未验证 提交 0b2e510f 编写于 作者: Z Zeng Jinle 提交者: GitHub

fix ci bug (#34445)

上级 f17ba93b
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ if [[ $git_files -gt 19 || $git_count -gt 999 ]];then
for API_FILE in ${API_FILES[*]}; do
API_CHANGE=`git diff --name-only upstream/$BRANCH | grep "${API_FILE}" | grep -v "/CMakeLists.txt" || true`
API_CHANGE=`git diff --name-only upstream/$BRANCH | grep -F "${API_FILE}" | grep -v "/CMakeLists.txt" || true`
if [ "${API_CHANGE}" ] && [ "${GIT_PR_ID}" != "" ]; then
# NOTE: per_page=10000 should be ok for all cases, a PR review > 10000 is not human readable.
# You can use http://caius.github.io/github_id/ to find Github user id.
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