未验证 提交 30be9317 编写于 作者: H houj04 提交者: GitHub

remove sigmoid cross entropy with logits from kl1 oplist. (#38641)

上级 64538c8d
......@@ -249,10 +249,6 @@ XPUOpMap& get_kl1_ops() {
pOpKernelType(vartype::INT32, XPUPlace()),
pOpKernelType(vartype::BOOL, XPUPlace()),
pOpKernelType(vartype::FP32, XPUPlace())})},
XPUKernelSet({pOpKernelType(vartype::FP32, XPUPlace())})},
XPUKernelSet({pOpKernelType(vartype::FP32, XPUPlace())})},
XPUKernelSet({pOpKernelType(vartype::FP32, XPUPlace())})},
{"sigmoid", XPUKernelSet({pOpKernelType(vartype::FP32, XPUPlace())})},
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