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# Paddle-Mobile
# Paddle Lite
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Welcome to Paddle-Mobile GitHub project。Paddle-Mobile is a project of PaddlePaddle as well as a deep learning framework for embedded platforms.
欢迎来到 Paddle-Mobile GitHub 项目。Paddle-Mobile是PaddlePaddle组织下的项目,是一个致力于嵌入式平台的深度学习的框架。
## Features
- high performance in support of ARM CPU
- support Mali GPU
- support Andreno GPU
- support the realization of GPU Metal on Apple devices
- support implementation on ZU5、ZU9 and other FPGA-based development boards
- support implementation on Raspberry Pi and other arm-linux development boards
## Features
- 高性能支持ARM CPU
- 支持Mali GPU
- 支持Andreno GPU
- 支持苹果设备的GPU Metal实现
- 支持ZU5、ZU9等FPGA开发板
- 支持树莓派等arm-linux开发板
## Demo
- [ANDROID](https://github.com/xiebaiyuan/paddle-mobile-demo)
### 原Domo目录
## Documentation
### Documentation of design
Paddle Lite is an updated version of Paddle-Mobile, an open-open source deep learning framework designed to make it easy to perform inference on mobile devices. It is compatible with PaddlePaddle and pre-trained models from other sources.
If you want to know more details about the documentation of paddle-mobile design, please refer to the link as follows. There are many previous designs and discussion: [issue](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/issues).
For tutorials, please see [PaddleLite Wiki](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/wiki).
[link of documentation of design](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/blob/develop/doc/design_doc.md)
## Key Features
### Documentation of development
### Light Weight
Documentation of development is mainly about building, running and other tasks.As a developer,you can use it with the help of contributed documents.
* [iOS](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/blob/develop/doc/development_ios.md)
* [Android_CPU](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/blob/develop/doc/development_android.md)
* [Android_GPU](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/blob/develop/doc/development_android_GPU.md)
* [FPGA](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/blob/develop/doc/development_fpga.md)
* [ARM_LINUX](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/blob/develop/doc/development_arm_linux.md)
On mobile devices, execution module can be deployed without third-party libraries, because our excecution module and analysis module are decoupled.
### How to contribute your documents
- [tutorial link to contribute documents](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- Main procedure of contributing code is covered in the document above.If you have other problems during the procedure,please send them as [issue](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/issues). We will deal with it as quickly as possible.
On ARM V7, only 800KB are taken up, while on ARM V8, 1.3MB are taken up with the 80 operators and 85 kernels in the dynamic libraries provided by Paddle Lite.
## 文档
Paddle Lite enables immediate inference without extra optimization.
### 设计文档
### High Performance
Paddle Lite enables device-optimized kernels, maximizing ARM CPU performance.
### 开发文档
It also supports INT8 quantizations with [PaddleSlim model compression tools](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/models/tree/v1.5/PaddleSlim), reducing the size of models and increasing the performance of models.
* [iOS](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/blob/develop/doc/development_ios.md)
* [Android_CPU](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/blob/develop/doc/development_android.md)
* [Android_GPU](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/blob/develop/doc/development_android_GPU.md)
* [FPGA](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/blob/develop/doc/development_fpga.md)
* [ARM_LINUX](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/blob/develop/doc/development_arm_linux.md)
On Huawei NPU and FPGA, the performance is also boosted.
### 贡献文档
- [贡献文档链接](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- 上面文档中涵盖了主要的贡献代码流程,如果在实践中您还遇到了其他问题,可以发[issue](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/issues)。我们看到后会尽快处理。
### High Compatibility
## Acquision of Models
At present Paddle-Mobile only supports Paddle fluid training model. Models wiil be operated regularly after transformation if you have various models.
### 1. Use Paddle Fluid directly to train
It is the most reliable method to be recommanded
### 2. Transform Caffe to Paddle Fluid model
### 3. ONNX
ONNX is expanded as Open Neural Network Exchange. The project is aimed to make a full communication and usage among diffrent nerual network development frameworks.
Hardware compatibility: Paddle Lite supports a diversity of hardwares — ARM CPU, Mali GPU, Adreno GPU, Huawei NPU and FPGA. In the near future, we will also support AI microchips from Cambricon and Bitmain.
Except for directly using fluid models trained by PaddlePaddle,you can also get certain Paddle fluid models through onnx transformation.
Model compatibility: The Op of Paddle Lite is fully compatible to that of PaddlePaddle. The accuracy and performance of 18 models (mostly CV models and OCR models) and 85 operators have been validated. In the future, we will also support other models.
At present,work in support of onnx is also under operation in Baidu. Related tranformation project can be referred to here:
Framework compatibility: In addition to models trained on PaddlePaddle, those trained on Caffe and TensorFlow can also be converted to be used on Paddle Lite, via [X2Paddle](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/X2Paddle). In the future to come, we will also support models of ONNX format.
### 4. Download parts of testing models and testing pictures
## Architecture
- input data generated by tools from `tools/python/imagetools`.
Paddle Lite is designed to support a wide range of hardwares and devices, and it enables mixed execution of a single model on multiple devices, optimization on various phases, and leight-weighted applications on devices.
## 模型获得
目前Paddle-Mobile仅支持Paddle fluid训练的模型。如果你手中的模型是不同种类的模型,需要进行模型转换才可以运行。
### 1. 直接使用Paddle Fluid训练
### 2. caffe转为Paddle Fluid模型
### 3. ONNX
ONNX全称为“Open Neural Network Exchange”,即“开放的神经网络切换”。该项目的目的是让不同的神经网络开发框架做到互通互用。
As is shown in the figure above, analysis phase includes Machine IR module, and it enables optimizations like Op fusion and redundant computation pruning. Besides, excecution phase only involves Kernal exevution, so it can be deployed on its own to ensure maximized light-weighted deployment.
除直接使用PaddlePaddle训练fluid版本的模型外,还可以通过onnx转换得到个别Paddle fluid模型。
## Key Info about the Update
The earlier Paddle-Mobile was designed to be compatible with PaddlePaddle and multiple hardwares, including ARM CPU, Mali GPU, Adreno GPU, FPGA, ARM-Linux and Apple's GPU Metal. Within Baidu, inc, many product lines have been using Paddle-Mobile. For more details, please see: [mobile/README](mobile/README).
### 4. 部分测试模型和测试图片下载
As an update of Paddle-Mobile, Paddle Lite has incorporated many older capabilities into the [new architecture](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/tree/develop/lite). For the time being, the code of Paddle-mobile will be kept under the directory `mobile/`, before complete transfer to Paddle Lite.
- 测试输入数据可由本仓库下的脚本`tools/python/imagetools`生成。
For demands of Apple's GPU Metal and web front end inference, please see `./metal` and `./web` . These two modules will be further developed and maintained.
## Communication
- [Github Issues](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues): bug reports, feature requests, install issues, usage issues, etc.
- QQ discussion group: 696965088 (Paddle-Mobile).
- [Forums](http://ai.baidu.com/forum/topic/list/168?pageNo=1): discuss implementations, research, etc.
## Special Thanks
## 交流与反馈
- 欢迎您通过[Github Issues](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/issues)来提交问题、报告与建议
- QQ群: 696965088 (Paddle-Mobile)
- [论坛](http://ai.baidu.com/forum/topic/list/168): 欢迎大家在PaddlePaddle论坛分享在使用PaddlePaddle中遇到的问题和经验, 营造良好的论坛氛围
Paddle Lite has referenced the following open-source projects:
## Old version Mobile-Deep-Learning
Original MDL(Mobile-Deep-Learning) project has been transferred to [Mobile-Deep-Learning](https://github.com/allonli/mobile-deep-learning)
- [ARM compute library](http://agroup.baidu.com/paddle-infer/md/article/%28https://github.com/ARM-software/ComputeLibrary%29)
- [Anakin](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Anakin). The optimizations under Anakin has been incorporated into Paddle Lite, and so there will not be any future updates of Anakin. As another high-performance inference project under PaddlePaddle, Anakin has been forward-looking and helpful to the making of Paddle Lite.
## 旧版 Mobile-Deep-Learning
原MDL(Mobile-Deep-Learning)工程被迁移到了这里 [Mobile-Deep-Learning](https://github.com/allonli/mobile-deep-learning)
## Feedback and Community Support
## Copyright and License
[Apache-2.0 license](LICENSE).
- Questions, reports, and suggestions are welcome through Github Issues!
- Forum: Opinions and questions are welcome at our [PaddlePaddle Forum](https://ai.baidu.com/forum/topic/list/168)
- QQ group chat: 696965088
# Paddle Lite
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Paddle Lite为Paddle-Mobile的升级版,定位支持包括手机移动端在内更多场景的轻量化高效预测,支持更广泛的硬件和平台,是一个高性能、轻量级的深度学习预测引擎。在保持和PaddlePaddle无缝对接外,也兼容支持其他训练框架产出的模型。
完整使用文档位于 [PaddleLite Wiki](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/wiki)
## 特性
### 轻量级
包含完整的80个 Op+85个 Kernel 的动态库,对于ARMV7只有800K,ARMV8下为1.3M,并可以裁剪到更低。
### 高性能
极致的 ARM CPU 性能优化,针对不同微架构特点实现kernel的定制,最大发挥计算性能,在主流模型上展现出领先的速度优势。
支持INT8量化计算,结合 [PaddleSlim 模型压缩工具](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/models/tree/v1.5/PaddleSlim) 中 INT8量化训练功能,可以提供高精度高性能的预测能力。
在Huawei NPU, FPGA上也具有有很好的性能表现。
### 通用性
硬件方面,Paddle Lite 的架构设计为多硬件兼容支持做了良好设计。除了支持ARM CPU、Mali GPU、Adreno GPU,还特别支持了华为 NPU,以及 FPGA 等边缘设备广泛使用的硬件。即将支持支持包括寒武纪、比特大陆等AI芯片,未来会增加对更多硬件的支持。
模型支持方面,Paddle Lite和PaddlePaddle训练框架的Op对齐,提供更广泛的模型支持能力。目前已严格验证18个模型85个OP的精度和性能,对视觉类模型做到了较为充分的支持,覆盖分类、检测和定位,包含了特色的OCR模型的支持。未来会持续增加更多模型的支持验证。
框架兼容方面:除了PaddlePaddle外,对其他训练框架也提供兼容支持。当前,支持Caffe 和 TensorFlow 训练出来的模型,通过X2Paddle (https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/X2Paddle) 转换工具实现。接下来将会对ONNX等格式模型提供兼容支持。
## 架构
PaddleLite 的架构设计着重考虑了对多硬件和平台的支持,并且强化了多个硬件在一个模型中混合执行的能力,多个层面的性能优化处理,以及对端侧应用的轻量化设计。
其中,Analysis Phase 包括了 MIR(Machine IR) 相关模块,能够对原有的模型的计算图针对具体的硬件列表进行算子融合、计算裁剪 在内的多种优化。Execution Phase 只涉及到Kernel 的执行,且可以单独部署,以支持极致的轻量级部署。
## Paddle-Mobile升级为Paddle Lite的说明
原Paddle-Mobile作为一个致力于嵌入式平台的PaddlePaddle预测引擎,已支持多种硬件平台,包括ARM CPU、 Mali GPU、Adreno GPU,以及支持苹果设备的GPU Metal实现、ZU5、ZU9等FPGA开发板、树莓派等arm-linux开发板。在百度内已经过广泛业务场景应用验证。对应设计文档可参考: [mobile/README](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/blob/develop/mobile/README.md)
Paddle-Mobile 整体升级重构并更名为Paddle Lite后,原paddle-mobile 的底层能力大部分已集成到[新架构 ](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/tree/develop/lite)下。作为过渡,暂时保留原Paddle-mobile代码。 主体代码位于 `mobile/` 目录中,后续一段时间会继续维护,并完成全部迁移。新功能会统一到[新架构 ](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/paddle-mobile/tree/develop/lite)下开发。
metal, web的模块相对独立,会继续在 `./metal``./web` 目录下开发和维护。对苹果设备的GPU Metal实现的需求及web前端预测需求,可以直接进入这两个目录。
## 致谢:
Paddle Lite 借鉴了以下开源项目:
- [ARM compute library]((https://github.com/ARM-software/ComputeLibrary))
- [Anakin](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Anakin) ,Anakin对应底层的一些优化实现已被集成到Paddle Lite。Anakin作为PaddlePaddle组织下的一个高性能预测项目,极具前瞻性,对Paddle Lite有重要贡献。Anakin已和本项目实现整合。之后,Anakin不再升级。
## 交流与反馈
* 欢迎您通过Github Issues来提交问题、报告与建议
* QQ群: 696965088
* 论坛: 欢迎大家在[PaddlePaddle论坛](https://ai.baidu.com/forum/topic/list/168)分享在使用PaddlePaddle中遇到的问题和经验, 营造良好的论坛氛围
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