- ``--log_dir``: The path for each process's log. e.g ``--log_dir=output_dir``. Default ``--log_dir=log``.
- ``--nproc_per_node``: The number of processes to launch on a node. In gpu training, it should be less or equal to the gpus number of you system(or you set by --gpus). And so each process can bound to one or average number of gpus. e.g ``--nproc_per_node=8``
- ``--run_mode``: run mode of job, can be:collective/ps/ps-heter. e.g ``--run_mode=ps``. Default ``--run_mode=collective``.
- ``--gpus``: It's for gpu training. e.g ``--gpus=0,1,2,3`` will launch four training processes each bound to one gpu.
- ``--selected_gpus``: gpus aliases, recommend to use ``--gpus``.
- ``--xpus``: It's for xpu training if xpu is available. e.g ``--xpus=0,1,2,3``.
- ``--selected_xpus``: xpus aliases, recommend to use ``--xpus``.
- ``training_script``: The full path to the single GPU training program/script to be launched in parallel, followed by all the arguments for the training script. e.g ``traing.py``
- ``training_script_args``: The args of training_script. e.g ``--lr=0.1``