未验证 提交 7b7ec08e 编写于 作者: S ShenLiang 提交者: GitHub

[BugFix]Fix bug in vpp+ sharding/dp overlap (#55890)

* fix bug

* fix bug

* fix bug

* fix bug

* fix bug
上级 42ab2c34
......@@ -777,9 +777,9 @@ class PipelineParallelWithInterleave(PipelineParallel):
if self._comm_overlap:
self._backward_step_count += 1
sync_step = self._backward_step_count - self.stage_id
if sync_step > 0 and sync_step % self.accumulate_steps == 0:
if sync_step > 0 and sync_step % self.num_stages == 0:
chunk_idx = self._virtual_pp_world_size - (
sync_step // self.accumulate_steps
sync_step // self.num_stages
for buffer in self._chunk_2_comm_buffers[chunk_idx]:
......@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ class PipelineParallelWithInterleave(PipelineParallel):
if self.stage_id != 0:
if (
== self.accumulate_steps * self._virtual_pp_world_size
== self.num_stages * self.num_model_chunks
for buffer in self._chunk_2_comm_buffers[0]:
......@@ -796,11 +796,10 @@ class PipelineParallelWithInterleave(PipelineParallel):
if self._comm_overlap:
assert (
== self.accumulate_steps * self._virtual_pp_world_size
), "backward step count should be equal to accumulate steps * "
"virtual pp world size, but get {}, excepted result is {}".format(
self.accumulate_steps * self._virtual_pp_world_size,
== self.num_stages * self.num_model_chunks
), (
"backward step count should be equal to accumulate steps * virtual pp world size,"
f" but get {self._backward_step_count}, excepted result is {self.num_stages * self.num_model_chunks}"
for _, buffers in self._chunk_2_comm_buffers.items():
......@@ -863,7 +862,18 @@ class PipelineParallelWithInterleave(PipelineParallel):
self._forward_only = forward_only
# store the number of backward steps
self._backward_step_count = 0
assert (
self.accumulate_steps % self.num_stages == 0
), "accumulate_steps({}) should be evenly divisible by num_stages({}) for pipeline with interleave".format(
self.accumulate_steps, self.num_stages
per_stage_accumulate_steps = self.accumulate_steps // self.num_stages
self._backward_step_count = (
-(per_stage_accumulate_steps - 1)
* self.num_stages
* self.num_model_chunks
# init some data buffers for interleave scheduler
self.input_tensors = [[] for _ in range(self.num_model_chunks)]
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