1. 02 12月, 2019 1 次提交
  2. 30 11月, 2019 1 次提交
  3. 29 11月, 2019 3 次提交
  4. 28 11月, 2019 5 次提交
  5. 27 11月, 2019 5 次提交
  6. 26 11月, 2019 6 次提交
  7. 25 11月, 2019 6 次提交
  8. 23 11月, 2019 1 次提交
  9. 22 11月, 2019 12 次提交
    • H
      [LITE][ALL] Refine NPU and XPU passes, fix the pass matching based on the... · 65381f13
      hong19860320 提交于
      [LITE][ALL] Refine NPU and XPU passes, fix the pass matching based on the bound targets and excluded targets (#2477)
    • H
      update conv 2-pad to 4-pad (#2404) · b3a5fc1a
      HappyAngel 提交于
      * fix conv 2-pad to 4-pad
      * fix compute conv shape
      * fix pad, test=develop
      * change conv_depthwise_3x3s1_fp.cc name to conv3x3s1p01_depthwise_fp32.cc to distinguish between conv3x3s1_depthwise_fp32.cc
      * delete printf note in conv3x3s1, test=develop
      * delete printf note, test=develop
      * delete gem_sdot.h, test=develop
      it is coped from __gemm_sdot_meta_.h
      * update compute padding, test=develop
      * fix padding size, must be 2 or 4. test=develop
      * fix format in operators/conv_op.cc, test=develop
      * change #if 0 to #if 1, test=develop
      * put 2-pad to 4-pad in AttachImpl, test=develop
      * fix clang-format error inn tests/math/connv_compute_test, test=develop
      * fix x86 test result error, test=develop
      * add asymmetric padding test case in liite/tests/math/conv_compute.cc, test=develop
      * change paddings type to support dynamically modify, test=develop
      * fix x86 build error in connv_compute_test, test=develop
      * fix opencl build error, test=develop
      * fix oopencl build error, test=develop
      * fix  opencl/conv_compute build error, test=develop
      * fix  opencl/conv_compute build error, test=develop
      * fix format in kernels/opencl/conv_computte_ttest,test=develop
      * fix build error, test=develop
      fix build error in kernels/x86/conv_compute.h
    • H
      strip cxx_dynamic so in tiny_publish test=develop (#2456) · f68ea81c
      huzhiqiang 提交于
      * [Publish] strip cxx light lib test=develop
    • Y
      [LITE][DEMO] add input check for demo (#2444) · fee2004b
      Yuan Shuai 提交于
      * Add CheckInput. test=develop
      * Fix android_log_ undef when using .a. test=develop
      * add guide of how to use shared library in demo. test=develop
    • H
      add NHWC NCHW transform, test=develop (#2381) · b1e4f4fd
      HappyAngel 提交于
      * add nhwc to nchw
      * add layout in funcs
      * change layout as extra, test=develop
      * change make, test=develop
      * use template class method to update layout NNCHHW and NHWC transform, test=develop
      * fix cmake error, set layout to extra, test=develop
      * fix test_layout_compute_arm test, its extra
      * layout is extra, test=develop
      * fix error in kernels/arm/layout_comput.cc when register kernel, DataLayout must be NCHW, test=develop
      * delete extra note, test=develop
      * delete extra test
      * delete layout_test, test=develop
      , its in tests/math/layout_comput_test
      * delete extrat test, test=develop
    • Y
      [ARM] add sgemmc4 common and small kernel, support for winograd, test=develop (#2471) · 2f3336c1
      yiicy 提交于
      * unfinish sgemmc4
      * finish armv8 sgemmc4
      * arm add sgemmc4 with deal with remain
      * [ARM] add sgemmc4 small kernel, test=develop
    • H
      update pooling 2-padding to 4-padding (#2410) · 4bdb6171
      HappyAngel 提交于
      * fix pooling bug and speed
      * fix build error
      * delete VLOGin pool, test=develop
      * add openmp, test=develop
      * fix lite/kernels/arm/pool_compute_test basic_pooling compute error bug, test=develop
      * update pooling 2-pad to 4-pad, test=develop
      * fix 2-pad to 4-pad in operators/pool_op.h, AttachKernel will set param, so 2-pad to 4-pad funcs should put in AttachKernel. test=ddevellop
      * put 2-pad to 4-pad in AttachImpl, test=develop
      * according to reviews, fix some format error. test=develop
      * fix format errorr, add (). test=develop
      * change paddings type to support dynamically modify, test=develop
      * update padding type int other devices, test=develop
      * fix x8d build error on shared_ptr, test=ddevelop
      * fix formmat in operators pool_op.cc, test=develop
    • H
      [LITE][ARMM] fix cmake error in lite/CMakeLists.txt, missing mkdir cxx in iOS (#2418) · b5fe3840
      HappyAngel 提交于
      * add cv image process
      * fix arm liunx build error
      * add LITE_WITH_CV defien to make cv, test=develop
      * fix cv format, annd add describe in utils/cv
      * delete some Meaningless comments, test=develop
      * set LITE_WITH_CV=OFF in build.sh, test=develop
      * delete cv_enum.h in utils/cv, push the contents in cv_ennum.h to paddle_image_preprocess.h, test=develop
      * according to reviews to redefine paddle_image_preprocess.h, test=develop
      * add detailed note of flipParam, test=develop
      * fix format in paddle_image_preprocess.h, test=develop
      * fix error when build x86. test=develop
      lite_with_X86 does not contain lite_with_cv
      * fix cmake error in llite/CMakeLists.txt, missing mkdir cxx, test=develop
      * according to review change, test=develop
      * chang grb to rgb, test=develop
    • P
      add search_group_padding cuda kernel, test=develop (#2472) · ef5dbd1d
      Pei Yang 提交于
    • G
      [LITE][ARMLinux] Fix the compiling errors of replace_stl on armlinux(#2473) · 874a5af4
      guofei 提交于
      Modify stream.cc make armlinux can compile success in develop branch
    • H
      [accelerating third-party compiling]: `eigen3, mklml and xxhash` (#2470) · 0f8eb597
      huzhiqiang 提交于
      * [accelerating third-party compiling]: change eigen3,mklml and xxhash from online compiling into the method of downloading from BaiduYun and compile locally test=develop
    • S