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# Copyright (c) 2016 Baidu, Inc. All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from paddle.trainer.config_parser import *
__all__ = ['ParamAttr', 'ExtraAttr', 'ParameterAttribute',

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def convert_and_compare(x, Type):
    Convert x to be the same type as Type and then convert back to                                                                                                                                      
    check whether there is a loss of information                                                                                                                                                        
    :param x: object to be checked                                                                                                                                                                      
    :param Type: target type to check x over                                                                                                                                                           
    return type(x)(Type(x))==x

def is_compatible_with(x, Type):
    Check if x has a type compatible with Type                                                                                                                                                         
    :param x: object to be checked                                                                                                                                                                     
    :param Type: target type to check x over                                                                                                                                                           
    if type(x) == Type:
        return True
        if float == Type or int == Type:
        # avoid those types that can be converted to float/int but not very                                                                                                                            
        # meaningful and  could potentially lead to error                                                                                                                                              
        # i.e., str and bool typed value should not be used for initializing float/int variable                                                                                                        
            if not isinstance(x, str) and not isinstance(x, bool):
                return convert_and_compare(x, Type)
        elif bool == Type:
            # should not use string type to initialize bool variable                                                                                                                                   
            if not isinstance(x, str):
                return convert_and_compare(x, Type)
            return False
        return False

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class ParameterAttribute(object):
    Parameter Attributes object. To fine-tuning network training process, user
    can set attribute to control training details, such as l1,l2 rate / learning
    rate / how to init param.


    :param is_static: True if this parameter will be fixed while training.
    :type is_static: bool

    :param initial_std: Gauss Random initialization standard deviation.
                        None if not using Gauss Random initialize parameter.
    :type initial_std: float or None
    :param initial_mean:  Gauss Random initialization mean.
                         None if not using Gauss Random initialize parameter.
    :type initial_mean: float or None
    :param initial_max: Uniform initialization max value.
    :type initial_max: float or None
    :param initial_min: Uniform initialization min value.
    :type initial_min: float or None
    :param l1_rate: the l1 regularization factor
    :type l1_rate: float or None
    :param l2_rate: the l2 regularization factor
    :type l2_rate: float or None
    :param learning_rate: The parameter learning rate. None means 1.
                          The learning rate when optimize is LEARNING_RATE =
                          * SCHEDULER_FACTOR.

    :type learning_rate: float or None
    :param momentum: The parameter momentum. None means use global value.
    :type momentum: float or None
    :param sparse_update: Enable sparse update for this parameter. It will
                          enable both local and remote sparse update.
    :type sparse_update: bool

    def __init__(self, name=None, is_static=False, initial_std=None,
                 initial_mean=None, initial_max=None, initial_min=None,
                 l1_rate=None, l2_rate=None, learning_rate=None, momentum=None,
        # initialize strategy.
        if is_static:
            self.attr = {'is_static': True}
        elif initial_std is None and initial_mean is None and initial_max \
                is None and initial_min is None:
            self.attr = {'initial_smart': True}
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        elif is_compatible_with(initial_std, float) or \
             is_compatible_with(initial_mean, float):
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            self.attr = dict()
            if initial_std is not None:
                self.attr['initial_std'] = initial_std
            if initial_mean is not None:
                self.attr['initial_mean'] = initial_mean
            self.attr['initial_strategy'] = 0  # Gauss Random
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        elif is_compatible_with(initial_max, float) and \
             is_compatible_with(initial_min, float):
            initial_max = initial_max
            initial_min = initial_min
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            assert initial_min < initial_max
            initial_mean = (initial_max + initial_min) / 2
            initial_std = initial_mean - initial_min
            self.attr = dict()
            self.attr['initial_mean'] = initial_mean
            self.attr['initial_std'] = initial_std
            self.attr['initial_strategy'] = 1  # Uniform Random
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected branch.")

        if not is_static and is_compatible_with(l1_rate, float):
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            self.attr['decay_rate_l1'] = l1_rate

        if not is_static and is_compatible_with(l2_rate, float):
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            self.attr['decay_rate'] = l2_rate

        if not is_static and is_compatible_with(learning_rate, float):
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            self.attr['learning_rate'] = learning_rate

        if not is_static and is_compatible_with(momentum, float):
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            self.attr['momentum'] = momentum

        if name is not None:
            self.attr['parameter_name'] = name

        if sparse_update:
            self.attr['sparse_update'] = True
            self.attr['sparse_remote_update'] = True

    def set_default_parameter_name(self, name):
        Set default parameter name. If parameter not set, then will use default
        parameter name.

        :param name: default parameter name.
        :type name: basestring
        if 'parameter_name' not in self.attr:
            self.attr['parameter_name'] = name

    def to_bias(bias_attr):
        if isinstance(bias_attr, ParameterAttribute):
            return Bias(**bias_attr.attr)
            return False

class ExtraLayerAttribute(object):
    Some high level layer attributes config. You can set all attributes here,
    but some layer doesn't support all attributes. If you set an attribute to a
    layer that not support this attribute, paddle will print an error and core.

    :param error_clipping_threshold: Error clipping threshold.
    :type error_clipping_threshold: float
    :param drop_rate: Dropout rate. Dropout will create a mask on layer output.
                      The dropout rate is the zero rate of this mask. The
                      details of what dropout is please refer to `here
    :type drop_rate: float


    def __init__(self, error_clipping_threshold=None, drop_rate=None):
        self.attr = dict()
        if isinstance(error_clipping_threshold, float):
            assert error_clipping_threshold > 0
            self.attr["error_clipping_threshold"] = error_clipping_threshold

        if isinstance(drop_rate, float):
            assert drop_rate > 0
            self.attr["drop_rate"] = drop_rate

    def check(self, layer_name):
        for key in self.attr:
            if not hasattr(self, 'can_%s' % key) or \
                    not getattr(self, 'can_%s' % key):
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Layer %s cannot support %s" % (layer_name, key))

    def to_kwargs(attr):
        if attr is None:
            return dict()
            return attr.attr

ParamAttr = ParameterAttribute
ExtraAttr = ExtraLayerAttribute