Fluid Documentation Skeleton


    To build documentation, you need have a linux machine and have python2, virtualenv, gmake installed.


    You need to create a virtualenv instead of polute the global python library path

    virtualenv .env

    You can enter virtualenv by

    source .env/bin/activate

    You can exit virtualenv by


    Install dependencies

    # enter virtualenv
    source .env/bin/activate
    # install dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt

    Make HTML

    # make clean  # make clean to regenerate toctree. Just `make html` may have a cache.
    make html

    and the html files will be generated to build/html. You can open build/html/index.html with your browser to see the documentation.


    Edit documentation

    It is suggested to use reStructuredText because it is the only official markup language supportted by our documentation generating system, sphinx. markdown can also be used. However, since the markdown has so many dialects, there is no guarantee that the markdown source file can be rendered well.

    The reStructuredText cheatsheet is here.

    Edit structure

    The sphinx (our documentation generating system) uses toctree to organize documentation. toctree means table of content tree.

    Please see the sphinx documentation, especially toctree directives


    Documentations for PaddlePaddle

    发行版本 2

    document for release 1.6


    贡献者 216



    • Shell 51.2 %
    • Python 48.8 %