未验证 提交 010a611d 编写于 作者: C cc 提交者: GitHub

Not set enable_int8 for conv2d_transpose, test=develop (#3962)

上级 6a08d3ac
......@@ -175,7 +175,11 @@ void DequantOpFuser::InsertNewNode(SSAGraph* graph,
for (int i = 0; i < weight_scale_size; i++) {
op_desc.SetAttr("enable_int8", true);
// Arm CPU does not support conv2d_transpose
if (quantized_op_type_ != "conv2d_transpose") {
op_desc.SetAttr("enable_int8", true);
op_desc.SetInputScale(weight_name, weight_scale);
// change the weight from the float type to int8 type.
......@@ -280,6 +284,7 @@ void ChannelWiseDequantOpFuser::InsertNewNode(SSAGraph* graph,
op_desc.SetInput("X", {quantized_op_input->arg()->name});
op_desc.SetOutput("Out", {dequant_op_out->arg()->name});
// Arm CPU does not support conv2d_transpose
if (quantized_op_type_ != "conv2d_transpose") {
op_desc.SetAttr("enable_int8", true);
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