utils.py 8.5 KB
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#   Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
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from __future__ import print_function
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import collections
import six
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import numpy as np
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def convert_to_list(value, n, name, dtype=np.int):
    Converts a single numerical type or iterable of numerical
    types into an numerical type list.
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      value: The value to validate and convert. Could an int, or any iterable
        of ints.
      n: The size of the list to be returned.
      name: The name of the argument being validated, e.g. "stride" or
        "filter_size". This is only used to format error messages.
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      dtype: the numerical type of the element of the list to be returned.
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      A list of n dtypes.
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      ValueError: If something else than an int/long or iterable thereof was
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    if isinstance(value, dtype):
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        return [value, ] * n
            value_list = list(value)
        except TypeError:
            raise ValueError("The " + name +
                             "'s type must be list or tuple. Received: " + str(
        if len(value_list) != n:
            raise ValueError("The " + name + "'s length must be " + str(n) +
                             ". Received: " + str(value))
        for single_value in value_list:
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            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise ValueError(
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                    "The " + name + "'s type must be a list or tuple of " + str(
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                        n) + " " + str(dtype) + " . Received: " + str(
                            value) + " "
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                    "including element " + str(single_value) + " of type" + " "
                    + str(type(single_value)))
        return value_list
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def is_sequence(seq):
    Whether `seq` is an entry or nested structure
    if isinstance(seq, dict):
        return True
    return (isinstance(seq, collections.Sequence) and
            not isinstance(seq, six.string_types))

def _sorted(dict_):
    Returns a sorted list of the dict keys, with error if keys not sortable.
        return sorted(six.iterkeys(dict_))
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError("nest only supports dicts with sortable keys.")

def _yield_value(iterable):
    if isinstance(iterable, dict):
        # Iterate through dictionaries in a deterministic order by sorting the
        # keys. Notice this means that we ignore the original order of `OrderedDict`
        # instances. This is intentional, to avoid potential bugs caused by mixing
        # ordered and plain dicts (e.g., flattening a dict but using a
        # corresponding `OrderedDict` to pack it back).
        for key in _sorted(iterable):
            yield iterable[key]
        for value in iterable:
            yield value

def _yield_flat_nest(nest):
    for n in _yield_value(nest):
        if is_sequence(n):
            for ni in _yield_flat_nest(n):
                yield ni
            yield n

def flatten(nest):
    Traverse all entries in the nested structure and put them into an list.
    if is_sequence(nest):
        return list(_yield_flat_nest(nest))
        return [nest]

def _sequence_like(instance, args):
    Convert the sequence `args` to the same type as `instance`.
    if isinstance(instance, dict):
        # Pack dictionaries in a deterministic order by sorting the keys.
        # Notice this means that we ignore the original order of `OrderedDict`
        # instances. This is intentional, to avoid potential bugs caused by mixing
        # ordered and plain dicts (e.g., flattening a dict but using a
        # corresponding `OrderedDict` to pack it back).
        result = dict(zip(_sorted(instance), args))
        return type(instance)((key, result[key])
                              for key in six.iterkeys(instance))
    elif (isinstance(instance, tuple) and hasattr(instance, "_fields") and
          isinstance(instance._fields, collections.Sequence) and
          all(isinstance(f, six.string_types) for f in instance._fields)):
        # This is a namedtuple
        return type(instance)(*args)
        # Not a namedtuple
        return type(instance)(args)

def _packed_nest_with_indices(structure, flat, index):
    Helper function for pack_sequence_as.
    packed = []
    for s in _yield_value(structure):
        if is_sequence(s):
            new_index, child = _packed_nest_with_indices(s, flat, index)
            packed.append(_sequence_like(s, child))
            index = new_index
            index += 1
    return index, packed

def pack_sequence_as(structure, flat_sequence):
    Pack a given flattened sequence into a given structure.
    if not is_sequence(flat_sequence):
        raise TypeError("flat_sequence must be a sequence")
    if not is_sequence(structure):
        if len(flat_sequence) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Structure is a scalar but len(flat_sequence) == %d > 1" %
        return flat_sequence[0]
    flat_structure = flatten(structure)
    if len(flat_structure) != len(flat_sequence):
        raise ValueError(
            "Could not pack sequence. Structure had %d elements, but flat_sequence "
            "had %d elements.  Structure: %s, flat_sequence: %s." %
            (len(flat_structure), len(flat_sequence), structure, flat_sequence))
    _, packed = _packed_nest_with_indices(structure, flat_sequence, 0)
    return _sequence_like(structure, packed)

def map_structure(func, *structure):
    Apply `func` to each entry in `structure` and return a new structure.
    flat_structure = [flatten(s) for s in structure]
    entries = zip(*flat_structure)
    return pack_sequence_as(structure[0], [func(*x) for x in entries])

def _recursive_assert_same_structure(nest1, nest2, check_types):
    Helper function for `assert_same_structure`.
    is_sequence_nest1 = is_sequence(nest1)
    if is_sequence_nest1 != is_sequence(nest2):
        raise ValueError(
            "The two structures don't have the same nested structure.\n\n"
            "First structure: %s\n\nSecond structure: %s." % (nest1, nest2))
    if not is_sequence_nest1:
        return  # finished checking
    if check_types:
        type_nest1 = type(nest1)
        type_nest2 = type(nest2)
        if type_nest1 != type_nest2:
            raise TypeError(
                "The two structures don't have the same sequence type. First "
                "structure has type %s, while second structure has type %s." %
                (type_nest1, type_nest2))
        if isinstance(nest1, dict):
            keys1 = set(six.iterkeys(nest1))
            keys2 = set(six.iterkeys(nest2))
            if keys1 != keys2:
                raise ValueError(
                    "The two dictionaries don't have the same set of keys. First "
                    "structure has keys {}, while second structure has keys {}."
                    .format(keys1, keys2))
    nest1_as_sequence = [n for n in _yield_value(nest1)]
    nest2_as_sequence = [n for n in _yield_value(nest2)]
    for n1, n2 in zip(nest1_as_sequence, nest2_as_sequence):
        _recursive_assert_same_structure(n1, n2, check_types)

def assert_same_structure(nest1, nest2, check_types=True):
    Confirm two nested structures with the same structure.
    len_nest1 = len(flatten(nest1)) if is_sequence(nest1) else 1
    len_nest2 = len(flatten(nest2)) if is_sequence(nest2) else 1
    if len_nest1 != len_nest2:
        raise ValueError("The two structures don't have the same number of "
                         "elements.\n\nFirst structure (%i elements): %s\n\n"
                         "Second structure (%i elements): %s" %
                         (len_nest1, nest1, len_nest2, nest2))
    _recursive_assert_same_structure(nest1, nest2, check_types)