RecurrentGradientMachine.h 16.7 KB
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/* Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve.
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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#pragma once

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#include <functional>
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#include "GradientMachine.h"
#include "NeuralNetwork.h"

#include "paddle/utils/Locks.h"

namespace paddle {

 * Private data class declares.
 * Used for user customized beam search.
class BeamSearchControlCallbacks;
class BeamSearchStatisticsCallbacks;

class RecurrentGradientMachine : public NeuralNetwork {
  RecurrentGradientMachine(const std::string& subModelName,
                           NeuralNetwork* rootNetwork);

  // Disable copy and assign.
  RecurrentGradientMachine(const RecurrentGradientMachine& other) = delete;
  RecurrentGradientMachine& operator=(const RecurrentGradientMachine& other) =

  virtual ~RecurrentGradientMachine() {

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  virtual void init(const ModelConfig& config,
                    ParamInitCallback callback,
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                    const std::vector<ParameterType>& parameterTypes,
                    bool useGpu);

  virtual void prefetch(const std::vector<Argument>& inArgs);

  virtual void forward(const std::vector<Argument>& inArgs,
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                       std::vector<Argument>* outArgs,
                       PassType passType);
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  virtual void backward(const UpdateCallback& callback = nullptr);

  void forwardBackward(const std::vector<Argument>& inArgs,
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                       std::vector<Argument>* outArgs,
                       PassType passType,
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                       const UpdateCallback& callback);

  virtual void resetState() {}
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  virtual void eval(Evaluator* evaluator) const;
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  const std::vector<int>& getParameterIds() { return parameterIds_; }

   * @brief BeamSearchCandidatesAdjustCallback
   * Adjust searching candidates to restrict beam search
   * searching within a limited subset of all possibile paths.
   * The first parameter is the prefixes of all formed paths in current
   * beam search step, whose type is basically int[][].
   * The second parameter is a pointer to the network used to generate sequence,
   * user can use this pointer to tranverse each layer in the network to
   * modify behaivors of a particular layer.
   * The third parameter is an integer to indicate the iteration number of
   * beam search, so that user can customize different operations in different
   * beam search iterations.
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  typedef std::function<void(
      const std::vector<std::vector<int>*>&, NeuralNetwork*, const int)>
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   * @brief DropCallback
   * Drop a whole prefix or one candidate in beam search or not.
   * The first parameter is sequence index in a batch
   * The second parameter is one path in beam search,
   * which is made up of node indices.
   * The third parameter is probabilites for each node in this path.
   * Return true if this prefix or candidate is expected to be dropped.
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  typedef std::function<bool(
      int seqId, const std::vector<int>&, const std::vector<real>&)>
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   * @brief NormOrDropNodeCallback
   * Normalize a path's probabilities or just drop it by modifying path.logProb
   * The first parameter is sequence index in a batch
   * The second parameter is path.ids
   * The third parameter is probabilites for each node in this path.
   * The fourth parameter is the probability of the whole path.
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  typedef std::function<void(
      int seqId, const std::vector<int>&, std::vector<real>&, real*)>
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   * @brief Register beam search control callbacks. Used for prediction.
   * @param queryBeamSearch: Give the sequences already formed, return the
   * nodes expected to be expanded.
   * Input: A pointer to an array holding pathes which have been expanded
   * Return: A pointer to an array holding nodes wanted to be expanded.
   * @param dropOneNode: Early drop a node in one beam search step.
   * Given the path formed and probability history, decide whether a node
   * should be dropped or not.
   * @param stopBeamSearch: Early stop a path in one beam search step.
   * Given the path and probability history, decide whether a path
   * should be dropped or not.
  void registerBeamSearchControlCallbacks(
      const BeamSearchCandidatesAdjustCallback& adjustBeamSearch,
      const NormOrDropNodeCallback& normOrDropNode,
      const DropCallback& stopBeamSearch);

   * @brief Remove user costumized beam search callbacks,
   * make sequence generation acts like normal beam search.
  void removeBeamSearchControlCallbacks();

   * @brief EachStepCallback
   * Invoke with beam search step.
  typedef std::function<void(int)> EachStepCallback;

   * @brief register statistics methods for performance profile of beam search.
   * @param onEachStepStarted: invoke once a beam search step starts.
   * Its input is index of the beam search step.
   * @param onEachStepStoped: invoke once a beam search step ends.
   * Its input is index of the beam search step.
  void registerBeamSearchStatisticsCallbacks(
      const EachStepCallback& onEachStepStarted,
      const EachStepCallback& onEachStepStoped);

   * @brief Remove beam search callbacks.
  void removeBeamSearchStatisticsCallbacks();

   * @brief Stop beam search for current source.
   * Will restart beam search in the next forward
  void stopBeamSearch();

  struct Path {
     * @brief ids, path of beam search.
    std::vector<int> ids;

     * @brief logProb, current probability of path.
    real logProb;

    int machineId;  // index of sample in frame
    int topIndex;   // index of MaxIdLayer output in one sample
    int seqId;      // index of sequence in batch generation
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    std::vector<int> machineIdVec;

     * @brief A record of each node's probality in a formed path in beam search.
     * @note  It could be empty when history is not recorded. If the history is
     *        wanted to be recorded, recordHistory() MUST be invoked first.
    std::vector<real> probHistory;

     * @brief Path default ctor, first logProb is 0.
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    Path() {
      logProb = 0;
      seqId = 0;
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    explicit Path(size_t seqId) : seqId(seqId) { logProb = 0; }

     * @brief Create a new path based on an old path and
     * a new node with probability.
     * @param old       old path
     * @param newId     index of the new node
     * @param logProb   probability of the new node.
     * @param machineId sample index of a frame in RNN
     * @param topIndex  index of MaxIdLayer output in one sample
    Path(Path& old, int newId, real logProb, int machineId, int topIndex)
        : ids(old.ids),
          logProb(old.logProb + logProb),
          seqId(old.seqId) {
      if (!old.probHistory.empty()) {
        this->probHistory = old.probHistory;
        // probHistory store current prob, not sum

     * @brief operator <
     * Path a < Path b means log probability of a is smaller than that of b
    bool operator<(const Path& other) const {
      return (logProb < other.logProb);

    static bool greaterPath(const Path& a, const Path& b) { return (b < a); }

     * @brief Start recording history in this path.
    void recordHistory() { this->probHistory.push_back(this->logProb); }

     * @brief Adjust probability for DIY beam search interface.
     * In normal situation, it will do nothing.
     * @param calc_id: the object id for DIY beam search interface.
     * @param atEos: at end of sequence or not.
    void adjustProb(int calc_id, bool atEos = false);

     * @brief isDropable indacating whether the current node will be
     * dropped or not in beam search.
     * @note: if logProb is -inf, current node will be dropped.
     * @return true to drop the current node.
    bool isDropable() const { return std::isinf(logProb) && logProb < 0; }

   * @brief access beam search results.
   * @return beam search results.
  const std::vector<std::vector<Path>>& getFinalPaths() const {
    return this->finalPaths_;

  void resizeOrCreateFrames(int numFrames);
  void resizeBootFrame(int numSequences);

  void generateSequence();
  void oneWaySearch(size_t batchSize);
  void beamSearch(size_t batchSize);

  struct InFrameLine {
    std::string linkName;
    LayerPtr inLayer;
    std::vector<LayerPtr> agents;  // Scatter Agents to reform batch input
    bool hasSubseq;
    Argument outArg;  // scatter output argument
  std::vector<InFrameLine> inFrameLines_;

  struct OutFrameLine {
    std::string layerName;
    LayerPtr agentLayer;
    std::vector<LayerPtr> frames;
  std::vector<OutFrameLine> outFrameLines_;

  struct MemoryFrameLine {
    std::string layerName;
    std::string linkName;
    LayerPtr bootLayer;  // actually used biasLayer or rootAgent
    LayerPtr biasLayer;
    LayerPtr rootLayer;  // layer in root network to boot this memory
    LayerPtr rootAgent;  // agent to link rootLayer
    std::vector<LayerPtr> frames;
    std::vector<LayerPtr> agents;
    std::vector<LayerPtr> scatterAgents;  // scatter agent used by beam search
    Argument outArg;                      // scatter output argument
    bool is_sequence;
    // Different memoryFrameLine have different element as follows
    IVectorPtr allIds;  // scattered id of realLayer
        sequenceStartPositions;  // scattered sequenceStartPositions
  std::vector<MemoryFrameLine> memoryFrameLines_;

329 330 331
  // Each inFrameLines(inlinks) has its own info(elements) below,
  // and all outFrameLines(outlinks) share the info with one inFrameLine,
  // which is assigned by targetInfoInlinkId_.
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  struct Info {
    IVectorPtr allIds;         // scattered id of realLayer
    std::vector<int> idIndex;  // index of allIds
        sequenceStartPositions;         // scattered sequenceStartPositions
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    std::vector<int> seqStartPosIndex;  // index of sequenceStartPositions
  std::vector<Info> info_;
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  // numSeqs_[i] is the number sequences which is longer than i (for sequence
  // data) or has more than i subsequences (for subsequence data)
  std::vector<int> numSeqs_;

  std::vector<std::vector<Argument::SeqInfo>> seqInfos_;
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  // the id of inlink which share info with outlinks
  int targetInfoInlinkId_;

  /* create scattered id infomation for all realLayer of inFrameLines one time.
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   *  If hasSubseq, will also create scattered sequenceStartPositions infomation
   *  for all realLayer of inFrameLines one time.
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  void createInFrameInfo(int inlinks_id,
                         const Argument& input,
                         PassType passType);
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  void createMemoryFrameInfo(MemoryFrameLine* memoryFrameLine,
                             PassType passType);

  void copyScattedId(std::vector<int>& srcIds, IVectorPtr* dstIds, int size);

363 364 365 366
  void selectRowsOneTime(LayerPtr layer,
                         const IVectorPtr& allIds,
                         Argument* arg,
                         PassType passType);
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  void createSeqPos(const std::vector<int>& sequenceStartPosition,
                    ICpuGpuVectorPtr* sequenceStartPositions);

  // for generator
  struct EosFrameLine {
    std::vector<LayerPtr> layers;
  std::unique_ptr<EosFrameLine> eosFrameLine_;

  struct Generator {
    GeneratorConfig config;
    std::vector<int> ids;  // store generated sequences
    Argument outArg;       // final output argument
  Generator generator_;

  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<NeuralNetwork>> frames_;

  NeuralNetwork* rootNetwork_;
  bool reversed_;
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  // if hasSubseq: max number of sentences(subseq)in batchsize samples
  // else: max number of tokens in batchsize samples(sentences)
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  int maxSequenceLength_;
  bool useGpu_;
  bool stopBeamSearch_;

      parameterIds_;  // parameters actually used by this Layer Group

  std::unique_ptr<Evaluator> evaluator_;  // frame printers in this layer group

  // store final argument of outFrameLines_
  std::vector<Argument> dataArgs_;
  // store each frame's output argument of outFrameLines_
  std::vector<std::vector<Argument>> dataArgsFrame_;
  size_t dataArgsSize_;  // size of dataArgs_ = size of dataArgsFrame_

  IVectorPtr cpuId_;
  MatrixPtr cpuProb_;
  IVectorPtr cpuEos_;

   * @return beam size in beam search
  size_t getBeamSize() { return generator_.config.beam_size(); }

   * @return number of sequence in a batch in generation
  size_t getGenBatchSize();

   * @brief store output of the machineCur-th frame during generation, for
   * creating the final outlink after the entire generation process is finished.
   * In generation, if the layer group has more than 1 outlink, the first
   * one is reserved to store the generated word indices, the others are data
   * outlinks, that can be used like a common layer in the network.
   * @param machineCur : index to access the layer group frame in
   * currrent generation step.
  void copyDataOutlinkFrame(size_t machineCur);

   * @brief In generation, if the layer group has more than 1 outlink, outlinks
   * except the first one are data outlinks. This function creates the data
   * outlinks.
   * @note In beam search, only one generated sequence with the hightest log
   * probabilites are retained.
   * @param machineIdVec : select a row of output matrix in each frame
   * that the generation process expanded.
  void createDataOutlink(std::vector<int>& machineIdVec);
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   * @brief used in beam search, connect previous frame to form recurrent link
   * @param stepId : iteration number of generation process.
   * It equals to the length of longest half-generated sequence.
   * @param paths : half-generated paths that are going to be expanded
   * in current beam search iteration.
  void connectPrevFrame(int stepId, std::vector<Path>& paths);

   * @brief used in beam search, forward current recurrent frame
   * @param machineCur : index to access the layer group frame in
   * currrent generation step.
  void forwardFrame(int machineCur);

   * @brief reduce all expanded paths to beam size.
   * @param newPaths : newPaths[totalExpandCount : ] stores all expanded paths
   * for the seqId-th sequence
   * @param seqId : sequence index in a batch
   * @param totalExpandCount : number of already shrinked paths in newPaths
   * @return size of retained paths at the end of a beam search iteration
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  size_t beamShrink(std::vector<Path>& newPaths,
                    size_t seqId,
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                    size_t totalExpandCount);

   * @brief expand a single path to expandWidth new paths
   * with highest probability
   * @param curPath : path to be expanded
   * @param curPathId : index of curPath in member newPaths
   * @param expandWidth : number of paths to be expanded
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  void singlePathExpand(Path& curPath,
                        size_t curPathId,
                        std::vector<Path>& newPaths,
                        size_t expandWidth);
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   * @brief A new beam search iteration. Each half-generated paths in previous
   * beam search iteration are further expanded to beam_size new paths
   * with highest probabilities, and then all the expanded paths are again
   * reduced to beam_size paths according to their log probabilities.
   * @param paths : half-generated paths in previous iteration.
   * @param newPaths : paths expanded and then reduces in current iteration.
  void beamExpand(std::vector<Path>& paths, std::vector<Path>& newPaths);

   * @brief fill sequence start positions and some other information that are
   * uesed by the "text_printer" evaluator.
  void fillGenOutputs();

  std::vector<int> machineIds_;
  std::vector<int> topIds_;
  std::vector<int> seqIds_;
  std::vector<int> batchMachineIdVec_;
  std::vector<std::vector<Path>> finalPaths_;
  std::vector<real> minFinalPathLogProb_;
  BeamSearchControlCallbacks* beamSearchCtrlCallbacks_;
  BeamSearchStatisticsCallbacks* beamSearchStatistics_;
}  // namespace paddle