echo_line="You must have one RD (zhouwei25 (Recommend), wanghuancoder, luotao1) approval for ${API_FILE} changes, which manages the Paddle CI task on Windows.\n"
check_approval 1 52485244 6836917 26922892
echo_line="You must have one RD (zhouwei25 (Recommend), wanghuancoder, luotao1) approval for ${API_FILE} changes, which manages the Paddle CI task on Windows.\n"
echo_line="You must have one RD (zhouwei25 (Recommend), wanghuancoder, luotao1) approval for ${API_FILE} changes, which manages the rule of running unittest with a same GPU. If the unittest failed due to Insufficient GPU memory or CUBLAS_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED, you can remove it from ${API_FILE}.\n"
check_approval 1 52485244 6836917 26922892
echo_line="You must have one RD (zhouwei25 (Recommend), wanghuancoder, luotao1) approval for ${API_FILE} changes, which manages the rule of running unittest with a same GPU. If the unittest failed due to Insufficient GPU memory or CUBLAS_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED, you can remove it from ${API_FILE}.\n"
echo_line="You must have one QA (XieYunshen(Recommend) or chalsliu) approval for setting parameter RUN_TYPE as EXCLUSIVE, DIST, NIGHTLY, EXCLUSIVE:NIGHTLY or DISTNIGHTLY, or setting parameter SERIAL, or setting TIMEOUT properties.\nThe corresponding lines are as follows:\n${RUNTYPE_ADD_LINES}\nFor more information, please refer to:"