• W
    [cherry-pick pr31970] Support transforms for paddle tensor image (#32705) · a9d330a3
    Wenyu 提交于
    * add to_grayscale, normalize
    * add rotate
    * add vfip and hflip
    * add crop center_crop
    * add utils
    * add utils
    * update utils, add raise for some cases
    * add padding, support constant, reflect, replicate, circular same as paddle.pad
    * update rotate
    * using utils func in [v|h]flip
    * add get-image-[n,c,w,h] axis utils
    * add get-image-[n,c,w,h] axis utils
    * align
    * update
    * remove default value in utils func
    * add assert for pad
    * update assert paddle image
    * support rotate fill func
    * raise valueerror for pad
    * remove typing, py2 dont support
    * init uinttest for transforms tensor
    * add resize op
    * register [normalize hflip crop center_crop resize transpose] imagenet
    * register [normalize hflip crop center_crop resize transpose] imagenet
    * fix bugs, (w, h) getter and import
    * add _get_image_size for tensor image
    * add pad vflip for tensor image
    * add unittest for tensor transforms
    * update transforms unittest for converage CI probelms, test=develop
    * update
    * update
    * update
    * fix `get_shape` for tensor backend
    * update
    * update
    * add more resize tests
    * update
    * update for ci test
    * update
    * remove redundancy code
    * update uinttest, and set tensor image to hwc by default
    * add tensor backend
    * fix copyright doc, rm comment code, add pil unittest
    * update data_format to `chw` for tensor
    * coverage notest,test=coverage
    * update
    * update
test_transforms.py 23.4 KB