提交 9cbdaab8 编写于 作者: E eclipsess

remove some annotations

上级 896f52f2
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ void DepthwiseConvKernel<CPU, float>::Compute(const ConvParam &param) const {
std::vector<int> paddings = param.Paddings();
std::vector<int> dilations = param.Dilations();
DLOG << " compute end get Attrs " << strides[0];
// DLOG << " compute end get Attrs " << strides[0];
const int batch_size = static_cast<int>(input->dims()[0]);
......@@ -59,17 +59,17 @@ void DepthwiseConvKernel<CPU, float>::Compute(const ConvParam &param) const {
DLOG << " col_shape = " << col_shape;
DLOG << " col_matrix_shape = " << col_matrix_shape;
// DLOG << " col_shape = " << col_shape;
// DLOG << " col_matrix_shape = " << col_matrix_shape;
framework::DDim input_shape = framework::slice_ddim(
input->dims(), 1, static_cast<int>(input->dims().size()));
DLOG << " input_shape = " << input_shape;
// DLOG << " input_shape = " << input_shape;
framework::DDim filter_matrix_shape = {filter.dims()[0],
filter.numel() / filter.dims()[0]};
DLOG << " filter.dims() = " << filter.dims();
// DLOG << " filter.dims() = " << filter.dims();
framework::DDim output_matrix_shape = {
......@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ void DepthwiseConvKernel<CPU, float>::Compute(const ConvParam &param) const {
for (int i = 0; i < batch_size; i++) {
Tensor in_batch = input->Slice(i, i + 1).Resize(input_shape);
Tensor out_batch = output->Slice(i, i + 1).Resize(output_matrix_shape);
DLOG << " in_batch.dims() = " << in_batch.dims();
DLOG << " out_batch.dims() = " << out_batch.dims();
// DLOG << " in_batch.dims() = " << in_batch.dims();
// DLOG << " out_batch.dims() = " << out_batch.dims();
for (int g = 0; g < groups; g++) {
Tensor in_slice = in_batch.Slice(g * in_step, (g + 1) * in_step);
......@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ void DepthwiseConvKernel<CPU, float>::Compute(const ConvParam &param) const {
// gemm
Tensor out_slice = out_batch.Slice(g * out_step, (g + 1) * out_step);
Tensor filter_slice = filter.Slice(g * out_step, (g + 1) * out_step);
DLOG << " out_slice " << out_slice.dims();
DLOG << " filter_slice " << filter_slice.dims();
DLOG << " col_matrix " << col_matrix.dims();
// DLOG << " out_slice " << out_slice.dims();
// DLOG << " filter_slice " << filter_slice.dims();
// DLOG << " col_matrix " << col_matrix.dims();
math::matmul<float>(filter_slice, false, col_matrix, false,
static_cast<float>(1), &out_slice,
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