未验证 提交 5d30d072 编写于 作者: B Bai Yifan 提交者: GitHub

cherry-pick 30354 (#30407)

上级 c22ee575
......@@ -255,13 +255,19 @@ class ImperativeQuantAware(object):
if hasattr(layer, "skip_quant") and layer.skip_quant == True:
scopes = name.split('.')
target = scopes[-1]
last_idx = 0
idx = 0
obj = model
parent = model
for i in range(len(scopes) - 1):
obj = getattr(parent, scopes[i])
parent = obj
while idx < len(name):
if (name[idx] == '.'):
if hasattr(parent, name[last_idx:idx]):
obj = getattr(obj, name[last_idx:idx])
parent = obj
last_idx = idx + 1
idx += 1
target = name[last_idx:idx]
quant_layer = self._get_quantized_counterpart(layer)
setattr(quant_layer, "layer_name", layer.full_name())
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