提交 ba55793f 编写于 作者: W wangxiao1021

change to switch op based

上级 de37fd75
......@@ -632,7 +632,9 @@ task_ids: 一个shape为[batch_size, seq_len]的全0矩阵,用于支持ERNIE
#### 文本匹配数据集reader工具:match
1. 学习策略为`pointwise`:
label text_a text_b
......@@ -642,10 +644,22 @@ label text_a text_b
1 What has Pakistan told phone companies? **[TAB]** Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- Under heavy criticism for a telling cell phone carriers to ban certain words in text messages, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority went into damage control mode Wednesday.
2. 学习策略为`pairwise`:
text_a text_b text_b_neg
arrg ... ubuntunoob and ubuntu_user ... your nicks are confusing ^^ i d say it was **[TAB]** how that ... dynamic size of the c ontainer another idea would be an installation on an ( external ) flash-stick/card **[TAB]** will try now thanks if you have ati and md0 - i m no further help btw
got an error message while installing __number__ need help ( initrmfs ) mount failure error do you see this grub no a little more info would help ;-) did you boot a cd or pen drive to install or install from windows was this a install from windows whi ch is called a wubi how much memory does the computer have memory=ram so you got installed no errors and get this on reboot so when did you get this error did you burn it as a image **[TAB]** were you able to check the md5sum of the iso here is alink on md5sum i suspect it may not be this but never hurts to check __url__ **[TAB]** you would have to capture the pcl convert with hp 2xx then print that so do i set up another printer in cups with that driver but pointed to output to my cups pdf printer or do i need to pipe it through the driver on a lower level somehow
okay i come from a windows background .. currently running v __number__ __number__ and having a video card ( ati ) issue ... if i have an issue like this ( in windows ) i would go to the vendor site locate a current driver and install in ubuntu it aut omatically downloaded a driver - this driver i assume does not come from the vendor site but rather a ubuntu repository of tes ted/approved drivers is that a correct assumption yes that is correct **[TAB]** so given the downloaded driver is not performing properly i went to ati and found they have a newer version driver what is the correct process to load the new version do i ne ed to uninstall ( how ) the old version the new version is a run file - i am not familiar with what is the issue you re having with the ubuntu-supplied driver **[TAB]** ls -ld __path__ __path__ __path__ __path__ wrxr-xr-x
hey he wanted excitement __url__ __url__ dapper multivers thank you so much now i can do apt-get build-dep mythtv and compile it myself np i cannot install those packages i am also needing them why ca n't you install them i just verified they re insta llable i am on a default dapper install with all extra repositories in sources list uncommented and cant then you do n't have the correct repo enabled **[TAB]** lame installed ( none ) apt-cache policy lame **[TAB]** i am using mercury ... i think it is be tter than amsn i lost the curiosity for this __number__ years ago but i ve back are you using a router
1. 学习策略为`pointwise`:
token_ids: 一个shape为[batch_size, seq_len]的矩阵,每行是一条样本(文本对),其中的每个元素为文本对中的每个token对应的单词id,文本对使用`[SEP]`所对应的id隔开。
position_ids: 一个shape为[batch_size, seq_len]的矩阵,每行是一条样本,其中的每个元素为文本中的每个token对应的位置id。
......@@ -657,6 +671,22 @@ task_ids: 一个shape为[batch_size, seq_len]的全0矩阵,用于支持ERNIE
2. 学习策略为`pairwise`:
token_ids: 一个shape为[batch_size, seq_len]的矩阵,每行是一条正样本(文本对text_a text_b),其中的每个元素为文本对中的每个token对应的单词id,文本对使用`[SEP]`所对应的id隔开。
position_ids: 一个shape为[batch_size, seq_len]的矩阵,每行是一条样本,其中的每个元素为文本中的每个token对应的位置id。
segment_ids: 一个shape为[batch_size, seq_len]的矩阵,在文本1(text_a)的token位置,元素取值为0;在文本2(text_b)的token位置,元素取值为1。用于支持BERT、ERNIE等模型的输入。
input_mask: 一个shape为[batch_size, seq_len]的矩阵,其中的每个元素为0或1,表示该位置是否是padding词(为1时代表是真实词,为0时代表是填充词)。
label_ids: 一个shape为[batch_size]的矩阵,其中的每个元素为该样本的类别标签,为0时表示两段文本不匹配,为1时代表构成匹配。
task_ids: 一个shape为[batch_size, seq_len]的全0矩阵,用于支持ERNIE模型的输入。
token_ids_neg: 一个shape为[batch_size, seq_len]的矩阵,每行是一条负样本(文本对text_a text_b_neg),其中的每个元素为文本对中的每个token对应的单词id,文本对使用`[SEP]`所对应的id隔开。
position_ids_neg: 一个shape为[batch_size, seq_len]的矩阵,每行是一条负样本,其中的每个元素为文本中的每个token对应的位置id。
segment_ids_neg: 一个shape为[batch_size, seq_len]的矩阵,在文本1(text_a)的token位置,元素取值为0;在文本2(text_b_neg)的token位置,元素取值为1。用于支持BERT、ERNIE等模型的输入。
input_mask_neg: 一个shape为[batch_size, seq_len]的矩阵,其中的每个元素为0或1,表示该位置是否是padding词(为1时代表是真实词,为0时代表是填充词)。
task_ids_neg: 一个shape为[batch_size, seq_len]的全0矩阵,用于支持ERNIE模型的输入。
#### 机器阅读理解数据集reader工具:mrc
import downloader
from mtl_controller import Controller
import distribute
from distribute import gpu_dev_count, cpu_dev_count
del interface
del task_instance
from paddle import fluid
import os
import multiprocessing
gpu_dev_count = int(fluid.core.get_cuda_device_count())
cpu_dev_count = int(os.environ.get('CPU_NUM', multiprocessing.cpu_count()))
from reader import yield_pieces, data_feeder
from . import gpu_dev_count, cpu_dev_count
import Queue
from threading import Thread
dev_count = gpu_dev_count if gpu_dev_count > 0 else cpu_dev_count
def yield_pieces(data, distribute_strategy, batch_size):
distribute_strategy: support s=split, c=copy, u=unstack,
assert batch_size % dev_count == 0, "batch_size need to be integer times larger than dev_count."
# print('data in yield pieces')
# print(len(data))
assert type(data) == type(distribute_strategy), [type(data), type(distribute_strategy)]
assert len(data) == len(distribute_strategy), [len(data), len(distribute_strategy)]
if isinstance(data, dict):
keys = list(data.keys())
data_list = [data[i] for i in keys]
ds_list = [distribute_strategy[i] for i in keys]
assert isinstance(data, list), "the input data must be a list or dict, and contained with multiple tensors."
data_list = data
ds_list = distribute_strategy
stride = batch_size // dev_count
p = stride
# while p < len(data_list) + stride:
while p <= batch_size:
temp = []
for d, s in zip(data_list, ds_list):
s = s.strip().lower()
if s == 's' or s == 'split':
if p - stride >= len(d):
print('WARNING: no more examples to feed empty devices')
temp = []
elif s == 'u' or s == 'unstack':
assert len(d) <= dev_count, 'Tensor size on dim 0 must be less equal to dev_count when unstack is applied.'
if p//stride > len(d):
print('WARNING: no more examples to feed empty devices')
elif s == 'c' or s == 'copy':
raise NotImplementedError()
p += stride
if type(data) == dict:
yield dict(zip(*[keys, temp]))
# print('yielded pieces')
# print(len(temp))
yield temp
def data_feeder(reader, postprocess_fn=None, prefetch_steps=2, phase='train'):
if postprocess_fn is None:
def postprocess_fn(batch):
return batch
def worker(reader, dev_count, queue):
dev_batches = []
for index, data in enumerate(reader()):
if len(dev_batches) < dev_count:
if len(dev_batches) == dev_count:
queue.put((dev_batches, 0))
dev_batches = []
# For the prediction of the remained batches, pad more batches to
# the number of devices and the padded samples would be removed in
# prediction outputs.
if len(dev_batches) > 0:
num_pad = dev_count - len(dev_batches)
for i in range(len(dev_batches), dev_count):
queue.put((dev_batches, num_pad))
queue = Queue.Queue(dev_count*prefetch_steps)
p = Thread(
target=worker, args=(reader, dev_count, queue))
p.daemon = True
while True:
ret = queue.get()
if ret is not None:
batches, num_pad = ret
id = batches[0]['__task_id'][0][0] if phase == 'train' else -1
batch_buf = []
flag_buf = []
for idx, batch in enumerate(batches):
# flag = num_pad == 0
flag = idx-len(batches) < -num_pad
# if num_pad > 0:
# num_pad -= 1
batch = postprocess_fn(batch, id)
yield batch_buf, flag_buf, id
......@@ -31,12 +31,11 @@ from paddlepalm.utils.saver import init_pretraining_params, init_checkpoint
from paddlepalm.utils.config_helper import PDConfig
from paddlepalm.utils.print_helper import print_dict
from paddlepalm.utils.reader_helper import create_net_inputs, create_iterator_fn, create_joint_iterator_fn, merge_input_attrs
from paddlepalm.distribute import data_feeder
from paddlepalm.default_settings import *
from default_settings import *
from task_instance import TaskInstance, check_instances
import Queue
from threading import Thread
......@@ -185,6 +184,27 @@ def _fit_attr(conf, fit_attr, strict=False):
return conf
def create_feed_batch_process_fn(net_inputs):
def feed_batch_process_fn(data, id=-1):
# temps = {}
# for i in range(len(net_inputs)):
temp = {}
inputs = net_inputs[id] if id != -1 else net_inputs
for q, var in inputs.items():
if isinstance(var, str) or isinstance(var, unicode):
temp[var] = data[q]
temp[var.name] = data[q]
# temps[i] = temp
return temp
return feed_batch_process_fn
class Controller(object):
def __init__(self, config, task_dir='.', for_train=True):
......@@ -330,6 +350,7 @@ class Controller(object):
dev_count = self.dev_count
num_instances = len(instances)
mrs = self.mrs
branch = fluid.data(name="branch",shape=[1],dtype='int32')
# set first_target/main task instance
main_inst = None
......@@ -349,35 +370,51 @@ class Controller(object):
# create reader, task
# then check i/o across reader, backbone and task_layer
task_attrs = []
# check_fns = {}
task_attrs = {}
pred_task_attrs = []
for inst in instances:
train_reader = inst.Reader(inst.config, phase='train')
inst.reader['train'] = train_reader
train_parad = inst.Paradigm(inst.config, phase='train', backbone_config=bb_conf)
inst.task_layer['train'] = train_parad
task_attr_from_reader = _encode_inputs(train_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], inst.name)
joint_input_names = {}
joint_shape_and_dtypes = {}
name_to_position = {}
for i in range(num_instances):
# def check_tasks():
# i = s
# def checkeach():
train_reader = instances[i].Reader(instances[i].config, phase='train')
instances[i].reader['train'] = train_reader
train_parad = instances[i].Paradigm(instances[i].config, phase='train', backbone_config=bb_conf)
instances[i].task_layer['train'] = train_parad
task_attr_from_reader = _encode_inputs(train_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], instances[i].name)
task_attrs[i] = task_attr_from_reader
_check_io(train_backbone.inputs_attr, train_reader.outputs_attr, in_name=bb_name+'_backbone', out_name='reader.train')
_check_io(train_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], train_reader.outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.train.reader', out_name='reader.train')
_check_io(train_parad.inputs_attrs['backbone'], train_backbone.outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.train.backbone', out_name=bb_name+'_backbone')
if inst.is_target:
if 'pred_file' not in inst.config:
inst.config['pred_file'] = ''
pred_reader = inst.Reader(inst.config, phase='pred')
pred_parad = inst.Paradigm(inst.config, phase='pred', backbone_config=bb_conf)
inst.task_layer['pred'] = pred_parad
task_attr_from_reader = _encode_inputs(pred_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], inst.name)
# merge reader input attrs from backbone and task_instances
# pred_joint_input_names = []
# pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes = []
if instances[i].is_target:
if 'pred_file' not in instances[i].config:
instances[i].config['pred_file'] = ''
pred_reader = instances[i].Reader(instances[i].config, phase='pred')
pred_parad = instances[i].Paradigm(instances[i].config, phase='pred', backbone_config=bb_conf)
instances[i].task_layer['pred'] = pred_parad
task_attr_from_reader = _encode_inputs(pred_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], instances[i].name)
_check_io(pred_backbone.inputs_attr, pred_reader.outputs_attr, in_name=bb_name+'_backbone', out_name='reader.pred')
_check_io(pred_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], pred_reader.outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.pred.reader', out_name='reader.pred')
_check_io(pred_parad.inputs_attrs['backbone'], pred_backbone.outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.pred.backbone', out_name=bb_name+'_backbone')
# pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes, _ = merge_input_attrs(pred_backbone.inputs_attr, pred_task_attrs, insert_taskid=False, insert_batchsize=False, insert_seqlen=False, insert_batchsize_x_seqlen=False)
# return joint_input_names[i], joint_shape_and_dtypes[i], name_to_position[i], pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes
# return checkeach
# check_fns[i] = check_tasks()
joint_input_names[i], joint_shape_and_dtypes[i], name_to_position[i] = merge_input_attrs(train_backbone.inputs_attr, task_attrs[i])
# merge reader input attrs from backbone and task_instances
joint_input_names, joint_shape_and_dtypes, name_to_position = merge_input_attrs(train_backbone.inputs_attr, task_attrs)
pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes, _ = merge_input_attrs(pred_backbone.inputs_attr, pred_task_attrs, insert_taskid=False, insert_batchsize=False, insert_seqlen=False, insert_batchsize_x_seqlen=False)
# shapes: [task_id, shapes_of_backbone, shapes_of_inst1, ..., shapes_of_instN]
......@@ -388,9 +425,10 @@ class Controller(object):
# load data
for inst in instances:
print(inst.name+": preparing data...", end='')
for i in range(num_instances):
print(instances[i].name+": preparing data...", end='')
# merge dataset iterators and create net input vars
......@@ -406,65 +444,65 @@ class Controller(object):
joint_iterator_fn = create_joint_iterator_fn(iterators, prefixes, joint_shape_and_dtypes, mrs, name_to_position, dev_count=dev_count, verbose=VERBOSE, return_type='dict')
self._joint_iterator_fn = joint_iterator_fn
input_attrs = [[i, j, k] for i, (j,k) in zip(joint_input_names, joint_shape_and_dtypes)]
pred_input_attrs = [[i, j, k] for i, (j,k) in zip(pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes)]
# net_inputs = create_net_inputs(input_attrs, async=True, iterator_fn=joint_iterator_fn, dev_count=dev_count, n_prefetch=3)
net_inputs = create_net_inputs(input_attrs, async=False)
self._net_inputs = net_inputs
# build backbone and task layers
train_prog = fluid.default_main_program()
train_init_prog = fluid.default_startup_program()
bb_output_vars = train_backbone.build(net_inputs, scope_name='__paddlepalm_')
assert sorted(bb_output_vars.keys()) == sorted(train_backbone.outputs_attr.keys())
input_attrs = {}
net_inputs = {}
bb_output_vars = {}
bb_output_fns = {}
# prepare predict vars for saving inference model
pred_input_attrs = [[i, j, k] for i, (j,k) in zip(pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes)]
pred_prog = fluid.Program()
pred_init_prog = fluid.Program()
self._pred_prog = pred_prog
with fluid.program_guard(main_program = pred_prog, startup_program = pred_init_prog):
pred_net_inputs = create_net_inputs(pred_input_attrs)
pred_bb_output_vars = pred_backbone.build(pred_net_inputs, scope_name='__paddlepalm_')
task_inputs = {}
task_output_vars = {}
for inst in instances:
task_inputs = {'backbone': bb_output_vars}
task_inputs_from_reader = _decode_inputs(net_inputs, inst.name)
task_inputs['reader'] = task_inputs_from_reader
task_fns = {}
def get_loss(i):
input_attrs[i] = [[m, j, k] for m, (j,k) in zip(joint_input_names[i], joint_shape_and_dtypes[i])]
net_inputs[i] = create_net_inputs(input_attrs[i], async=False)
# net_inputs = create_net_inputs(input_attrs, async=True, iterator_fn=joint_iterator_fn, dev_count=dev_count, n_prefetch=3)
bb_output_vars[i] = train_backbone.build(net_inputs[i], scope_name='__paddlepalm_')
assert sorted(bb_output_vars[i].keys()) == sorted(train_backbone.outputs_attr.keys())
scope = inst.task_reuse_scope + '/'
# build backbone and task layers
task_inputs[i] = {'backbone': bb_output_vars[i]}
task_inputs_from_reader = _decode_inputs(net_inputs[i], instances[i].name)
task_inputs[i]['reader'] = task_inputs_from_reader
scope = instances[i].task_reuse_scope + '/'
with fluid.unique_name.guard(scope):
output_vars = instances[i].build_task_layer(task_inputs[i], phase='train', scope=scope)
output_vars = {instances[i].name+'/'+key: val for key, val in output_vars.items()}
loss_var = output_vars[instances[i].name+'/loss']
task_output_vars[i] = output_vars
output_vars = inst.build_task_layer(task_inputs, phase='train', scope=scope)
output_vars = {inst.name+'/'+key: val for key, val in output_vars.items()}
old = len(task_output_vars) # for debug
assert len(task_output_vars) - old == len(output_vars) # for debug
# prepare predict vars for saving inference model
if inst.is_target:
if instances[i].is_target:
with fluid.program_guard(pred_prog, pred_init_prog):
cur_inputs = _decode_inputs(pred_net_inputs, inst.name)
inst.pred_input = cur_inputs
cur_inputs = _decode_inputs(pred_net_inputs, instances[i].name)
instances[i].pred_input = cur_inputs
pred_task_inputs = {'backbone': pred_bb_output_vars, 'reader': cur_inputs}
scope = inst.task_reuse_scope + '/'
scope = instances[i].task_reuse_scope + '/'
with fluid.unique_name.guard(scope):
inst.build_task_layer(pred_task_inputs, phase='pred', scope=scope)
bb_fetches = {k: v.name for k,v in bb_output_vars.items()}
task_fetches = {k: v.name for k,v in task_output_vars.items()}
fetches = task_fetches
fetches['__task_id'] = net_inputs['__task_id'].name
# compute loss
task_id_var = net_inputs['__task_id']
task_id_vec = fluid.one_hot(task_id_var, num_instances)
losses = fluid.layers.concat([task_output_vars[inst.name+'/loss'] for inst in instances], axis=0)
loss = layers.reduce_sum(task_id_vec * losses)
instances[i].build_task_layer(pred_task_inputs, phase='pred', scope=scope)
return loss_var
for i in range(num_instances):
def task_loss():
task_id = i
return lambda: get_loss(task_id)
task_fns[i] = task_loss()
loss = layers.switch_case(
self._switched_loss = loss.name
main_reader = main_inst.reader['train']
num_examples = main_reader.num_examples
......@@ -498,13 +536,14 @@ class Controller(object):
# prepare for train
self.train_backbone = train_backbone
self.train_program = fluid.CompiledProgram(fluid.default_main_program()).with_data_parallel(loss_name=loss.name)
#self.train_program = fluid.CompiledProgram(fluid.default_main_program()).with_data_parallel(loss_name=loss.name)
self.saver_program = fluid.default_main_program()
self.train_program = self.saver_program
self.main_inst = main_inst
self.fetches = fetches
self.has_init_train = True
self.has_init_pred = True
self._net_inputs = net_inputs
print("\nRandomly initialize parameters...\n")
......@@ -525,6 +564,7 @@ class Controller(object):
insert_taskid=False, insert_batchsize=False, insert_seqlen=False, insert_batchsize_x_seqlen=False)
pred_prog = inst.load(infer_model_path)
# pred_prog = fluid.CompiledProgram(pred_prog).with_data_parallel()
if inst.reader['pred'] is None:
pred_reader = inst.Reader(inst.config, phase='pred')
inst.reader['pred'] = pred_reader
......@@ -556,8 +596,6 @@ class Controller(object):
backbone = self.train_backbone
train_program = self.train_program
saver_program = self.saver_program
fetches = self.fetches
finish = []
for inst in instances:
if inst.is_target:
......@@ -575,90 +613,45 @@ class Controller(object):
return False
return True
def pack_multicard_feed(iterator, net_inputs, dev_count):
ret = []
mask = []
for i in range(dev_count):
temp = {}
content, flag = next(iterator)
for q, var in net_inputs.items():
temp[var.name] = content[q]
mask.append(1 if flag else 0)
return ret, mask
# do training
fetch_names, fetch_list = zip(*fetches.items())
fetch_names = {}
fetch_list = []
main_step = 0 # only count for main task
global_step = 0 # count for all tasks
epoch = 0
time_begin = time.time()
backbone_buffer = []
def multi_dev_reader(reader, dev_count):
def worker(reader, dev_count, queue):
dev_batches = []
for index, data in enumerate(reader()):
if len(dev_batches) < dev_count:
if len(dev_batches) == dev_count:
queue.put((dev_batches, 0))
dev_batches = []
# For the prediction of the remained batches, pad more batches to
# the number of devices and the padded samples would be removed in
# prediction outputs.
if len(dev_batches) > 0:
num_pad = dev_count - len(dev_batches)
for i in range(len(dev_batches), dev_count):
queue.put((dev_batches, num_pad))
queue = Queue.Queue(dev_count*2)
p = Thread(
target=worker, args=(reader, dev_count, queue))
p.daemon = True
while True:
ret = queue.get()
if ret is not None:
batches, num_pad = ret
for batch in batches:
flag = num_pad == 0
if num_pad > 0:
num_pad -= 1
yield batch, flag
joint_iterator = multi_dev_reader(self._joint_iterator_fn, self.dev_count)
feed_batch_process_fn = create_feed_batch_process_fn(self._net_inputs)
distribute_feeder = data_feeder(self._joint_iterator_fn, feed_batch_process_fn)
while not train_finish():
feed, mask = pack_multicard_feed(joint_iterator, self._net_inputs, self.dev_count)
feed, mask, id = next(distribute_feeder)
rt_outputs = self.exe.run(train_program, feed=feed, fetch_list=fetch_list)
rt_loss = rt_outputs.pop()
rt_outputs = {k:v for k,v in zip(fetch_names, rt_outputs)}
rt_task_id = np.squeeze(rt_outputs['__task_id']).tolist()
rt_task_id = rt_task_id[0] if isinstance(rt_task_id, list) else rt_task_id
cur_task = instances[rt_task_id]
cur_task = instances[id]
backbone_rt_outputs = {k:v for k,v in rt_outputs.items() if '/' not in k}
# backbone_rt_outputs = {k:v for k,v in rt_outputs.items() if '/' not in k}
# backbone_buffer.append(backbone.postprocess(backbone_rt_outputs))
task_rt_outputs = {k[len(cur_task.name+'/'):]: v for k,v in rt_outputs.items() if k.startswith(cur_task.name+'/')}
# task_rt_outputs = {k[len(cur_task.name+'/'):]: v for k,v in rt_outputs.items() if k.startswith(cur_task.name+'/')}
# instances[rt_task_id].task_layer['train'].postprocess(task_rt_outputs)
global_step += 1
cur_task.cur_train_step += 1
cur_task_global_step = cur_task.cur_train_step + cur_task.cur_train_epoch * cur_task.steps_pur_epoch
if cur_task.is_target and cur_task.save_infermodel_every_n_steps > 0 and cur_task_global_step % cur_task.save_infermodel_every_n_steps == 0:
cur_task.save(suffix='.step'+str(cur_task_global_step), prog=self._pred_prog)
if global_step % main_conf.get('print_every_n_steps', 5) == 0:
loss = rt_outputs[cur_task.name+'/loss']
loss = rt_loss
loss = np.mean(np.squeeze(loss)).tolist()
time_end = time.time()
......@@ -671,7 +664,7 @@ class Controller(object):
if cur_task.train_finish and cur_task.cur_train_step + cur_task.cur_train_epoch * cur_task.steps_pur_epoch == cur_task.expected_train_steps:
print(cur_task.name+': train finished!')
if 'save_ckpt_every_n_steps' in main_conf and global_step % main_conf['save_ckpt_every_n_steps'] == 0:
save_path = os.path.join(main_conf['save_path'], 'ckpt',
......@@ -716,18 +709,38 @@ class Controller(object):
fetch_names, fetch_vars = inst.pred_fetch_list
mapper = {k:v for k,v in inst.pred_input}
feed_batch_process_fn = create_feed_batch_process_fn(inst.pred_input)
distribute_feeder = data_feeder(inst.reader['pred'].iterator, feed_batch_process_fn, prefetch_steps=1, phase='pred')
buf = []
for feed in inst.reader['pred'].iterator():
feed = _encode_inputs(feed, inst.name, cand_set=mapper)
feed = {mapper[k]: v for k,v in feed.items()}
for feed, mask, id in distribute_feeder:
# print('before run')
rt_outputs = self.exe.run(pred_prog, feed, fetch_vars)
# print('after run')
splited_rt_outputs = []
for item in rt_outputs:
splited_rt_outputs.append(np.split(item, len(mask)))
# assert len(rt_outputs) == len(mask), [len(rt_outputs), len(mask)]
# print(mask)
while mask.pop() == False:
for item in splited_rt_outputs:
rt_outputs = []
# print('cancat')
for item in splited_rt_outputs:
rt_outputs = {k:v for k,v in zip(fetch_names, rt_outputs)}
inst.postprocess(rt_outputs, phase='pred')
# print('leave feeder')
if inst.task_layer['pred'].epoch_inputs_attrs:
reader_outputs = inst.reader['pred'].get_epoch_outputs()
reader_outputs = None
# print('epoch postprocess')
inst.epoch_postprocess({'reader':reader_outputs}, phase='pred')
......@@ -742,6 +755,3 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
__all__ = ["Controller"]
\ No newline at end of file
from paddle import fluid
import os
import multiprocessing
gpu_dev_count = int(fluid.core.get_cuda_device_count())
cpu_dev_count = int(os.environ.get('CPU_NUM', multiprocessing.cpu_count()))
dev_count = gpu_dev_count if gpu_dev_count > 0 else cpu_dev_count
......@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
from paddlepalm.interface import reader
from paddlepalm.reader.utils.reader4ernie import ClassifyReader
class Reader(reader):
def __init__(self, config, phase='train', dev_count=1, print_prefix=''):
......@@ -85,7 +88,6 @@ class Reader(reader):
return returns
def load_data(self):
self._data_generator = self._reader.data_generator(self._input_file, self._batch_size, self._num_epochs, dev_count=self._dev_count, shuffle=self._shuffle, phase=self._phase)
......@@ -83,8 +83,6 @@ class Reader(reader):
return outputs
for batch in self._data_generator():
# print(np.shape(list_to_dict(batch)['token_ids']))
# print(list_to_dict(batch)['mask_label'].tolist())
yield list_to_dict(batch)
def get_epoch_outputs(self):
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
from paddlepalm.interface import reader
from paddlepalm.reader.utils.reader4ernie import MRCReader
import numpy as np
class Reader(reader):
from paddle import fluid
import os
import multiprocessing
gpu_dev_count = int(fluid.core.get_cuda_device_count())
cpu_dev_count = int(os.environ.get('CPU_NUM', multiprocessing.cpu_count()))
dev_count = gpu_dev_count if gpu_dev_count > 0 else cpu_dev_count
......@@ -19,12 +19,26 @@ from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
def mask(batch_tokens, total_token_num, vocab_size, CLS=1, SEP=2, MASK=3):
def mask(batch_tokens, total_token_num, vocab_size, CLS=1, SEP=2, MASK=3, dev_count=1):
Add mask for batch_tokens, return out, mask_label, mask_pos;
Note: mask_pos responding the batch_tokens after padded;
max_len = max([len(sent) for sent in batch_tokens])
multidev_batch_tokens = []
multidev_mask_label = []
multidev_mask_pos = []
big_batch_tokens = batch_tokens
stride = len(batch_tokens) // dev_count
if stride == 0:
return None, None, None
p = stride
for i in range(dev_count):
batch_tokens = big_batch_tokens[p-stride:p]
p += stride
mask_label = []
mask_pos = []
prob_mask = np.random.rand(total_token_num)
......@@ -69,7 +83,12 @@ def mask(batch_tokens, total_token_num, vocab_size, CLS=1, SEP=2, MASK=3):
mask_pos.append(sent_index * max_len + token_index)
mask_label = np.array(mask_label).astype("int64").reshape([-1])
mask_pos = np.array(mask_pos).astype("int64").reshape([-1])
return batch_tokens, mask_label, mask_pos
return multidev_batch_tokens, multidev_mask_label, multidev_mask_pos
def prepare_batch_data(insts,
......@@ -83,7 +102,8 @@ def prepare_batch_data(insts,
1. generate Tensor of data
2. generate Tensor of position
......@@ -101,7 +121,8 @@ def prepare_batch_data(insts,
# Second step: padding
src_id, self_input_mask = pad_batch_data(
......@@ -125,7 +146,7 @@ def prepare_batch_data(insts,
return_list = [
src_id, pos_id, sent_id, self_input_mask, task_ids, mask_label, mask_pos
return return_list if len(return_list) > 1 else return_list[0]
return return_list
def pad_batch_data(insts,
......@@ -29,11 +29,14 @@ import six
from io import open
from collections import namedtuple
from . import gpu_dev_count
import paddlepalm as palm
import paddlepalm.tokenizer.ernie_tokenizer as tokenization
from paddlepalm.reader.utils.batching4ernie import pad_batch_data
from paddlepalm.reader.utils.mlm_batching import prepare_batch_data
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if six.PY3:
......@@ -478,14 +481,12 @@ class MaskLMReader(BaseReader):
# max_len=self.max_seq_len, # 注意,如果padding到最大长度,会导致mask_pos与实际位置不对应。因为mask pos是基于batch内最大长度来计算的。
if len(all_dev_batches) < dev_count:
if len(all_dev_batches) == dev_count:
for batch in all_dev_batches:
yield batch
all_dev_batches = []
# yield batch
for piece in palm.distribute.yield_pieces(batch_data, ['s', 's', 's', 's', 's', 'u', 'u'], batch_size):
yield piece
return wrapper
......@@ -952,11 +953,20 @@ class MRCReader(BaseReader):
if to_append:
yield self._pad_batch_records(batch_records, phase == "train")
# yield self._pad_batch_records(batch_records, phase == "train")
ds = ['s'] * 8
for piece in palm.distribute.yield_pieces(\
self._pad_batch_records(batch_records, phase == 'train'),
ds, batch_size):
yield piece
batch_records, max_len = [record], len(record.token_ids)
if phase == 'pred' and batch_records:
yield self._pad_batch_records(batch_records, phase == "train")
for piece in palm.distribute.yield_pieces(\
self._pad_batch_records(batch_records, phase == 'train'),
ds, batch_size):
yield piece
def _pad_batch_records(self, batch_records, is_training):
batch_token_ids = [record.token_ids for record in batch_records]
......@@ -1043,12 +1053,8 @@ class MRCReader(BaseReader):
for batch_data in self._prepare_batch_data(
features, batch_size, phase=phase):
if len(all_dev_batches) < dev_count:
if len(all_dev_batches) == dev_count:
for batch in all_dev_batches:
yield batch
all_dev_batches = []
yield batch_data
return wrapper
......@@ -34,12 +34,13 @@ class TaskInstance(object):
self._name = name
self._config = config
self._verbose = verbose
self._id = id
check_req_args(config, name)
# parse Reader and Paradigm
reader_name = config['reader']
reader_mod = importlib.import_module(READER_DIR + '.' + reader_name)
self.reader_name = config['reader']
reader_mod = importlib.import_module(READER_DIR + '.' + self.reader_name)
Reader = getattr(reader_mod, 'Reader')
parad_name = config['paradigm']
......@@ -104,13 +105,18 @@ class TaskInstance(object):
def epoch_postprocess(self, epoch_inputs, phase):
return self._task_layer[phase].epoch_postprocess(epoch_inputs)
def save(self, suffix=''):
def save(self, suffix='', prog=None):
dirpath = self._save_infermodel_path + suffix
self._pred_input_varname_list = [str(i) for i in self._pred_input_varname_list]
# fluid.io.save_inference_model(dirpath, self._pred_input_varname_list, self._pred_fetch_var_list, self._exe, export_for_deployment = True)
prog = fluid.default_main_program().clone()
fluid.io.save_inference_model(dirpath, self._pred_input_varname_list, self._pred_fetch_var_list, self._exe, prog)
# prog = fluid.default_main_program().clone()
if prog is not None:
save_prog = prog
save_prog = fluid.default_main_program().clone()
fluid.io.save_inference_model(dirpath, self._pred_input_varname_list, self._pred_fetch_var_list, self._exe, save_prog)
conf = {}
for k, strv in self._save_protocol.items():
......@@ -137,6 +143,10 @@ class TaskInstance(object):
def name(self):
return self._name
def tid(self):
return self._id
def Reader(self):
return self._Reader
......@@ -169,7 +179,7 @@ class TaskInstance(object):
def pred_input(self):
return zip(*[self._pred_input_name_list, self._pred_input_varname_list])
return dict(zip(*[self._pred_input_name_list, self._pred_input_varname_list]))
def pred_input(self, val):
......@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ class TaskParadigm(task_paradigm):
unique_id = inputs['reader']['unique_ids']
enc_out = inputs['backbone']['encoder_outputs']
logits = fluid.layers.fc(
......@@ -111,41 +111,39 @@ def create_joint_iterator_fn(iterators, iterator_prefixes, joint_shape_and_dtype
joint_shape_and_dtypes: 本质上是根据bb和parad的attr设定的,并且由reader中的attr自动填充-1(可变)维度得到,因此通过与iterator的校验可以完成runtime的batch正确性检查
pos_to_outname = {j:i for i,j in outname_to_pos.items()}
task_ids = range(len(iterators))
weights = [mr / float(sum(mrs)) for mr in mrs]
if not keep_one_task:
dev_count = 1
results = _zero_batch(joint_shape_and_dtypes)
outbuf = {}
results = {}
pos_to_outname = {}
for id in task_ids:
pos_to_outname[id] = {j:i for i,j in outname_to_pos[id].items()}
result = _zero_batch(joint_shape_and_dtypes[id])
outbuf = {}
outputs = next(iterators[id]) # dict type
outbuf[id] = outputs
prefix = iterator_prefixes[id]
for outname, val in outputs.items():
task_outname = prefix + '/' + outname
if outname in outname_to_pos:
idx = outname_to_pos[outname]
val = _check_and_adapt_shape_dtype(val, joint_shape_and_dtypes[idx], message=outname+': ')
results[idx] = val
if outname in outname_to_pos[id]:
idx = outname_to_pos[id][outname]
val = _check_and_adapt_shape_dtype(val, joint_shape_and_dtypes[id][idx], message=outname+': ')
result[idx] = val
if task_outname in outname_to_pos:
idx = outname_to_pos[task_outname]
val = _check_and_adapt_shape_dtype(val, joint_shape_and_dtypes[idx], message=task_outname+': ')
results[idx] = val
fake_batch = results
dev_count_bak = dev_count
if task_outname in outname_to_pos[id]:
idx = outname_to_pos[id][task_outname]
val = _check_and_adapt_shape_dtype(val, joint_shape_and_dtypes[id][idx], message=task_outname+': ')
result[idx] = val
results[id] = result
def iterator():
v = verbose
has_show_warn = False
while True:
id = np.random.choice(task_ids, p=weights)
results = fake_batch
if v > 0:
print('----- debug joint iterator -----')
print('sampled task id: '+str(id))
......@@ -153,8 +151,8 @@ def create_joint_iterator_fn(iterators, iterator_prefixes, joint_shape_and_dtype
for i in range(dev_count):
results[outname_to_pos['__task_id']] = task_id_tensor
assert outname_to_pos['__task_id'] == 0
results[id][outname_to_pos[id]['__task_id']] = task_id_tensor
assert outname_to_pos[id]['__task_id'] == 0
if id in outbuf:
outputs = outbuf[id]
......@@ -165,14 +163,14 @@ def create_joint_iterator_fn(iterators, iterator_prefixes, joint_shape_and_dtype
if 'token_ids' in outputs:
val1 = len(outputs['token_ids'])
val = _check_and_adapt_shape_dtype(np.array([val1], dtype='int64'), [[1], 'int64'], iterator_prefixes[id]+' tokenids: ')
results[outname_to_pos['batch_size']] = val
results[id][outname_to_pos[id]['batch_size']] = val
val2 = len(outputs['token_ids'][0])
val = _check_and_adapt_shape_dtype(np.array([val2], dtype='int64'), [[1], 'int64'])
results[outname_to_pos['seqlen']] = val
results[id][outname_to_pos[id]['seqlen']] = val
val = _check_and_adapt_shape_dtype(np.array([val1*val2], dtype='int64'), [[1], 'int64'])
results[outname_to_pos['batchsize_x_seqlen']] = val
results[id][outname_to_pos[id]['batchsize_x_seqlen']] = val
if not has_show_warn:
print('WARNING: token_ids not found in current batch, failed to yield batch_size, seqlen and batchsize_x_seqlen. (This message would be shown only once.)')
......@@ -184,33 +182,33 @@ def create_joint_iterator_fn(iterators, iterator_prefixes, joint_shape_and_dtype
print('reader generate: '+outname)
task_outname = prefix + '/' + outname
if outname in outname_to_pos:
idx = outname_to_pos[outname]
if outname in outname_to_pos[id]:
idx = outname_to_pos[id][outname]
if v > 0:
print(outname + ' is insert in idx ' + str(idx))
val = _check_and_adapt_shape_dtype(val, joint_shape_and_dtypes[idx], message=outname+': ')
results[idx] = val
val = _check_and_adapt_shape_dtype(val, joint_shape_and_dtypes[id][idx], message=outname+': ')
results[id][idx] = val
if task_outname in outname_to_pos:
idx = outname_to_pos[task_outname]
if task_outname in outname_to_pos[id]:
idx = outname_to_pos[id][task_outname]
if v > 0:
print(task_outname + ' is insert in idx ' + str(idx))
val = _check_and_adapt_shape_dtype(val, joint_shape_and_dtypes[idx], message=task_outname+': ')
results[idx] = val
val = _check_and_adapt_shape_dtype(val, joint_shape_and_dtypes[id][idx], message=task_outname+': ')
results[id][idx] = val
if v > 0:
print('yielded batch len and shapes:')
for i in results:
for i in results[id]:
v -= 1
if return_type == 'list':
yield results
yield results[id]
elif return_type == 'dict':
temp = {}
for pos, i in enumerate(results):
temp[pos_to_outname[pos]] = i
for pos, i in enumerate(results[id]):
temp[pos_to_outname[id][pos]] = i
yield temp
return iterator
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