未验证 提交 5d418cee 编写于 作者: W wangqun 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #30 from jinzhan/master

......@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
# Paddle.js
Paddle.js is an Web project for Baidu Paddle, which is an an open source deep learning framework designed to work on web browser. Load a pretrained paddle.js SavedModel or Paddle Hub module into the browser and run inference through Paddle.js. It could run on nearly every browser with WebGL support.
Paddle.js is a web project for Baidu Paddle, which is an open source deep learning framework running in the browser. Paddle.js can either load a pre-trained model, or transforming a model from paddle-hub with model transforming tools provided by Paddle.js. It could nearly run in every browser with WebGL supported.
## Key Features
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