dim_trans.h 4.7 KB
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/* Copyright (c) 2023 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#pragma once

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include "paddle/fluid/distributed/auto_parallel/spmd_rules/dist_tensor_spec.h"

namespace paddle {
namespace distributed {
namespace auto_parallel {

// This is a base class to describe how each dimension in output tensor
// is transformed from input tensor's axes. The transformation includes
// Flatten, Split, etc. A vector<DimTrans*> whose size equals to the
// output tensor's rank can be used to describe how the output shape is
// transformed from the input shape. Each element in vector<DimTrans*>
// describes the transformation of one output axis. For example, when
// a reshape operator reshapes a tensor from the shape of (6, 12, 48)
// to (72, 6, 8), this transfromation can be described as:
// [Flatten(Dim(0), Dim(1)), Split(Dim(2), (6,8), 0), Split(Dim(2), (6,8), 1)]
// meaning that dim0 in output is flattened from dim0 and dim1 in input,
// dim1 and dim2 in output are obtained by splitting dim2 in input, the
// splitted shape is (6, 8), dim1 referes to the first shape value in (6, 8)
// and dim2 referes to the second shape value in (6, 8).
class DimTrans {

  DimTrans() = default;

  explicit DimTrans(Type type);

  virtual ~DimTrans();

  Type type() const;

  void set_type(Type type);

  virtual std::string to_string();

  Type type_;

// InputDim indicates that the output dimention
// is obtained directed from one input dimension.
class InputDim : public DimTrans {

  explicit InputDim(int64_t dim);

  virtual ~InputDim();

  int64_t input_dim() const;

  void set_input_dim(int64_t dim);

  std::string to_string() override;

  int64_t input_dim_;

// Singleton indicates that the shape of the
// corresponding output dimension is 1
class Singleton : public DimTrans {
  std::string to_string() override;

// Flatten indicates that the output dimension
// is obtained from flattening input dimensions.
class Flatten : public DimTrans {

  explicit Flatten(const std::vector<DimTrans*>& dims);

  virtual ~Flatten();

  const std::vector<DimTrans*>& inputs() const;

  void set_inputs(const std::vector<DimTrans*>& dims);

  std::string to_string() override;

  std::vector<DimTrans*> input_dims_;

// Split indicates that the output dimension
// is obtained by splitting input dimension.
class Split : public DimTrans {

  Split(DimTrans* dim, const std::vector<int64_t>& shape, int64_t id);

  virtual ~Split();

  DimTrans* input() const;

  void set_input(DimTrans* dim);

  int64_t split_id() const;

  // get the splitted shape value of the split_id_ dimension
  int64_t local_splitted_shape_value();

  std::string to_string() override;

  DimTrans* input_dim_trans_;
  std::vector<int64_t> splitted_shape_;
  int64_t split_id_;

void CleanUp();

DimTrans* make_flatten(const std::vector<DimTrans*>& dims = {});

DimTrans* make_split(DimTrans* dim,
                     const std::vector<int64_t>& shape = {},
                     int64_t id = 0);

// Infer the dims mapping of the output tensor according to the transformation
// `dim_trans`. Returns the dims mapping of the input tensor (the input dims
// mapping may be changed for resharding) and output tensor. The inferring
// follows the rules:
// 1. For Singleton, i.e., the shape of this output axis is 1, its dim mapping
// is -1, indicating that the output axis is replicated.
// 2. For InputDim, i.e., the output axis is transformed directly from an input
// axis, set its dim mapping equals to the corresponding input axis.
// 3. For Flatten, i.e., the output axis is flattened from some input axes, it
// can be sharded only if the leftmost flattened axes is sharded.
// 4. For Split, i.e., the output axes is splited from a input axis, only the
// leftmost output split axis can be sharded when its shape can be divisible
// by the mesh dimension.
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> InferFromDimTrans(
    const DistTensorSpec& input_spec, const std::vector<DimTrans*>& dim_trans);

}  // namespace auto_parallel
}  // namespace distributed
}  // namespace paddle