提交 4087d931 编写于 作者: J jameswu2014

support marker NET

上级 87cec058
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ void FetchKernel<FPGA, float>::Compute(const FetchParam<FPGA> &param) {
fpga::BypassArgs args = param.fpga_bypass_args;
auto input_address = (input->data<half>());
args.image.address = static_cast<void*>(input_address);
args.image.address = static_cast<void *>(input_address);
......@@ -22,47 +22,43 @@ limitations under the License. */
#include "fpga/V2/api.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
void readStream(std::string filename, char *buf) {
std::ifstream in;
in.open(filename, std::ios::in|std::ios::binary);
in.open(filename, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (!in.is_open()) {
std::cout << "open File Failed." << std::endl;
in.seekg(0, std::ios::end); // go to the end
auto length = in.tellg(); // report location (this is the length)
in.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); // go back to the beginning
in.seekg(0, std::ios::end); // go to the end
auto length = in.tellg(); // report location (this is the length)
in.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); // go back to the beginning
in.read(buf, length);
DLOG << length;
void convert_to_chw(int16_t **data_in, int channel, int height, int width,int num,
int16_t *data_tmp) {
void convert_to_chw(int16_t **data_in, int channel, int height, int width,
int num, int16_t *data_tmp) {
int64_t amount_per_side = width * height;
for(int n = 0; n < num; n++){
for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) {
for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) {
for (int c = 0; c < channel; c++) {
*(data_tmp + n* amount_per_side*channel + c * amount_per_side + width * h + w) = *((*data_in)++);
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) {
for (int h = 0; h < height; h++) {
for (int w = 0; w < width; w++) {
for (int c = 0; c < channel; c++) {
*(data_tmp + n * amount_per_side * channel + c * amount_per_side +
width * h + w) = *((*data_in)++);
void dump_stride_half(std::string filename, Tensor input_tensor,
const int dumpnum, bool use_chw) {
// bool use_chw = true;
// bool use_chw = true;
if (input_tensor.dims().size() != 4) return;
int c = (input_tensor.dims())[1];
int h = (input_tensor.dims())[2];
int w = (input_tensor.dims())[3];
......@@ -70,10 +66,10 @@ void dump_stride_half(std::string filename, Tensor input_tensor,
auto data_ptr = input_tensor.get_data();
auto *data_ptr_16 = reinterpret_cast<half *>(data_ptr);
auto data_tmp = data_ptr_16;
if (use_chw){
data_tmp =
reinterpret_cast<half *>(malloc(n * c * h * w * sizeof(int16_t)));
convert_to_chw(&data_ptr_16, c, h, w,n, data_tmp);
if (use_chw) {
data_tmp =
reinterpret_cast<half *>(malloc(n * c * h * w * sizeof(int16_t)));
convert_to_chw(&data_ptr_16, c, h, w, n, data_tmp);
std::ofstream out(filename.c_str());
float result = 0;
......@@ -84,7 +80,9 @@ void dump_stride_half(std::string filename, Tensor input_tensor,
out << result << std::endl;
if (data_tmp != data_ptr_16) {
void dump_stride_float(std::string filename, Tensor input_tensor,
......@@ -101,20 +99,18 @@ void dump_stride_float(std::string filename, Tensor input_tensor,
void dump_stride(std::string filename, Tensor input_tensor,
const int dumpnum, bool use_chw) {
static int i=0;
void dump_stride(std::string filename, Tensor input_tensor, const int dumpnum,
bool use_chw) {
static int i = 0;
if (input_tensor.numel() == 0) {
if(input_tensor.type() == typeid(float)){
DLOG << "op: " <<i++ << ", float data "<< input_tensor.numel(); ;
dump_stride_float(filename, input_tensor,dumpnum);
DLOG << "op: " <<i++ << ", half data "<< input_tensor.numel();;
dump_stride_half(filename, input_tensor,dumpnum, use_chw);
if (input_tensor.type() == typeid(float)) {
DLOG << "op: " << i++ << ", float data " << input_tensor.numel();
dump_stride_float(filename, input_tensor, dumpnum);
} else {
DLOG << "op: " << i++ << ", half data " << input_tensor.numel();
dump_stride_half(filename, input_tensor, dumpnum, use_chw);
DLOG << "dump input address: " << input_tensor.get_data();
......@@ -125,40 +121,44 @@ int main() {
paddle_mobile::PaddleMobile<paddle_mobile::FPGA> paddle_mobile;
//if (paddle_mobile.Load(std::string(g_rfcn_combine) + "/model",
// if (paddle_mobile.Load(std::string(g_rfcn_combine) + "/model",
// std::string(g_rfcn_combine) + "/params", true, false,
// 1, true)) {
// 1, true)) {
if (paddle_mobile.Load(std::string(g_marker_combine), true)) {
float img_info[3] = {720, 1280, 800.0f / 960.0f};
auto img = reinterpret_cast<float*>(fpga::fpga_malloc(720 * 1280 * 3 * sizeof(float)));
auto img = reinterpret_cast<float *>(
fpga::fpga_malloc(720 * 1280 * 3 * sizeof(float)));
readStream(g_image_src_float, reinterpret_cast<char *>(img));
std::vector<void *> v(3, nullptr);
paddle_mobile.FeedData({ img});
for (int i = 47; i < 52; i++) {
auto tensor_ptr = paddle_mobile.FetchResult(i);
std::string saveName = "marker_" + std::to_string(i);
//if(i != 58)
paddle_mobile::fpga::fpga_invalidate((*tensor_ptr).get_data(),tensor_ptr->numel() * sizeof(float));
// tensor_ptr->numel() * sizeof(float));
dump_stride(saveName, (*tensor_ptr),tensor_ptr->numel(), true);//20);//tensor_ptr->numel());
/* float result = 0;
std::string str = "softmax_input_data";
float* data = static_cast<float*>(fpga::fpga_malloc(tensor_ptr->numel() * sizeof(float)));
str = "softmax_output_data";
auto output_ptr = static_cast<half*>((*tensor_ptr).get_data());
for (int idx = 0; idx < tensor_ptr->numel(); ++idx)
data[idx] = fpga::fp16_2_fp32(output_ptr[idx]);
fpga::savefile<float>(str,data, tensor_ptr->numel(), result ); */
// paddle_mobile.GetResults(&v);
// if(i != 58)
tensor_ptr->numel() * sizeof(float));
// tensor_ptr->numel() * sizeof(float));
dump_stride(saveName, (*tensor_ptr), tensor_ptr->numel(),
true); // 20);//tensor_ptr->numel());
/* float result = 0;
std::string str = "softmax_input_data";
float* data =
static_cast<float*>(fpga::fpga_malloc(tensor_ptr->numel() *
sizeof(float))); str = "softmax_output_data"; auto output_ptr =
static_cast<half*>((*tensor_ptr).get_data()); for (int idx = 0; idx <
tensor_ptr->numel(); ++idx)
data[idx] = fpga::fp16_2_fp32(output_ptr[idx]);
fpga::savefile<float>(str,data, tensor_ptr->numel(), result ); */
// paddle_mobile.GetResults(&v);
DLOG << "Computation done";
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