未验证 提交 3e7768d3 编写于 作者: J jianghaicheng 提交者: GitHub

add popart_canonicalization p3 (#37966)

上级 8b30c1ec
// Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/ipu/popart_canonicalization/canonicalization_utils.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/ipu/popart_canonicalization/op_builder.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/enforce.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace platform {
namespace ipu {
namespace {
Node *equal_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
auto new_node = CreateBaseOp(
graph, node, "popart_equal",
{GetInputVarNode("X", node), GetInputVarNode("Y", node)}, node->outputs);
return new_node;
REGISTER_HANDLER(equal, equal_handler);
} // namespace
} // namespace ipu
} // namespace platform
} // namespace paddle
// Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/ipu/popart_canonicalization/canonicalization_utils.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/ipu/popart_canonicalization/op_builder.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/enforce.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace platform {
namespace ipu {
namespace {
Node *mean_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_reducemean",
{GetInputVarNode("X", node)},
{GetOutputVarNode("Out", node)},
{"keepdims", int64_t{0}},
Node *pow_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
auto *op = node->Op();
if (op->HasInput("FactorTensor") && !op->Input("FactorTensor").empty()) {
return CreateBaseOp(
graph, node, "popart_pow",
{GetInputVarNode("X", node), GetInputVarNode("FactorTensor", node)},
} else {
// Op(pow) -> Op(Constant)->Var(const_out)->Op(Pow)
auto value_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op->GetAttr("factor"));
auto attrs =
MakeConstAttrMapFromValue<float>(value_, {1}, ONNXDataType::FLOAT);
auto new_node_const = CreateConst(graph, node, {}, {}, attrs);
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_pow", {GetInputVarNode("X", node),
Node *mul_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
auto *op = node->Op();
auto x_num_col_dims = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op->GetAttr("x_num_col_dims"));
auto y_num_col_dims = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op->GetAttr("y_num_col_dims"));
auto x_shape_ = GetInputVarNode("X", node)->Var()->GetShape();
auto y_shape_ = GetInputVarNode("Y", node)->Var()->GetShape();
// build the shape for reshape
std::vector<int64_t> reshape_shape_{};
for (int left = 0; left < x_num_col_dims; left++) {
for (int right = y_num_col_dims; right < y_shape_.size(); right++) {
auto x_flatten =
CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_flatten", {GetInputVarNode("X", node)},
{}, {{"axis", int64_t(x_num_col_dims)}});
auto y_flatten =
CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_flatten", {GetInputVarNode("Y", node)},
{}, {{"axis", int64_t(y_num_col_dims)}});
auto matmul =
CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_matmul",
{x_flatten->outputs[0], y_flatten->outputs[0]}, {}, {});
auto reshape_const = CreateConst(
graph, node, {}, {},
{{"value", reshape_shape_},
{"dims", std::vector<int64_t>{int64_t(reshape_shape_.size())}},
{"dtype", ONNXDataType::INT64}});
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_reshape",
{matmul->outputs[0], reshape_const->outputs[0]},
node->outputs, {});
Node *matmul_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
auto *op = node->Op();
auto transpose_x = BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, op->GetAttr("transpose_X"));
auto transpose_y = BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, op->GetAttr("transpose_Y"));
auto alpha = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op->GetAttr("alpha"));
auto x_shape = GetInputVarNode("X", node)->Var()->GetShape();
auto y_shape = GetInputVarNode("Y", node)->Var()->GetShape();
int x_rank = x_shape.size();
std::vector<int64_t> perm;
if (x_rank == 1) {
perm = std::vector<int64_t>{0};
} else if (x_rank == 2) {
return CreateGemm(graph, node,
{GetInputVarNode("X", node), GetInputVarNode("Y", node)},
node->outputs, transpose_x, transpose_y, alpha);
} else if (x_rank == 3) {
perm = std::vector<int64_t>{0, 2, 1};
} else if (x_rank == 4) {
perm = std::vector<int64_t>{0, 1, 3, 2};
} else {
"op matmul with input rank == %d", x_rank));
Node *x_node = GetInputVarNode("X", node);
Node *y_node = GetInputVarNode("Y", node);
if (transpose_x) {
x_node = CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_transpose",
{GetInputVarNode("X", node)}, {}, {{"perm", perm}});
x_node = x_node->outputs[0];
if (transpose_y) {
y_node = CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_transpose",
{GetInputVarNode("Y", node)}, {}, {{"perm", perm}});
y_node = y_node->outputs[0];
if (is_float_equal(alpha, 1.0)) {
auto o_node =
CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_matmul", {x_node, y_node}, {});
auto attr = MakeConstAttrMapFromValue(alpha, {1}, ONNXDataType::FLOAT);
auto const_node = CreateConst(graph, node, {}, {}, attr);
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_mul",
{o_node->outputs[0], const_node->outputs[0]},
} else {
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_matmul", {x_node, y_node},
Node *sum_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_sum", node->inputs, node->outputs);
Node *softmax_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
auto *op = node->Op();
auto axis = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op->GetAttr("axis"));
return CreateSoftmaxOpset11(graph, node, node->inputs, node->outputs, axis);
Node *scale_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
auto *op = node->Op();
auto scale_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op->GetAttr("scale"));
auto bias_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op->GetAttr("bias"));
auto bias_after_scale_ =
BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, op->GetAttr("bias_after_scale"));
auto data_type_ = GetInputVarNode("X", node)->Var()->GetDataType();
auto new_node_bias_var =
CreateConst(graph, node, {}, {}, {{"value", std::vector<float>{bias_}},
{"dims", std::vector<int64_t>{1}},
{"dtype", ONNXDataType::FLOAT}});
new_node_bias_var = new_node_bias_var->outputs[0];
Node *new_node_scale_var = nullptr;
if (op->HasInput("ScaleTensor") && !op->Input("ScaleTensor").empty()) {
new_node_scale_var = GetInputVarNode("ScaleTensor", node);
} else {
new_node_scale_var =
CreateConst(graph, node, {}, {}, {{"value", std::vector<float>{scale_}},
{"dims", std::vector<int64_t>{1}},
{"dtype", ONNXDataType::FLOAT}});
new_node_scale_var = new_node_scale_var->outputs[0];
// convert to float32
auto new_node_cast =
CreateCast(graph, node, {GetInputVarNode("X", node)}, {},
Node *result = nullptr;
if (bias_after_scale_) {
auto new_node_mul =
CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_mul",
{new_node_cast->outputs[0], new_node_scale_var}, {}, {});
result =
CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_add",
{new_node_mul->outputs[0], new_node_bias_var}, {}, {});
} else {
auto new_node_add =
CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_add",
{new_node_cast->outputs[0], new_node_bias_var}, {}, {});
result =
CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_mul",
{new_node_add->outputs[0], new_node_scale_var}, {}, {});
auto result_after_cast =
CreateCast(graph, node, result->outputs, node->outputs,
return result_after_cast;
Node *cross_entropy2_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
auto *op = node->Op();
auto ignoreIndex = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op->GetAttr("ignore_index"));
auto new_cast = CreateCast(graph, node, {GetInputVarNode("Label", node)}, {},
auto label_shape_ = GetInputVarNode("Label", node)->Var()->GetShape();
if (label_shape_.size() == 1) {
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_nllloss",
{GetInputVarNode("X", node), new_cast->outputs[0]},
{GetOutputVarNode("Y", node)},
{"ignoreIndex", ignoreIndex},
} else {
std::vector<int64_t> new_shape_{label_shape_[0]};
auto const_before_loss = CreateBaseOp(
graph, node, "popart_constant", {}, {},
{{"value", new_shape_},
{"dtype", ONNXDataType::INT64}});
auto reshape_before_loss = CreateBaseOp(
graph, node, "popart_reshape",
{new_cast->outputs[0], const_before_loss->outputs[0]}, {}, {});
auto nllloss = CreateBaseOp(
graph, node, "popart_nllloss",
{GetInputVarNode("X", node), reshape_before_loss->outputs[0]}, {},
{"ignoreIndex", ignoreIndex},
auto const_after_loss = CreateBaseOp(
graph, node, "popart_constant", {}, {},
{{"value", label_shape_},
{"dtype", ONNXDataType::INT64}});
auto reshape_after_loss =
CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_reshape",
{nllloss->outputs[0], const_after_loss->outputs[0]},
{GetOutputVarNode("Y", node)}, {});
return reshape_after_loss;
REGISTER_HANDLER(mean, mean_handler);
REGISTER_HANDLER(pow, pow_handler);
REGISTER_HANDLER(mul, mul_handler);
REGISTER_HANDLER(matmul, matmul_handler);
REGISTER_HANDLER(sum, sum_handler);
REGISTER_HANDLER(softmax, softmax_handler);
REGISTER_HANDLER(scale, scale_handler);
REGISTER_HANDLER(cross_entropy2, cross_entropy2_handler);
} // namespace
} // namespace ipu
} // namespace platform
} // namespace paddle
// Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/ipu/popart_canonicalization/canonicalization_utils.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/ipu/popart_canonicalization/op_builder.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/enforce.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace platform {
namespace ipu {
namespace {
Node *conv2d_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
OpDesc *op = node->Op();
auto dilations_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector<int>, op->GetAttr("dilations"));
auto dilations = std::vector<int64_t>{dilations_.begin(), dilations_.end()};
auto group_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op->GetAttr("groups"));
auto pads_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector<int>, op->GetAttr("paddings"));
if (pads_.size() == 2) {
auto pads = std::vector<int64_t>{pads_.begin(), pads_.end()};
auto stride_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector<int>, op->GetAttr("strides"));
auto stride = std::vector<int64_t>{stride_.begin(), stride_.end()};
if (op->HasInput("Bias") && !op->Input("Bias").empty()) {
return CreateConv(
graph, node,
GetInputVarNode("Input", node), GetInputVarNode("Filter", node),
GetInputVarNode("Bias", node),
node->outputs, dilations, group_, {}, pads, stride);
} else {
return CreateConv(
graph, node,
GetInputVarNode("Input", node), GetInputVarNode("Filter", node),
node->outputs, dilations, group_, {}, pads, stride);
Node *batch_norm_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
auto *op = node->Op();
std::vector<Node *> inputs;
inputs.push_back(GetInputVarNode("X", node));
inputs.push_back(GetInputVarNode("Scale", node));
inputs.push_back(GetInputVarNode("Bias", node));
inputs.push_back(GetInputVarNode("Mean", node));
inputs.push_back(GetInputVarNode("Variance", node));
int64_t num_outputs = 1;
std::vector<Node *> outputs;
auto is_test_type = op->GetAttrType("is_test");
bool is_test;
if (is_test_type == 0) {
// int
is_test = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op->GetAttr("is_test"));
} else {
// bool
is_test = BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, op->GetAttr("is_test"));
outputs.push_back(GetOutputVarNode("Y", node));
if (!is_test) {
outputs.push_back(GetOutputVarNode("MeanOut", node));
outputs.push_back(GetOutputVarNode("VarianceOut", node));
outputs.push_back(GetOutputVarNode("SavedMean", node));
outputs.push_back(GetOutputVarNode("SavedVariance", node));
num_outputs = 5;
// outputs.push_back(GetOutputVarNode("ReserveSpace", node));
auto momentum = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op->GetAttr("momentum"));
auto epsilon = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op->GetAttr("epsilon"));
// data_layout
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_batchnormalization", inputs, outputs,
{"momentum", momentum},
{"epsilon", epsilon},
{"num_outputs", num_outputs},
Node *pool2d_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
auto *op = node->Op();
auto pooling_type = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, op->GetAttr("pooling_type"));
auto global_pooling = BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, op->GetAttr("global_pooling"));
if (global_pooling) {
if (pooling_type == "max") {
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_globalmaxpool", node->inputs,
} else if (pooling_type == "avg") {
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_globalaveragepool", node->inputs,
} else {
"op pool2d with unkonwn pooling_type: %s", pooling_type));
if (op->HasAttr("padding_algorithm")) {
auto padding_algorithm =
BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, op->GetAttr("padding_algorithm"));
if (padding_algorithm != "EXPLICIT") {
"op pool2d with unkonwn padding_algorithm: %s", padding_algorithm));
auto ksize = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector<int>, op->GetAttr("ksize"));
auto kernel_shape = std::vector<int64_t>{ksize.begin(), ksize.end()};
auto ceil_mode_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, op->GetAttr("ceil_mode"));
auto ceil_mode = int64_t(ceil_mode_ ? 1 : 0);
auto paddings = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector<int>, op->GetAttr("paddings"));
auto pads = std::vector<int64_t>{paddings.begin(), paddings.end()};
if (pads.size() == 2) {
auto strides_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(std::vector<int>, op->GetAttr("strides"));
auto strides = std::vector<int64_t>{strides_.begin(), strides_.end()};
if (pooling_type == "max") {
int64_t num_outputs = 1;
auto dilations = std::vector<int64_t>{};
int64_t storage_order = 0;
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_maxpool", node->inputs,
node->outputs, {
{"num_outputs", num_outputs},
{"kernel_shape", kernel_shape},
{"ceil_mode", ceil_mode},
{"dilations", dilations},
{"pads", pads},
{"storage_order", storage_order},
{"strides", strides},
} else if (pooling_type == "avg") {
int64_t count_include_pad = 0;
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_averagepool", node->inputs,
{"kernel_shape", kernel_shape},
{"ceil_mode", ceil_mode},
{"count_include_pad", count_include_pad},
{"pads", pads},
{"strides", strides},
} else {
"op pool2d with unkonwn pooling_type: %s", pooling_type));
Node *group_norm_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
auto *op = node->Op();
auto epsilon_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op->GetAttr("epsilon"));
auto groups_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op->GetAttr("groups"));
auto groups = int64_t{groups_};
auto attrs_ = AttributeMap{{"epsilon", epsilon_}, {"num_groups", groups}};
std::vector<Node *> inputs_ = {GetInputVarNode("X", node),
GetInputVarNode("Scale", node),
GetInputVarNode("Bias", node)};
std::vector<Node *> outputs_ = {GetOutputVarNode("Y", node),
GetOutputVarNode("Mean", node),
GetOutputVarNode("Variance", node)};
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_groupnormalization_v2", inputs_,
outputs_, attrs_);
Node *instance_norm_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
auto *op = node->Op();
auto epsilon_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op->GetAttr("epsilon"));
auto attrs_ = AttributeMap{{"epsilon", epsilon_}};
std::vector<Node *> inputs_ = {GetInputVarNode("X", node),
GetInputVarNode("Scale", node),
GetInputVarNode("Bias", node)};
std::vector<Node *> outputs_ = {GetOutputVarNode("Y", node)};
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_instancenormalization", inputs_,
outputs_, attrs_);
Node *layer_norm_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
auto *op = node->Op();
auto begin_norm_axis_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op->GetAttr("begin_norm_axis"));
auto input_shape_ = GetInputVarNode("X", node)->Var()->GetShape();
std::vector<int64_t> norm_shape_{1, 1};
for (int i = 0; i < input_shape_.size(); i++) {
if (i < begin_norm_axis_) {
norm_shape_[0] *= input_shape_[i];
} else {
norm_shape_[1] *= input_shape_[i];
auto attrs1 = AttributeMap{
{"value", norm_shape_},
{"dims", std::vector<int64_t>{static_cast<int64_t>(norm_shape_.size())}},
{"dtype", ONNXDataType::INT64}};
auto reshape1_const =
CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_constant", {}, {}, attrs1);
auto new_node_reshape1 = CreateBaseOp(
graph, node, "popart_reshape",
{GetInputVarNode("X", node), reshape1_const->outputs[0]}, {}, {});
auto epsilon_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op->GetAttr("epsilon"));
int64_t groups_ = 1;
auto groupnorm_attrs_ =
AttributeMap{{"epsilon", epsilon_}, {"num_groups", groups_}};
auto out_Y_ = MakeVarNode(graph, node);
CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_groupnormalization_v2",
{new_node_reshape1->outputs[0], GetInputVarNode("Scale", node),
GetInputVarNode("Bias", node)},
{out_Y_, GetOutputVarNode("Mean", node),
GetOutputVarNode("Variance", node)},
auto attrs2 = AttributeMap{
{"value", input_shape_},
{"dims", std::vector<int64_t>{static_cast<int64_t>(input_shape_.size())}},
{"dtype", ONNXDataType::INT64}};
auto reshape2_const =
CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_constant", {}, {}, attrs2);
auto new_node_reshape2 = CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_reshape",
{out_Y_, reshape2_const->outputs[0]},
{GetOutputVarNode("Y", node)}, {});
return new_node_reshape2;
Node *dropout_handler(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
auto *op = node->Op();
auto dropout_prob_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(float, op->GetAttr("dropout_prob"));
auto dropout_implementation_ =
BOOST_GET_CONST(std::string, op->GetAttr("dropout_implementation"));
auto is_test_type_ = op->GetAttrType("is_test");
bool is_test_;
if (is_test_type_ == 0) {
// int
is_test_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(int, op->GetAttr("is_test"));
} else {
// bool
is_test_ = BOOST_GET_CONST(bool, op->GetAttr("is_test"));
if (is_test_) {
if (dropout_implementation_ == "upscale_in_train") {
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_identity",
{GetInputVarNode("X", node)},
{GetOutputVarNode("Out", node)}, {});
} else if (dropout_implementation_ == "downgrade_in_infer") {
auto scale =
CreateConst(graph, node, {}, {},
{{"value", std::vector<float>{1 - dropout_prob_}},
{"dims", std::vector<int64_t>{1}},
{"dtype", ONNXDataType::FLOAT}});
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_mul",
{GetInputVarNode("X", node), scale->outputs[0]},
{GetOutputVarNode("Out", node)}, {});
} else {
platform::errors::InvalidArgument("Invalid dropout_implementation"));
} else {
if (dropout_implementation_ == "upscale_in_train") {
auto attrs_ =
AttributeMap{{"num_outputs", (int64_t)1}, {"ratio", dropout_prob_}};
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_dropout",
{GetInputVarNode("X", node)},
{GetOutputVarNode("Out", node)}, attrs_);
} else if (dropout_implementation_ == "downgrade_in_infer") {
"Do not support downgrade_in_infer with training"));
} else {
platform::errors::InvalidArgument("Invalid dropout_implementation"));
REGISTER_HANDLER(pool2d, pool2d_handler);
REGISTER_HANDLER(batch_norm, batch_norm_handler);
REGISTER_HANDLER(group_norm, group_norm_handler);
REGISTER_HANDLER(instance_norm, instance_norm_handler);
REGISTER_HANDLER(layer_norm, layer_norm_handler);
REGISTER_HANDLER(conv2d, conv2d_handler);
REGISTER_HANDLER(dropout, dropout_handler);
} // namespace
} // namespace ipu
} // namespace platform
} // namespace paddle
// Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/ipu/popart_canonicalization/op_builder.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace platform {
namespace ipu {
// singleton
static int var_count = 0;
static int op_count = 0;
const std::string GenerateVarName() {
return std::string("_gen_var_") + std::to_string(var_count++);
const std::string GenerateOpName() {
return std::string("_gen_op_") + std::to_string(op_count++);
const std::string CreateOpIdentifyId(Node *node) {
// format: op_type|out_var0|out_var1|...|_gen_*
// this name will be used as op name when exporting onnx model from popart
auto op_type = node->Name();
std::string op_out = "";
for (auto *out_node : node->outputs) {
op_out += "|";
op_out += out_node->Name();
return {op_type + op_out + "|" + GenerateOpName()};
Node *MakeVarNode(Graph *graph, Node *node) {
auto var_name = GenerateVarName();
auto var_desc = std::make_unique<framework::VarDesc>(var_name);
auto var = graph->CreateVarNode(var_desc.get());
return var;
Node *MakeOpNode(Graph *graph, Node *node, const std::string &type,
const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs) {
auto op_desc = std::make_unique<framework::OpDesc>();
auto op = graph->CreateOpNode(op_desc.get());
for (auto *in : inputs) {
ConnectNodes(in, op);
if (outputs.empty()) {
auto var = MakeVarNode(graph, node);
ConnectNodes(op, var);
} else {
for (auto *out : outputs) {
ConnectNodes(op, out);
// i/o
std::vector<std::string> input_names;
for (auto node : op->inputs) {
op->Op()->SetInput("__inputs__", input_names);
std::vector<std::string> output_names;
for (auto node : op->outputs) {
op->Op()->SetOutput("__outputs__", output_names);
return op;
Node *CreateBaseOp(Graph *graph, Node *node, const std::string &type,
const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs,
const AttributeMap &attrs) {
auto new_node = MakeOpNode(graph, node, type, inputs, outputs);
if (!attrs.empty()) {
// deal special attr
if (!new_node->Op()->HasAttr(sIpuIndexAttr)) {
CopyOpAttr(sIpuIndexAttr, node->Op(), new_node->Op());
if (!new_node->Op()->HasAttr(sIpuStageAttr)) {
CopyOpAttr(sIpuStageAttr, node->Op(), new_node->Op());
new_node->Op()->SetAttr(sOpIdentifyIdAttr, CreateOpIdentifyId(node));
return new_node;
Node *CreateConst(Graph *graph, Node *node, const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs,
const AttributeMap &attrs) {
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_constant", inputs, outputs, attrs);
Node *CreateCast(Graph *graph, Node *node, const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs, const int otype) {
auto to = VarType2PopStr(otype);
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_cast", inputs, outputs,
{{"to", to}});
Node *CreateGemm(Graph *graph, Node *node, const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs, int64_t transA,
int64_t transB, float alpha, float beta) {
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_gemm", inputs, outputs,
{"alpha", alpha},
{"beta", beta},
{"transA", transA},
{"transB", transB},
Node *CreateReshape(Graph *graph, Node *node, const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs,
const std::vector<int64_t> &oshape) {
auto attr = AttributeMap{
{"value", oshape},
{"dims", std::vector<int64_t>{static_cast<int64_t>(oshape.size())}},
{"dtype", ONNXDataType::INT64}};
auto new_node_const =
CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_constant", {}, {}, attr);
auto new_node_reshape =
CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_reshape",
{inputs[0], new_node_const->outputs[0]}, outputs);
return new_node_reshape;
Node *CreateConv(Graph *graph, Node *node, const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs,
const std::vector<int64_t> &dilations, int64_t group,
const std::vector<int64_t> &kernel_shape,
const std::vector<int64_t> &pads,
const std::vector<int64_t> &strides) {
auto attrs = AttributeMap{
{"dilations", dilations}, {"group", group},
{"kernel_shape", kernel_shape}, {"pads", pads},
{"strides", strides},
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_conv", inputs, outputs, attrs);
Node *CreateSoftmaxOpset11(Graph *graph, Node *node,
const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs, int64_t axis) {
PADDLE_ENFORCE_EQ(inputs.size(), 1, platform::errors::InvalidArgument(
"Softmax op only support one input"));
auto x_shape = inputs[0]->Var()->GetShape();
int x_rank = x_shape.size();
if (axis < 0) {
axis = axis + x_rank;
if (axis == x_rank - 1) {
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_softmax", inputs, outputs,
{{"axis", int64_t{-1}}});
} else {
auto perm = std::vector<int64_t>(x_rank);
std::iota(perm.begin(), perm.end(), 0);
perm[x_rank - 1] = axis;
perm[axis] = x_rank - 1;
auto new_transpose_pre = CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_transpose",
inputs, {}, {{"perm", perm}});
auto new_softmax =
CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_softmax", new_transpose_pre->outputs,
{}, {{"axis", int64_t{-1}}});
return CreateBaseOp(graph, node, "popart_transpose", new_softmax->outputs,
outputs, {{"perm", perm}});
} // namespace ipu
} // namespace platform
} // namespace paddle
// Copyright (c) 2021 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/ipu/common.h"
#include "paddle/fluid/platform/device/ipu/popart_canonicalization/canonicalization_utils.h"
namespace paddle {
namespace platform {
namespace ipu {
using paddle::framework::AttributeMap;
template <typename T>
AttributeMap MakeConstAttrMap(std::vector<T> value, std::vector<int64_t> dims,
int dtype) {
return AttributeMap{{"value", value}, {"dims", dims}, {"dtype", dtype}};
template <typename T>
AttributeMap MakeConstAttrMapFromValue(T v, std::vector<int64_t> dims,
int dtype) {
size_t size = 1;
for (auto &dim : dims) {
size *= dim;
return MakeConstAttrMap<T>(std::vector<T>(size, v), dims, dtype);
const std::string GenerateVarName();
const std::string CreateOpIdentifyId(Node *node);
Node *MakeVarNode(Graph *graph, Node *node);
Node *MakeOpNode(Graph *graph, Node *node, const std::string &type,
const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs);
Node *CreateBaseOp(Graph *graph, Node *node, const std::string &type,
const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs,
const AttributeMap &attrs = {});
Node *CreateConst(Graph *graph, Node *node, const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs,
const AttributeMap &attrs);
// otype is proto::VarType::Type
Node *CreateCast(Graph *graph, Node *node, const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs, const int otype);
Node *CreateGemm(Graph *graph, Node *node, const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs, int64_t transA = 0,
int64_t transB = 0, float alpha = 1.0f, float beta = 1.0f);
Node *CreateReshape(Graph *graph, Node *node, const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs,
const std::vector<int64_t> &oshape);
Node *CreateConv(Graph *graph, Node *node, const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs,
const std::vector<int64_t> &dilations = {1, 1},
int64_t group = 1,
const std::vector<int64_t> &kernel_shape = {},
const std::vector<int64_t> &pads = {0, 0, 0, 0},
const std::vector<int64_t> &strides = {1, 1});
Node *CreateSoftmaxOpset11(Graph *graph, Node *node,
const std::vector<Node *> &inputs,
const std::vector<Node *> &outputs, int64_t axis);
} // namespace ipu
} // namespace platform
} // namespace paddle
......@@ -195,3 +195,5 @@ OP_DECL(popart_sqrt, aiOnnxOpset.sqrt, NONE) // NOLINT
OP_DECL(popart_tanh, aiOnnxOpset.tanh, NONE) // NOLINT
OP_DECL(popart_tile, aiOnnxOpset.tile, NONE) // NOLINT
OP_DECL(popart_transpose, aiOnnxOpset.transpose, ARG(INT_VEC,perm) ) // NOLINT
// clang-format on
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