提交 0b72a27e 编写于 作者: T typhoonzero

update design of dist train refactor

上级 f350be3e
......@@ -64,29 +64,31 @@ the cases - the compiler will optimize the IR:
<img src="src/compiler.png"/>
We can have our own IR too: PaddlePaddle can support model parallel by
We can have our own IR which is called [Program](../program.md).
PaddlePaddle can support model parallel by
converting the IR so the user no longer need to manually do it in
<img src="src/paddle-compile.png"/>
The IR for PaddlePaddle after refactor is called `Block`, it specifies
the computation dependency graph and the variables used in the
### Limitation 3
The user can not directly specify the parameter update rule for the
parameter server because the parameter server does not use the same
computation definition as the trainer. Instead, the update rule is
baked in the parameter server. The user can not specify the update
rule in the same way of specifying the trainer computation.
parameter server because the previous implementaion hard coded that
parameter server only do vector's optimization algorithm by
configuration. The user can not specify the parameter server's
computation layer by layer.
This could be fixed by making the parameter server run the same
This could be fixed by making the parameter server run a separated
IR according to the trainer's varialble (tensors, selectedrows)
the same
computation definition as the trainer. For a detailed explanation,
[Design Doc: Operation Graph Based Parameter Server](./dist_train.md)
[Design Doc: Operation Graph Based Parameter Server](./parameter_server.md)
## Distributed Training Architecture
......@@ -110,30 +112,63 @@ img, label = input[0], input[1]
hidden = paddle.layer.fc(input=img, size=200, act=paddle.activation.Tanh())
prediction = paddle.layer.fc(input=img, size=10, act=paddle.activation.Softmax())
cost = paddle.layer.classification_cost(input=prediction, label=label)
optimizer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(cost, learning_rate=0.01)
session = paddle.session.NewRemote(num_trainer=3, num_ps=2, GPU_per_trainer=1)
optimizer = paddle.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.01)
opts = optimizer.minimize(cost)
exe = RemoteExecutor(num_trainer=3, num_ps=2, GPU_per_trainer=2, sync_batches=1)
# this will init variable data on both server and trainer
for i in range(1000):
_, cost_val = session.eval(targets=[cost, optimizer])
print cost_val
# feed data
cost, acc = exe.run(framework.default_main_program(),
fetch_list=[avg_cost, acc_out])
print cost, acc
The code above is a typical Python trainer code, the neural network
topology is built using helper functions such as
`paddle.layer.fc`. The training is done by calling `session.eval`
`paddle.layer.fc`. The training is done by calling `Executor.run`
#### session.eval
#### RemoteExecutor
As shown in the graph, `RemoteExecutor.run` sends the IR to the
PaddlePaddle cluster for Execution. You can also use parameter
`fetch_list` to interactively fetch varirable back to local for
log printing.
The Python `RemoteExecutor` is derived from `Executor` class.
For more information about `RemoteExecutor`, please
see [Design Doc: RemoteExecutor](./remote_executor.md).
By default, `Executor.run` starts a PaddlePaddle Cloud
[TrainingJob](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/cloud/blob/develop/doc/autoscale/README.md#training-job-resource), or you can run each component in the
executor by your own method:
As shown in the graph, `session.eval` sends the IR and the evaluation
inputs/targets to the PaddlePaddle cluster for evaluation. The
targets can be any variable in the computation graph. When the target
is the `optimizer` variable, the neural network will be optimized
once. When the target is the `cost` variable, `session.eval` returns
the cost value.
- Data Parrallelism
if os.getenv('PLACE_PSERVER'):
elif os.getenv('PLACE_TRAINER'):
- Model Parrallelism
for part in exe.get_parralle_parts():
The Python `session` is a wrapper of the C++ `Session` class. For more
information about `Session`, please
see [Design Doc: Session](./session.md).
#### Program and Executor
As mentioned above, the implementation of IR is [Program](../program.md).
[Executor](../executor.md) converts and parses the IR to a prefered
graph for final execution. For local training you generally use
`Executor` to run the graph locally. For any kind of distributed
training, you can use `RemoteExecutor` to specify desired distributed
training method with some optional arguments.
### PaddlePaddle Converter
......@@ -183,13 +218,6 @@ device computation time and device communication time. Model
parallelism requires the general placement algorithm.
### PaddlePaddle Runtime
The PaddlePaddle runtime owns multiple devices (e.g., CPUs, GPUs) and
runs the IR. The runtime does not need to do OP placement since it's
already done by the converter.
### Local Training Architecture
The local training architecture will be the same as the distributed
......@@ -210,7 +238,7 @@ the Python reader will need to read from the distributed filesystem
network traffic.
When doing distributed training, the user can still use Python data
reader: the training data are sent with `session.eval`. However should
reader: the training data are sent with `Executor.run`. However should
be used for debugging purpose only. The users are encouraged to use
the read data OPs.
# Design Doc: Session
## Abstract
The *session* object encapsulates the environment in which the
computation graph is executed.
We will have the *local* session and *remote* session, they offer the
same [interface](#interface). The local session encapsulates the local
runtime environment and the remote session encapsulates the cluster
runtime environment.
The local runtime environment contains:
1. computation devices (i.e., CPU, GPU) handles, and
1. the [scope](../scope.md) which holds all variables.
The remote runtime environment contains:
1. computation devices (i.e., CPU and GPU on node 0, 1) in a cluster,
1. the distributed [scope](../scope.md) in a cluster which holds all
The user can create a remote session on Paddle Cloud and evaluate the
computation graph with it. In this way, the user can control the
remote computation resource in a cluster from his local computer.
## Background
The current design has an implicit global session in which
`paddle.eval()` is executed. The pain point is:
Since the user is not able to explicitly switch between runtime
environments, the user cannot run a topology in two independent
For example, in reinforcement learning, the user may want to have a
stale model for inference and a fresh model for training, and only
replace the stale model with the fresh model periodically.
Furthermore, we have no concept that encapsulates a remote environment
that executes a computation graph.
We need the session object to address above issues.
## Session
A session is an object that owns the runtime environment. All
computations are executed through `session.eval()`.
### Interface
Evaluates the target Operations or Variables in `targets`.
- *targets*: the evaluation targets. Can be a single Operation or
Variable, or a list with the Operations or Variables as
elements. The value returned by `eval()` has the same shape as the
`target` argument.
The PaddlePaddle program is represented by
the [ProgramDesc](../design/program.md), `eval()` will infer the
ProgramDesc from the given targets and run the PaddlePaddle
program. Please
[this graph](./distributed_architecture.md#local-training-architecture) for
the detailed illustration for the local session
[this graph](./distributed_architecture.md#distributed-training-architecture) for
the detailed illustration for the remote session.
- *feed_dict*: a dictionary that contains the tensors which override
the edges of the computation graph.
feed_dict not only can provide the input data, it can override any
OP's input as well:
a = pd.constant(2.0, name="a")
b = pd.variable(name="b")
c = pd.mul(a,b)
sess.eval(targets=c, feed_dict={"b":3.0}) # returns 6.0
Closes the session and releases the scope that the session owns.
### Create a Local Session
Creates a new session. One session owns one global scope, so creating
multiple sessions will create different scopes.
- *devices*: a single `string` or a list of `string` of device names,
the corresponding devices will be the computation devices for
`eval()`. If not specified, all available devices (e.g., all GPUs)
will be used. The user doesn't need to specify the CPU device since
it will be always used. Multiple sessions can use the same device.
#### Example
a = paddle.constant(1.0)
b = paddle.constant(2.0)
c = a + b
sess = paddle.session(devices=["gpu:0", "gpu:1", "fpga:0"])
### Create a Remote Session
Creates a Paddle Cloud job. Fails if the job name exists.
Gets a Paddle Cloud job.
- *job*: the Paddle Cloud job.
#### Example
reader = paddle.reader.recordio("/pfs/home/peter/mnist-train-*") # data stored on Paddle Cloud
image = reader.column(0)
label = reader.column(1)
fc1 = paddle.op.fc(image, size=256, act="sigmoid")
fc2 = paddle.op.fc(fc1, size=10, act="softmax")
cost = paddle.op.cross_entropy(fc2, label)
opt = paddle.optimizer.sgd(cost)
job = paddle.create_cloud_job("test", 3, "1G", 1, 1, 2, "1G", 1)
sess = paddle.remote_ession(job)
for i in range(1000):
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