未验证 提交 d29ece4c 编写于 作者: Z zhongpu 提交者: GitHub

add register_forward_hook api for Layer (#1941)

* add register_forward_hook api for Layer, test=develop

* fix sample code, test=develop
上级 82a0abe2
......@@ -21,6 +21,100 @@ Layer的全名。组成方式为: ``name_scope`` + “/” + MyLayer.__class__
.. py:method:: register_forward_pre_hook(hook)
Layer注册一个 ``forward pre-hook`` 函数,该 ``hook`` 函数将会在 ``forward`` 函数调用之前被调用。
``hook`` 函数具有以下形式:它的 ``input`` ``Layer`` ``input`` ,并且可以返回一个元组或者单个修改值;如果返回单个修改值,则将值包装到一个元组中。用户可以使用该函数来查看或修改 ``Layer`` ``forward`` 函数的输入。
hook(Layer, input) -> None or modified input
- **hook** (function) - 被注册为 ``forward pre-hook`` 的函数
返回:一个 ``HookRemoveHelper`` 类对象,可通过调用 ``hook_remove_helper.remove()`` 来删除注册的hook函数。
返回类型: ``HookRemoveHelper`` 类对象
.. code-block:: python
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
# forward_pre_hook函数修改了layer的输入:input = input * 2
def forward_pre_hook(layer, input):
# 改变输入值
input_return = (input[0] * 2)
return input_return
with fluid.dygraph.guard():
linear = fluid.Linear(13, 5, dtype="float32")
# 注册hook
forward_pre_hook_handle = linear.register_forward_pre_hook(forward_pre_hook)
value0 = np.arange(26).reshape(2, 13).astype("float32")
in0 = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(value0)
out0 = linear(in0)
# 移除hook
value1 = value0 * 2
in1 = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(value1)
out1 = linear(in1)
# hook改变了layer的输入(input = input * 2),所以out0等于out1
assert (out0.numpy() == out1.numpy()).any()
.. py:method:: register_forward_post_hook(hook)
Layer注册一个 ``forward post-hook`` 函数,该 ``hook`` 函数将会在 ``forward`` 函数调用之后被调用。
``hook`` 函数具有以下形式,它的 ``input`` ``output`` ``Layer`` ``input`` ``output`` 。用户可以用该函数来查看和修改 ``Layer`` ``forward`` 函数的输出。
hook(Layer, input, output) -> None or modified output
- **hook** (function) - 被注册为 ``forward post-hook`` 的函数
返回:一个 ``HookRemoveHelper`` 类对象,可通过调用 ``hook_remove_helper.remove()`` 来删除注册的hook函数。
返回类型: ``HookRemoveHelper`` 类对象
.. code-block:: python
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import numpy as np
# forward_post_hook函数改变了layer的输出:output = output * 2
def forward_post_hook(layer, input, output):
# 改变输出值
return output * 2
with fluid.dygraph.guard():
linear = fluid.Linear(13, 5, dtype="float32")
# 注册hook
forward_post_hook_handle = linear.register_forward_post_hook(forward_post_hook)
value1 = np.arange(26).reshape(2, 13).astype("float32")
in1 = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(value1)
out0 = linear(in1)
# remove the hook
out1 = linear(in1)
# hook改变了layer的输出(output = output * 2),所以out0等于out1 * 2
assert (out0.numpy() == (out1.numpy()) * 2).any()
.. py:method:: create_parameter(shape, attr=None, dtype="float32", is_bias=False, default_initializer=None)
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