# NOTE: NPU `get_float_status` read the value from register, During the test,# it is found that this register will be overwritten by any program on the card.# In order to prevent the interference of nan/inf in the other unittests, we# need to set the unittests related to `float_status` to exclusive.set_tests_properties(test_amp_check_finite_and_scale_op_npu PROPERTIES LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE")set_tests_properties(test_flags_check_nan_inf_npu PROPERTIES LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE")set_tests_properties(test_float_status_op_npu PROPERTIES LABELS "RUN_TYPE=EXCLUSIVE")
# Note: the following test cases has running time more than 120sset_tests_properties(test_nearest_interp_op_npu PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 200)set_tests_properties(test_nearest_interp_v2_op_npu PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 200)set_tests_properties(test_stack_op_npu PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 300)