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# PaddlePALM
PaddlePALM (Paddle for Multi-task) 是一个灵活通用且易用的NLP大规模预训练与多任务学习框架。通过PaddlePALM,用户可以轻松完成复杂的多任务学习与参数复用,无缝集成「**单任务训练**」、「**多任务辅助训练**」和「**多目标任务联合训练**」这 *3* 种训练方式和灵活的保存与预测机制,且仅需书写极少量代码即可”一键启动”高性能单机单卡和分布式训练与推理。
PaddlePALM (PArallel Learning from Multi-tasks) is a flexible, general and easy-to-use NLP large-scale pretraining and multi-task learning friendly framework. PALM is a high level framework aiming at **fastly** develop **high-performance** NLP models. With PALM, 8 steps to achieve a typical NLP task for supervised learning or pretraining. 6 steps to achieve multi-task learning for prepared tasks. Zero steps to adapt your code to large-scale training/inference (with multiple GPUs and multiple computation nodes).
PaddlePALM (PArallel Learning from Multi-tasks) is a flexible, general and easy-to-use NLP large-scale pretraining and multi-task learning friendly framework. PALM is a high level framework aiming at **fastly** develop **high-performance** NLP models. With PALM, a typical NLP task can be achieved just in 8 steps.
PaddlePALM also provides state-of-the-art general purpose architectures (BERT,ERNIE,RoBERTa,...) as build-in model backbones. We have decoupled the model backbone, dataset reader and task output layers, so that you can easily replace any of the component to other candidates with quite minor changes of your code. In addition, PaddlePALM support customized development of any component, e.g, backbone, task head, reader and optimizer, which gives high flexibility for developers to adapt to complicated NLP scenes.
## 目录
- [安装](#安装)
- [前期准备](#前期准备)
- [理论准备](#理论准备)
- [框架原理](#框架原理)
- [预训练模型](#预训练模型)
- [X行代码实现文本分类](#三个demo入门paddlepalm)
- []
- [DEMO1:单任务训练](#demo1单任务训练)
- [DEMO2:多任务辅助训练与目标任务预测](#demo2多任务辅助训练与目标任务预测)
- [DEMO3:多目标任务联合训练与任务层参数复用](#demo3多目标任务联合训练与任务层参数复用)
- [进阶篇](#进阶篇)
- [配置广播机制](#配置广播机制)
- [reader、backbone与paradigm的选择](#readerbackbone与paradigm的选择)
- [多目标任务下的训练终止条件与预期训练步数](#多目标任务下的训练终止条件与预期训练步数)
- [多个目标任务](#多个目标任务)
- [训练终止条件](#训练终止条件)
- [任务采样概率与预期训练步数](#任务采样概率与预期训练步数)
- [多个目标任务时预期训练步数的计算](#多个目标任务时预期训练步数的计算)
- [模型保存与预测机制](#模型保存与预测机制)
- [分布式训练](#分布式训练)
- [附录A:内置数据集载入与处理工具(reader)](#附录a内置数据集载入与处理工具reader)
- [附录B:内置主干网络(backbone)](#附录b内置主干网络backbone)
- [附录C:内置任务范式(paradigm)](#附录c内置任务范式paradigm)
- [附录D:可配置的全局参数列表](#附录d可配置的全局参数列表)
## Package Overview
| **paddlepalm** | an open source NLP pretraining and multitask learning framework, built on paddlepaddle. |
| **paddlepalm.reader** | a collection of elastic task-specific dataset readers. |
| **paddlepalm.backbone** | a collection of classic NLP representation models, e.g., BERT. |
| **paddlepalm.backbone** | a collection of classic NLP representation models, e.g., BERT, ERNIE, RoBERTa. |
| **paddlepalm.head** | a collection of task-specific output layers. |
| **paddlepalm.lr_sched** | a collection of learning rate schedualers. |
| **paddlepalm.optimizer** | a collection of optimizers. |
......@@ -67,7 +36,7 @@ cd PALM && python setup.py install
### Library Dependencies
- Python >= 2.7 (即将支持python3)
- Python >= 2.7
- cuda >= 9.0
- cudnn >= 7.0
- PaddlePaddle >= 1.6.3 (请参考[安装指南](http://www.paddlepaddle.org/#quick-start)进行安装)
......@@ -108,7 +77,7 @@ Available pretrain items:
5. create a task *trainer* with `paddlepalm.Trainer`, then build forward graph with backbone and task head (created in step 2 and 4) through `trainer.build_forward`.
6. use `paddlepalm.optimizer` (and `paddlepalm.lr_sched` if is necessary) to create a *optimizer*, then build backward through `trainer.build_backward`.
7. fit prepared reader and data (achieved in step 1) to trainer with `trainer.fit_reader` method.
8. randomly initialize model parameters (and `trainer.load_pretrain` if needed), then do training with `trainer.train`.
8. load pretrain model with `trainer.load_pretrain`, or load checkpoint with `trainer.load_ckpt` or nothing to do for training from scratch, then do training with `trainer.train`.
More implementation details see following demos: [Sentiment Classification](), [Quora Question Pairs matching](), [Tagging](), [SQuAD machine Reading Comprehension]().
......@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@ _items = {
'roberta-cn-base': 'https://bert-models.bj.bcebos.com/chinese_roberta_wwm_ext_L-12_H-768_A-12.tar.gz',
'roberta-cn-large': 'https://bert-models.bj.bcebos.com/chinese_roberta_wwm_large_ext_L-24_H-1024_A-16.tar.gz',
'utils': None},
'reader': {'utils': None},
'vocab': {'utils': None},
'backbone': {'utils': None},
'tasktype': {'utils': None},
'head': {'utils': None},
'reader': {'utils': None},
def _download(item, scope, path, silent=False, convert=False):
......@@ -131,20 +132,27 @@ def _convert(path, silent=False):
os.removedirs(path + '/params1/')
def download(item, scope='all', path='.'):
item = item.lower()
def download(scope, item='all', path='.'):
"""download an item. The available scopes and contained items can be showed with `paddlepalm.downloader.ls`.
scope: the scope the item belongs to.
item: the item to download.
path: the target dir to download to. Default is `.`, means current dir.
scope = scope.lower()
assert item in _items, '{} is not found. Support list: {}'.format(item, list(_items.keys()))
item = item.lower()
ascopeert scope in _scopes, '{} is not found. Support list: {}'.format(scope, list(_scopes.keys()))
if _items[item]['utils'] is not None:
_download(item, 'utils', path, silent=True)
if _scopes[scope]['utils'] is not None:
_download(scope, 'utils', path, silent=True)
if scope != 'all':
assert scope in _items[item], '{} is not found. Support scopes: {}'.format(scope, list(_items[item].keys()))
_download(item, scope, path)
if item != 'all':
ascopeert item in _scopes[scope], '{} is not found. Support items: {}'.format(item, list(_scopes[scope].keys()))
_download(scope, item, path)
for s in _items[item].keys():
_download(item, s, path)
for s in _scopes[scope].keys():
_download(scope, s, path)
def _ls(item, scope, l = 10):
......@@ -157,19 +165,22 @@ def _ls(item, scope, l = 10):
print (' => '+s)
def ls(item='all', scope='all'):
def ls(scope='all'):
"""show all the available download items of a scope.
scope: the scope to show items. Default is 'all', means to show all items in all scopes. Avaliable scopes: pretrain.
if scope == 'utils':
if item != 'all':
assert item in _items, '{} is not found. Support scopes: {}'.format(item, list(_items.keys()))
print ('Available {} items:'.format(item))
_ls(item, scope)
if scope != 'all':
assert scope in _items, '{} is not found. Support scopes: {}'.format(scope, list(_items.keys()))
print ('Available {} scopes:'.format(scope))
_ls(scope, 'all')
l = max(map(len, _items.keys()))
for i in _items.keys():
print ('Available {} items: '.format(i))
_ls(i, scope, l)
_ls(i, 'all', l)
from conf_controller import ConfigController
from controller import Controller
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import importlib
import multiprocessing
from paddle import fluid
from paddle.fluid import layers
import yaml
import json
import logging
import time
import numpy as np
from paddlepalm.utils.saver import init_pretraining_params, init_checkpoint
from paddlepalm.utils.config_helper import PDConfig
from paddlepalm.utils.print_helper import print_dict
from paddlepalm.utils.reader_helper import create_net_inputs, create_iterator_fn, create_joint_iterator_fn, merge_input_attrs
from paddlepalm.default_settings import *
from paddlepalm.task_instance import TaskInstance, check_instances
import Queue
from threading import Thread
def _get_basename(f):
return os.path.splitext(f)[0]
def _get_suffix(f):
return os.path.splitext(f)[-1]
def _parse_yaml(f, asdict=True, support_cmd_line=False):
assert os.path.exists(f), "file {} not found.".format(f)
if support_cmd_line:
args = PDConfig(yaml_file=f, fuse_args=True)
return args.asdict() if asdict else args
if asdict:
with open(f, "r") as fin:
yaml_config = yaml.load(fin, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
return yaml_config
raise NotImplementedError()
def _parse_json(f, asdict=True, support_cmd_line=False):
assert os.path.exists(f), "file {} not found.".format(f)
if support_cmd_line:
args = PDConfig(json_file=f, fuse_args=support_cmd_line)
return args.asdict() if asdict else args
if asdict:
with open(f, "r") as fin:
config = json.load(fin)
return config
raise NotImplementedError()
def _parse_list(string, astype=str):
assert isinstance(string, str), "{} is not a string.".format(string)
if ',' not in string:
return [astype(string)]
string = string.replace(',', ' ')
return [astype(i) for i in string.split()]
def _try_float(s):
return s
def _check_conf(conf, checklist=None):
assert isinstance(conf, dict), "{} is not a dict.".format(conf)
ret = {}
for k,v in conf.items():
if isinstance(v, str):
v = _try_float(v)
ret[k] = v
if checklist is not None:
for k, t in checklist:
assert k in ret, "required argument {} is NOT exist in config file.".format(k)
assert isintance(ret[k], t), "value type of argument {} should be {}".format(k, t)
return ret
# TODO: 增加None机制,允许hidden size、batch size和seqlen设置为None
def _check_io(in_attr, out_attr, strict=False, in_name="left", out_name="right"):
for name, attr in in_attr.items():
assert name in out_attr, in_name+': '+name+' not found in '+out_name
if attr != out_attr[name]:
if strict:
raise ValueError(name+': shape or dtype not consistent!')
logging.warning('{}: shape or dtype not consistent!\n{}:\n{}\n{}:\n{}'.format(name, in_name, attr, out_name, out_attr[name]))
def _merge_conf(conf1, conf2, conf1_first=True, strict=False):
assert isinstance(conf1, dict), "{} is not a dict.".format(conf1)
assert isinstance(conf2, dict), "{} is not a dict.".format(conf2)
base_conf = conf2 if conf1_first else conf1
base_conf = base_conf.copy()
new_conf = conf1 if conf1_first else conf2
for k, v in new_conf.items():
if k in base_conf:
if base_conf[k] != v:
raise Warning("value of argument {} has been updated to {}.".format(k, v))
if strict:
base_conf[k] = v
return base_conf
def _encode_inputs(inputs, scope_name, sep='/', cand_set=None):
outputs = {}
for k, v in inputs.items():
if cand_set is not None:
if k in cand_set:
outputs[k] = v
if scope_name+sep+k in cand_set:
outputs[scope_name+sep+k] = v
outputs[scope_name+sep+k] = v
return outputs
def _decode_inputs(inputs, scope_name, sep='/', keep_unk_keys=True):
outputs = {}
for name, value in inputs.items():
# var for backbone are also available to tasks
if keep_unk_keys and sep not in name:
outputs[name] = value
# var for this inst
if name.startswith(scope_name+'/'):
outputs[name[len(scope_name+'/'):]] = value
return outputs
def _init_env(use_gpu):
if use_gpu:
place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
dev_count = fluid.core.get_cuda_device_count()
place = fluid.CPUPlace()
dev_count = int(os.environ.get('CPU_NUM', multiprocessing.cpu_count()))
return fluid.Executor(place), dev_count
def _fit_attr(conf, fit_attr, strict=False):
for i, attr in fit_attr.items():
if i not in conf:
if strict:
raise Exception('Argument {} is required to create a controller.'.format(i))
conf[i] = attr(conf[i])
return conf
class ConfigController(object):
def __init__(self, config, task_dir='.', for_train=True):
config: (str|dict) 字符串类型时,给出yaml格式的config配置文件路径;
self._for_train = for_train
assert isinstance(config, str) or isinstance(config, dict), "a config dict or config file path is required to create a Controller."
if isinstance(config, str):
mtl_conf = _parse_yaml(config, support_cmd_line=True)
mtl_conf = config
mtl_conf = _check_conf(mtl_conf)
mtl_conf = _fit_attr(mtl_conf, REQUIRED_ARGS, strict=True)
mtl_conf = _fit_attr(mtl_conf, OPTIONAL_ARGS, strict=False)
exe, dev_count = _init_env(use_gpu=mtl_conf.get('use_gpu', True))
self.exe = exe
self.dev_count = dev_count
print_dict(mtl_conf, title='global configuration')
# parse task instances and target tags
instnames = _parse_list(mtl_conf['task_instance'])
assert len(instnames) == len(set(instnames)), "repeated task_instance is NOT supported."
num_instances = len(instnames)
self.num_instances = num_instances
instname_to_conf = {}
instname_to_id = {}
for id, instname in enumerate(instnames):
instpath = os.path.join(task_dir, instname+'.yaml')
conf = _parse_yaml(instpath, support_cmd_line=False)
# conf = _check_conf(conf, TASK_INSTANCE_REQUIRED_ARGS)
conf = _check_conf(conf)
temp_conf = _merge_conf(mtl_conf, conf, strict=True)
print_dict(temp_conf, title='{} configuration'.format(instname))
conf = _merge_conf(mtl_conf, conf)
instname_to_conf[instname] = conf
instname_to_id[instname] = id
# prepare backbone
if 'backbone_config_path' in mtl_conf:
bb_conf = _parse_json(mtl_conf['backbone_config_path'])
bb_conf = _merge_conf(mtl_conf, bb_conf)
bb_conf = mtl_conf
print_dict(bb_conf, title = 'backbone configuration'.format(instname))
bb_name = mtl_conf['backbone']
bb_mod = importlib.import_module(BACKBONE_DIR + '.' + bb_name)
Backbone = getattr(bb_mod, 'Model')
# create task instances
instances = []
for name in instnames:
instances.append(TaskInstance(name, instname_to_id[name], instname_to_conf[name]))
# parse target_tag
if 'target_tag' in mtl_conf:
target_tag = str(mtl_conf['target_tag'])
tags = _parse_list(target_tag, astype=int)
assert len(tags) == len(instnames), "number of target_tag is NOT consistent with that in task_instance."
for tag, inst in zip(tags, instances):
inst.is_target = tag
tags = [i.is_target for i in instances]
num_targets = sum(tags)
num_auxes = num_instances - num_targets
# parse mix ratios
if 'mix_ratio' in mtl_conf:
mix_ratio = str(mtl_conf['mix_ratio'])
mrs = _parse_list(mix_ratio, astype=float)
assert len(mrs) == num_instances, "number of mix_ratios is NOT consistent with num_instances."
mrs = [1.0] * num_instances
for mr, inst in zip(mrs, instances):
inst.mix_ratio = mr
# parse task layer reuse tags
instname_to_reusehost = {i:i for i in instnames}
if 'task_reuse_tag' in mtl_conf:
tags = _parse_list(mtl_conf['task_reuse_tag'], astype=int)
assert len(tags) == num_targets, 'number of reuse_tags is NOT consistent with number of instances.'
tags = []
mapper = {}
for inst in instances:
history = set()
cur_inst = inst
while True:
if cur_inst.task_reuse_scope in history:
mapper[inst.name] = len(tags)
elif cur_inst.task_reuse_scope in mapper:
mapper[inst.name] = mapper[cur_inst.task_reuse_scope]
cur_inst = name_to_instance[cur_inst.task_reuse_scope]
for i in range(1, num_instances):
for j in range(i):
if tags[i] == tags[j]:
assert instances[i].Paradigm == \
instances[j].Paradigm, \
"paradigm of reuse tasks should be consistent"
instances[i].task_reuse_scope = instances[j].name
self.instances = instances
self.mrs = mrs
self.Backbone = Backbone
self.bb_conf = bb_conf
self.bb_name = bb_name
self.has_init_train = False
self.has_init_pred = False
if self._for_train:
print("initialing for training...")
self.has_init_train = True
def _init_train(self):
instances = self.instances
Backbone = self.Backbone
bb_conf = self.bb_conf
bb_name = self.bb_name
dev_count = self.dev_count
num_instances = len(instances)
mrs = self.mrs
# set first_target/main task instance
main_inst = None
for inst in instances:
if inst.is_target:
main_inst = inst
inst.is_first_target = True
main_conf = main_inst.config
if not os.path.exists(main_conf['save_path']):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(main_conf['save_path'], 'ckpt'))
# prepare backbone
train_backbone = Backbone(bb_conf, phase='train')
pred_backbone = Backbone(bb_conf, phase='pred')
# create reader, task
# then check i/o across reader, backbone and task_layer
task_attrs = []
pred_task_attrs = []
for inst in instances:
train_reader = inst.Reader(inst.config, phase='train')
inst.reader['train'] = train_reader
train_parad = inst.Paradigm(inst.config, phase='train', backbone_config=bb_conf)
inst.task_layer['train'] = train_parad
task_attr_from_reader = _encode_inputs(train_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], inst.name)
_check_io(train_backbone.inputs_attr, train_reader.outputs_attr, in_name=bb_name+'_backbone', out_name='reader.train')
_check_io(train_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], train_reader.outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.train.reader', out_name='reader.train')
_check_io(train_parad.inputs_attrs['backbone'], train_backbone.outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.train.backbone', out_name=bb_name+'_backbone')
if inst.is_target:
if 'pred_file' not in inst.config:
inst.config['pred_file'] = ''
pred_reader = inst.Reader(inst.config, phase='pred')
pred_parad = inst.Paradigm(inst.config, phase='pred', backbone_config=bb_conf)
inst.task_layer['pred'] = pred_parad
task_attr_from_reader = _encode_inputs(pred_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], inst.name)
_check_io(pred_backbone.inputs_attr, pred_reader.outputs_attr, in_name=bb_name+'_backbone', out_name='reader.pred')
_check_io(pred_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], pred_reader.outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.pred.reader', out_name='reader.pred')
_check_io(pred_parad.inputs_attrs['backbone'], pred_backbone.outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.pred.backbone', out_name=bb_name+'_backbone')
# merge reader input attrs from backbone and task_instances
joint_input_names, joint_shape_and_dtypes, name_to_position = merge_input_attrs(train_backbone.inputs_attr, task_attrs)
pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes, _ = merge_input_attrs(pred_backbone.inputs_attr, pred_task_attrs, insert_taskid=False, insert_batchsize=False, insert_seqlen=False, insert_batchsize_x_seqlen=False)
# shapes: [task_id, shapes_of_backbone, shapes_of_inst1, ..., shapes_of_instN]
print('----- for debug -----')
print('joint input names:')
print('joint input shape and dtypes:')
# load data
for inst in instances:
print(inst.name+": preparing data...", end='')
# merge dataset iterators and create net input vars
iterators = []
prefixes = []
mrs = []
for inst in instances:
joint_iterator_fn = create_joint_iterator_fn(iterators, prefixes, joint_shape_and_dtypes, mrs, name_to_position, dev_count=dev_count, verbose=VERBOSE, return_type='dict')
self._joint_iterator_fn = joint_iterator_fn
input_attrs = [[i, j, k] for i, (j,k) in zip(joint_input_names, joint_shape_and_dtypes)]
pred_input_attrs = [[i, j, k] for i, (j,k) in zip(pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes)]
# net_inputs = create_net_inputs(input_attrs, async=True, iterator_fn=joint_iterator_fn, dev_count=dev_count, n_prefetch=3)
net_inputs = create_net_inputs(input_attrs, async=False)
self._net_inputs = net_inputs
# build backbone and task layers
train_prog = fluid.default_main_program()
train_init_prog = fluid.default_startup_program()
bb_output_vars = train_backbone.build(net_inputs, scope_name='__paddlepalm_')
assert sorted(bb_output_vars.keys()) == sorted(train_backbone.outputs_attr.keys())
pred_prog = fluid.Program()
pred_init_prog = fluid.Program()
with fluid.program_guard(main_program = pred_prog, startup_program = pred_init_prog):
pred_net_inputs = create_net_inputs(pred_input_attrs)
pred_bb_output_vars = pred_backbone.build(pred_net_inputs, scope_name='__paddlepalm_')
task_output_vars = {}
for inst in instances:
task_inputs = {'backbone': bb_output_vars}
task_inputs_from_reader = _decode_inputs(net_inputs, inst.name)
task_inputs['reader'] = task_inputs_from_reader
scope = inst.task_reuse_scope + '/'
with fluid.unique_name.guard(scope):
output_vars = inst.build_task_layer(task_inputs, phase='train', scope=scope)
output_vars = {inst.name+'/'+key: val for key, val in output_vars.items()}
old = len(task_output_vars) # for debug
assert len(task_output_vars) - old == len(output_vars) # for debug
# prepare predict vars for saving inference model
if inst.is_target:
with fluid.program_guard(pred_prog, pred_init_prog):
cur_inputs = _decode_inputs(pred_net_inputs, inst.name)
inst.pred_input = cur_inputs
pred_task_inputs = {'backbone': pred_bb_output_vars, 'reader': cur_inputs}
scope = inst.task_reuse_scope + '/'
with fluid.unique_name.guard(scope):
inst.build_task_layer(pred_task_inputs, phase='pred', scope=scope)
bb_fetches = {k: v.name for k,v in bb_output_vars.items()}
task_fetches = {k: v.name for k,v in task_output_vars.items()}
fetches = task_fetches
fetches['__task_id'] = net_inputs['__task_id'].name
# compute loss
task_id_var = net_inputs['__task_id']
task_id_vec = fluid.one_hot(task_id_var, num_instances)
losses = fluid.layers.concat([task_output_vars[inst.name+'/loss'] for inst in instances], axis=0)
loss = layers.reduce_sum(task_id_vec * losses)
main_reader = main_inst.reader['train']
num_examples = main_reader.num_examples
for inst in instances:
max_train_steps = int(main_conf['num_epochs']* inst.mix_ratio * (num_examples // main_conf['batch_size'] // dev_count))
if inst.is_target:
print('{}: expected train steps {}.'.format(inst.name, max_train_steps))
inst.steps_pur_epoch = inst.reader['train'].num_examples // main_conf['batch_size'] // dev_count
inst.expected_train_steps = max_train_steps
global_max_train_steps = int(main_conf['num_epochs'] * sum(mrs) * (num_examples // main_conf['batch_size'] // dev_count))
print('Estimated overall train steps {}.'.format(global_max_train_steps))
if 'warmup_proportion' in main_conf and main_conf['warmup_proportion'] > 0:
warmup_steps = int(global_max_train_steps * main_conf['warmup_proportion'])
print('Warmup steps: '+str(warmup_steps))
warmup_steps = 0
# build optimizer
if 'optimizer' in main_conf:
optim_mod = importlib.import_module(OPTIMIZER_DIR + '.' + main_conf['optimizer'])
optimize = getattr(optim_mod, OPTIMIZE_METHOD)
optimize(loss, main_conf, max_train_steps, warmup_steps, fluid.default_main_program())
loss.persistable = True
if main_conf.get('use_ema', False):
assert 'ema_decay' in main_conf, "ema_decay should be set when use_ema is enabled."
ema = fluid.optimizer.ExponentialMovingAverage(main_conf['ema_decay'])
# prepare for train
self.train_backbone = train_backbone
self.train_program = fluid.CompiledProgram(fluid.default_main_program()).with_data_parallel(loss_name=loss.name)
self.saver_program = fluid.default_main_program()
self.main_inst = main_inst
self.fetches = fetches
self.has_init_train = True
self.has_init_pred = True
print("\nRandomly initialize parameters...\n")
def _init_pred(self, instance, infer_model_path):
inst = instance
if 'pred_output_path' not in inst.config:
inst.config['pred_output_path'] = os.path.join(inst.config.get('save_path', '.'), inst.name)
if not os.path.exists(inst.config['pred_output_path']):
pred_backbone = self.Backbone(self.bb_conf, phase='pred')
pred_parad = inst.Paradigm(inst.config, phase='pred', backbone_config=self.bb_conf)
inst.task_layer['pred'] = pred_parad
pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes, name_to_position = merge_input_attrs(
pred_backbone.inputs_attr, inst.task_layer['pred'].inputs_attrs['reader'],
insert_taskid=False, insert_batchsize=False, insert_seqlen=False, insert_batchsize_x_seqlen=False)
pred_prog = inst.load(infer_model_path)
if inst.reader['pred'] is None:
pred_reader = inst.Reader(inst.config, phase='pred')
inst.reader['pred'] = pred_reader
return pred_prog
def load_pretrain(self, pretrain_path=None):
# load pretrain model (or ckpt)
if pretrain_path is None:
assert 'pretrain_path' in self.main_conf, "pretrain_path NOT set."
pretrain_path = self.main_conf['pretrain_path']
def train(self):
if not self.has_init_train:
self.has_init_train = True
instances = self.instances
num_instances = self.num_instances
main_inst = self.main_inst
main_conf = main_inst.config
backbone = self.train_backbone
train_program = self.train_program
saver_program = self.saver_program
fetches = self.fetches
finish = []
for inst in instances:
if inst.is_target:
if inst.expected_train_steps > 0:
print(inst.name+': train finished!')
def train_finish():
for inst in instances:
if inst.is_target:
if not inst.train_finish:
return False
return True
def pack_multicard_feed(iterator, net_inputs, dev_count):
ret = []
mask = []
for i in range(dev_count):
temp = {}
content, flag = next(iterator)
for q, var in net_inputs.items():
temp[var.name] = content[q]
mask.append(1 if flag else 0)
return ret, mask
# do training
fetch_names, fetch_list = zip(*fetches.items())
main_step = 0 # only count for main task
global_step = 0 # count for all tasks
epoch = 0
time_begin = time.time()
backbone_buffer = []
def multi_dev_reader(reader, dev_count):
def worker(reader, dev_count, queue):
dev_batches = []
for index, data in enumerate(reader()):
if len(dev_batches) < dev_count:
if len(dev_batches) == dev_count:
queue.put((dev_batches, 0))
dev_batches = []
# For the prediction of the remained batches, pad more batches to
# the number of devices and the padded samples would be removed in
# prediction outputs.
if len(dev_batches) > 0:
num_pad = dev_count - len(dev_batches)
for i in range(len(dev_batches), dev_count):
queue.put((dev_batches, num_pad))
queue = Queue.Queue(dev_count*2)
p = Thread(
target=worker, args=(reader, dev_count, queue))
p.daemon = True
while True:
ret = queue.get()
if ret is not None:
batches, num_pad = ret
for batch in batches:
flag = num_pad == 0
if num_pad > 0:
num_pad -= 1
yield batch, flag
joint_iterator = multi_dev_reader(self._joint_iterator_fn, self.dev_count)
while not train_finish():
feed, mask = pack_multicard_feed(joint_iterator, self._net_inputs, self.dev_count)
rt_outputs = self.exe.run(train_program, feed=feed, fetch_list=fetch_list)
rt_outputs = {k:v for k,v in zip(fetch_names, rt_outputs)}
rt_task_id = np.squeeze(rt_outputs['__task_id']).tolist()
rt_task_id = rt_task_id[0] if isinstance(rt_task_id, list) else rt_task_id
cur_task = instances[rt_task_id]
backbone_rt_outputs = {k:v for k,v in rt_outputs.items() if '/' not in k}
task_rt_outputs = {k[len(cur_task.name+'/'):]: v for k,v in rt_outputs.items() if k.startswith(cur_task.name+'/')}
global_step += 1
cur_task.cur_train_step += 1
cur_task_global_step = cur_task.cur_train_step + cur_task.cur_train_epoch * cur_task.steps_pur_epoch
if cur_task.is_target and cur_task.save_infermodel_every_n_steps > 0 and cur_task_global_step % cur_task.save_infermodel_every_n_steps == 0:
if global_step % main_conf.get('print_every_n_steps', 5) == 0:
loss = rt_outputs[cur_task.name+'/loss']
loss = np.mean(np.squeeze(loss)).tolist()
time_end = time.time()
time_cost = time_end - time_begin
print("Global step: {}. Task: {}, step {}/{} (epoch {}), loss: {:.3f}, speed: {:.2f} steps/s".format(
global_step, cur_task.name, cur_task.cur_train_step, cur_task.steps_pur_epoch, cur_task.cur_train_epoch,
loss, main_conf.get('print_every_n_steps', 5) / time_cost))
time_begin = time.time()
if cur_task.train_finish and cur_task.cur_train_step + cur_task.cur_train_epoch * cur_task.steps_pur_epoch == cur_task.expected_train_steps:
print(cur_task.name+': train finished!')
if 'save_ckpt_every_n_steps' in main_conf and global_step % main_conf['save_ckpt_every_n_steps'] == 0:
save_path = os.path.join(main_conf['save_path'], 'ckpt',
"step_" + str(global_step))
fluid.io.save_persistables(self.exe, save_path, saver_program)
print('checkpoint has been saved at '+save_path)
save_path = os.path.join(main_conf['save_path'], 'ckpt',
"step_" + str(global_step))
fluid.io.save_persistables(self.exe, save_path, saver_program)
print('checkpoint has been saved at '+save_path)
print("ALL tasks train finished, exiting...")
def pred(self, task_instance, inference_model_dir=None):
if self._for_train:
raise Exception('This controller is a trainer. Please build a new controller with for_train=False for predicting.')
assert isinstance(task_instance, str)
if isinstance(inference_model_dir, str):
assert os.path.exists(inference_model_dir), inference_model_dir+" not found."
# if not self.has_init_pred and inference_model_dir is None:
# raise ValueError('infer_model_path is required for prediction.')
if inference_model_dir is None:
assert 'save_path' in self.mtl_conf, "one of the `inference_model_dir` and 'save_path' should be set to load inference model."
inference_model_dir = os.path.join(self.mtl_conf['save_path'], task_instance, 'infer_model')
instance = None
for inst in self.instances:
if inst.name == task_instance:
instance = inst
if instance is None:
raise ValueError(task_instance + ' is not a valid task_instance.')
pred_prog = self._init_pred(instance, inference_model_dir)
inst = instance
print(inst.name+": loading data...")
fetch_names, fetch_vars = inst.pred_fetch_list
mapper = {k:v for k,v in inst.pred_input}
buf = []
for feed in inst.reader['pred'].iterator():
feed = _encode_inputs(feed, inst.name, cand_set=mapper)
feed = {mapper[k]: v for k,v in feed.items()}
rt_outputs = self.exe.run(pred_prog, feed, fetch_vars)
rt_outputs = {k:v for k,v in zip(fetch_names, rt_outputs)}
inst.postprocess(rt_outputs, phase='pred')
if inst.task_layer['pred'].epoch_inputs_attrs:
reader_outputs = inst.reader['pred'].get_epoch_outputs()
reader_outputs = None
inst.epoch_postprocess({'reader':reader_outputs}, phase='pred')
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert len(sys.argv) == 2, "Usage: python mtl_controller.py <mtl_conf_path>"
conf_path = sys.argv[1]
del sys.argv[1]
controller = Controller(conf_path)
if controller.main_conf['do_train']:
__all__ = ["Controller"]
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import importlib
import multiprocessing
from paddle import fluid
from paddle.fluid import layers
import yaml
import json
import logging
import time
import numpy as np
from paddlepalm.utils.saver import init_pretraining_params, init_checkpoint
from paddlepalm.utils.config_helper import PDConfig
from paddlepalm.utils.print_helper import print_dict
from paddlepalm.utils.reader_helper import create_net_inputs, create_iterator_fn, create_joint_iterator_fn, merge_input_attrs
from paddlepalm.default_settings import *
from paddlepalm.task_instance import TaskInstance, check_instances
def _get_basename(f):
return os.path.splitext(f)[0]
def _get_suffix(f):
return os.path.splitext(f)[-1]
def _parse_yaml(f, asdict=True, support_cmd_line=False):
assert os.path.exists(f), "file {} not found.".format(f)
if support_cmd_line:
args = PDConfig(yaml_file=f, fuse_args=True)
return args.asdict() if asdict else args
if asdict:
with open(f, "r") as fin:
yaml_config = yaml.load(fin, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
return yaml_config
raise NotImplementedError()
def _parse_json(f, asdict=True, support_cmd_line=False):
assert os.path.exists(f), "file {} not found.".format(f)
if support_cmd_line:
args = PDConfig(json_file=f, fuse_args=support_cmd_line)
return args.asdict() if asdict else args
if asdict:
with open(f, "r") as fin:
config = json.load(fin)
return config
raise NotImplementedError()
def _parse_list(string, astype=str):
assert isinstance(string, str), "{} is not a string.".format(string)
if ',' not in string:
return [astype(string)]
string = string.replace(',', ' ')
return [astype(i) for i in string.split()]
def _try_float(s):
return s
def _check_conf(conf, checklist=None):
assert isinstance(conf, dict), "{} is not a dict.".format(conf)
ret = {}
for k,v in conf.items():
if isinstance(v, str):
v = _try_float(v)
ret[k] = v
if checklist is not None:
for k, t in checklist:
assert k in ret, "required argument {} is NOT exist in config file.".format(k)
assert isintance(ret[k], t), "value type of argument {} should be {}".format(k, t)
return ret
# TODO: 增加None机制,允许hidden size、batch size和seqlen设置为None
def _check_io(in_attr, out_attr, strict=False, in_name="left", out_name="right"):
for name, attr in in_attr.items():
assert name in out_attr, in_name+': '+name+' not found in '+out_name
if attr != out_attr[name]:
if strict:
raise ValueError(name+': shape or dtype not consistent!')
logging.warning('{}: shape or dtype not consistent!\n{}:\n{}\n{}:\n{}'.format(name, in_name, attr, out_name, out_attr[name]))
def _merge_conf(conf1, conf2, conf1_first=True, strict=False):
assert isinstance(conf1, dict), "{} is not a dict.".format(conf1)
assert isinstance(conf2, dict), "{} is not a dict.".format(conf2)
base_conf = conf2 if conf1_first else conf1
base_conf = base_conf.copy()
new_conf = conf1 if conf1_first else conf2
for k, v in new_conf.items():
if k in base_conf:
if base_conf[k] != v:
raise Warning("value of argument {} has been updated to {}.".format(k, v))
if strict:
base_conf[k] = v
return base_conf
def _encode_inputs(inputs, scope_name, sep='/', cand_set=None):
outputs = {}
for k, v in inputs.items():
if cand_set is not None:
if k in cand_set:
outputs[k] = v
if scope_name+sep+k in cand_set:
outputs[scope_name+sep+k] = v
outputs[scope_name+sep+k] = v
return outputs
def _decode_inputs(inputs, scope_name, sep='/', keep_unk_keys=True):
outputs = {}
for name, value in inputs.items():
# var for backbone are also available to tasks
if keep_unk_keys and sep not in name:
outputs[name] = value
# var for this inst
if name.startswith(scope_name+'/'):
outputs[name[len(scope_name+'/'):]] = value
return outputs
def _init_env(use_gpu):
if use_gpu:
place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
dev_count = fluid.core.get_cuda_device_count()
place = fluid.CPUPlace()
dev_count = int(os.environ.get('CPU_NUM', multiprocessing.cpu_count()))
return fluid.Executor(place), dev_count
def _fit_attr(conf, fit_attr, strict=False):
for i, attr in fit_attr.items():
if i not in conf:
if strict:
raise Exception('Argument {} is required to create a controller.'.format(i))
conf[i] = attr(conf[i])
return conf
class Controller(object):
def __init__(self, tasks, mix_ratios=None, task_reuse_tag=None, use_gpu=True):
exe, dev_count = _init_env(use_gpu=use_gpu)
self.exe = exe
self.dev_count = dev_count
# parse task instances and target tags
for id in len(tasks):
# parse mix ratios
if mix_ratios is not None:
if isinstance(mix_ratios, str):
mix_ratios = _parse_list(mix_ratios, astype=float)
assert isinstance(mix_ratios, list)
assert len(mix_ratios) == len(tasks), "number of mix_ratios is NOT consistent with num_instances."
for mr, t in zip(mix_ratios, tasks):
t.mix_ratio = mr
# parse task layer reuse tags
instname_to_reusehost = {i:i for i in instnames}
if task_reuse_tag is not None:
if isinstance(task_reuse_tag, str):
tags = _parse_list(task_reuse_tag, astype=int)
assert isinstance(task_reuse_tag, list)
assert len(task_reuse_tag) == len(tasks), "number of task_reuse_tag is NOT consistent with num_tasks."
tags = task_reuse_tag
tags = []
mapper = {}
for inst in tasks:
history = set()
cur_inst = inst
while True:
if cur_inst.task_reuse_scope in history:
mapper[inst.name] = len(tags)
elif cur_inst.task_reuse_scope in mapper:
mapper[inst.name] = mapper[cur_inst.task_reuse_scope]
cur_inst = name_to_instance[cur_inst.task_reuse_scope]
for i in range(1, len(tasks)):
for j in range(i):
if tags[i] == tags[j]:
# assert tasks[i].tasktype == \
# instances[j].tasktype, \
# "paradigm of reuse tasks should be consistent"
tasks[i]._task_reuse_scope = task[j].name
# self.instances = instances
# self.mrs = mrs
# self.Backbone = Backbone
# self.bb_conf = bb_conf
# self.bb_name = bb_name
# self.has_init_train = False
# self.has_init_pred = False
# if self._for_train:
# print("initialing for training...")
# self._init_train()
# self.has_init_train = True
def build_forward(self, backbone, mask_task=[]):
task_instances = self._tasks
Backbone = self.Backbone
bb_conf = self.bb_conf
bb_name = self.bb_name
dev_count = self.dev_count
num_instances = len(instances)
mrs = self.mrs
# set first_target/main task instance
main_inst = None
for inst in task_instances:
if inst.is_target:
main_inst = inst
inst._as_main = True
if save_path is not None and not os.path.exists(save_path):
# create reader, task
# then check i/o across reader, backbone and task_layer
task_attrs = []
pred_task_attrs = []
for inst in task_instances:
task_attr_from_reader = _encode_inputs(inst._taskblock['train'].inputs_attrs['reader'], inst.name)
_check_io(backbone.inputs_attr, inst._reader['train'].outputs_attr, in_name=bb_name+'_backbone', out_name='reader.train')
_check_io(inst.taskblock['train'].inputs_attrs['reader'], inst._reader['train'].outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.train.reader', out_name='reader.train')
_check_io(inst._taskblock['train'].inputs_attrs['backbone'], train_backbone.outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.train.backbone', out_name=bb_name+'_backbone')
if inst.is_target:
if 'pred_file' not in inst.config:
inst.config['pred_file'] = ''
pred_reader = inst.Reader(inst.config, phase='pred')
pred_parad = inst.Paradigm(inst.config, phase='pred', backbone_config=bb_conf)
inst.task_layer['pred'] = pred_parad
task_attr_from_reader = _encode_inputs(pred_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], inst.name)
_check_io(pred_backbone.inputs_attr, pred_reader.outputs_attr, in_name=bb_name+'_backbone', out_name='reader.pred')
_check_io(pred_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], pred_reader.outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.pred.reader', out_name='reader.pred')
_check_io(pred_parad.inputs_attrs['backbone'], pred_backbone.outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.pred.backbone', out_name=bb_name+'_backbone')
# merge reader input attrs from backbone and task_instances
joint_input_names, joint_shape_and_dtypes, name_to_position = merge_input_attrs(train_backbone.inputs_attr, task_attrs)
pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes, _ = merge_input_attrs(pred_backbone.inputs_attr, pred_task_attrs, insert_taskid=False, insert_batchsize=False, insert_seqlen=False, insert_batchsize_x_seqlen=False)
# shapes: [task_id, shapes_of_backbone, shapes_of_inst1, ..., shapes_of_instN]
print('----- for debug -----')
print('joint input names:')
print('joint input shape and dtypes:')
# load data
for inst in instances:
print(inst.name+": preparing data...", end='')
# merge dataset iterators and create net input vars
iterators = []
prefixes = []
mrs = []
for inst in instances:
joint_iterator_fn = create_joint_iterator_fn(iterators, prefixes, joint_shape_and_dtypes, mrs, name_to_position, dev_count=dev_count, verbose=VERBOSE)
input_attrs = [[i, j, k] for i, (j,k) in zip(joint_input_names, joint_shape_and_dtypes)]
pred_input_attrs = [[i, j, k] for i, (j,k) in zip(pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes)]
net_inputs = create_net_inputs(input_attrs, async=True, iterator_fn=joint_iterator_fn, dev_count=dev_count, n_prefetch=3)
# build backbone and task layers
train_prog = fluid.default_main_program()
train_init_prog = fluid.default_startup_program()
bb_output_vars = train_backbone.build(net_inputs, scope_name='__paddlepalm_')
assert sorted(bb_output_vars.keys()) == sorted(train_backbone.outputs_attr.keys())
pred_prog = fluid.Program()
pred_init_prog = fluid.Program()
with fluid.program_guard(main_program = pred_prog, startup_program = pred_init_prog):
pred_net_inputs = create_net_inputs(pred_input_attrs)
pred_bb_output_vars = pred_backbone.build(pred_net_inputs, scope_name='__paddlepalm_')
task_output_vars = {}
for inst in instances:
task_inputs = {'backbone': bb_output_vars}
task_inputs_from_reader = _decode_inputs(net_inputs, inst.name)
task_inputs['reader'] = task_inputs_from_reader
scope = inst.task_reuse_scope + '/'
with fluid.unique_name.guard(scope):
output_vars = inst.build_task_layer(task_inputs, phase='train', scope=scope)
output_vars = {inst.name+'/'+key: val for key, val in output_vars.items()}
old = len(task_output_vars) # for debug
assert len(task_output_vars) - old == len(output_vars) # for debug
# prepare predict vars for saving inference model
if inst.is_target:
with fluid.program_guard(pred_prog, pred_init_prog):
cur_inputs = _decode_inputs(pred_net_inputs, inst.name)
inst.pred_input = cur_inputs
pred_task_inputs = {'backbone': pred_bb_output_vars, 'reader': cur_inputs}
scope = inst.task_reuse_scope + '/'
with fluid.unique_name.guard(scope):
inst.build_task_layer(pred_task_inputs, phase='pred', scope=scope)
bb_fetches = {k: v.name for k,v in bb_output_vars.items()}
task_fetches = {k: v.name for k,v in task_output_vars.items()}
fetches = task_fetches
fetches['__task_id'] = net_inputs['__task_id'].name
# compute loss
task_id_var = net_inputs['__task_id']
task_id_vec = layers.one_hot(task_id_var, num_instances)
losses = fluid.layers.concat([task_output_vars[inst.name+'/loss'] for inst in instances], axis=0)
loss = layers.reduce_sum(task_id_vec * losses)
def init_train(self, basetask, num_epochs, ):
main_reader = main_inst.reader['train']
num_examples = main_reader.num_examples
for inst in instances:
max_train_steps = int(main_conf['num_epochs']* inst.mix_ratio * (num_examples // main_conf['batch_size'] // dev_count))
if inst.is_target:
print('{}: expected train steps {}.'.format(inst.name, max_train_steps))
inst.steps_pur_epoch = inst.reader['train'].num_examples // main_conf['batch_size'] // dev_count
inst.expected_train_steps = max_train_steps
global_max_train_steps = int(main_conf['num_epochs'] * sum(mrs) * (num_examples // main_conf['batch_size'] // dev_count))
print('Estimated overall train steps {}.'.format(global_max_train_steps))
# if 'warmup_proportion' in main_conf and main_conf['warmup_proportion'] > 0:
# warmup_steps = int(global_max_train_steps * main_conf['warmup_proportion'])
# print('Warmup steps: '+str(warmup_steps))
# else:
# warmup_steps = 0
return loss, max_train_steps
def build_backward(self, optimizer, use_ema=False, ema_decay=0.9999):
# build optimizer
# loss.persistable = True
if use_ema:
ema = fluid.optimizer.ExponentialMovingAverage(ema_decay)
def random_init_params(self):
if not self._init_finish:
# prepare for train
self.train_program = fluid.CompiledProgram(fluid.default_main_program()).with_data_parallel(loss_name=loss.name)
self.saver_program = fluid.default_main_program()
self._init_finish = True
print("\nRandomly initialize parameters...\n")
def load_pretrain_params(self, pretrain_model_path=None):
# load pretrain model (or ckpt)
if pretrain_model_path is None:
assert 'pretrain_model_path' in self.main_conf, "pretrain_model_path NOT set."
pretrain_model_path = self.main_conf['pretrain_model_path']
if not self._init_finish:
self.train_program = fluid.CompiledProgram(fluid.default_main_program()).with_data_parallel(loss_name=loss.name)
self.saver_program = fluid.default_main_program()
self._init_finish = True
def load_infermodel(self, instance, infer_model_path):
inst = instance
if 'pred_output_path' not in inst.config:
inst.config['pred_output_path'] = os.path.join(inst.config.get('save_path', '.'), inst.name)
if not os.path.exists(inst.config['pred_output_path']):
pred_backbone = self.Backbone(self.bb_conf, phase='pred')
pred_parad = inst.Paradigm(inst.config, phase='pred', backbone_config=self.bb_conf)
inst.task_layer['pred'] = pred_parad
pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes, name_to_position = merge_input_attrs(
pred_backbone.inputs_attr, inst.task_layer['pred'].inputs_attrs['reader'],
insert_taskid=False, insert_batchsize=False, insert_seqlen=False, insert_batchsize_x_seqlen=False)
pred_prog = inst.load(infer_model_path)
if inst.reader['pred'] is None:
pred_reader = inst.Reader(inst.config, phase='pred')
inst.reader['pred'] = pred_reader
return pred_prog
def train(self, num_epochs):
if not self._init_finish:
raise Exception('params has not been initialized! Please init params with random_init_params or load_pretrain_params.')
instances = self.instances
num_instances = self.num_instances
main_inst = self.main_inst
main_conf = main_inst.config
backbone = self.train_backbone
train_program = self.train_program
saver_program = self.saver_program
fetches = self.fetches
finish = []
for inst in instances:
if inst.is_target:
if inst.expected_train_steps > 0:
print(inst.name+': train finished!')
def train_finish():
for inst in instances:
if inst.is_target:
if not inst.train_finish:
return False
return True
# do training
fetch_names, fetch_list = zip(*fetches.items())
main_step = 0 # only count for main task
global_step = 0 # count for all tasks
epoch = 0
time_begin = time.time()
backbone_buffer = []
while not train_finish():
rt_outputs = self.exe.run(train_program, fetch_list=fetch_list)
rt_outputs = {k:v for k,v in zip(fetch_names, rt_outputs)}
rt_task_id = np.squeeze(rt_outputs['__task_id']).tolist()
rt_task_id = rt_task_id[0] if isinstance(rt_task_id, list) else rt_task_id
cur_task = instances[rt_task_id]
backbone_rt_outputs = {k:v for k,v in rt_outputs.items() if '/' not in k}
task_rt_outputs = {k[len(cur_task.name+'/'):]: v for k,v in rt_outputs.items() if k.startswith(cur_task.name+'/')}
global_step += 1
cur_task.cur_train_step += 1
if cur_task.save_infermodel_every_n_steps > 0 and cur_task.cur_train_step % cur_task.save_infermodel_every_n_steps == 0:
if global_step % main_conf.get('print_every_n_steps', 5) == 0:
loss = rt_outputs[cur_task.name+'/loss']
loss = np.mean(np.squeeze(loss)).tolist()
time_end = time.time()
time_cost = time_end - time_begin
print("Global step: {}. Task: {}, step {}/{} (epoch {}), loss: {:.3f}, speed: {:.2f} steps/s".format(
global_step, cur_task.name, cur_task.cur_train_step, cur_task.steps_pur_epoch, cur_task.cur_train_epoch,
loss, main_conf.get('print_every_n_steps', 5) / time_cost))
time_begin = time.time()
if cur_task.train_finish and cur_task.cur_train_step + cur_task.cur_train_epoch * cur_task.steps_pur_epoch == cur_task.expected_train_steps:
print(cur_task.name+': train finished!')
if 'save_every_n_steps' in main_conf and global_step % main_conf['save_every_n_steps'] == 0:
save_path = os.path.join(main_conf['save_path'],
"step_" + str(global_step))
fluid.io.save_persistables(self.exe, save_path, saver_program)
print("ALL tasks train finished, exiting...")
def pred(self, task_instance, inference_model_dir=None):
if self._for_train:
raise Exception('This controller is a trainer. Please build a new controller with for_train=False for predicting.')
assert isinstance(task_instance, str)
if isinstance(inference_model_dir, str):
assert os.path.exists(inference_model_dir), inference_model_dir+" not found."
# if not self.has_init_pred and inference_model_dir is None:
# raise ValueError('infer_model_path is required for prediction.')
if inference_model_dir is None:
assert 'save_path' in self.mtl_conf, "one of the `inference_model_dir` and 'save_path' should be set to load inference model."
inference_model_dir = os.path.join(self.mtl_conf['save_path'], task_instance, 'infer_model')
instance = None
for inst in self.instances:
if inst.name == task_instance:
instance = inst
if instance is None:
raise ValueError(task_instance + ' is not a valid task_instance.')
pred_prog = self._init_pred(instance, inference_model_dir)
inst = instance
print(inst.name+": loading data...")
fetch_names, fetch_vars = inst.pred_fetch_list
mapper = {k:v for k,v in inst.pred_input}
buf = []
for feed in inst.reader['pred'].iterator():
feed = _encode_inputs(feed, inst.name, cand_set=mapper)
feed = {mapper[k]: v for k,v in feed.items()}
rt_outputs = self.exe.run(pred_prog, feed, fetch_vars)
rt_outputs = {k:v for k,v in zip(fetch_names, rt_outputs)}
inst.postprocess(rt_outputs, phase='pred')
if inst.task_layer['pred'].epoch_inputs_attrs:
reader_outputs = inst.reader['pred'].get_epoch_outputs()
reader_outputs = None
inst.epoch_postprocess({'reader':reader_outputs}, phase='pred')
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert len(sys.argv) == 2, "Usage: python mtl_controller.py <mtl_conf_path>"
conf_path = sys.argv[1]
del sys.argv[1]
controller = Controller(conf_path)
if controller.main_conf['do_train']:
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
'task_instance': str,
'backbone': str,
'optimizer': str,
'learning_rate': float,
'batch_size': int
'mix_ratio': str,
'target_tag': str,
'reuse_rag': str
'paradigm': str,
'reader': str,
'train_file': str
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
class reader(object):
"""interface of data manager."""
def __init__(self, config):
assert isinstance(config, dict)
# @property
# def inputs_attr(self):
# """描述reader输入对象的属性,包含各个对象的名字、shape以及数据类型。当某个对象为标量数据类型(如str, int, float等)时,shape设置为空列表[],当某个对象的某个维度长度可变时,shape中的相应维度设置为-1.
# Return:
# dict类型。对各个输入对象的属性描述。例如,
# 对于文本分类任务,可能需要包含输入文本和所属标签的id
# {"text": ([], 'str'),
# "label": ([], 'int')}
# 对于标注任务,可能需要输入词序列和对应的标签
# {"tokens", ([-1], 'str'),
# "tags", ([-1], 'str')}
# 对于机器阅读理解任务,可能需要包含上下文、问题、回答、答案区域的起止位置等
# {"paragraph", ([], 'str'),
# "question", ([], 'str'),
# "start_position", ([], 'int')
# """
# raise NotImplementedError()
def outputs_attr(self):
"""描述reader输出对象(被yield出的对象)的属性,包含各个对象的名字、shape以及数据类型。当某个对象为标量数据类型(如str, int, float等)时,shape设置为空列表[],当某个对象的某个维度长度可变时,shape中的相应维度设置为-1。
{"token_ids": ([-1, max_len], 'int64'),
"input_ids": ([-1, max_len], 'int64'),
"segment_ids": ([-1, max_len], 'int64'),
"input_mask": ([-1, max_len], 'float32'),
"label": ([-1], 'int')}
raise NotImplementedError()
# def parse_line(self):
# """框架内部使用字典描述每个样本,字典的key为inputs_attr,value为每个input对应的符合attr描述的值。
# 该函数负责将文本行解析成符合inputs_attr描述的字典类型的样本。默认的parse_line方法会读取json格式的数据集文件,数据集的每一行为json格式描述的样本。
# 用户可通过对该方法的继承改写来适配不同格式的数据集,例如csv格式甚至tfrecord文件。
# """
# raise NotImplementedError()
# def tokenize(self, line):
# """框架中内置了word piece tokenizer等分词器,用户可通过修改tokenizer超参数来制定使用的分词器,若内置的分词器均无法满足需求,用户可通过对该方法的继承改写来自定义分词器。
# Args:
# - line: a unicode string.
# Return:
# a list of tokens
# """
# raise NotImplementedError()
def iterator(self):
(dict) elements that meet the requirements in output_templete
raise NotImplementedError()
def num_examples(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
class backbone(object):
"""interface of backbone model."""
def __init__(self, config, phase):
config: dict类型。描述了 多任务配置文件+预训练模型配置文件 中定义超参数
phase: str类型。运行阶段,目前支持train和predict
assert isinstance(config, dict)
def inputs_attr(self):
"""描述backbone从reader处需要得到的输入对象的属性,包含各个对象的名字、shape以及数据类型。当某个对象为标量数据类型(如str, int, float等)时,shape设置为空列表[],当某个对象的某个维度长度可变时,shape中的相应维度设置为-1。
对于文本分类和匹配任务,bert backbone依赖的reader对象主要包含如下的对象
{"token_ids": ([-1, max_len], 'int64'),
"input_ids": ([-1, max_len], 'int64'),
"segment_ids": ([-1, max_len], 'int64'),
"input_mask": ([-1, max_len], 'float32')}"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def outputs_attr(self):
"""描述backbone输出对象的属性,包含各个对象的名字、shape以及数据类型。当某个对象为标量数据类型(如str, int, float等)时,shape设置为空列表[],当某个对象的某个维度长度可变时,shape中的相应维度设置为-1。
对于文本分类和匹配任务,bert backbone的输出内容可能包含如下的对象
{"word_emb": ([-1, max_seqlen, word_emb_size], 'float32'),
"sentence_emb": ([-1, hidden_size], 'float32'),
"sim_vec": ([-1, hidden_size], 'float32')}"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def build(self, inputs):
inputs: dict类型。字典中包含inputs_attr中的对象名到计算图Variable的映射,inputs中至少会包含inputs_attr中定义的对象
raise NotImplementedError()
class task_paradigm(object):
def __init__(self, config, phase, backbone_config):
config: dict类型。描述了 任务实例(task instance)+多任务配置文件 中定义超参数
phase: str类型。运行阶段,目前支持train和predict
def inputs_attrs(self):
"""描述task_layer需要从reader, backbone等输入对象集合所读取到的输入对象的属性,第一级key为对象集和的名字,如backbone,reader等(后续会支持更灵活的输入),第二级key为对象集和中各对象的属性,包括对象的名字,shape和dtype。当某个对象为标量数据类型(如str, int, float等)时,shape设置为空列表[],当某个对象的某个维度长度可变时,shape中的相应维度设置为-1。
raise NotImplementedError()
def outputs_attr(self):
当某个对象为标量数据类型(如str, int, float等)时,shape设置为空列表[],当某个对象的某个维度长度可变时,shape中的相应维度设置为-1。
raise NotImplementedError()
def epoch_inputs_attrs(self):
return {}
def build(self, inputs, scope_name=""):
inputs: dict类型。字典中包含inputs_attrs中的对象名到计算图Variable的映射,inputs中至少会包含inputs_attr中定义的对象
raise NotImplementedError()
def postprocess(self, rt_outputs):
def epoch_postprocess(self, post_inputs):
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import importlib
import multiprocessing
from paddle import fluid
from paddle.fluid import layers
import yaml
import json
import logging
import time
import numpy as np
from paddlepalm.utils.saver import init_pretraining_params, init_checkpoint
from paddlepalm.utils.config_helper import PDConfig
from paddlepalm.utils.print_helper import print_dict
from paddlepalm.utils.reader_helper import create_net_inputs, create_iterator_fn, create_joint_iterator_fn, merge_input_attrs
from paddlepalm.distribute import data_feeder, decode_fake
from default_settings import *
from task_instance import TaskInstance, check_instances
def _get_basename(f):
return os.path.splitext(f)[0]
def _get_suffix(f):
return os.path.splitext(f)[-1]
def _parse_yaml(f, asdict=True, support_cmd_line=False):
assert os.path.exists(f), "file {} not found.".format(f)
if support_cmd_line:
args = PDConfig(yaml_file=f, fuse_args=True)
return args.asdict() if asdict else args
if asdict:
with open(f, "r") as fin:
yaml_config = yaml.load(fin, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
return yaml_config
raise NotImplementedError()
def _parse_json(f, asdict=True, support_cmd_line=False):
assert os.path.exists(f), "file {} not found.".format(f)
if support_cmd_line:
args = PDConfig(json_file=f, fuse_args=support_cmd_line)
return args.asdict() if asdict else args
if asdict:
with open(f, "r") as fin:
config = json.load(fin)
return config
raise NotImplementedError()
def _parse_list(string, astype=str):
assert isinstance(string, str), "{} is not a string.".format(string)
if ',' not in string:
return [astype(string)]
string = string.replace(',', ' ')
return [astype(i) for i in string.split()]
def _try_float(s):
return s
def _check_conf(conf, checklist=None):
assert isinstance(conf, dict), "{} is not a dict.".format(conf)
ret = {}
for k,v in conf.items():
if isinstance(v, str):
v = _try_float(v)
ret[k] = v
if checklist is not None:
for k, t in checklist:
assert k in ret, "required argument {} is NOT exist in config file.".format(k)
assert isintance(ret[k], t), "value type of argument {} should be {}".format(k, t)
return ret
# TODO: 增加None机制,允许hidden size、batch size和seqlen设置为None
def _check_io(in_attr, out_attr, strict=False, in_name="left", out_name="right"):
for name, attr in in_attr.items():
assert name in out_attr, in_name+': '+name+' not found in '+out_name
if attr != out_attr[name]:
if strict:
raise ValueError(name+': shape or dtype not consistent!')
logging.warning('{}: shape or dtype not consistent!\n{}:\n{}\n{}:\n{}'.format(name, in_name, attr, out_name, out_attr[name]))
def _merge_conf(conf1, conf2, conf1_first=True, strict=False):
assert isinstance(conf1, dict), "{} is not a dict.".format(conf1)
assert isinstance(conf2, dict), "{} is not a dict.".format(conf2)
base_conf = conf2 if conf1_first else conf1
base_conf = base_conf.copy()
new_conf = conf1 if conf1_first else conf2
for k, v in new_conf.items():
if k in base_conf:
if base_conf[k] != v:
raise Warning("value of argument {} has been updated to {}.".format(k, v))
if strict:
base_conf[k] = v
return base_conf
def _encode_inputs(inputs, scope_name, sep='/', cand_set=None):
outputs = {}
for k, v in inputs.items():
if cand_set is not None:
if k in cand_set:
outputs[k] = v
if scope_name+sep+k in cand_set:
outputs[scope_name+sep+k] = v
outputs[scope_name+sep+k] = v
return outputs
def _decode_inputs(inputs, scope_name, sep='/', keep_unk_keys=True):
outputs = {}
for name, value in inputs.items():
# var for backbone are also available to tasks
if keep_unk_keys and sep not in name:
outputs[name] = value
# var for this inst
if name.startswith(scope_name+'/'):
outputs[name[len(scope_name+'/'):]] = value
return outputs
def _init_env(use_gpu):
if use_gpu:
place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
dev_count = fluid.core.get_cuda_device_count()
place = fluid.CPUPlace()
dev_count = int(os.environ.get('CPU_NUM', multiprocessing.cpu_count()))
return fluid.Executor(place), dev_count
def _fit_attr(conf, fit_attr, strict=False):
for i, attr in fit_attr.items():
if i not in conf:
if strict:
raise Exception('Argument {} is required to create a controller.'.format(i))
conf[i] = attr(conf[i])
return conf
def create_feed_batch_process_fn(net_inputs):
def feed_batch_process_fn(data, id=-1):
# temps = {}
# for i in range(len(net_inputs)):
temp = {}
inputs = net_inputs[id] if id != -1 else net_inputs
for q, var in inputs.items():
if isinstance(var, str) or isinstance(var, unicode):
temp[var] = data[q]
temp[var.name] = data[q]
# temps[i] = temp
return temp
return feed_batch_process_fn
class Controller(object):
def __init__(self, config, task_dir='.', for_train=True):
config: (str|dict) 字符串类型时,给出yaml格式的config配置文件路径;
self._for_train = for_train
assert isinstance(config, str) or isinstance(config, dict), "a config dict or config file path is required to create a Controller."
if isinstance(config, str):
mtl_conf = _parse_yaml(config, support_cmd_line=True)
mtl_conf = config
mtl_conf = _check_conf(mtl_conf)
mtl_conf = _fit_attr(mtl_conf, REQUIRED_ARGS, strict=True)
mtl_conf = _fit_attr(mtl_conf, OPTIONAL_ARGS, strict=False)
exe, dev_count = _init_env(use_gpu=mtl_conf.get('use_gpu', True))
self.exe = exe
self.dev_count = dev_count
self.batch_size = mtl_conf.get('batch_size')
print_dict(mtl_conf, title='global configuration')
# parse task instances and target tags
instnames = _parse_list(mtl_conf['task_instance'])
assert len(instnames) == len(set(instnames)), "repeated task_instance is NOT supported."
num_instances = len(instnames)
self.num_instances = num_instances
instname_to_conf = {}
instname_to_id = {}
for id, instname in enumerate(instnames):
instpath = os.path.join(task_dir, instname+'.yaml')
conf = _parse_yaml(instpath, support_cmd_line=False)
# conf = _check_conf(conf, TASK_INSTANCE_REQUIRED_ARGS)
conf = _check_conf(conf)
temp_conf = _merge_conf(mtl_conf, conf, strict=True)
print_dict(temp_conf, title='{} configuration'.format(instname))
conf = _merge_conf(mtl_conf, conf)
instname_to_conf[instname] = conf
instname_to_id[instname] = id
# prepare backbone
if 'backbone_config_path' in mtl_conf:
bb_conf = _parse_json(mtl_conf['backbone_config_path'])
bb_conf = _merge_conf(mtl_conf, bb_conf)
bb_conf = mtl_conf
print_dict(bb_conf, title = 'backbone configuration'.format(instname))
bb_name = mtl_conf['backbone']
bb_mod = importlib.import_module(BACKBONE_DIR + '.' + bb_name)
Backbone = getattr(bb_mod, 'Model')
# create task instances
instances = []
for name in instnames:
instances.append(TaskInstance(name, instname_to_id[name], instname_to_conf[name]))
# parse target_tag
if 'target_tag' in mtl_conf:
target_tag = str(mtl_conf['target_tag'])
tags = _parse_list(target_tag, astype=int)
assert len(tags) == len(instnames), "number of target_tag is NOT consistent with that in task_instance."
for tag, inst in zip(tags, instances):
inst.is_target = tag
tags = [i.is_target for i in instances]
num_targets = sum(tags)
num_auxes = num_instances - num_targets
# parse mix ratios
if 'mix_ratio' in mtl_conf:
mix_ratio = str(mtl_conf['mix_ratio'])
mrs = _parse_list(mix_ratio, astype=float)
assert len(mrs) == num_instances, "number of mix_ratios is NOT consistent with num_instances."
mrs = [1.0] * num_instances
for mr, inst in zip(mrs, instances):
inst.mix_ratio = mr
# parse task layer reuse tags
instname_to_reusehost = {i:i for i in instnames}
if 'task_reuse_tag' in mtl_conf:
tags = _parse_list(mtl_conf['task_reuse_tag'], astype=int)
assert len(tags) == num_targets, 'number of reuse_tags is NOT consistent with number of instances.'
tags = []
mapper = {}
for inst in instances:
history = set()
cur_inst = inst
while True:
if cur_inst.task_reuse_scope in history:
mapper[inst.name] = len(tags)
elif cur_inst.task_reuse_scope in mapper:
mapper[inst.name] = mapper[cur_inst.task_reuse_scope]
cur_inst = name_to_instance[cur_inst.task_reuse_scope]
for i in range(1, num_instances):
for j in range(i):
if tags[i] == tags[j]:
assert instances[i].Paradigm == \
instances[j].Paradigm, \
"paradigm of reuse tasks should be consistent"
instances[i].task_reuse_scope = instances[j].name
self.instances = instances
self.mrs = mrs
self.Backbone = Backbone
self.bb_conf = bb_conf
self.bb_name = bb_name
self.has_init_train = False
self.has_init_pred = False
if self._for_train:
print("initialing for training...")
self.has_init_train = True
def _init_train(self):
instances = self.instances
Backbone = self.Backbone
bb_conf = self.bb_conf
bb_name = self.bb_name
dev_count = self.dev_count
num_instances = len(instances)
mrs = self.mrs
branch = fluid.data(name="branch",shape=[1],dtype='int64')
# set first_target/main task instance
main_inst = None
for inst in instances:
if inst.is_target:
main_inst = inst
inst.is_first_target = True
main_conf = main_inst.config
if not os.path.exists(main_conf['save_path']):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(main_conf['save_path'], 'ckpt'))
# prepare backbone
train_backbone = Backbone(bb_conf, phase='train')
pred_backbone = Backbone(bb_conf, phase='pred')
# create reader, task
# then check i/o across reader, backbone and task_layer
# check_fns = {}
task_attrs = {}
pred_task_attrs = []
joint_input_names = {}
joint_shape_and_dtypes = {}
name_to_position = {}
for i in range(num_instances):
# def check_tasks():
# i = s
# def checkeach():
train_reader = instances[i].Reader(instances[i].config, phase='train')
instances[i].reader['train'] = train_reader
train_parad = instances[i].Paradigm(instances[i].config, phase='train', backbone_config=bb_conf)
instances[i].task_layer['train'] = train_parad
task_attr_from_reader = _encode_inputs(train_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], instances[i].name)
task_attrs[i] = task_attr_from_reader
_check_io(train_backbone.inputs_attr, train_reader.outputs_attr, in_name=bb_name+'_backbone', out_name='reader.train')
_check_io(train_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], train_reader.outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.train.reader', out_name='reader.train')
_check_io(train_parad.inputs_attrs['backbone'], train_backbone.outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.train.backbone', out_name=bb_name+'_backbone')
# merge reader input attrs from backbone and task_instances
# pred_joint_input_names = []
# pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes = []
if instances[i].is_target:
if 'pred_file' not in instances[i].config:
instances[i].config['pred_file'] = ''
pred_reader = instances[i].Reader(instances[i].config, phase='pred')
pred_parad = instances[i].Paradigm(instances[i].config, phase='pred', backbone_config=bb_conf)
instances[i].task_layer['pred'] = pred_parad
task_attr_from_reader = _encode_inputs(pred_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], instances[i].name)
_check_io(pred_backbone.inputs_attr, pred_reader.outputs_attr, in_name=bb_name+'_backbone', out_name='reader.pred')
_check_io(pred_parad.inputs_attrs['reader'], pred_reader.outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.pred.reader', out_name='reader.pred')
_check_io(pred_parad.inputs_attrs['backbone'], pred_backbone.outputs_attr, in_name='task_paradigm.pred.backbone', out_name=bb_name+'_backbone')
# pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes, _ = merge_input_attrs(pred_backbone.inputs_attr, pred_task_attrs, insert_taskid=False, insert_batchsize=False, insert_seqlen=False, insert_batchsize_x_seqlen=False)
# return joint_input_names[i], joint_shape_and_dtypes[i], name_to_position[i], pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes
# return checkeach
# check_fns[i] = check_tasks()
joint_input_names[i], joint_shape_and_dtypes[i], name_to_position[i] = merge_input_attrs(train_backbone.inputs_attr, task_attrs[i])
pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes, _ = merge_input_attrs(pred_backbone.inputs_attr, pred_task_attrs, insert_taskid=False, insert_batchsize=False, insert_seqlen=False, insert_batchsize_x_seqlen=False)
# shapes: [task_id, shapes_of_backbone, shapes_of_inst1, ..., shapes_of_instN]
print('----- for debug -----')
print('joint input names:')
print('joint input shape and dtypes:')
# load data
for i in range(num_instances):
print(instances[i].name+": preparing data...", end='')
# merge dataset iterators and create net input vars
iterators = []
prefixes = []
mrs = []
for inst in instances:
joint_iterator_fn = create_joint_iterator_fn(iterators, prefixes, joint_shape_and_dtypes, mrs, name_to_position, dev_count=dev_count, verbose=VERBOSE, return_type='dict')
self._joint_iterator_fn = joint_iterator_fn
input_attrs = {}
net_inputs = {}
bb_output_vars = {}
bb_output_fns = {}
# prepare predict vars for saving inference model
pred_input_attrs = [[i, j, k] for i, (j,k) in zip(pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes)]
pred_prog = fluid.Program()
pred_init_prog = fluid.Program()
self._pred_prog = pred_prog
with fluid.program_guard(main_program = pred_prog, startup_program = pred_init_prog):
pred_net_inputs = create_net_inputs(pred_input_attrs)
pred_bb_output_vars = pred_backbone.build(pred_net_inputs, scope_name='__paddlepalm_')
task_inputs = {}
task_output_vars = {}
task_fns = {}
def get_loss(i):
input_attrs[i] = [[m, j, k] for m, (j,k) in zip(joint_input_names[i], joint_shape_and_dtypes[i])]
net_inputs[i] = create_net_inputs(input_attrs[i], async=False)
# net_inputs = create_net_inputs(input_attrs, async=True, iterator_fn=joint_iterator_fn, dev_count=dev_count, n_prefetch=3)
bb_output_vars[i] = train_backbone.build(net_inputs[i], scope_name='__paddlepalm_')
assert sorted(bb_output_vars[i].keys()) == sorted(train_backbone.outputs_attr.keys())
# build backbone and task layers
task_inputs[i] = {'backbone': bb_output_vars[i]}
task_inputs_from_reader = _decode_inputs(net_inputs[i], instances[i].name)
task_inputs[i]['reader'] = task_inputs_from_reader
scope = instances[i].task_reuse_scope + '/'
with fluid.unique_name.guard(scope):
output_vars = instances[i].build_task_layer(task_inputs[i], phase='train', scope=scope)
output_vars = {instances[i].name+'/'+key: val for key, val in output_vars.items()}
loss_var = output_vars[instances[i].name+'/loss']
task_output_vars[i] = output_vars
if instances[i].is_target:
with fluid.program_guard(pred_prog, pred_init_prog):
cur_inputs = _decode_inputs(pred_net_inputs, instances[i].name)
instances[i].pred_input = cur_inputs
pred_task_inputs = {'backbone': pred_bb_output_vars, 'reader': cur_inputs}
scope = instances[i].task_reuse_scope + '/'
with fluid.unique_name.guard(scope):
instances[i].build_task_layer(pred_task_inputs, phase='pred', scope=scope)
return loss_var
for i in range(num_instances):
def task_loss():
task_id = i
return lambda: get_loss(task_id)
task_fns[i] = task_loss()
loss = layers.switch_case(
self._switched_loss = loss.name
main_reader = main_inst.reader['train']
num_examples = main_reader.num_examples
for inst in instances:
max_train_steps = int(main_conf['num_epochs']* inst.mix_ratio * (num_examples // main_conf['batch_size'] // dev_count))
if inst.is_target:
print('{}: expected train steps {}.'.format(inst.name, max_train_steps))
inst.steps_pur_epoch = inst.reader['train'].num_examples // main_conf['batch_size'] // dev_count
inst.expected_train_steps = max_train_steps
global_max_train_steps = int(main_conf['num_epochs'] * sum(mrs) * (num_examples // main_conf['batch_size'] // dev_count))
print('Estimated overall train steps {}.'.format(global_max_train_steps))
if 'warmup_proportion' in main_conf and main_conf['warmup_proportion'] > 0:
warmup_steps = int(global_max_train_steps * main_conf['warmup_proportion'])
print('Warmup steps: '+str(warmup_steps))
warmup_steps = 0
# build optimizer
if 'optimizer' in main_conf:
optim_mod = importlib.import_module(OPTIMIZER_DIR + '.' + main_conf['optimizer'])
optimize = getattr(optim_mod, OPTIMIZE_METHOD)
optimize(loss, main_conf, max_train_steps, warmup_steps, fluid.default_main_program())
loss.persistable = True
if main_conf.get('use_ema', False):
assert 'ema_decay' in main_conf, "ema_decay should be set when use_ema is enabled."
ema = fluid.optimizer.ExponentialMovingAverage(main_conf['ema_decay'])
# prepare for train
self.train_backbone = train_backbone
self.train_program = fluid.CompiledProgram(fluid.default_main_program()).with_data_parallel(loss_name=loss.name)
self.saver_program = fluid.default_main_program()
self.main_inst = main_inst
self.has_init_train = True
self.has_init_pred = True
self._net_inputs = net_inputs
print("\nRandomly initialize parameters...\n")
def _init_pred(self, instance, infer_model_path):
inst = instance
if 'pred_output_path' not in inst.config:
inst.config['pred_output_path'] = os.path.join(inst.config.get('save_path', '.'), inst.name)
if not os.path.exists(inst.config['pred_output_path']):
pred_backbone = self.Backbone(self.bb_conf, phase='pred')
pred_parad = inst.Paradigm(inst.config, phase='pred', backbone_config=self.bb_conf)
inst.task_layer['pred'] = pred_parad
pred_joint_input_names, pred_joint_shape_and_dtypes, name_to_position = merge_input_attrs(
pred_backbone.inputs_attr, inst.task_layer['pred'].inputs_attrs['reader'],
insert_taskid=False, insert_batchsize=False, insert_seqlen=False, insert_batchsize_x_seqlen=False)
pred_prog = inst.load(infer_model_path)
pred_prog = fluid.CompiledProgram(pred_prog).with_data_parallel()
if inst.reader['pred'] is None:
pred_reader = inst.Reader(inst.config, phase='pred')
inst.reader['pred'] = pred_reader
return pred_prog
def load_pretrain(self, pretrain_path=None):
# load pretrain model (or ckpt)
if pretrain_path is None:
assert 'pretrain_path' in self.main_conf, "pretrain_path NOT set."
pretrain_path = self.main_conf['pretrain_path']
def train(self):
if not self.has_init_train:
self.has_init_train = True
instances = self.instances
num_instances = self.num_instances
main_inst = self.main_inst
main_conf = main_inst.config
backbone = self.train_backbone
train_program = self.train_program
saver_program = self.saver_program
finish = []
for inst in instances:
if inst.is_target:
if inst.expected_train_steps > 0:
print(inst.name+': train finished!')
def train_finish():
for inst in instances:
if inst.is_target:
if not inst.train_finish:
return False
return True
# do training
fetch_names = {}
fetch_list = []
main_step = 0 # only count for main task
global_step = 0 # count for all tasks
epoch = 0
time_begin = time.time()
backbone_buffer = []
feed_batch_process_fn = create_feed_batch_process_fn(self._net_inputs)
distribute_feeder = data_feeder(self._joint_iterator_fn, feed_batch_process_fn)
while not train_finish():
feed, mask, id = next(distribute_feeder)
for i in range(self.dev_count):
rt_outputs = self.exe.run(train_program, feed=feed, fetch_list=fetch_list)
rt_loss = rt_outputs.pop()
rt_outputs = {k:v for k,v in zip(fetch_names, rt_outputs)}
cur_task = instances[id]
# backbone_rt_outputs = {k:v for k,v in rt_outputs.items() if '/' not in k}
# backbone_buffer.append(backbone.postprocess(backbone_rt_outputs))
# task_rt_outputs = {k[len(cur_task.name+'/'):]: v for k,v in rt_outputs.items() if k.startswith(cur_task.name+'/')}
# instances[rt_task_id].task_layer['train'].postprocess(task_rt_outputs)
global_step += 1
cur_task.cur_train_step += 1
cur_task_global_step = cur_task.cur_train_step + cur_task.cur_train_epoch * cur_task.steps_pur_epoch
if cur_task.is_target and cur_task.save_infermodel_every_n_steps > 0 and cur_task_global_step % cur_task.save_infermodel_every_n_steps == 0:
cur_task.save(suffix='.step'+str(cur_task_global_step), prog=self._pred_prog)
if global_step % main_conf.get('print_every_n_steps', 5) == 0:
loss = rt_loss
loss = np.mean(np.squeeze(loss)).tolist()
time_end = time.time()
time_cost = time_end - time_begin
print("Global step: {}. Task: {}, step {}/{} (epoch {}), loss: {:.3f}, speed: {:.2f} steps/s".format(
global_step, cur_task.name, cur_task.cur_train_step, cur_task.steps_pur_epoch, cur_task.cur_train_epoch,
loss, main_conf.get('print_every_n_steps', 5) / time_cost))
time_begin = time.time()
if cur_task.train_finish and cur_task.cur_train_step + cur_task.cur_train_epoch * cur_task.steps_pur_epoch == cur_task.expected_train_steps:
print(cur_task.name+': train finished!')
if 'save_ckpt_every_n_steps' in main_conf and global_step % main_conf['save_ckpt_every_n_steps'] == 0:
save_path = os.path.join(main_conf['save_path'], 'ckpt',
"step_" + str(global_step))
fluid.io.save_persistables(self.exe, save_path, saver_program)
print('checkpoint has been saved at '+save_path)
save_path = os.path.join(main_conf['save_path'], 'ckpt',
"step_" + str(global_step))
fluid.io.save_persistables(self.exe, save_path, saver_program)
print('checkpoint has been saved at '+save_path)
print("ALL tasks train finished, exiting...")
def pred(self, task_instance, inference_model_dir=None):
if self._for_train:
raise Exception('This controller is a trainer. Please build a new controller with for_train=False for predicting.')
assert isinstance(task_instance, str)
if isinstance(inference_model_dir, str):
assert os.path.exists(inference_model_dir), inference_model_dir+" not found."
# if not self.has_init_pred and inference_model_dir is None:
# raise ValueError('infer_model_path is required for prediction.')
if inference_model_dir is None:
assert 'save_path' in self.mtl_conf, "one of the `inference_model_dir` and 'save_path' should be set to load inference model."
inference_model_dir = os.path.join(self.mtl_conf['save_path'], task_instance, 'infer_model')
instance = None
for inst in self.instances:
if inst.name == task_instance:
instance = inst
if instance is None:
raise ValueError(task_instance + ' is not a valid task_instance.')
pred_prog = self._init_pred(instance, inference_model_dir)
inst = instance
print(inst.name+": loading data...")
fetch_names, fetch_vars = inst.pred_fetch_list
feed_batch_process_fn = create_feed_batch_process_fn(inst.pred_input)
distribute_feeder = data_feeder(inst.reader['pred'].iterator, feed_batch_process_fn, prefetch_steps=1, phase='pred')
buf = []
for feed, mask, id in distribute_feeder:
rt_outputs = self.exe.run(pred_prog, feed, fetch_vars)
num_fakes = decode_fake(len(rt_outputs[0]), mask, self.batch_size)
for _ in range(num_fakes):
for item in rt_outputs:
rt_outputs = {k:v for k,v in zip(fetch_names, rt_outputs)}
inst.postprocess(rt_outputs, phase='pred')
if inst.task_layer['pred'].epoch_inputs_attrs:
reader_outputs = inst.reader['pred'].get_epoch_outputs()
reader_outputs = None
inst.epoch_postprocess({'reader':reader_outputs}, phase='pred')
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert len(sys.argv) == 2, "Usage: python mtl_controller.py <mtl_conf_path>"
conf_path = sys.argv[1]
del sys.argv[1]
controller = Controller(conf_path)
if controller.main_conf['do_train']:
__all__ = ["Controller"]
......@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ class ClassifyReader(Reader):
For tsv format, training dataset file should have two header areas, i.e., `label` and `text`, and test set only requires `text` area. For example,
label text
1 Today is a good day.
0 Such a terriable day!
1 I feel lucky to meet you, dear.
1 He likes sunshine and I like him :).
CAUTIOUS: The first line of the file must be header! And areas are splited by tab (\\t).
label [TAB] text
1 [TAB] Today is a good day.
0 [TAB] Such a terriable day!
1 [TAB] I feel lucky to meet you, dear.
1 [TAB] He likes sunshine and I like him :).
CAUTIOUS: The first line of the file must be header! And areas are splited by tab (\\t).
......@@ -18,6 +18,31 @@ from paddlepalm.reader.utils.reader4ernie import ClassifyReader as CLSReader
class MatchReader(Reader):
The reader completes the loading and processing of matching-like task (e.g, query-query, question-answer, text similarity, natural language inference) dataset. Supported file format: tsv.
For pointwise learning strategy, there should be two fields in training dataset file, i.e., `text_a`, `text_b` and `label`. For pairwise learning, there should exist three fields, i.e., `text_a`, `text_b` and `text_b_neg`. For predicting, only `text_a` and `text_b` are required.
A pointwise learning case shows as follows:
label [TAB] text_a [TAB] text_b
1 [TAB] Today is a good day. [TAB] what a nice day!
0 [TAB] Such a terriable day! [TAB] There is a dog.
1 [TAB] I feel lucky to meet you, dear. [TAB] You are my lucky, darling.
1 [TAB] He likes sunshine and I like him :). [TAB] I like him. He like sunshine.
0 [TAB] JUST! GO! OUT! [TAB] Come in please.
A pairwise learning case shows as follows:
text_a [TAB] text_b [TAB] text_b_neg
Today is a good day. [TAB] what a nice day! [TAB] terriable day!
Such a terriable day! [TAB] So terriable today! [TAB] There is a dog.
I feel lucky to meet you, dear. [TAB] You are my lucky, darling. [TAB]
He likes sunshine and I like him :). [TAB] I like him. He like sunshine.
JUST! GO! OUT! [TAB] Come in please.
CAUTIOUS: The first line of the file must be header! And areas are splited by tab (\\t).
def __init__(self, vocab_path, max_len, tokenizer='wordpiece', lang='en', seed=None, \
do_lower_case=False, learning_strategy='pointwise', phase='train', dev_count=1, print_prefix=''): # 需要什么加什么
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from paddlepalm.interface import reader as base_reader
from paddlepalm.interface import task_paradigm as base_paradigm
import os
import json
from paddle import fluid
import importlib
from paddlepalm.default_settings import *
def check_req_args(conf, name):
assert 'reader' in conf, name+': reader is required to build TaskInstance.'
assert 'paradigm' in conf, name+': paradigm is required to build TaskInstance.'
assert 'train_file' in conf or 'pred_file' in conf, name+': at least train_file or pred_file should be provided to build TaskInstance.'
class TaskInstance(object):
def __init__(self, name, id, config, verbose=True):
self._name = name
self._config = config
self._verbose = verbose
check_req_args(config, name)
# parse Reader and Paradigm
reader_name = config['reader']
reader_mod = importlib.import_module(READER_DIR + '.' + reader_name)
Reader = getattr(reader_mod, 'Reader')
parad_name = config['paradigm']
parad_mod = importlib.import_module(PARADIGM_DIR + '.' + parad_name)
Paradigm = getattr(parad_mod, 'TaskParadigm')
self._Reader = Reader
self._Paradigm = Paradigm
self._save_infermodel_path = os.path.join(self._config['save_path'], self._name, 'infer_model')
self._save_ckpt_path = os.path.join(self._config['save_path'], 'ckpt')
self._save_infermodel_every_n_steps = config.get('save_infermodel_every_n_steps', -1)
# following flags can be fetch from instance config file
self._is_target = config.get('is_target', True)
self._first_target = config.get('is_first_target', False)
self._task_reuse_scope = config.get('task_reuse_scope', name)
self._feeded_var_names = None
self._target_vars = None
# training process management
self._mix_ratio = None
self._expected_train_steps = None
self._expected_train_epochs = None
self._steps_pur_epoch = None
self._cur_train_epoch = 0
self._cur_train_step = 0
self._train_finish = False
# 存放不同运行阶段(train,eval,pred)的数据集reader,key为phase,value为Reader实例
self._reader = {'train': None, 'eval': None, 'predict': None}
self._input_layer = None
self._inputname_to_varname = {}
self._task_layer = {'train': None, 'eval': None, 'predict': None}
self._pred_input_name_list = []
self._pred_input_varname_list = []
self._pred_fetch_name_list = []
self._pred_fetch_var_list = []
self._exe = fluid.Executor(fluid.CPUPlace())
self._save_protocol = {
'input_names': 'self._pred_input_name_list',
'input_varnames': 'self._pred_input_varname_list',
'fetch_list': 'self._pred_fetch_name_list'}
def build_task_layer(self, net_inputs, phase, scope=""):
output_vars = self._task_layer[phase].build(net_inputs, scope_name=scope)
if phase == 'predict':
if output_vars is not None:
self._pred_fetch_name_list, self._pred_fetch_var_list = zip(*output_vars.items())
self._pred_fetch_name_list = []
self._pred_fetch_var_list = []
return output_vars
def postprocess(self, rt_outputs, phase):
return self._task_layer[phase].postprocess(rt_outputs)
def epoch_postprocess(self, epoch_inputs, phase):
return self._task_layer[phase].epoch_postprocess(epoch_inputs)
def save(self, suffix=''):
dirpath = self._save_infermodel_path + suffix
self._pred_input_varname_list = [str(i) for i in self._pred_input_varname_list]
# fluid.io.save_inference_model(dirpath, self._pred_input_varname_list, self._pred_fetch_var_list, self._exe, export_for_deployment = True)
prog = fluid.default_main_program().clone()
fluid.io.save_inference_model(dirpath, self._pred_input_varname_list, self._pred_fetch_var_list, self._exe, prog)
conf = {}
for k, strv in self._save_protocol.items():
d = None
v = locals()
exec('d={}'.format(strv), globals(), v)
conf[k] = v['d']
with open(os.path.join(dirpath, '__conf__'), 'w') as writer:
writer.write(json.dumps(conf, indent=1))
print(self._name + ': inference model saved at ' + dirpath)
def load(self, infer_model_path=None):
if infer_model_path is None:
infer_model_path = self._save_infermodel_path
for k,v in json.load(open(os.path.join(infer_model_path, '__conf__'))).items():
strv = self._save_protocol[k]
pred_prog, self._pred_input_varname_list, self._pred_fetch_var_list = \
fluid.io.load_inference_model(infer_model_path, self._exe)
print(self._name+': inference model loaded from ' + infer_model_path)
return pred_prog
def name(self):
return self._name
def Reader(self):
return self._Reader
# @Reader.setter
# def Reader(self, cls):
# assert base_reader.__name__ == cls.__bases__[-1].__name__, \
# "expect: {}, receive: {}.".format(base_reader.__name__, \
# cls.__bases__[-1].__name__)
# self._Reader = cls
def Paradigm(self):
return self._Paradigm
# @Paradigm.setter
# def Paradigm(self, cls):
# assert base_paradigm.__name__ == cls.__bases__[-1].__name__, \
# "expect: {}, receive: {}.".format(base_paradigm.__name__, \
# cls.__bases__[-1].__name__)
# self._Paradigm = cls
def config(self):
return self._config
def reader(self):
return self._reader
def pred_input(self):
return zip(*[self._pred_input_name_list, self._pred_input_varname_list])
def pred_input(self, val):
assert isinstance(val, dict)
self._pred_input_name_list, self._pred_input_varname_list = \
zip(*[[k, v.name] for k,v in val.items()])
def pred_fetch_list(self):
return [self._pred_fetch_name_list, self._pred_fetch_var_list]
def task_layer(self):
return self._task_layer
def is_first_target(self):
return self._is_first_target
def is_first_target(self, value):
self._is_first_target = bool(value)
if self._is_first_target:
assert self._is_target, "ERROR: only target task could be set as main task."
if self._verbose and self._is_first_target:
print("{}: set as main task".format(self._name))
def is_target(self):
if self._is_target is not None:
return self._is_target
raise ValueError("{}: is_target is None".format(self._name))
def is_target(self, value):
self._is_target = bool(value)
if self._verbose:
if self._is_target:
print('{}: set as target task.'.format(self._name))
print('{}: set as aux task.'.format(self._name))
def mix_ratio(self):
if self._mix_ratio is not None:
return self._mix_ratio
raise ValueError("{}: mix_ratio is None".format(self._name))
def mix_ratio(self, value):
self._mix_ratio = float(value)
if self._verbose:
print('{}: mix_ratio is set to {}'.format(self._name, self._mix_ratio))
def save_infermodel_every_n_steps(self):
return self._save_infermodel_every_n_steps
def expected_train_steps(self):
return self._expected_train_steps
def expected_train_steps(self, value):
self._expected_train_steps = value
self._expected_train_epochs = value / float(self._steps_pur_epoch)
def expected_train_epochs(self):
return self._expected_train_epochs
def cur_train_epoch(self):
return self._cur_train_epoch
def cur_train_epoch(self, value):
self._cur_train_epoch = value
def cur_train_step(self):
return self._cur_train_step
def cur_train_step(self, value):
self._cur_train_step = value
if self._cur_train_step > self._steps_pur_epoch:
self._cur_train_epoch += 1
self._cur_train_step = 1
if self._is_target and self._cur_train_step + self._cur_train_epoch * self._steps_pur_epoch >= self._expected_train_steps:
self._train_finish = True
def steps_pur_epoch(self):
return self._steps_pur_epoch
def steps_pur_epoch(self, value):
self._steps_pur_epoch = value
def train_finish(self):
return self._train_finish
def task_reuse_scope(self):
if self._task_reuse_scope is not None:
return self._task_reuse_scope
raise ValueError("{}: task_reuse_scope is None".format(self._name))
def task_reuse_scope(self, scope_name):
self._task_reuse_scope = str(scope_name)
if self._verbose:
print('{}: task_reuse_scope is set to {}'.format(self._name, self._task_reuse_scope))
def check_instances(insts):
"""to check ids, first_target"""
def _check_ids():
def _check_targets():
def _check_reuse_scopes():
name = paddle-palm
name = paddlepalm
author = zhangyiming
author_email = zhangyiming04@baidu.com
version = 1.2
version = 1.0.0
description = Paddle-PALM
description = PaddlePALM
long_description = file: README.md
long_description_content_type = text/markdown
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ classifier =
keywords =
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
Setup script.
Authors: zhouxiangyang(zhouxiangyang@baidu.com)
Date: 2019/09/29 21:00:01
Date: 2020/1/22 12:00:01
import setuptools
with open("README.md", "r") as fh:
......@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ setuptools.setup(
description="A Multi-task Learning Lib for PaddlePaddle Users.",
description="a flexible, general and easy-to-use NLP large-scale pretraining and multi-task learning framework.",
# long_description=long_description,
# long_description_content_type="text/markdown",
# packages=setuptools.find_packages(),
packages = ['paddlepalm',
......@@ -39,16 +39,20 @@ setuptools.setup(
'paddlepalm.lr_sched': './paddlepalm/lr_sched',
'paddlepalm.distribute': './paddlepalm/distribute',
platforms = "any",
......@@ -64,7 +68,7 @@ setuptools.setup(
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
install_requires = [
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