"comment":"logical_or Operator\n\nIt operates element-wise on X and Y, and returns the Out. X, Y and Out are N-dim boolean tensors.\nEach element of Out is calculated by $$Out = X || Y$$\n",
"comment":"(LoDTensor) Left hand operand of logical_or operator",
"comment":"(LoDTensor) Right hand operand of logical_or operator",
"comment":"(LoDTensor) n-dim bool tensor. Each element is $$Out = X || Y$$",
"comment":"\nSoftmax Operator.\n\nThe input of the softmax operator is a 2-D tensor with shape N x K (N is the\nbatch_size, K is the dimension of input feature). The output tensor has the\nsame shape as the input tensor.\n\nFor each row of the input tensor, the softmax operator squashes the\nK-dimensional vector of arbitrary real values to a K-dimensional vector of real\nvalues in the range [0, 1] that add up to 1.\nIt computes the exponential of the given dimension and the sum of exponential\nvalues of all the other dimensions in the K-dimensional vector input.\nThen the ratio of the exponential of the given dimension and the sum of\nexponential values of all the other dimensions is the output of the softmax\noperator.\n\nFor each row $i$ and each column $j$ in Input(X), we have:\n $$Y[i, j] = \\frac{\\exp(X[i, j])}{\\sum_j(exp(X[i, j])}$$\n\n",
"comment":"\nSoftmax Operator.\n\nThe input of the softmax operator is a 2-D tensor with shape N x K (N is the\nbatch_size, K is the dimension of input feature). The output tensor has the\nsame shape as the input tensor.\n\nFor each row of the input tensor, the softmax operator squashes the\nK-dimensional vector of arbitrary real values to a K-dimensional vector of real\nvalues in the range [0, 1] that add up to 1.\nIt computes the exponential of the given dimension and the sum of exponential\nvalues of all the other dimensions in the K-dimensional vector input.\nThen the ratio of the exponential of the given dimension and the sum of\nexponential values of all the other dimensions is the output of the softmax\noperator.\n\nFor each row $i$ and each column $j$ in Input(X), we have:\n $$Y[i, j] = \\frac{\\exp(X[i, j])}{\\sum_j(exp(X[i, j])}$$\n\n",
@@ -1720,62 +1743,6 @@
@@ -1720,62 +1743,6 @@
"comment":"workspace size for cudnn, in MB, workspace is a section of GPU memory which will be allocated/freed each time the operator runs, larger workspace size can increase performance but also requires better hardware. This size should be chosen carefully.",
"comment":"workspace size for cudnn, in MB, workspace is a section of GPU memory which will be allocated/freed each time the operator runs, larger workspace size can increase performance but also requires better hardware. This size should be chosen carefully.",
"comment":"\nSigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogits Operator.\n\nThis measures the element-wise probability error in classification tasks\nin which each class is independent. This can be thought of as predicting labels\nfor a data-point, where labels are not mutually exclusive.\nFor example, a news article can be about politics, technology or sports\nat the same time or none of these.\n\nThe logistic loss is given as follows:\n\n $$loss = -Labels * \\log(\\sigma(X)) - (1 - Labels) * \\log(1 - \\sigma(X))$$\n\nWe know that $$\\sigma(X) = (1 / (1 + \\exp(-X)))$$. By substituting this we get:\n\n $$loss = X - X * Labels + \\log(1 + \\exp(-X))$$\n\nFor stability and to prevent overflow of $$\\exp(-X)$$ when X < 0,\nwe reformulate the loss as follows:\n\n $$loss = \\max(X, 0) - X * Labels + \\log(1 + \\exp(-|X|))$$\n\nBoth the input `X` and `Labels` can carry the LoD (Level of Details) information.\nHowever the output only shares the LoD with input `X`.\n\n",
"comment":"(Tensor, default Tensor<float>), a 2-D tensor with shape N x D, where N is the batch size and D is the number of classes. This input is a tensor of logits computed by the previous operator. Logits are unscaled log probabilities given as log(p/(1-p)).",
"comment":"(Tensor, default Tensor<float>), a 2-D tensor of the same type and shape as X. This input is a tensor of probabalistic labels for each logit",
"comment":"(Tensor, default Tensor<float>), a 2-D tensor with shape N x D of elementwise logistic losses.",
"comment":"Fill operator\n\nFill an tensor with `value` and `shape`. The type of the tensor is specify by\n`dtype`.\n",
"comment":"(LoDTensor) The output tensor.",
"type":"float array",
"comment":"The float values of tensor, which are flatten in row major",
"type":"int array",
"comment":"The shape of output tensor",
"comment":"The data type of output tensor, Default is float",
"comment":"Whether the output tensor must be at CPU memory or not. Default is false.",
@@ -2435,6 +2402,96 @@
@@ -2435,6 +2402,96 @@
"comment":"(int) the specific lod level to rank.",
"comment":"(int) the specific lod level to rank.",
"comment":"\nSigmoidCrossEntropyWithLogits Operator.\n\nThis measures the element-wise probability error in classification tasks\nin which each class is independent. This can be thought of as predicting labels\nfor a data-point, where labels are not mutually exclusive.\nFor example, a news article can be about politics, technology or sports\nat the same time or none of these.\n\nThe logistic loss is given as follows:\n\n $$loss = -Labels * \\log(\\sigma(X)) - (1 - Labels) * \\log(1 - \\sigma(X))$$\n\nWe know that $$\\sigma(X) = (1 / (1 + \\exp(-X)))$$. By substituting this we get:\n\n $$loss = X - X * Labels + \\log(1 + \\exp(-X))$$\n\nFor stability and to prevent overflow of $$\\exp(-X)$$ when X < 0,\nwe reformulate the loss as follows:\n\n $$loss = \\max(X, 0) - X * Labels + \\log(1 + \\exp(-|X|))$$\n\nBoth the input `X` and `Labels` can carry the LoD (Level of Details) information.\nHowever the output only shares the LoD with input `X`.\n\n",
"comment":"(Tensor, default Tensor<float>), a 2-D tensor with shape N x D, where N is the batch size and D is the number of classes. This input is a tensor of logits computed by the previous operator. Logits are unscaled log probabilities given as log(p/(1-p)).",
"comment":"(Tensor, default Tensor<float>), a 2-D tensor of the same type and shape as X. This input is a tensor of probabalistic labels for each logit",
"comment":"(Tensor, default Tensor<float>), a 2-D tensor with shape N x D of elementwise logistic losses.",
"comment":"Fill operator\n\nFill an tensor with `value` and `shape`. The type of the tensor is specify by\n`dtype`.\n",
"comment":"(LoDTensor) The output tensor.",
"type":"float array",
"comment":"The float values of tensor, which are flatten in row major",
"type":"int array",
"comment":"The shape of output tensor",
"comment":"The data type of output tensor, Default is float",
"comment":"Whether the output tensor must be at CPU memory or not. Default is false.",
"comment":"\nHuberLoss Operator.\n\nHuber loss is a loss function used in robust regression. We define X as the\ninput value and Y as the target value. Huber loss can evaluate the fitness of\nX to Y. Different from MSE loss, Huber loss is more robust for outliers. The\nshape of X and Y are [batch_size, 1]. The equation is:\n\n$$\nOut_{\\delta}(X, Y)_i =\n\\begin{cases}\n0.5 * (Y_i - X_i)^2,\n\\quad |Y_i - X_i| \\leq \\delta \\\\\n\\delta * (|Y_i - X_i| - 0.5 * \\delta),\n\\quad otherwise\n\\end{cases}\n$$\n\nIn the above equation, $Out_\\delta(X, Y)_i$, $X_i$ and $Y_i$ represent the ith\nelement of Out, X and Y.\n\n",
"comment":"The input value of huber loss op.X is a 2-D tensor with shape [batch_size, 1].",
"comment":"The target value of huber loss op.Y is a 2-D tensor with shape [batch_size, 1].",
"comment":"Intermediate tensor to cache residual value between Y and X.The shape is same as Input(X) and will be reused in backward.",
"comment":"The output tensor with shape [batch_size, 1] which represents the huber loss.",
"comment":"Hyper parameter in huber loss.",
"comment":"\nRankLoss Operator.\n\nRankLoss operator for RankNet\n(http://icml.cc/2015/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/icml_ranking.pdf). \nRankNet is a pairwise ranking model with\none training sample consisting of a pair of doc A and B, and the label P\nindicating that A is ranked higher than B or not:\n\nP = {0, 1} or {0, 0.5, 1}, where 0.5 means no information about the rank of\nthe input pair.\n\nThe RankLoss operator takes three inputs: Left (o_i), Right (o_j) and Label\n(P_{i,j}), which represent the output score of RankNet for the two docs and \nthe label respectively, and yields the rank loss C_{i,j} using the following \nequation:\n\n$$\n C_{i,j} = -\\tilde{P_{ij}} * o_{i,j} + \\log(1 + e^{o_{i,j}}) \\\\\n o_{i,j} = o_i - o_j \\\\\n\\tilde{P_{i,j}} = \\left \\{0, 0.5, 1 \\right \\} \\ or \\\\left \\{0, 1 \\right \\}\n$$\n\nThe operator can take batch inputs with size batch_size (batch_size >= 1).\n\n",
"comment":"\nRankLoss Operator.\n\nRankLoss operator for RankNet\n(http://icml.cc/2015/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/icml_ranking.pdf). \nRankNet is a pairwise ranking model with\none training sample consisting of a pair of doc A and B, and the label P\nindicating that A is ranked higher than B or not:\n\nP = {0, 1} or {0, 0.5, 1}, where 0.5 means no information about the rank of\nthe input pair.\n\nThe RankLoss operator takes three inputs: Left (o_i), Right (o_j) and Label\n(P_{i,j}), which represent the output score of RankNet for the two docs and \nthe label respectively, and yields the rank loss C_{i,j} using the following \nequation:\n\n$$\n C_{i,j} = -\\tilde{P_{ij}} * o_{i,j} + \\log(1 + e^{o_{i,j}}) \\\\\n o_{i,j} = o_i - o_j \\\\\n\\tilde{P_{i,j}} = \\left \\{0, 0.5, 1 \\right \\} \\ or \\\\left \\{0, 1 \\right \\}\n$$\n\nThe operator can take batch inputs with size batch_size (batch_size >= 1).\n\n",
@@ -2554,75 +2611,52 @@
@@ -2554,75 +2611,52 @@
"comment":"\nScatter Operator.\n\nThis operator obtains output by updating the input on selected indices on the first axis:\n\n$$\nOut = Ref \\\\\nOut[Index] = Ref[Index] + Updates\n$$\n\n",
"comment":"(Tensor or LoDTensor) The input(X) of this operator can be a LoDTensor or a base Tensor.",
"comment":"The index input of scatter op where Ref will be updated",
"comment":"The updated value of updates op",
"comment":"(LoDTensor)The reference input(Y) of sequence_expand op.It must be a LoDTensor with k-level(k>0).The input(X) will be expanded according to LOD of input(Y).The element numbers of last level in input(Y) must be equal to dims[0] of input(X).",
"comment":"The output of add op",
"comment":"(LodTensor)The output of sequence_expand op.The lod of output will be as same as input(Y)'s lod.",
"comment":"logical_or Operator\n\nIt operates element-wise on X and Y, and returns the Out. X, Y and Out are N-dim boolean tensors.\nEach element of Out is calculated by $$Out = X || Y$$\n",
"comment":"\nScatter Operator.\n\nThis operator obtains output by updating the input on selected indices on the first axis:\n\n$$\nOut = Ref \\\\\nOut[Index] = Ref[Index] + Updates\n$$\n\n",
"comment":"(LoDTensor) Left hand operand of logical_or operator",
"comment":"The source input of scatter op",
"comment":"(LoDTensor) Right hand operand of logical_or operator",
"comment":"The index input of scatter op where Ref will be updated",
"comment":"(LoDTensor) n-dim bool tensor. Each element is $$Out = X || Y$$",
"comment":"(Tensor or LoDTensor) The input(X) of this operator can be a LoDTensor or a base Tensor.",
"comment":"(LoDTensor)The reference input(Y) of seq_expand op.It must be a LoDTensor with k-level(k>0).The input(X) will be expanded according to LOD of input(Y).The element numbers of last level in input(Y) must be equal to dims[0] of input(X).",
"comment":"The updated value of updates op",
"comment":"(LodTensor)The output of seq_expand op.The lod of output will be as same as input(Y)'s lod.",
"comment":"The output of add op",
@@ -3231,40 +3265,6 @@
@@ -3231,40 +3265,6 @@
"comment":"(int, default -1) The starting dimension index for broadcasting Y onto X",
"comment":"(int, default -1) The starting dimension index for broadcasting Y onto X",
"comment":"\nHuberLoss Operator.\n\nHuber loss is a loss function used in robust regression. We define X as the\ninput value and Y as the target value. Huber loss can evaluate the fitness of\nX to Y. Different from MSE loss, Huber loss is more robust for outliers. The\nshape of X and Y are [batch_size, 1]. The equation is:\n\n$$\nOut_{\\delta}(X, Y)_i =\n\\begin{cases}\n0.5 * (Y_i - X_i)^2,\n\\quad |Y_i - X_i| \\leq \\delta \\\\\n\\delta * (|Y_i - X_i| - 0.5 * \\delta),\n\\quad otherwise\n\\end{cases}\n$$\n\nIn the above equation, $Out_\\delta(X, Y)_i$, $X_i$ and $Y_i$ represent the ith\nelement of Out, X and Y.\n\n",
"comment":"The input value of huber loss op.X is a 2-D tensor with shape [batch_size, 1].",
"comment":"The target value of huber loss op.Y is a 2-D tensor with shape [batch_size, 1].",
"comment":"Intermediate tensor to cache residual value between Y and X.The shape is same as Input(X) and will be reused in backward.",
"comment":"The output tensor with shape [batch_size, 1] which represents the huber loss.",
"comment":"Hyper parameter in huber loss.",
"comment":"\nSequence slice operator\n\nThe operator crops a subsequence from given sequence with given start offset and subsequence length.\nIt only supports sequence (LoD Tensor with level number is 1).\n- Case:\n X = [[a1, a2;\n b1, b2;\n c1, c2]\n [d1, d2;\n e1, e2]]\n LoD(X) = {{0, 3, 5}}; Dims(X) = (5, 2)\n Offset = [[0], [1]]; Length = [[2], [1]]\n\n Out = [[a1, a2;\n b1, b2]\n [e1, e2]]\n LoD(Out) = {{0, 2, 3}}; Dims(Out) = (3, 2)\nNOTE: The first dimension size of input, the size of offset and Length, should be equal. The offset start from 0.\n ",
"comment":"\nSequence slice operator\n\nThe operator crops a subsequence from given sequence with given start offset and subsequence length.\nIt only supports sequence (LoD Tensor with level number is 1).\n- Case:\n X = [[a1, a2;\n b1, b2;\n c1, c2]\n [d1, d2;\n e1, e2]]\n LoD(X) = {{0, 3, 5}}; Dims(X) = (5, 2)\n Offset = [[0], [1]]; Length = [[2], [1]]\n\n Out = [[a1, a2;\n b1, b2]\n [e1, e2]]\n LoD(Out) = {{0, 2, 3}}; Dims(Out) = (3, 2)\nNOTE: The first dimension size of input, the size of offset and Length, should be equal. The offset start from 0.\n ",