# step3: if diff_size > 10485, special approval is needed
diff_size=$[$current_size - $develop_size]
if[$diff_size-gt 10485 ];then
echo_line="Your PR has increased basic inference lib for $diff_size Byte, exceeding maximum requirement of 10485 Byte (0.01M). You need Superjomn's (Yunchunwei) approval or you can contact DannyIsFunny(HuZhiqiang).\n"
echo_line="Your PR has increased basic inference lib for $diff_size Byte, exceeding maximum requirement of 10485 Byte (0.01M). You need Superjomn's (Yunchunwei) approval or you can contact DannyIsFunny(HuZhiqiang).\n Library size in develop branch: $develop_size byte, library size after merging your code: $current_size byte.\n Compiling method: ./lite/tools/build_android.sh --with_log=OFF\n"