layer.rst 7.6 KB 编辑Web IDE Layers Data layer data Fully Connected Layers fc selective_fc Conv Layers conv_operator conv_projection conv_shift img_conv context_projection row_conv Image Pooling Layer img_pool spp maxout Norm Layer img_cmrnorm batch_norm sum_to_one_norm cross_channel_norm Recurrent Layers recurrent lstmemory grumemory Recurrent Layer Group memory recurrent_group lstm_step gru_step beam_search get_output Mixed Layer mixed embedding scaling_projection dotmul_projection dotmul_operator full_matrix_projection identity_projection slice_projection table_projection trans_full_matrix_projection Aggregate Layers AggregateLevel pooling last_seq first_seq concat seq_concat Reshaping Layers block_expand ExpandLevel expand repeat rotate seq_reshape Math Layers addto linear_comb interpolation bilinear_interp power scaling slope_intercept tensor cos_sim trans Sampling Layers maxid sampling_id multiplex Slicing and Joining Layers pad Cost Layers cross_entropy_cost cross_entropy_with_selfnorm_cost multi_binary_label_cross_entropy_cost huber_cost lambda_cost mse_cost rank_cost sum_cost crf crf_decoding ctc warp_ctc nce hsigmoid smooth_l1_cost multibox_loss Check Layer eos Miscs dropout Activation with learnable parameter prelu gated_unit Detection output Layer detection_output