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......@@ -76,41 +76,10 @@ Untracked files:
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## 构建和测试
## 编译和单元测试
编译 PaddlePaddle 的源码以及生成文档需要多种开发工具。为了方便大家,我们的标准开发流程是把这些工具都装进一个Docker image,称为*开发镜像*,通常名字是 `paddle:latest-dev` 或者 `paddle:[version tag]-dev``paddle:0.11.0-dev`。然后所有用 `cmake && make` 的地方(比如IDE配置里)都用 `docker run paddle:latest-dev`来代替。
➜ docker build -t paddle:latest-dev .
随后可以用这个开发镜像开始build PaddlePaddle的源码。比如如果要build一个不依赖GPU,但是支持AVX指令集,并且包括unit tests的PaddlePaddle,可以:
➜ docker run -v $(pwd):/paddle -e "WITH_GPU=OFF" -e "WITH_AVX=ON" -e "WITH_TESTING=ON" paddle:latest-dev
➜ docker run -v $(pwd):/paddle -e "PY_VERSION=3.5" -e "WITH_FLUID_ONLY=ON" -e "WITH_GPU=OFF" -e "WITH_AVX=ON" -e "WITH_TESTING=ON" paddle:latest-dev
这个过程除了编译PaddlePaddle为 `./build/libpaddle.so`,并且输出一个 `./build/paddle.deb`文件之外,还会输出一个 `build/Dockerfile`。我们只需要运行下面命令把编译好的PaddlePaddle打包成一个*生产镜像*`paddle:prod`):
➜ docker build -t paddle:prod -f build/Dockerfile .
➜ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/paddle paddle:latest-dev bash -c "cd /paddle/build && ctest"
关于编译 PaddlePaddle 的源码,请参见[从源码编译](../../../beginners_guide/install/compile/fromsource.html) 选择对应的操作系统。
关于单元测试,可参考[Op单元测试](../../../advanced_usage/development/new_op/new_op.html#id7) 的运行方法。
## 提交(commit)
......@@ -78,39 +78,8 @@ no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
## Build and test
It needs a variety of development tools to build PaddlePaddle source code and generate documentation. For convenience, our standard development procedure is to put these tools together into a Docker image,called *development mirror* , usually named as `paddle:latest-dev` or `paddle:[version tag]-dev`,such as `paddle:0.11.0-dev` . Then all that need `cmake && make` ,such as IDE configuration,are replaced by `docker run paddle:latest-dev` .
You need to bulid this development mirror under the root directory of source code directory tree
➜ docker build -t paddle:latest-dev .
Then you can start building PaddlePaddle source code with this development mirror.For example,to build a Paddleddle which are not dependent on GPU but in support of AVX commands and including unit test,you can:
➜ docker run -v $(pwd):/paddle -e "WITH_GPU=OFF" -e "WITH_AVX=ON" -e "WITH_TESTING=ON" paddle:latest-dev
If you want to build PaddlePaddle based on Python3,you can:
➜ docker run -v $(pwd):/paddle -e "PY_VERSION=3.5" -e "WITH_FLUID_ONLY=ON" -e "WITH_GPU=OFF" -e "WITH_AVX=ON" -e "WITH_TESTING=ON" paddle:latest-dev
Except for the build of PaddlePaddle as `./build/libpaddle.so` and the output of `./build/paddle.deb` file, there is an output of `build/Dockerfile`. What we need to do is to package the PaddlePaddle as a *produce mirror*`paddle:prod` )with following commands.
➜ docker build -t paddle:prod -f build/Dockerfile .
Run all unit tests with following commands:
➜ docker run -it -v $(pwd):/paddle paddle:latest-dev bash -c "cd /paddle/build && ctest"
Please refer to [Installation and run with Docker](../../../beginners_guide/install/install_Docker.html) about more information of construction and test.
Please refer to [Compile From Source Code](../../../beginners_guide/install/compile/fromsource_en.html) about more information of building PaddlePaddle source codes.
Please refer to [Op Unit Tests](../../../advanced_usage/development/new_op/new_op_en.html#unit-tests) about more information of running unit tests.
## Commit
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