ModelConfig.proto 19.0 KB
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/* Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License. */
syntax = "proto2";
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

import "ParameterConfig.proto";

package paddle;

 * Various structs for the configuration of a neural network

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message ExternalConfig {
  repeated string layer_names = 1;
  repeated string input_layer_names = 2;
  repeated string output_layer_names = 3;

message ActivationConfig {
  // identity: f(x) = x
  // sigmoid: f(x) = 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
  // logistic: f(x) = (1 - exp(-x)) / (1+ exp(-x))
  // softmax: y_i = f(x_i) = exp(x_i) / (\sum_i exp(x_i))
  // relu: y = max(0, x)
  required string type = 1;

message ConvConfig {
  // filter_size = 5, says that this layer will use
  // filters of size 5x5 pixels.
  required uint32 filter_size = 1;

  // The image data dimensionality.
  // This value must be either 1, 2, 3, or a multiple of 4.
  required uint32 channels = 2;

  // stride = 1, indicates that the distance between
  // successive filter applications should be 1 pixel.
  required uint32 stride = 3;

  // padding = 4, instructs the net to implicitly
  // pad the images with a 4-pixel border of zeros.
  required uint32 padding = 4;

  // If groups = 4 together with the filters = 32 parameter,
  // they state that this convolutional layer is to have 4
  // groups of 32 filters. Each filter will connect to 8
  // input channels.
  required uint32 groups = 5;
  required uint32 filter_channels = 6;

  // The size of output feature map.
  required uint32 output_x = 7;

  // The size of input feature map.
  required uint32 img_size = 8;

  // caffe mode for output size coherence
  required bool caffe_mode = 9 [ default = true ];
71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78

  // if filter_size_y is set , this convolutional layer will use
  // filters of size filter_size * filter_size_y pixels.
  // if filter_size_y is not set, this convolutional layer will use
  // filters of size filter_size * filter_size
  required uint32 filter_size_y = 10;
  required uint32 padding_y = 11;
  required uint32 stride_y = 12;
79 80

  // if not set, use output_x
  optional uint32 output_y = 13;
82 83

  // if not set, use img_size
  optional uint32 img_size_y = 14;
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

message PoolConfig {
  // max or avg pooling
  required string pool_type = 1;
  required uint32 channels = 2;

  // Defines the size of the pooling region in
  // the x (equivalently, y) dimension.
  required uint32 size_x = 3;

  // Tell the net where in the input image to start the pooling.
97 98
  // start is deprecated now.
  optional uint32 start = 4;
99 100

  // Defines the stride size between successive pooling squares.
  required uint32 stride = 5 [ default = 1 ];
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110

  // The size of output feature map.
  required uint32 output_x = 6;

  // The size of input feature map.
  required uint32 img_size = 7;

  // padding = 4, instructs the net to implicitly
  // pad the images with a 4-pixel border of zeros.
  optional uint32 padding = 8 [ default = 0 ];
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  // if not set, use size_x
dangqingqing 已提交
  optional uint32 size_y = 9;
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  // if not set, use stride
dangqingqing 已提交
  optional uint32 stride_y = 10;
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  // if not set, use output_x
dangqingqing 已提交
  optional uint32 output_y = 11;
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  // if not set, use img_size
dangqingqing 已提交
  optional uint32 img_size_y = 12;
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  // if not set, use padding
dangqingqing 已提交
  optional uint32 padding_y = 13;
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message SppConfig {
130 131 132
  required ImageConfig image_conf = 1;
  required string pool_type = 2;
  required uint32 pyramid_height = 3;
133 134

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message NormConfig {
  // rnorm or cmrnorm
  required string norm_type = 1;
  required uint32 channels = 2;

  // rnorm: this defines the size of the local regions
  // used for response normalization.
  // cmrnorm: The size parameter indicates how many
  // nearby maps to use for normalization.
  required uint32 size = 3;

  // the parameters for normalization
  // u = u / (1+scale*sum(u^2 in window))^pow
148 149
  required double scale = 4;
  required double pow = 5;
150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161

  // The size of output feature map.
  required uint32 output_x = 6;

  // The size of input feature map.
  required uint32 img_size = 7;

  // normalize with fixed window or sliding window
  // u = u / (1+scale*sum(u^2 in window))^pow
  // fixed window: shared a fixed window for each value
  // sliding window: have a different window for each value
  optional bool blocked = 8;
162 163

  // if not set, use output_x
  optional uint32 output_y = 9;
165 166

  // if not set, use img_size
  optional uint32 img_size_y = 10;
168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190

message BlockExpandConfig {
  required uint32 channels = 1;

  required uint32 stride_x = 2;
  required uint32 stride_y = 3;

  required uint32 padding_x = 4;
  required uint32 padding_y = 5;

  required uint32 block_x = 6;
  required uint32 block_y = 7;

  // The size of output feature map.
  required uint32 output_x = 8;
  required uint32 output_y = 9;

  // The size of input feature map.
  required uint32 img_size_x = 10;
  required uint32 img_size_y = 11;

message MaxOutConfig {
  required ImageConfig image_conf = 1;
193 194 195
  required uint32 groups = 2;

message RowConvConfig { required uint32 context_length = 1; }

hedaoyuan 已提交
198 199 200 201 202
message SliceConfig {
  required uint32 start = 1;
  required uint32 end = 2;

203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211
message ProjectionConfig {
  required string type = 1;
  required string name = 2;
  required uint64 input_size = 3;
  required uint64 output_size = 4;

  // For ShiftProjection
  optional int32 context_start = 5;
  optional int32 context_length = 6;
  optional bool trainable_padding = 7 [ default = false ];
213 214 215 216 217 218

  // For convolution
  optional ConvConfig conv_conf = 8;
  optional int32 num_filters = 9;

  // For IdentityOffsetProjection
  optional uint64 offset = 11 [ default = 0 ];
qijun 已提交
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  // For pool
  optional PoolConfig pool_conf = 12;
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223 224

  // For slice
225 226
  // Each slice output is the input[start, end)
  repeated SliceConfig slices = 13;
227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235

message OperatorConfig {
  required string type = 1;
  repeated int32 input_indices = 2;
  repeated uint64 input_sizes = 3;
  required uint64 output_size = 4;

  // For DotMulOperator
  optional double dotmul_scale = 5 [ default = 1.0 ];
237 238 239 240 241 242

  // For ConvOperator
  optional ConvConfig conv_conf = 6;
  optional int32 num_filters = 7;

message BilinearInterpConfig {
liaogang 已提交
  // The size of input feature map.
  required ImageConfig image_conf = 1;
liaogang 已提交
  // The size of output feature map.
247 248
  required uint32 out_size_x = 2;
  required uint32 out_size_y = 3;
250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257

message ImageConfig {
  // The image data dimensionality.
  // This value must be either 1, 2, 3, or a multiple of 4.
  required uint32 channels = 2;

  // The size of input feature map.
  required uint32 img_size = 8;
  optional uint32 img_size_y = 9;
259 260

yuan 已提交
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message PriorBoxConfig {
  repeated uint32 min_size = 1;
  repeated uint32 max_size = 2;
  repeated float aspect_ratio = 3;
  repeated float variance = 4;

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268 269 270 271 272 273 274
message PadConfig {
  required ImageConfig image_conf = 1;
  repeated uint32 pad_c = 2;
  repeated uint32 pad_h = 3;
  repeated uint32 pad_w = 4;

275 276 277 278 279 280 281
message MultiBoxLossConfig {
  required uint32 num_classes = 1;
  required float overlap_threshold = 2;
  required float neg_pos_ratio = 3;
  required float neg_overlap = 4;
  required uint32 background_id = 5;
  required uint32 input_num = 6;
282 283
  optional uint32 height = 7 [ default = 1 ];
  optional uint32 width = 8 [ default = 1 ];
284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293

message DetectionOutputConfig {
  required uint32 num_classes = 1;
  required float nms_threshold = 2;
  required uint32 nms_top_k = 3;
  required uint32 background_id = 4;
  required uint32 input_num = 5;
  required uint32 keep_top_k = 6;
  required float confidence_threshold = 7;
294 295
  optional uint32 height = 8 [ default = 1 ];
  optional uint32 width = 9 [ default = 1 ];
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guosheng 已提交
message ClipConfig {
299 300
  required double min = 1;
  required double max = 2;
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message LayerInputConfig {
  required string input_layer_name = 1;
  optional string input_parameter_name = 2;
  optional ConvConfig conv_conf = 3;
  optional PoolConfig pool_conf = 4;
  optional NormConfig norm_conf = 5;
  optional ProjectionConfig proj_conf = 6;
  optional BlockExpandConfig block_expand_conf = 7;
  optional ImageConfig image_conf = 8;
  // If the input layer has multi-output.
  // Set the argument name.
  optional string input_layer_argument = 9;
  optional BilinearInterpConfig bilinear_interp_conf = 10;
  optional MaxOutConfig maxout_conf = 11;
qijun 已提交
  optional SppConfig spp_conf = 12;
yuan 已提交
  optional PriorBoxConfig priorbox_conf = 13;
dangqingqing 已提交
  optional PadConfig pad_conf = 14;
  optional RowConvConfig row_conv_conf = 15;
321 322
  optional MultiBoxLossConfig multibox_loss_conf = 16;
  optional DetectionOutputConfig detection_output_conf = 17;
guosheng 已提交
  optional ClipConfig clip_conf = 18;
324 325 326

message LayerConfig {

328 329 330
  required string name = 1;
  required string type = 2;
  optional uint64 size = 3;
  // optional ActivationConfig activation = 4;
332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343
  optional string active_type = 4;
  repeated LayerInputConfig inputs = 5;
  optional string bias_parameter_name = 6;

  // This number must be a multiple of 16.
  optional uint32 num_filters = 7;

  // indicates that the biases of every filter in this layer
  // should be shared amongst all applications of that filter
  // (which is how convnets are usually trained). Setting this to
  // false will untie the biases, yielding a separate bias for
  // every location at which the filter is applied.
  optional bool shared_biases = 8 [ default = false ];
345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353

  // Valid values are ones that divide the area of the output
  // grid in this convolutional layer. For example if this layer
  // produces 32-channel 20x20 output grid, valid values of
  // partialSum are ones which divide 20*20 = 400.
  // I'll update this comments when confirmed
  optional uint32 partial_sum = 9;

  // for dropout
  optional double drop_rate = 10;
355 356 357 358 359 360 361

  // for HierarchicalSoftmaxLayer and NCELayer
  // the number of classes
  optional uint32 num_classes = 11;

  // the gpu device which the Layer's data in.
  // Only used by ParallelNeuralNetork. Ignored otherwise.
  optional int32 device = 12 [ default = -1 ];

364 365 366
  // for recurrent layer. If true, the recurrence runs from the end to the
  // beginning.
  optional bool reversed = 13 [ default = false ];

368 369 370
  // for lstmemory layer. Different types of nodes have different activation
  // type.
  optional string active_gate_type = 14;
371 372 373 374
  optional string active_state_type = 15;

  // For NCELayer
  // The number of random negative labels for each sample
  optional int32 num_neg_samples = 16 [ default = 10 ];
376 377 378 379

  // For NCELayer
  // The distribution for generating the random negative labels.
  // A uniform distribution will be used if not provided
  repeated double neg_sampling_dist = 17 [ packed = true ];
381 382 383

  // For MaxLayer
  // default: output VALUE of MaxLayer. set this flag to true for output INDEX
  // INDEX will be put in Argument::value as double values.
  optional bool output_max_index = 19 [ default = false ];
386 387 388 389

  /// The filed number 20 have been deprecated.

  // For self-normalized estimation
  optional double softmax_selfnorm_alpha = 21 [ default = 0.1 ];
391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400

  /// The filed numbers 22 and 23 have been deprecated.

  // for MDLstmLayer
  repeated bool directions = 24;

  // for CTCLayer
  optional bool norm_by_times = 25;

  // for CostLayers
  optional double coeff = 26 [ default = 1.0 ];
402 403 404 405 406 407

  // for AverageLayer
  // can be set to: 'average', 'sum' or 'squarerootn'
  optional string average_strategy = 27;

  // for error clipping
  optional double error_clipping_threshold = 28 [ default = 0.0 ];
409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417

  // for operators used by mixed layer
  repeated OperatorConfig operator_confs = 29;

  // for lambdaCost
  optional int32 NDCG_num = 30;
  optional int32 max_sort_size = 31;

  // for SlopeInterceptLayer
418 419
  optional double slope = 32;
  optional double intercept = 33;
420 421

  // for CosSimVecMatLayer and CosSimLayer
  optional double cos_scale = 34;
423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435

  // for DataNormLayer
  // can be set to: 'z-score', 'min-max' or 'decimal-scaling'
  optional string data_norm_strategy = 36;

  // for bos/eos id
  optional uint32 bos_id = 37;
  optional uint32 eos_id = 38;

  // for max id layer
  optional uint32 beam_size = 39;

  // for seqlastins layer, whether select first instead last
  optional bool select_first = 40 [ default = false ];
437 438 439

  // for seqlastins layer, AverageLayer, MaxLayer and ExpandLayer
  // can be set to: 'non-seq','seq'
  optional string trans_type = 41 [ default = 'non-seq' ];
441 442 443

  // to indicate whether selective_fc layer
  // is used in sequence generation or not
  optional bool selective_fc_pass_generation = 42 [ default = false ];
445 446 447 448 449 450

  // to indicate whether selective_fc layer take its last input to
  // selected several columns and only compute the multiplications
  // between the input matrices and the selected columns of
  // the parameter matrices of this layer.
  // if set false, selective_fc degrades into fc.
  optional bool has_selected_colums = 43 [ default = true ];
452 453 454 455 456

  // this parameter is for speed consideration.
  // if number of the selected columns is less than
  // sample number * selective_fc output size * selective_fc_mull_mull_ratio
  // sparse multiplication is used, otherwise, using full multiplication.
  optional double selective_fc_full_mul_ratio = 44 [ default = 0.02 ];
458 459 460 461

  // to indicate how many threads selective_fc use to to accelate
  // the plain_mul period
  // leave empty or set to 0 to disable multi-thread accleleration
462 463
  optional uint32 selective_fc_parallel_plain_mul_thread_num = 45
      [ default = 0 ];
464 465 466 467 468 469

  // for batch normalization layer
  // if set use_global_stats true, will use the loaded mean and variance.
  optional bool use_global_stats = 46;

  // use to compute moving mean and variance.
  optional double moving_average_fraction = 47 [ default = 0.9 ];
471 472

  // bias size
  optional uint32 bias_size = 48 [ default = 0 ];

  // this parameter can be used as a user-defined parameter when necessary,
  // without changing the proto file.
  // e.g., when a new layer with a user-defined parameter is implemented,
478 479
  // it can be used to pass that parameter, without modifying the proto file.
  // string type is used for flexibility: different types can be converted
  // to string and reinterpreted in the user's own layer implementation.
  optional string user_arg = 49;

483 484 485
  // to indicate rectangle image data
  optional uint64 height = 50;
  optional uint64 width = 51;

  // blank label used in ctc loss
  optional uint32 blank = 52 [ default = 0 ];

  // stride parameter for seqlastins layer, AverageLayer, MaxLayer, which
491 492
  // controls the scope of pooling operation. can be set > 0.
  // leave empty or set to -1 to disable this stride pooling.
  optional int32 seq_pool_stride = 53 [ default = -1 ];
494 495

  // for crop layer
  optional int32 axis = 54 [ default = 2 ];
497 498
  repeated uint32 offset = 55;
  repeated uint32 shape = 56;
Luo Tao 已提交
499 500 501

  // for HuberRegressionLoss
  optional double delta = 57 [ default = 1.0 ];
502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509

message EvaluatorConfig {
  required string name = 1;
  required string type = 2;
  repeated string input_layers = 3;

  // Used by ChunkEvaluator
510 511 512 513
  // one of "IOB", "IOE", "IOBES"
  optional string chunk_scheme = 4;
  // number of chunk types other than "other"
  optional int32 num_chunk_types = 5;
514 515 516

  // Used by PrecisionRecallEvaluator and ClassificationErrorEvaluator
  // For multi binary labels: true if output > classification_threshold
  optional double classification_threshold = 6 [ default = 0.5 ];
  // The positive label. -1 means average precision and recall
  optional int32 positive_label = 7 [ default = -1 ];
520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527

  // load dict from this file
  optional string dict_file = 8;

  // dump result in this file
  optional string result_file = 9;

  // top # results for max id printer
  optional int32 num_results = 10 [ default = 1 ];
529 530

  // whether to delimit the sequence in the seq_text_printer
  optional bool delimited = 11 [ default = true ];

Peng Li 已提交
533 534 535
  // Used by ChunkEvaluator
  // chunk of these types are not counted
  repeated int32 excluded_chunk_types = 12;
536 537 538

  // Used by ClassificationErrorEvaluator
  // top # classification error
  optional int32 top_k = 13 [ default = 1 ];
yangyaming 已提交
540 541

  // Used by DetectionMAPEvaluator
  optional double overlap_threshold = 14 [ default = 0.5 ];
yangyaming 已提交

  optional int32 background_id = 15 [ default = 0 ];
yangyaming 已提交

  optional bool evaluate_difficult = 16 [ default = false ];
yangyaming 已提交

  optional string ap_type = 17 [ default = "11point" ];
549 550 551 552 553 554

message LinkConfig {
  required string layer_name = 1;
  required string link_name = 2;
  // If true, this link has sub-sequence
  optional bool has_subseq = 3 [ default = false ];
556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567

message MemoryConfig {
  required string layer_name = 1;
  required string link_name = 2;

  optional string boot_layer_name = 3;
  optional string boot_bias_parameter_name = 4;
  optional string boot_bias_active_type = 5;
  optional uint32 boot_with_const_id = 7;

  // memory is a sequence, initailized by a sequence boot layer
  optional bool is_sequence = 6 [ default = false ];
569 570 571 572 573

message GeneratorConfig {
  required uint32 max_num_frames = 1;
  required string eos_layer_name = 2;
  optional int32 num_results_per_sample = 3 [ default = 1 ];
575 576

  // for beam search
  optional int32 beam_size = 4 [ default = 1 ];

  optional bool log_prob = 5 [ default = true ];
580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588

message SubModelConfig {
  required string name = 1;
  repeated string layer_names = 2; // selected layers in sub model
  repeated string input_layer_names = 3;
  repeated string output_layer_names = 4;
  repeated string evaluator_names = 5;

  optional bool is_recurrent_layer_group = 6 [ default = false ];
590 591

  // If true, the recurrence runs from the end to the beginning.
  optional bool reversed = 7 [ default = false ];
593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604

  // name and link name of memory
  repeated MemoryConfig memories = 8;

  // if use recurrent layer group, all layers in submodel will postfix by
  // "_in_", so we add a name pair to link between
  // root model and layer group,
  // note that these in/out layers are not input/output of the network.
  repeated LinkConfig in_links = 9;
  repeated LinkConfig out_links = 10;

  optional GeneratorConfig generator = 11;

606 607
  // the id of inlink which share info with outlinks, used in recurrent layer
  // group
  optional int32 target_inlinkid = 12;
609 610 611 612 613

message ModelConfig {
  // type of the model.
  // Currently, "nn", "recurrent_nn" and "recursive_nn" are supported
  required string type = 1 [ default = "nn" ];
615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637

  // layers should be ordered in such a way that the forward propagation
  // can be correctly executed by going from the first layer to the last layer
  repeated LayerConfig layers = 2;

  repeated ParameterConfig parameters = 3;

  // Input layers should have the same order as the data streams provided
  // by the data provider. The type of input layers should be "data"
  repeated string input_layer_names = 4;

  // For training, the type of a output layer is usually cost layer.
  // For prediction, they should be the actual output layers.
  repeated string output_layer_names = 5;

  repeated EvaluatorConfig evaluators = 6;

  repeated SubModelConfig sub_models = 8;

  // For External Machine, defining how to split a neural network
  // into multiple parts.
  optional ExternalConfig external_config = 9;
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