- CPU:Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5117 CPU @ 2.00GHz GPU:Tesla P4
- TensorRT4.0, CUDA8.0, CUDNNV7
- Test model ResNet50, MobileNet, ResNet101, Inception V3.
## Test Targets
**PaddlePaddle, Pytorch, Tensorflow**
- In test, PaddlePaddle adopts subgraph optimization to integrate TensorRT [model](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/models/tree/develop/fluid/PaddleCV/image_classification/models) .
- Native implementation is used in Pytorch. Model [address 1](https://github.com/pytorch/vision/tree/master/torchvision/models) , [address 2](https://github.com/marvis/pytorch-mobilenet) .
- Test for TensorFlow contains test for native TF and TF—TRT. **Test for TF—TRT hasn't reached expectation wihch will be complemented later**. Model [address](https://github.com/tensorflow/models) .