.",
auto* original_tensor = auto* original_tensor =
GetMutableLoDTensorOrSelectedRowsValueFromVar(scope.FindVar(var_name)); GetMutableLoDTensorOrSelectedRowsValueFromVar(origin_var);
auto* var = transfer_scope.FindVar(var_name); auto* var = transfer_scope.FindVar(var_name);
PADDLE_ENFORCE(var != nullptr, "The var[%s] should not be nullptr", PADDLE_ENFORCE_NOT_NULL(var, "The var[%s] should not be nullptr.",
var_name); var_name);
auto* transformed_tensor = GetLoDTensorOrSelectedRowsValueFromVar(*var); auto* transformed_tensor = GetLoDTensorOrSelectedRowsValueFromVar(*var);
original_tensor->ShareDataWith(*transformed_tensor); original_tensor->ShareDataWith(*transformed_tensor);
} }
...@@ -222,12 +222,7 @@ class ExecutionContext { ...@@ -222,12 +222,7 @@ class ExecutionContext {
if (it == ctx_.inputs.end()) { if (it == ctx_.inputs.end()) {
return {}; return {};
} }
std::vector<const Variable*> res; return {it->second.begin(), it->second.end()};
std::transform(it->second.begin(), it->second.end(),
[this](Variable* var) { return var; });
return res;
} }
std::vector<Variable*> MultiOutputVar(const std::string& name) const { std::vector<Variable*> MultiOutputVar(const std::string& name) const {
...@@ -172,14 +172,6 @@ std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> ParallelExecutorPrivate::PrepareGCAndRefCnts( ...@@ -172,14 +172,6 @@ std::unique_ptr<ir::Graph> ParallelExecutorPrivate::PrepareGCAndRefCnts(
eager_deletion_pass->SetNotOwned(details::kAllPlaces, &places_); eager_deletion_pass->SetNotOwned(details::kAllPlaces, &places_);
graph = eager_deletion_pass->Apply(std::move(graph)); graph = eager_deletion_pass->Apply(std::move(graph));
VLOG(10) << "EagerDeletionPass Applied"; VLOG(10) << "EagerDeletionPass Applied";
if (build_strategy_.memory_early_delete_) {
auto early_delete_pass =
early_delete_pass->SetNotOwned(details::kGarbageCollector, &gcs_);
graph = early_delete_pass->Apply(std::move(graph));
VLOG(10) << "MemoryEarlyDeletePass Applied.";
} }
return graph; return graph;
...@@ -277,6 +269,8 @@ ParallelExecutor::ParallelExecutor( ...@@ -277,6 +269,8 @@ ParallelExecutor::ParallelExecutor(
member_->use_cuda_); member_->use_cuda_);
#endif #endif
auto max_memory_size = GetEagerDeletionThreshold(); auto max_memory_size = GetEagerDeletionThreshold();
VLOG(10) << "Eager Deletion Threshold "
<< static_cast<float>(max_memory_size) / (1 << 30);
if (max_memory_size >= 0) { if (max_memory_size >= 0) {
graph = member_->PrepareGCAndRefCnts(std::move(graph), graph = member_->PrepareGCAndRefCnts(std::move(graph),
static_cast<size_t>(max_memory_size)); static_cast<size_t>(max_memory_size));
...@@ -503,6 +497,5 @@ ParallelExecutor::~ParallelExecutor() { ...@@ -503,6 +497,5 @@ ParallelExecutor::~ParallelExecutor() {
} // namespace framework } // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle } // namespace paddle
USE_PASS(reference_count_pass); USE_PASS(reference_count_pass);
USE_PASS(eager_deletion_pass); USE_PASS(eager_deletion_pass);
...@@ -57,5 +57,8 @@ using InferVarTypeFN = ...@@ -57,5 +57,8 @@ using InferVarTypeFN =
using InferShapeFN = std::function<void(InferShapeContext*)>; using InferShapeFN = std::function<void(InferShapeContext*)>;
using InplacePair = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>;
using InferInplaceOpFN = std::function<InplacePair(const OpDesc&, BlockDesc*)>;
} // namespace framework } // namespace framework
} // namespace paddle } // namespace paddle
cc_library(layer SRCS layer.cc DEPS proto_desc operator device_context blas) cc_library(layer SRCS layer.cc DEPS proto_desc operator device_context blas pybind)
cc_library(tracer SRCS tracer.cc DEPS proto_desc device_context) cc_library(tracer SRCS tracer.cc DEPS proto_desc device_context pybind)
cc_library(engine SRCS engine.cc) cc_library(engine SRCS engine.cc)
endif() endif()
...@@ -58,12 +58,13 @@ if(WIN32) ...@@ -58,12 +58,13 @@ if(WIN32)
sep_library(paddle_fluid_shared SHARED SRCS ${SHARED_INFERENCE_SRCS} sep_library(paddle_fluid_shared SHARED SRCS ${SHARED_INFERENCE_SRCS}
DEPS ${fluid_modules} paddle_fluid_api reset_tensor_array DEPS ${fluid_modules} paddle_fluid_api reset_tensor_array
analysis_config paddle_pass_builder) analysis_config paddle_pass_builder)
target_link_libraries(paddle_fluid_shared shlwapi)
else(WIN32) else(WIN32)
cc_library(paddle_fluid_shared SHARED SRCS ${SHARED_INFERENCE_SRCS} cc_library(paddle_fluid_shared SHARED SRCS ${SHARED_INFERENCE_SRCS}
DEPS ${fluid_modules} paddle_fluid_api reset_tensor_array DEPS ${fluid_modules} paddle_fluid_api reset_tensor_array
analysis_config paddle_pass_builder) analysis_config paddle_pass_builder)
endif() endif()
get_property(os_dependency_modules GLOBAL PROPERTY OS_DEPENDENCY_MODULES)
target_link_libraries(paddle_fluid_shared ${os_dependency_modules})
set_target_properties(paddle_fluid_shared PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME paddle_fluid) set_target_properties(paddle_fluid_shared PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME paddle_fluid)
...@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<Graph> IRPassManager::Apply(std::unique_ptr<Graph> graph) { ...@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<Graph> IRPassManager::Apply(std::unique_ptr<Graph> graph) {
} }
graph = pass->Apply(std::move(graph)); graph = pass->Apply(std::move(graph));
} }
return std::move(graph); return graph;
} }
framework::proto::ProgramDesc IRPassManager::AcquireProgram( framework::proto::ProgramDesc IRPassManager::AcquireProgram(
cc_library(subgraph_detector SRCS subgraph_detector.cc DEPS proto_desc) cc_library(subgraph_detector SRCS subgraph_detector.cc DEPS proto_desc)
add_dependencies(subgraph_detector gtest)
cc_library(tensorrt_subgraph_pass SRCS tensorrt_subgraph_pass.cc DEPS subgraph_detector tensorrt_op_teller) cc_library(tensorrt_subgraph_pass SRCS tensorrt_subgraph_pass.cc DEPS subgraph_detector tensorrt_op_teller)
...@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ ...@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include <limits> #include <limits>
#include <map> #include <map>
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility> #include <utility>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_helper.h" #include "paddle/fluid/framework/ir/graph_helper.h"
...@@ -168,7 +169,11 @@ bool FindSuitableTensorToReuse( ...@@ -168,7 +169,11 @@ bool FindSuitableTensorToReuse(
if (!cluster->count(candidate)) continue; if (!cluster->count(candidate)) continue;
size_t space = space_table.at(candidate); size_t space = space_table.at(candidate);
size_t space_diff = std::abs<size_t>(space - space_required); PADDLE_ENFORCE(
space <= std::numeric_limits<std::make_signed<size_t>::type>::max(),
"space overload");
size_t space_diff =
std::abs((std::make_signed<size_t>::type)space - space_required);
if (space_diff < best_fit.second) { if (space_diff < best_fit.second) {
best_fit.first = candidate; best_fit.first = candidate;
best_fit.second = space_diff; best_fit.second = space_diff;
...@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ cc_test(test_analysis_predictor SRCS analysis_predictor_tester.cc DEPS analysis_ ...@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ cc_test(test_analysis_predictor SRCS analysis_predictor_tester.cc DEPS analysis_
if (WITH_ANAKIN AND WITH_MKL) # only needed in CI if (WITH_ANAKIN AND WITH_MKL) # only needed in CI
# compile the libinference_anakin_api.a and anakin.so. # compile the libinference_anakin_api.a and anakin.so.
cc_library(inference_anakin_api SRCS api.cc api_anakin_engine.cc DEPS anakin_shared anakin_saber mklml zero_copy_tensor_dummy) cc_library(inference_anakin_api SRCS api.cc api_anakin_engine.cc DEPS anakin_shared anakin_saber mklml zero_copy_tensor_dummy device_context)
cc_library(inference_anakin_api_shared SHARED SRCS api.cc api_anakin_engine.cc DEPS anakin_shared anakin_saber zero_copy_tensor_dummy) cc_library(inference_anakin_api_shared SHARED SRCS api.cc api_anakin_engine.cc DEPS anakin_shared anakin_saber zero_copy_tensor_dummy device_context)
function(anakin_target target_name) function(anakin_target target_name)
target_compile_options(${target_name} BEFORE PUBLIC ${ANAKIN_COMPILE_EXTRA_FLAGS}) target_compile_options(${target_name} BEFORE PUBLIC ${ANAKIN_COMPILE_EXTRA_FLAGS})
endfunction() endfunction()
...@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<PaddlePredictor> CreatePaddlePredictor< ...@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<PaddlePredictor> CreatePaddlePredictor<
if (!dynamic_cast<AnalysisPredictor *>(predictor.get())->Init(nullptr)) { if (!dynamic_cast<AnalysisPredictor *>(predictor.get())->Init(nullptr)) {
return nullptr; return nullptr;
} }
return std::move(predictor); return predictor;
} }
void AnalysisPredictor::PrepareFeedFetch() { void AnalysisPredictor::PrepareFeedFetch() {
...@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ ...@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@
/*! \file paddle_api.h /*! \file paddle_api.h
*/ */
/*! \mainpage Paddle Inference APIs
* \section intro_sec Introduction
* The Paddle inference library aims to offer an high performance inference SDK
* for Paddle users.
#include <cassert> #include <cassert>
#include <memory> #include <memory>
#include <string> #include <string>
...@@ -34,26 +40,49 @@ enum PaddleDType { ...@@ -34,26 +40,49 @@ enum PaddleDType {
}; };
/** /**
*\brief Memory menager for PaddleTensor. * \brief Memory manager for `PaddleTensor`.
* *
*The PaddleBuf holds a buffer for data input or output. The memory can be * The PaddleBuf holds a buffer for data input or output. The memory can be
*allocated by user or by PaddleBuf itself, but in any case, the PaddleBuf * allocated by user or by PaddleBuf itself, but in any case, the PaddleBuf
*should be reused for better performance. * should be reused for better performance.
* *
*For user allocated memory, the following API can be used: * For user allocated memory, the following API can be used:
*- PaddleBuf(void* data, size_t length) to set an external memory by * - PaddleBuf(void* data, size_t length) to set an external memory by
*specifying * specifying the memory address and length.
* the memory address and length. * - Reset(void* data, size_t length) to reset the PaddleBuf with an external
*- Reset(void* data, size_t length) to reset the PaddleBuf with an external
*memory. *memory.
*ATTENTION, for user allocated memory, deallocation should be done by users * ATTENTION, for user allocated memory, deallocation should be done by users
*externally after the program finished. The PaddleBuf won't do any allocation *externally after the program finished. The PaddleBuf won't do any allocation
*or deallocation. *or deallocation.
* *
*To have the PaddleBuf allocate and manage the memory: * To have the PaddleBuf allocate and manage the memory:
*- PaddleBuf(size_t length) will allocate a memory of size `length`. * - PaddleBuf(size_t length) will allocate a memory of size `length`.
*- Resize(size_t length) resize the memory to no less than `length`, ATTENTION * - Resize(size_t length) resize the memory to no less than `length`, ATTENTION
* if the allocated memory is larger than `length`, nothing will done. * if the allocated memory is larger than `length`, nothing will done.
* Usage:
* Let PaddleBuf manage the memory internally.
* \code{cpp}
* const int num_elements = 128;
* PaddleBuf buf(num_elements * sizeof(float));
* \endcode
* Or
* \code{cpp}
* PaddleBuf buf;
* buf.Resize(num_elements * sizeof(float));
* \endcode
* Works the exactly the same.
* One can also make the `PaddleBuf` use the external memory.
* \code{cpp}
* PaddleBuf buf;
* void* external_memory = new float[num_elements];
* buf.Reset(external_memory, num_elements*sizeof(float));
* ...
* delete[] external_memory; // manage the memory lifetime outside.
* \endcode
*/ */
class PaddleBuf { class PaddleBuf {
public: public:
...@@ -78,7 +107,7 @@ class PaddleBuf { ...@@ -78,7 +107,7 @@ class PaddleBuf {
/** Tell whether the buffer is empty. /** Tell whether the buffer is empty.
*/ */
bool empty() const { return length_ == 0; } bool empty() const { return length_ == 0; }
/** Get the memory address. /** Get the data's memory address.
*/ */
void* data() const { return data_; } void* data() const { return data_; }
/** Get the memory length. /** Get the memory length.
...@@ -110,7 +139,8 @@ struct PaddleTensor { ...@@ -110,7 +139,8 @@ struct PaddleTensor {
}; };
enum class PaddlePlace { kUNK = -1, kCPU, kGPU }; enum class PaddlePlace { kUNK = -1, kCPU, kGPU };
/** Tensor without copy, currently only supports AnalysisPredictor.
/** Tensor without copy, currently only supports `AnalysisPredictor`.
*/ */
class ZeroCopyTensor { class ZeroCopyTensor {
public: public:
...@@ -269,9 +299,11 @@ struct NativeConfig : public PaddlePredictor::Config { ...@@ -269,9 +299,11 @@ struct NativeConfig : public PaddlePredictor::Config {
* *
* Usage: * Usage:
* *
* \code{.cpp}
* NativeConfig config; * NativeConfig config;
* ... // change the configs. * ... // change the configs.
* auto native_predictor = CreatePaddlePredictor(config); * auto native_predictor = CreatePaddlePredictor(config);
* \endcode
* *
* Different predictors are designated by config type. Similar configs can be * Different predictors are designated by config type. Similar configs can be
...@@ -66,8 +66,54 @@ void GpuPassStrategy::EnableMKLDNN() { ...@@ -66,8 +66,54 @@ void GpuPassStrategy::EnableMKLDNN() {
LOG(ERROR) << "GPU not support MKLDNN yet"; LOG(ERROR) << "GPU not support MKLDNN yet";
} }
GpuPassStrategy::GpuPassStrategy() : PassStrategy({}) {
"infer_clean_graph_pass", //
"identity_scale_op_clean_pass", //
"conv_affine_channel_fuse_pass", //
"conv_eltwiseadd_affine_channel_fuse_pass", //
"conv_bn_fuse_pass", //
#if CUDNN_VERSION >= 7100 // To run conv_fusion, the version of cudnn must be
// guaranteed at least v7
"conv_elementwise_add_act_fuse_pass", //
"conv_elementwise_add2_act_fuse_pass", //
"conv_elementwise_add_fuse_pass", //
for (int i = 6; i >= 3; i--) {
passes_.push_back("transpose_flatten" + std::to_string(i) +
use_gpu_ = true;
void PaddlePassBuilder::AppendAnalysisPass(const std::string &pass) { void PaddlePassBuilder::AppendAnalysisPass(const std::string &pass) {
analysis_passes_.push_back(pass); analysis_passes_.push_back(pass);
} }
CpuPassStrategy::CpuPassStrategy() : PassStrategy({}) {
// NOTE the large fusions should be located in the front, so that they will
// not be damaged by smaller ones.
"infer_clean_graph_pass", //
"attention_lstm_fuse_pass", //
"seqpool_concat_fuse_pass", //
"seqconv_eltadd_relu_fuse_pass", //
// "embedding_fc_lstm_fuse_pass", //
"fc_lstm_fuse_pass", //
"mul_lstm_fuse_pass", //
"fc_gru_fuse_pass", //
"mul_gru_fuse_pass", //
"seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass", //
"fc_fuse_pass", //
"repeated_fc_relu_fuse_pass", //
"squared_mat_sub_fuse_pass", //
"conv_bn_fuse_pass", //
"conv_eltwiseadd_bn_fuse_pass", //
"is_test_pass", //
"identity_scale_op_clean_pass", //
use_gpu_ = false;
} // namespace paddle } // namespace paddle
...@@ -97,30 +97,7 @@ class PassStrategy : public PaddlePassBuilder { ...@@ -97,30 +97,7 @@ class PassStrategy : public PaddlePassBuilder {
*/ */
class CpuPassStrategy : public PassStrategy { class CpuPassStrategy : public PassStrategy {
public: public:
CpuPassStrategy() : PassStrategy({}) { CpuPassStrategy();
// NOTE the large fusions should be located in the front, so that they will
// not be damaged by smaller ones.
"infer_clean_graph_pass", //
"attention_lstm_fuse_pass", //
"seqpool_concat_fuse_pass", //
"seqconv_eltadd_relu_fuse_pass", //
// "embedding_fc_lstm_fuse_pass", //
"fc_lstm_fuse_pass", //
"mul_lstm_fuse_pass", //
"fc_gru_fuse_pass", //
"mul_gru_fuse_pass", //
"seq_concat_fc_fuse_pass", //
"fc_fuse_pass", //
"repeated_fc_relu_fuse_pass", //
"squared_mat_sub_fuse_pass", //
"conv_bn_fuse_pass", //
"conv_eltwiseadd_bn_fuse_pass", //
"is_test_pass", //
"identity_scale_op_clean_pass", //
use_gpu_ = false;
explicit CpuPassStrategy(const CpuPassStrategy &other) explicit CpuPassStrategy(const CpuPassStrategy &other)
: PassStrategy(other.AllPasses()) {} : PassStrategy(other.AllPasses()) {}
...@@ -153,27 +130,7 @@ class CpuPassStrategy : public PassStrategy { ...@@ -153,27 +130,7 @@ class CpuPassStrategy : public PassStrategy {
*/ */
class GpuPassStrategy : public PassStrategy { class GpuPassStrategy : public PassStrategy {
public: public:
GpuPassStrategy() : PassStrategy({}) { GpuPassStrategy();
"infer_clean_graph_pass", //
"identity_scale_op_clean_pass", //
"conv_affine_channel_fuse_pass", //
"conv_eltwiseadd_affine_channel_fuse_pass", //
"conv_bn_fuse_pass", //
#if CUDNN_VERSION >= 7100 // To run conv_fusion, the version of cudnn must be
// guaranteed at least v7
"conv_elementwise_add_act_fuse_pass", //
"conv_elementwise_add2_act_fuse_pass", //
"conv_elementwise_add_fuse_pass", //
for (int i = 6; i >= 3; i--) {
passes_.push_back("transpose_flatten" + std::to_string(i) +
use_gpu_ = true;
explicit GpuPassStrategy(const GpuPassStrategy &other) explicit GpuPassStrategy(const GpuPassStrategy &other)
: PassStrategy(other.AllPasses()) { : PassStrategy(other.AllPasses()) {
...@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ TEST(Benchmark, PersistToFile) { ...@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ TEST(Benchmark, PersistToFile) {
benchmark.SetLatency(220); benchmark.SetLatency(220);
benchmark.PersistToFile("1.log"); benchmark.PersistToFile("1.log");
benchmark.PersistToFile("1.log"); benchmark.PersistToFile("2.log");
benchmark.PersistToFile("1.log"); benchmark.PersistToFile("3.log");
} }
...@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class ChunkedAllocator : public Allocator { ...@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class ChunkedAllocator : public Allocator {
VLOG(1) << "Create AutoIncrementAllocator with chunk_size " VLOG(1) << "Create AutoIncrementAllocator with chunk_size "
<< max_chunk_size_ << " and capacity " << capacity; << max_chunk_size_ << " and capacity " << capacity;
default_allocator_ = std::make_shared<AutoIncrementAllocator>( default_allocator_ = std::make_shared<AutoIncrementAllocator>(
[this] { return std::move(CreateAllocatorWithChunk()); }, capacity); [this] { return CreateAllocatorWithChunk(); }, capacity);
} }
} }
...@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ size_t BestFitAllocator::NumFreeChunks() const { ...@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ size_t BestFitAllocator::NumFreeChunks() const {
} }
void BestFitAllocator::Free(Allocation* allocation) { void BestFitAllocator::Free(Allocation* allocation) {
auto* bf_allocation = dynamic_cast<BestFitAllocation*>(allocation); auto* bf_allocation = dynamic_cast<BestFitAllocation*>(allocation);
"The input allocation is not BestFitAllocation.");
auto chunk_it = bf_allocation->ChunkIterator(); auto chunk_it = bf_allocation->ChunkIterator();
PADDLE_ENFORCE(!chunk_it->is_free); PADDLE_ENFORCE(!chunk_it->is_free);
chunk_it->is_free = true; chunk_it->is_free = true;
...@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ DEFINE_bool(init_allocated_mem, false, ...@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ DEFINE_bool(init_allocated_mem, false,
"To find this error in time, we use init_allocated_mem to indicate " "To find this error in time, we use init_allocated_mem to indicate "
"that initializing the allocated memory with a small value " "that initializing the allocated memory with a small value "
"during unit testing."); "during unit testing.");
DECLARE_double(fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use); DECLARE_double(fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use);
namespace paddle { namespace paddle {
namespace memory { namespace memory {
...@@ -188,21 +188,20 @@ void *Alloc<platform::CUDAPlace>(const platform::CUDAPlace &place, ...@@ -188,21 +188,20 @@ void *Alloc<platform::CUDAPlace>(const platform::CUDAPlace &place,
platform::SetDeviceId(place.device); platform::SetDeviceId(place.device);
size_t avail, total; size_t avail, total;
platform::GpuMemoryUsage(&avail, &total); platform::GpuMemoryUsage(&avail, &total);
LOG(WARNING) << "Cannot allocate " << string::HumanReadableSize(size) LOG(FATAL) << "Cannot allocate " << string::HumanReadableSize(size)
<< " in GPU " << place.device << ", available " << " in GPU " << place.device << ", available "
<< string::HumanReadableSize(avail); << string::HumanReadableSize(avail) << "total " << total
LOG(WARNING) << "total " << total; << "GpuMinChunkSize "
LOG(WARNING) << "GpuMinChunkSize " << string::HumanReadableSize(buddy_allocator->GetMinChunkSize())
<< string::HumanReadableSize( << "GpuMaxChunkSize "
buddy_allocator->GetMinChunkSize()); << string::HumanReadableSize(buddy_allocator->GetMaxChunkSize())
LOG(WARNING) << "GpuMaxChunkSize " << "GPU memory used: "
<< string::HumanReadableSize( << string::HumanReadableSize(Used<platform::CUDAPlace>(place));
LOG(WARNING) << "GPU memory used: "
<< string::HumanReadableSize(Used<platform::CUDAPlace>(place));
platform::SetDeviceId(cur_dev); platform::SetDeviceId(cur_dev);
} else { } else {
if (FLAGS_benchmark) allocation::GPUMemMonitor.Add(place.device, size); if (FLAGS_benchmark) {
allocation::GPUMemMonitor.Add(place.device, size);
if (FLAGS_init_allocated_mem) { if (FLAGS_init_allocated_mem) {
cudaMemset(ptr, 0xEF, size); cudaMemset(ptr, 0xEF, size);
} }
...@@ -218,7 +217,9 @@ void Free<platform::CUDAPlace>(const platform::CUDAPlace &place, void *p, ...@@ -218,7 +217,9 @@ void Free<platform::CUDAPlace>(const platform::CUDAPlace &place, void *p,
size_t size) { size_t size) {
GetGPUBuddyAllocator(place.device)->Free(p); GetGPUBuddyAllocator(place.device)->Free(p);
if (FLAGS_benchmark) allocation::GPUMemMonitor.Minus(place.device, size); if (FLAGS_benchmark) {
allocation::GPUMemMonitor.Minus(place.device, size);
#else #else
PADDLE_THROW("'CUDAPlace' is not supported in CPU only device."); PADDLE_THROW("'CUDAPlace' is not supported in CPU only device.");
#endif #endif
...@@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ void *Alloc<platform::CUDAPinnedPlace>(const platform::CUDAPinnedPlace &place, ...@@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ void *Alloc<platform::CUDAPinnedPlace>(const platform::CUDAPinnedPlace &place,
void *ptr = buddy_allocator->Alloc(size); void *ptr = buddy_allocator->Alloc(size);
if (ptr == nullptr) { if (ptr == nullptr) {
LOG(WARNING) << "cudaMallocHost Cannot allocate " << size LOG(WARNING) << "cudaHostAlloc Cannot allocate " << size
<< " bytes in CUDAPinnedPlace"; << " bytes in CUDAPinnedPlace";
} }
if (FLAGS_init_allocated_mem) { if (FLAGS_init_allocated_mem) {
...@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Allocation *CPUPinnedAllocator::AllocateImpl(size_t size, ...@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Allocation *CPUPinnedAllocator::AllocateImpl(size_t size,
// "CPUPinnedAllocator should be used for Cross-Device Communication"); // "CPUPinnedAllocator should be used for Cross-Device Communication");
void *ptr; void *ptr;
PADDLE_ENFORCE(cudaMallocHost(&ptr, size)); PADDLE_ENFORCE(cudaHostAlloc(&ptr, size, cudaHostAllocPortable));
return new CPUPinnedAllocation(ptr, size); return new CPUPinnedAllocation(ptr, size);
} }
} // namespace allocation } // namespace allocation
...@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace paddle { ...@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace paddle {
namespace memory { namespace memory {
namespace allocation { namespace allocation {
// Allocator uses `cudaMallocHost` // Allocator uses `cudaHostAlloc`
class CPUPinnedAllocation : public Allocation { class CPUPinnedAllocation : public Allocation {
public: public:
CPUPinnedAllocation(void *ptr, size_t size) CPUPinnedAllocation(void *ptr, size_t size)
...@@ -173,14 +173,14 @@ void* CUDAPinnedAllocator::Alloc(size_t* index, size_t size) { ...@@ -173,14 +173,14 @@ void* CUDAPinnedAllocator::Alloc(size_t* index, size_t size) {
void* p; void* p;
// PINNED memory is visible to all CUDA contexts. // PINNED memory is visible to all CUDA contexts.
cudaError_t result = cudaMallocHost(&p, size); cudaError_t result = cudaHostAlloc(&p, size, cudaHostAllocPortable);
if (result == cudaSuccess) { if (result == cudaSuccess) {
*index = 1; // PINNED memory *index = 1; // PINNED memory
cuda_pinnd_alloc_size_ += size; cuda_pinnd_alloc_size_ += size;
return p; return p;
} else { } else {
LOG(WARNING) << "cudaMallocHost failed."; LOG(WARNING) << "cudaHostAlloc failed.";
return nullptr; return nullptr;
} }
...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ using paddle::framework::Tensor; ...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ using paddle::framework::Tensor;
"(bool, default false) Set to true for inference only, false " \ "(bool, default false) Set to true for inference only, false " \
"for training. Some layers may run faster when this is true.") \ "for training. Some layers may run faster when this is true.") \
.SetDefault(false); \ .SetDefault(false); \
AddComment(#OP_COMMENT); \ AddComment(OP_COMMENT); \
} \ } \
} }
...@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class ActivationOpGrad : public framework::OperatorWithKernel { ...@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ class ActivationOpGrad : public framework::OperatorWithKernel {
UNUSED constexpr char SigmoidDoc[] = R"DOC( UNUSED constexpr char SigmoidDoc[] = R"DOC(
Sigmoid Activation Operator Sigmoid Activation Operator
$$out = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}}$$ $$out = \\frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}}$$
)DOC"; )DOC";
...@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ $out = |x|$ ...@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ $out = |x|$
UNUSED constexpr char CeilDoc[] = R"DOC( UNUSED constexpr char CeilDoc[] = R"DOC(
Ceil Activation Operator. Ceil Activation Operator.
$out = ceil(x)$ $out = \left \lceil x \right \rceil$
)DOC"; )DOC";
UNUSED constexpr char FloorDoc[] = R"DOC( UNUSED constexpr char FloorDoc[] = R"DOC(
Floor Activation Operator. Floor Activation Operator.
$out = floor(x)$ $out = \left \lfloor x \right \rfloor$
)DOC"; )DOC";
...@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ $out = \ln(1 + e^{x})$ ...@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ $out = \ln(1 + e^{x})$
UNUSED constexpr char SoftsignDoc[] = R"DOC( UNUSED constexpr char SoftsignDoc[] = R"DOC(
Softsign Activation Operator. Softsign Activation Operator.
$$out = \frac{x}{1 + |x|}$$ $$out = \\frac{x}{1 + \|x\|}$$
)DOC"; )DOC";
...@@ -547,12 +547,14 @@ namespace ops = paddle::operators; ...@@ -547,12 +547,14 @@ namespace ops = paddle::operators;
__macro(Swish, swish); \ __macro(Swish, swish); \
__macro(ThresholdedRelu, thresholded_relu); __macro(ThresholdedRelu, thresholded_relu);
REGISTER_OPERATOR(KERNEL_TYPE, ::paddle::operators::ActivationOp, \ REGISTER_OPERATOR(KERNEL_TYPE, ::paddle::operators::ActivationOp, \
::paddle::operators::OP_NAME##OpMaker, \ ::paddle::operators::OP_NAME##OpMaker, \
::paddle::operators::ActivationOpInferVarType, \ ::paddle::operators::ActivationOpInferVarType, \
::paddle::operators::OP_NAME##GradMaker); \ ::paddle::operators::OP_NAME##GradMaker, \
REGISTER_OPERATOR(KERNEL_TYPE##_grad, ::paddle::operators::ActivationOpGrad) ::paddle::framework::SingleOpInplaceInToOut); \
REGISTER_OPERATOR(KERNEL_TYPE##_grad, ::paddle::operators::ActivationOpGrad, \
REGISTER_OPERATOR(KERNEL_TYPE, ::paddle::operators::ActivationOp, \ REGISTER_OPERATOR(KERNEL_TYPE, ::paddle::operators::ActivationOp, \
...@@ -604,13 +604,48 @@ class BatchNormGradMaker : public framework::SingleGradOpDescMaker { ...@@ -604,13 +604,48 @@ class BatchNormGradMaker : public framework::SingleGradOpDescMaker {
} }
}; };
class BatchNormInplaceInToOut : public framework::InplaceInToOut {
using InplaceInToOut::InplaceInToOut;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> Apply(
const framework::OpDesc &op_desc,
framework::BlockDesc *block) const override {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> inplace_in_to_out = {
{"Mean", "MeanOut"}, {"Variance", "VarianceOut"}, {"X", "Y"},
return inplace_in_to_out;
class BatchNormGradInplaceInToOut : public framework::InplaceInToOut {
using InplaceInToOut::InplaceInToOut;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> Apply(
const framework::OpDesc &op_desc,
framework::BlockDesc *block) const override {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> inplace_in_to_out = {
// Scale, Bias, SavedMean, SavedVariance shape is [batch_size, C]
{framework::GradVarName("Y"), framework::GradVarName("X")},
{"SavedMean", framework::GradVarName("Scale")},
{"SavedVariance", framework::GradVarName("Bias")},
return inplace_in_to_out;
} // namespace operators } // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle } // namespace paddle
namespace ops = paddle::operators; namespace ops = paddle::operators;
REGISTER_OPERATOR(batch_norm, ops::BatchNormOp, ops::BatchNormOpMaker, REGISTER_OPERATOR(batch_norm, ops::BatchNormOp, ops::BatchNormOpMaker,
ops::BatchNormOpInferVarType, ops::BatchNormGradMaker); ops::BatchNormOpInferVarType, ops::BatchNormGradMaker,
REGISTER_OPERATOR(batch_norm_grad, ops::BatchNormGradOp); ops::BatchNormInplaceInToOut);
REGISTER_OPERATOR(batch_norm_grad, ops::BatchNormGradOp,
batch_norm, ops::BatchNormKernel<paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext, float>, batch_norm, ops::BatchNormKernel<paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext, float>,
...@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ void Conv2DOpMaker::Make() { ...@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ void Conv2DOpMaker::Make() {
.SetDefault(4096); .SetDefault(4096);
AddAttr<bool>("exhaustive_search", AddAttr<bool>("exhaustive_search",
"(bool, default false) cuDNN has many algorithm to calculation " "(bool, default false) cuDNN has many algorithm to calculation "
"convolution, whether enable exhaustive search ", "convolution, whether enable exhaustive search "
"for cuDNN convolution or not, defalut is False.") "for cuDNN convolution or not, defalut is False.")
.SetDefault(false); .SetDefault(false);
AddComment(R"DOC( AddComment(R"DOC(
...@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ void Conv3DOpMaker::Make() { ...@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ void Conv3DOpMaker::Make() {
.SetDefault(4096); .SetDefault(4096);
AddAttr<bool>("exhaustive_search", AddAttr<bool>("exhaustive_search",
"(bool, default false) cuDNN has many algorithm to calculation " "(bool, default false) cuDNN has many algorithm to calculation "
"convolution, whether enable exhaustive search ", "convolution, whether enable exhaustive search "
"for cuDNN convolution or not, defalut is False.") "for cuDNN convolution or not, defalut is False.")
.SetDefault(false); .SetDefault(false);
AddComment(R"DOC( AddComment(R"DOC(
...@@ -38,20 +38,12 @@ class BoxCoderOp : public framework::OperatorWithKernel { ...@@ -38,20 +38,12 @@ class BoxCoderOp : public framework::OperatorWithKernel {
"The shape of PriorBox is [N, 4]"); "The shape of PriorBox is [N, 4]");
if (ctx->HasInput("PriorBoxVar")) { if (ctx->HasInput("PriorBoxVar")) {
auto prior_box_var_dims = ctx->GetInputDim("PriorBoxVar"); auto prior_box_var_dims = ctx->GetInputDim("PriorBoxVar");
PADDLE_ENFORCE( PADDLE_ENFORCE(prior_box_var_dims.size() == 2,
prior_box_var_dims.size() == 1 || prior_box_var_dims.size() == 2, "Input(PriorBoxVar) of BoxCoderOp should be 2.");
"Input(PriorBoxVar) of BoxCoderOp should be 1 or 2."); PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(
if (prior_box_var_dims.size() == 1) { prior_box_dims, prior_box_var_dims,
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ( "The dimension of Input(PriorBoxVar) should be equal to"
prior_box_var_dims[0], 4, "the dimension of Input(PriorBox) when the rank is 2.");
"The 1st dimension of Input(PriorBoxVar) should be 4"
"when the rank is 1.");
} else {
prior_box_dims, prior_box_var_dims,
"The dimension of Input(PriorBoxVar) should be equal to"
"the dimension of Input(PriorBox when the rank is 2.)");
} }
} }
...@@ -56,10 +56,7 @@ __global__ void EncodeCenterSizeKernel( ...@@ -56,10 +56,7 @@ __global__ void EncodeCenterSizeKernel(
output[idx * len + 2] = log(fabs(target_box_width / prior_box_width)); output[idx * len + 2] = log(fabs(target_box_width / prior_box_width));
output[idx * len + 3] = log(fabs(target_box_height / prior_box_height)); output[idx * len + 3] = log(fabs(target_box_height / prior_box_height));
if (prior_box_var_data) { if (prior_box_var_data) {
int prior_var_offset = 0; int prior_var_offset = col_idx * len;
if (prior_box_var_size == 2) {
prior_var_offset = col_idx * len;
output[idx * len] /= prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset]; output[idx * len] /= prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset];
output[idx * len + 1] /= prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset + 1]; output[idx * len + 1] /= prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset + 1];
output[idx * len + 2] /= prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset + 2]; output[idx * len + 2] /= prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset + 2];
...@@ -99,10 +96,7 @@ __global__ void DecodeCenterSizeKernel( ...@@ -99,10 +96,7 @@ __global__ void DecodeCenterSizeKernel(
T box_var_x = T(1), box_var_y = T(1); T box_var_x = T(1), box_var_y = T(1);
T box_var_w = T(1), box_var_h = T(1); T box_var_w = T(1), box_var_h = T(1);
if (prior_box_var_data) { if (prior_box_var_data) {
int prior_var_offset = 0; int prior_var_offset = axis == 0 ? col_idx * len : row_idx * len;
if (prior_box_var_size == 2) {
prior_var_offset = axis == 0 ? col_idx * len : row_idx * len;
box_var_x = prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset]; box_var_x = prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset];
box_var_y = prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset + 1]; box_var_y = prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset + 1];
box_var_w = prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset + 2]; box_var_w = prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset + 2];
...@@ -79,10 +79,7 @@ class BoxCoderKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> { ...@@ -79,10 +79,7 @@ class BoxCoderKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
output[offset + 3] = output[offset + 3] =
std::log(std::fabs(target_box_height / prior_box_height)); std::log(std::fabs(target_box_height / prior_box_height));
if (prior_box_var) { if (prior_box_var) {
int prior_var_offset = 0; int prior_var_offset = j * len;
if (prior_box_var->dims().size() == 2) {
prior_var_offset = j * len;
output[offset] /= prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset]; output[offset] /= prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset];
output[offset + 1] /= prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset + 1]; output[offset + 1] /= prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset + 1];
output[offset + 2] /= prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset + 2]; output[offset + 2] /= prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset + 2];
...@@ -95,11 +92,12 @@ class BoxCoderKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> { ...@@ -95,11 +92,12 @@ class BoxCoderKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
} }
} }
} }
template <int axis, int var_size>
void DecodeCenterSize(const framework::Tensor* target_box, void DecodeCenterSize(const framework::Tensor* target_box,
const framework::Tensor* prior_box, const framework::Tensor* prior_box,
const framework::Tensor* prior_box_var, const framework::Tensor* prior_box_var,
const bool normalized, const int axis, const bool normalized, std::vector<float> variance,
const std::vector<float> variance, T* output) const { T* output) const {
int64_t row = target_box->dims()[0]; int64_t row = target_box->dims()[0];
int64_t col = target_box->dims()[1]; int64_t col = target_box->dims()[1];
int64_t len = target_box->dims()[2]; int64_t len = target_box->dims()[2];
...@@ -107,19 +105,17 @@ class BoxCoderKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> { ...@@ -107,19 +105,17 @@ class BoxCoderKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
auto* target_box_data = target_box->data<T>(); auto* target_box_data = target_box->data<T>();
auto* prior_box_data = prior_box->data<T>(); auto* prior_box_data = prior_box->data<T>();
const T* prior_box_var_data = nullptr; const T* prior_box_var_data = nullptr;
if (prior_box_var) prior_box_var_data = prior_box_var->data<T>(); if (var_size == 2) prior_box_var_data = prior_box_var->data<T>();
int prior_box_offset = 0; int prior_box_offset = 0;
T var_data[4] = {1., 1., 1., 1.};
T* var_ptr = var_data;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2) #pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
#endif #endif
for (int64_t i = 0; i < row; ++i) { for (int64_t i = 0; i < row; ++i) {
for (int64_t j = 0; j < col; ++j) { for (int64_t j = 0; j < col; ++j) {
size_t offset = i * col * len + j * len; size_t offset = i * col * len + j * len;
if (axis == 0) { prior_box_offset = axis == 0 ? j * len : i * len;
prior_box_offset = j * len;
} else if (axis == 1) {
prior_box_offset = i * len;
T prior_box_width = prior_box_data[prior_box_offset + 2] - T prior_box_width = prior_box_data[prior_box_offset + 2] -
prior_box_data[prior_box_offset] + prior_box_data[prior_box_offset] +
(normalized == false); (normalized == false);
...@@ -133,26 +129,18 @@ class BoxCoderKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> { ...@@ -133,26 +129,18 @@ class BoxCoderKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
T target_box_center_x = 0, target_box_center_y = 0; T target_box_center_x = 0, target_box_center_y = 0;
T target_box_width = 0, target_box_height = 0; T target_box_width = 0, target_box_height = 0;
T box_var_x = T(1), box_var_y = T(1); int prior_var_offset = axis == 0 ? j * len : i * len;
T box_var_w = T(1), box_var_h = T(1); if (var_size == 2) {
if (prior_box_var) { std::memcpy(var_ptr, prior_box_var_data + prior_var_offset,
int prior_var_offset = 0; 4 * sizeof(T));
if (prior_box_var->dims().size() == 2) { } else if (var_size == 1) {
if (axis == 0) var_ptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(variance.data());
prior_var_offset = j * len;
else if (axis == 1)
prior_var_offset = i * len;
box_var_x = prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset];
box_var_y = prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset + 1];
box_var_w = prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset + 2];
box_var_h = prior_box_var_data[prior_var_offset + 3];
} else if (!(variance.empty())) {
box_var_x = static_cast<T>(variance[0]);
box_var_y = static_cast<T>(variance[1]);
box_var_w = static_cast<T>(variance[2]);
box_var_h = static_cast<T>(variance[3]);
} }
T box_var_x = *var_ptr;
T box_var_y = *(var_ptr + 1);
T box_var_w = *(var_ptr + 2);
T box_var_h = *(var_ptr + 3);
target_box_center_x = target_box_center_x =
box_var_x * target_box_data[offset] * prior_box_width + box_var_x * target_box_data[offset] * prior_box_width +
prior_box_center_x; prior_box_center_x;
...@@ -211,8 +199,31 @@ class BoxCoderKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> { ...@@ -211,8 +199,31 @@ class BoxCoderKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
EncodeCenterSize(target_box, prior_box, prior_box_var, normalized, EncodeCenterSize(target_box, prior_box, prior_box_var, normalized,
variance, output); variance, output);
} else if (code_type == BoxCodeType::kDecodeCenterSize) { } else if (code_type == BoxCodeType::kDecodeCenterSize) {
DecodeCenterSize(target_box, prior_box, prior_box_var, normalized, axis, if (prior_box_var) {
variance, output); if (axis == 0) {
DecodeCenterSize<0, 2>(target_box, prior_box, prior_box_var,
normalized, variance, output);
} else {
DecodeCenterSize<1, 2>(target_box, prior_box, prior_box_var,
normalized, variance, output);
} else if (!(variance.empty())) {
if (axis == 0) {
DecodeCenterSize<0, 1>(target_box, prior_box, prior_box_var,
normalized, variance, output);
} else {
DecodeCenterSize<1, 1>(target_box, prior_box, prior_box_var,
normalized, variance, output);
} else {
if (axis == 0) {
DecodeCenterSize<0, 0>(target_box, prior_box, prior_box_var,
normalized, variance, output);
} else {
DecodeCenterSize<1, 0>(target_box, prior_box, prior_box_var,
normalized, variance, output);
} }
} }
}; };
...@@ -52,6 +52,10 @@ class DensityPriorBoxOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> { ...@@ -52,6 +52,10 @@ class DensityPriorBoxOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
step_height = step_h; step_height = step_h;
} }
int num_priors = 0; int num_priors = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+ : num_priors)
for (size_t i = 0; i < densities.size(); ++i) { for (size_t i = 0; i < densities.size(); ++i) {
num_priors += (fixed_ratios.size()) * (pow(densities[i], 2)); num_priors += (fixed_ratios.size()) * (pow(densities[i], 2));
} }
...@@ -64,6 +68,17 @@ class DensityPriorBoxOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> { ...@@ -64,6 +68,17 @@ class DensityPriorBoxOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
auto e_boxes = framework::EigenTensor<T, 4>::From(*boxes).setConstant(0.0); auto e_boxes = framework::EigenTensor<T, 4>::From(*boxes).setConstant(0.0);
int step_average = static_cast<int>((step_width + step_height) * 0.5); int step_average = static_cast<int>((step_width + step_height) * 0.5);
std::vector<float> sqrt_fixed_ratios;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < fixed_ratios.size(); i++) {
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (int h = 0; h < feature_height; ++h) { for (int h = 0; h < feature_height; ++h) {
for (int w = 0; w < feature_width; ++w) { for (int w = 0; w < feature_width; ++w) {
T center_x = (w + offset) * step_width; T center_x = (w + offset) * step_width;
...@@ -73,34 +88,25 @@ class DensityPriorBoxOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> { ...@@ -73,34 +88,25 @@ class DensityPriorBoxOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
for (size_t s = 0; s < fixed_sizes.size(); ++s) { for (size_t s = 0; s < fixed_sizes.size(); ++s) {
auto fixed_size = fixed_sizes[s]; auto fixed_size = fixed_sizes[s];
int density = densities[s]; int density = densities[s];
int shift = step_average / density;
// Generate density prior boxes with fixed ratios. // Generate density prior boxes with fixed ratios.
for (size_t r = 0; r < fixed_ratios.size(); ++r) { for (size_t r = 0; r < fixed_ratios.size(); ++r) {
float ar = fixed_ratios[r]; float box_width_ratio = fixed_size * sqrt_fixed_ratios[r];
int shift = step_average / density; float box_height_ratio = fixed_size / sqrt_fixed_ratios[r];
float box_width_ratio = fixed_size * sqrt(ar); float density_center_x = center_x - step_average / 2. + shift / 2.;
float box_height_ratio = fixed_size / sqrt(ar); float density_center_y = center_y - step_average / 2. + shift / 2.;
for (int di = 0; di < density; ++di) { for (int di = 0; di < density; ++di) {
for (int dj = 0; dj < density; ++dj) { for (int dj = 0; dj < density; ++dj) {
float center_x_temp = float center_x_temp = density_center_x + dj * shift;
center_x - step_average / 2. + shift / 2. + dj * shift; float center_y_temp = density_center_y + di * shift;
float center_y_temp = e_boxes(h, w, idx, 0) = std::max(
center_y - step_average / 2. + shift / 2. + di * shift; (center_x_temp - box_width_ratio / 2.) / img_width, 0.);
e_boxes(h, w, idx, 0) = e_boxes(h, w, idx, 1) = std::max(
(center_x_temp - box_width_ratio / 2.) / img_width >= 0 (center_y_temp - box_height_ratio / 2.) / img_height, 0.);
? (center_x_temp - box_width_ratio / 2.) / img_width e_boxes(h, w, idx, 2) = std::min(
: 0; (center_x_temp + box_width_ratio / 2.) / img_width, 1.);
e_boxes(h, w, idx, 1) = e_boxes(h, w, idx, 3) = std::min(
(center_y_temp - box_height_ratio / 2.) / img_height >= 0 (center_y_temp + box_height_ratio / 2.) / img_height, 1.);
? (center_y_temp - box_height_ratio / 2.) / img_height
: 0;
e_boxes(h, w, idx, 2) =
(center_x_temp + box_width_ratio / 2.) / img_width <= 1
? (center_x_temp + box_width_ratio / 2.) / img_width
: 1;
e_boxes(h, w, idx, 3) =
(center_y_temp + box_height_ratio / 2.) / img_height <= 1
? (center_y_temp + box_height_ratio / 2.) / img_height
: 1;
idx++; idx++;
} }
} }
...@@ -131,8 +137,14 @@ class DensityPriorBoxOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> { ...@@ -131,8 +137,14 @@ class DensityPriorBoxOpKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
vars->Resize({box_num, static_cast<int>(variances.size())}); vars->Resize({box_num, static_cast<int>(variances.size())});
auto e_vars = framework::EigenMatrix<T, Eigen::RowMajor>::From(*vars); auto e_vars = framework::EigenMatrix<T, Eigen::RowMajor>::From(*vars);
e_vars = var_et.broadcast(Eigen::DSizes<int, 2>(box_num, 1)); #pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (int i = 0; i < box_num; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < variances.size(); ++j) {
e_vars(i, j) = variances[j];
vars->Resize(var_dim); vars->Resize(var_dim);
boxes->Resize(box_dim); boxes->Resize(box_dim);
...@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ namespace ops = paddle::operators; ...@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ namespace ops = paddle::operators;
REGISTER_ELEMWISE_EXPLICIT_OP(elementwise_add, "Add", "Out = X + Y", "Out", REGISTER_ELEMWISE_EXPLICIT_OP(elementwise_add, "Add", "Out = X + Y", "Out",
"X"); "X");
elementwise_add, elementwise_add,
ops::ElementwiseAddKernel<paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext, float>, ops::ElementwiseAddKernel<paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext, float>,
...@@ -250,6 +250,37 @@ class ElemwiseGradKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> { ...@@ -250,6 +250,37 @@ class ElemwiseGradKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
} }
}; };
class ElementwiseOpInplace : public framework::InplaceInToOut {
using framework::InplaceInToOut::InplaceInToOut;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> Apply(
const framework::OpDesc &op_desc,
framework::BlockDesc *block) const override {
return std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>{
{"X", "Out"},
class ElementwiseGradOpInplace : public framework::InplaceInToOut {
using framework::InplaceInToOut::InplaceInToOut;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> Apply(
const framework::OpDesc &op_desc,
framework::BlockDesc *block) const override {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> ret;
if (block->HasVar(framework::GradVarName("X")) &&
block->HasVar(framework::GradVarName("Out"))) {
ret[framework::GradVarName("Out")] = framework::GradVarName("X");
return ret;
} // namespace operators } // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle } // namespace paddle
...@@ -299,6 +330,8 @@ class ElemwiseGradKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> { ...@@ -299,6 +330,8 @@ class ElemwiseGradKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
REGISTER_OPERATOR(op_type, ::paddle::operators::ElementwiseOp, \ REGISTER_OPERATOR(op_type, ::paddle::operators::ElementwiseOp, \
__ElemwiseOp##op_type##Maker__, \ __ElemwiseOp##op_type##Maker__, \
::paddle::operators::ElementwiseOpInferVarType, \ ::paddle::operators::ElementwiseOpInferVarType, \
op_type##GradMaker); \ op_type##GradMaker, \
::paddle::operators::ElementwiseOpInplace); \
REGISTER_OPERATOR(op_type##_grad, \ REGISTER_OPERATOR(op_type##_grad, \
::paddle::operators::ElementwiseOpExplicitGrad) ::paddle::operators::ElementwiseOpExplicitGrad, \
...@@ -146,7 +146,11 @@ REGISTER_OPERATOR(expand, ops::ExpandOp, ops::ExpandOpMaker, ...@@ -146,7 +146,11 @@ REGISTER_OPERATOR(expand, ops::ExpandOp, ops::ExpandOpMaker,
paddle::framework::DefaultGradOpDescMaker<true>); paddle::framework::DefaultGradOpDescMaker<true>);
REGISTER_OPERATOR(expand_grad, ops::ExpandGradOp); REGISTER_OPERATOR(expand_grad, ops::ExpandGradOp);
expand, ops::ExpandKernel<paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext, float>); expand, ops::ExpandKernel<paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext, float>,
ops::ExpandKernel<paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext, double>,
ops::ExpandKernel<paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext, int>,
ops::ExpandKernel<paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext, bool>);
expand_grad, expand_grad,
ops::ExpandGradKernel<paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext, float>); ops::ExpandGradKernel<paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext, float>,
ops::ExpandGradKernel<paddle::platform::CPUDeviceContext, double>);
...@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@ limitations under the License. */ ...@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@ limitations under the License. */
namespace ops = paddle::operators; namespace ops = paddle::operators;
expand, ops::ExpandKernel<paddle::platform::CUDADeviceContext, float>); expand, ops::ExpandKernel<paddle::platform::CUDADeviceContext, float>,
ops::ExpandKernel<paddle::platform::CUDADeviceContext, double>,
ops::ExpandKernel<paddle::platform::CUDADeviceContext, int>,
ops::ExpandKernel<paddle::platform::CUDADeviceContext, bool>);
expand_grad, expand_grad,
ops::ExpandGradKernel<paddle::platform::CUDADeviceContext, float>); ops::ExpandGradKernel<paddle::platform::CUDADeviceContext, float>,
ops::ExpandGradKernel<paddle::platform::CUDADeviceContext, double>);
...@@ -267,6 +267,35 @@ class Flatten2GradOp : public framework::OperatorBase { ...@@ -267,6 +267,35 @@ class Flatten2GradOp : public framework::OperatorBase {
} }
}; };
class FlattenOpInplaceInToOut : public framework::InplaceInToOut {
using InplaceInToOut::InplaceInToOut;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> Apply(
const framework::OpDesc &op_desc,
framework::BlockDesc *block) const override {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> inplace_in_to_out = {
{"X", "Out"},
return inplace_in_to_out;
class FlattenGradInplaceinToOut : public framework::InplaceInToOut {
using InplaceInToOut::InplaceInToOut;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> Apply(
const framework::OpDesc &op_desc,
framework::BlockDesc *block) const override {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> inplace_in_to_out = {
{framework::GradVarName("Out"), framework::GradVarName("X")},
return inplace_in_to_out;
} // namespace operators } // namespace operators
} // namespace paddle } // namespace paddle
...@@ -275,10 +304,13 @@ USE_OP(reshape); ...@@ -275,10 +304,13 @@ USE_OP(reshape);
namespace ops = paddle::operators; namespace ops = paddle::operators;
REGISTER_OPERATOR(flatten, ops::FlattenOp, ops::FlattenOpMaker, REGISTER_OPERATOR(flatten, ops::FlattenOp, ops::FlattenOpMaker,
ops::FlattenOpInferShape, ops::FlattenOpInferShape,
paddle::framework::DefaultGradOpDescMaker<true>); paddle::framework::DefaultGradOpDescMaker<true>,
REGISTER_OPERATOR(flatten_grad, ops::FlattenGradOp, ops::FlattenGradInferShape); ops::FlattenOpInplaceInToOut);
REGISTER_OPERATOR(flatten_grad, ops::FlattenGradOp, ops::FlattenGradInferShape,
REGISTER_OPERATOR(flatten2, ops::Flatten2Op, ops::Flatten2OpMaker, REGISTER_OPERATOR(flatten2, ops::Flatten2Op, ops::Flatten2OpMaker,
ops::Flatten2OpInferShape, ops::Flatten2GradOpMaker); ops::Flatten2OpInferShape, ops::Flatten2GradOpMaker,
REGISTER_OPERATOR(flatten2_grad, ops::Flatten2GradOp, REGISTER_OPERATOR(flatten2_grad, ops::Flatten2GradOp,
ops::Flatten2GradInferShape); ops::Flatten2GradInferShape, ops::FlattenGradInplaceinToOut);
...@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ class VActFunc : public JitCode { ...@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ class VActFunc : public JitCode {
public: public:
explicit VActFunc(size_t code_size, void* code_ptr) explicit VActFunc(size_t code_size, void* code_ptr)
: JitCode(code_size, code_ptr) {} : JitCode(code_size, code_ptr) {}
virtual const char* name() const = 0;
virtual void genCode() = 0; virtual void genCode() = 0;
protected: protected:
...@@ -269,7 +268,7 @@ class VActJitCode : public VActFunc { ...@@ -269,7 +268,7 @@ class VActJitCode : public VActFunc {
this->genCode(); this->genCode();
} }
const char* name() const override { std::string name() const override {
std::string base = "VActJitCode"; std::string base = "VActJitCode";
switch (type_) { switch (type_) {
case operand_type::RELU: case operand_type::RELU:
...@@ -293,7 +292,7 @@ class VActJitCode : public VActFunc { ...@@ -293,7 +292,7 @@ class VActJitCode : public VActFunc {
default: default:
break; break;
} }
return base.c_str(); return base;
} }
void genCode() override; void genCode() override;
...@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class VXXJitCode : public JitCode { ...@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class VXXJitCode : public JitCode {
this->genCode(); this->genCode();
} }
virtual const char* name() const { std::string name() const override {
std::string base = "VXXJitCode"; std::string base = "VXXJitCode";
if (scalar_index_ == 1) { if (scalar_index_ == 1) {
base += "_Scalar"; base += "_Scalar";
...@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class VXXJitCode : public JitCode { ...@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class VXXJitCode : public JitCode {
} }
base += (with_relu_ ? "_Relu" : ""); base += (with_relu_ ? "_Relu" : "");
base += "_D" + std::to_string(num_); base += "_D" + std::to_string(num_);
return base.c_str(); return base;
} }
void genCode() override; void genCode() override;
...@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class GRUJitCode : public VActFunc { ...@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class GRUJitCode : public VActFunc {
this->genCode(); this->genCode();
} }
const char* name() const override { std::string name() const override {
std::string base = "GRUJitCode"; std::string base = "GRUJitCode";
if (id_ == 0) { if (id_ == 0) {
base += "_H1"; base += "_H1";
...@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class GRUJitCode : public VActFunc { ...@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class GRUJitCode : public VActFunc {
}; };
AddTypeStr(act_gate_); AddTypeStr(act_gate_);
AddTypeStr(act_cand_); AddTypeStr(act_cand_);
return base.c_str(); return base;
} }
void genCode() override; void genCode() override;
...@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ class HOPVJitCode : public JitCode { ...@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ class HOPVJitCode : public JitCode {
this->genCode(); this->genCode();
} }
virtual const char* name() const { std::string name() const override {
std::string base = "VXXJitCode"; std::string base = "VXXJitCode";
if (type_ == operand_type::MAX) { if (type_ == operand_type::MAX) {
base += "_MAX"; base += "_MAX";
} else { } else {
base += "_SUM"; base += "_SUM";
} }
return base.c_str(); return base;
} }
void genCode() override; void genCode() override;
...@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ ...@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <string>
#include <type_traits> #include <type_traits>
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/jit/gen_base.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/jit/gen_base.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/cpu_info.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/cpu_info.h"
...@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ typedef enum { ...@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ typedef enum {
} operand_type; } operand_type;
#define DECLARE_JIT_CODE(codename) \ #define DECLARE_JIT_CODE(codename) \
const char* name() const override { return #codename; } std::string name() const override { return #codename; }
class JitCode : public GenBase, public Xbyak::CodeGenerator { class JitCode : public GenBase, public Xbyak::CodeGenerator {
public: public:
...@@ -68,7 +69,6 @@ class JitCode : public GenBase, public Xbyak::CodeGenerator { ...@@ -68,7 +69,6 @@ class JitCode : public GenBase, public Xbyak::CodeGenerator {
(code_size % 4096 != 0 ? (code_size / 4096 + 1) * 4096 : code_size), (code_size % 4096 != 0 ? (code_size / 4096 + 1) * 4096 : code_size),
code_ptr) {} code_ptr) {}
virtual const char* name() const = 0;
virtual void genCode() = 0; virtual void genCode() = 0;
size_t getSize() const override { return CodeGenerator::getSize(); } size_t getSize() const override { return CodeGenerator::getSize(); }
...@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class LSTMJitCode : public VActFunc { ...@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class LSTMJitCode : public VActFunc {
this->genCode(); this->genCode();
} }
const char* name() const override { std::string name() const override {
std::string base = "LSTMJitCode"; std::string base = "LSTMJitCode";
if (use_peephole_) { if (use_peephole_) {
base += "_Peephole"; base += "_Peephole";
...@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class LSTMJitCode : public VActFunc { ...@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class LSTMJitCode : public VActFunc {
AddTypeStr(act_gate_); AddTypeStr(act_gate_);
AddTypeStr(act_cand_); AddTypeStr(act_cand_);
AddTypeStr(act_cell_); AddTypeStr(act_cell_);
return base.c_str(); return base;
} }
void genCode() override; void genCode() override;
...@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ class MatMulJitCode : public JitCode { ...@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ class MatMulJitCode : public JitCode {
this->genCode(); this->genCode();
} }
virtual const char* name() const { std::string name() const override {
std::string base = "MatMulJitCode"; std::string base = "MatMulJitCode";
base = base + "_M" + std::to_string(m_) + "_N" + std::to_string(n_) + "_K" + base = base + "_M" + std::to_string(m_) + "_N" + std::to_string(n_) + "_K" +
std::to_string(k_); std::to_string(k_);
return base.c_str(); return base;
} }
void genCode() override; void genCode() override;
...@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class SeqPoolJitCode : public JitCode { ...@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class SeqPoolJitCode : public JitCode {
this->genCode(); this->genCode();
} }
virtual const char* name() const { std::string name() const override {
std::string base = "SeqPoolJitCode"; std::string base = "SeqPoolJitCode";
if (type_ == SeqPoolType::kSum) { if (type_ == SeqPoolType::kSum) {
base += "_Sum"; base += "_Sum";
...@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class SeqPoolJitCode : public JitCode { ...@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class SeqPoolJitCode : public JitCode {
base += "_Sqrt"; base += "_Sqrt";
} }
base += ("_W" + std::to_string(w_)); base += ("_W" + std::to_string(w_));
return base.c_str(); return base;
} }
void genCode() override; void genCode() override;
...@@ -17,7 +17,13 @@ ...@@ -17,7 +17,13 @@
#include <iostream> #include <iostream>
#include <sstream> #include <sstream>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include "paddle/fluid/memory/allocation/cpu_allocator.h" // for posix_memalign
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/cpu_info.h" #include "paddle/fluid/platform/cpu_info.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/enforce.h"
#ifndef _WIN32
#define posix_memalign_free free
DEFINE_bool(dump_jitcode, false, "Whether to dump the jitcode to file"); DEFINE_bool(dump_jitcode, false, "Whether to dump the jitcode to file");
...@@ -40,6 +46,17 @@ void GenBase::dumpCode(const unsigned char* code) const { ...@@ -40,6 +46,17 @@ void GenBase::dumpCode(const unsigned char* code) const {
} }
} }
void* GenBase::operator new(size_t size) {
void* ptr;
constexpr size_t alignment = 32ul;
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(posix_memalign(&ptr, alignment, size), 0,
"GenBase Alloc %ld error!", size);
PADDLE_ENFORCE(ptr, "Fail to allocate GenBase CPU memory: size = %d .", size);
return ptr;
void GenBase::operator delete(void* ptr) { posix_memalign_free(ptr); }
std::vector<int> packed_groups(int n, int k, int* block_out, int* rest_out) { std::vector<int> packed_groups(int n, int k, int* block_out, int* rest_out) {
int block; int block;
int max_num_regs; int max_num_regs;
...@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ ...@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include <gflags/gflags.h> #include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <memory> // for unique_ptr #include <memory> // for unique_ptr
#include <string>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include "paddle/fluid/operators/jit/kernel_base.h" #include "paddle/fluid/operators/jit/kernel_base.h"
...@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ namespace jit { ...@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ namespace jit {
class GenBase : public Kernel { class GenBase : public Kernel {
public: public:
virtual ~GenBase() = default; virtual ~GenBase() = default;
virtual const char* name() const = 0; virtual std::string name() const = 0;
virtual size_t getSize() const = 0; virtual size_t getSize() const = 0;
virtual const unsigned char* getCodeInternal() = 0; virtual const unsigned char* getCodeInternal() = 0;
template <typename Func> template <typename Func>
...@@ -42,6 +43,11 @@ class GenBase : public Kernel { ...@@ -42,6 +43,11 @@ class GenBase : public Kernel {
return reinterpret_cast<Func>(const_cast<unsigned char*>(code)); return reinterpret_cast<Func>(const_cast<unsigned char*>(code));
} }
void* operator new(size_t size);
void operator delete(void* ptr);
void* operator new[](size_t size) { return operator new(size); }
void operator delete[](void* ptr) { operator delete(ptr); }
protected: protected:
void dumpCode(const unsigned char* code) const; void dumpCode(const unsigned char* code) const;
}; };
...@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ class LookupTableGradKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> { ...@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ class LookupTableGradKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
"must be either LoDTensor or SelectedRows"); "must be either LoDTensor or SelectedRows");
} }
int64_t padding_idx = context.Attr<int64_t>("padding_idx");
bool is_sparse = context.Attr<bool>("is_sparse"); bool is_sparse = context.Attr<bool>("is_sparse");
// Since paddings are not trainable and fixed in forward, the gradient of // Since paddings are not trainable and fixed in forward, the gradient of
// paddings makes no sense and we don't deal with it in backward. // paddings makes no sense and we don't deal with it in backward.
...@@ -187,10 +188,15 @@ class LookupTableGradKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> { ...@@ -187,10 +188,15 @@ class LookupTableGradKernel : public framework::OpKernel<T> {
memset(d_table_data, 0, d_table->numel() * sizeof(T)); memset(d_table_data, 0, d_table->numel() * sizeof(T));
for (int64_t i = 0; i < ids->numel(); ++i) { for (int64_t i = 0; i < ids->numel(); ++i) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE_LT(ids_data[i], N); if (padding_idx != kNoPadding && ids_data[i] == padding_idx) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE(ids_data[i], 0); // the gradient of padding_idx should be 0, already done by memset, so
for (int j = 0; j < D; ++j) { // do nothing.
d_table_data[ids_data[i] * D + j] += d_output_data[i * D + j]; } else {
PADDLE_ENFORCE_LT(ids_data[i], N);
PADDLE_ENFORCE_GE(ids_data[i], 0);
for (int j = 0; j < D; ++j) {
d_table_data[ids_data[i] * D + j] += d_output_data[i * D + j];
} }
} }
} }
...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ math_library(concat_and_split) ...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ math_library(concat_and_split)
math_library(context_project DEPS im2col math_function) math_library(context_project DEPS im2col math_function)
math_library(cross_entropy) math_library(cross_entropy)
math_library(cos_sim_functor) math_library(cos_sim_functor)
math_library(depthwise_conv) math_library(depthwise_conv DEPS cub)
math_library(im2col) math_library(im2col)
math_library(sampler) math_library(sampler)
...@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ class FCMKLDNNGradOpKernel : public paddle::framework::OpKernel<T> { ...@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ class FCMKLDNNGradOpKernel : public paddle::framework::OpKernel<T> {
? mkldnn::inner_product_backward_weights::desc( ? mkldnn::inner_product_backward_weights::desc(
src, diff_weights, bias, diff_dst) src, diff_weights, bias, diff_dst)
: mkldnn::inner_product_backward_weights::desc( : mkldnn::inner_product_backward_weights::desc(
src, diff_weights, bias, diff_dst); src, diff_weights, diff_dst);
return mkldnn::inner_product_backward_weights::primitive_desc( return mkldnn::inner_product_backward_weights::primitive_desc(
bwd_weight_desc, engine, pd); bwd_weight_desc, engine, pd);
...@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class NgraphEngineOp : public framework::OperatorWithKernel { ...@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class NgraphEngineOp : public framework::OperatorWithKernel {
framework::OpKernelType GetExpectedKernelType( framework::OpKernelType GetExpectedKernelType(
const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx) const override { const framework::ExecutionContext& ctx) const override {
framework::OpKernelType kt = framework::OpKernelType( framework::OpKernelType kt = framework::OpKernelType(
framework::proto::VarType::FP32, ctx.GetPlace()); framework::proto::VarType::FP32, platform::CPUPlace());
return kt; return kt;
} }
}; };
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