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#   Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import numpy as np

class SumTree(object):
    def __init__(self, capacity):
        self.capacity = capacity
        self.elements = [None for _ in range(capacity)]
        self.tree = [0 for _ in range(2 * capacity - 1)]
        self._ptr = 0
        self._min = 10

    def full(self):
        return all(self.elements)  # no `None` in self.elements

    def add(self, item, priority):
        self.elements[self._ptr] = item
        tree_idx = self._ptr + self.capacity - 1
        self.update(tree_idx, priority)
        self._ptr = (self._ptr + 1) % self.capacity
        self._min = min(self._min, priority)

    def update(self, tree_idx, priority):
        diff = priority - self.tree[tree_idx]
        self.tree[tree_idx] = priority
        while tree_idx != 0:
            tree_idx = (tree_idx - 1) >> 1
            self.tree[tree_idx] += diff
        self._min = min(self._min, priority)

    def retrieve(self, value):
        parent_idx = 0
        while True:
            left_child_idx = 2 * parent_idx + 1
            right_child_idx = left_child_idx + 1
            if left_child_idx >= len(self.tree):
                leaf_idx = parent_idx
                if value <= self.tree[left_child_idx]:
                    parent_idx = left_child_idx
                    value -= self.tree[left_child_idx]
                    parent_idx = right_child_idx
        elem_idx = leaf_idx - self.capacity + 1
        priority = self.tree[leaf_idx]
        return self.elements[elem_idx], leaf_idx, priority

    def from_list(self, lst):
        assert len(lst) == self.capacity
        self.elements = list(lst)
        for i in range(self.capacity - 1, 2 * self.capacity - 1):
            self.update(i, 1.0)

    def total_p(self):
        return self.tree[0]

class ProportionalPER(object):
    """Proportional Prioritized Experience Replay.

    def __init__(self,
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.seg_num = seg_num
        self.size = int(size)
        self.elements = SumTree(self.size)
        if init_mem:
        self.framestack = framestack
        self._max_priority = 1.0
        self.eps = eps

    def _get_stacked_item(self, idx):
        """ For atari environment, we use a 4-frame-stack as input
        obs, act, reward, next_obs, done = self.elements.elements[idx]
        stacked_obs = np.zeros((self.framestack, ) + obs.shape)
        stacked_obs[-1] = obs
        for i in range(self.framestack - 2, -1, -1):
            elem_idx = (self.size + idx + i - self.framestack + 1) % self.size
            obs, _, _, _, d = self.elements.elements[elem_idx]
            if d:
            stacked_obs[i] = obs
        return (stacked_obs, act, reward, next_obs, done)

    def store(self, item, delta=None):
        assert len(item) == 5  # (s, a, r, s', terminal)
        if not delta:
            delta = self._max_priority
        assert delta >= 0
        ps = np.power(delta + self.eps, self.alpha)
        self.elements.add(item, ps)

    def update(self, indices, priorities):
        priorities = np.array(priorities) + self.eps
        priorities_alpha = np.power(priorities, self.alpha)
        for idx, priority in zip(indices, priorities_alpha):
            self.elements.update(idx, priority)
            self._max_priority = max(priority, self._max_priority)

    def sample_one(self):
        assert self.elements.full(), "The replay memory is not full!"
        sample_val = np.random.uniform(0, self.elements.total_p)
        item, tree_idx, _ = self.elements.retrieve(sample_val)
        return item, tree_idx

    def sample(self, beta=1):
        """ sample a batch of `seg_num` transitions
            beta: float, degree of using importance sampling weights,
                0 - no corrections, 1 - full correction

            items: sampled transitions
            indices: idxs of sampled items, used to update priorities later
            sample_weights: importance sampling weight
        assert self.elements.full(), "The replay memory is not full!"
        seg_size = self.elements.total_p / self.seg_num
        seg_bound = [(seg_size * i, seg_size * (i + 1))
                     for i in range(self.seg_num)]
        items, indices, priorities = [], [], []
        for low, high in seg_bound:
            sample_val = np.random.uniform(low, high)
            _, tree_idx, priority = self.elements.retrieve(sample_val)
            elem_idx = tree_idx - self.elements.capacity + 1
            item = self._get_stacked_item(elem_idx)

        batch_probs = self.size * np.array(priorities) / self.elements.total_p
        min_prob = self.size * self.elements._min / self.elements.total_p
        sample_weights = np.power(batch_probs / min_prob, -beta)
        return np.array(items), np.array(indices), sample_weights