未验证 提交 c90719c3 编写于 作者: Y yaoxuefeng 提交者: GitHub

add broadcasting cn doc (#2311)

上级 126ed29d
.. _cn_user_guide_broadcasting:
广播 (broadcasting)
飞桨的广播机制主要遵循如下规则;如果两个张量的形状遵循一下规则,我们认为这两个张量是可广播的(参考`Numpy 广播机制 <https://numpy.org/doc/stable/user/basics.broadcasting.html#module-numpy.doc.broadcasting>`):
1. 每个张量至少为一维张量
2. 从后往前比较张量的形状,当前维度的大小要么相等,要么其中一个等于一,要么其中一个不存在
.. code-block:: python
import paddle
import numpy as np
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,3,4), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,3,4), np.float32))
# 两个张量 形状一致,可以广播
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,3,1,5), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((3,4,1), np.float32))
# 从后向前依次比较:
# 第一次:y的维度大小是1
# 第二次:x的维度大小是1
# 第三次:x和y的维度大小相等
# 第四次:y的维度不存在
# 所以 x和y是可以广播的
# 相反
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,3,4), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,3,6), np.float32))
# 此时x和y是不可广播的,因为第一次比较 4不等于6
1. 如果两个张量的形状的长度不一致,那么需要在较小形状长度的矩阵像前添加1,只到两个张量的形状长度相等。
2. 保证两个张量形状相等之后,每个维度上的结果维度就是当前维度上较大的那个。
.. code-block:: python
import paddle
import numpy as np
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,1,4), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((3,1), np.float32))
z = x+y
# z的形状: [2,3,4]
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,1,4), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((3,2), np.float32))
z = x+y
# InvalidArgumentError: Broadcast dimension mismatch.
axis表示y在x上应用广播机制的时候的起始维度的位置,当设置了asis参数后,张量的维度比较顺序变成了从axis开始,从前向后比较。当axis=-1时,axis = rank(x) - rank(y),
.. code-block:: python
import paddle
import numpy as np
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,1,4), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((3,1), np.float32))
z = paddle.elementwise_add(x,y,axis=1)
# z的形状 [2, 3, 4]
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,3,4,5), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((4,5), np.float32))
z = paddle.elementwise_add(x,y,axis=1)
# InvalidArgumentError: Broadcast dimension mismatch.
# 因为指定了axis之后,计算广播的维度从axis开始从前向后比较
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,3,4,5), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((3), np.float32))
z = paddle.elementwise_add(x,y,axis=1)
# z的形状 [2, 3, 4, 5]
# 因为此时是从axis=1的维度开始,从前向后比较维度进行广播
.. _user_guide_broadcasting
PaddlePaddle provides broadcasting semantics in some APIs like other deep learning frameworks, which allows using tensors with different shapes while operating.
In General, broadcast is the rule how the smaller tensor is “broadcast” across the larger tsnsor so that they have same shapes.
Note that no copies happened while broadcasting.
In Paddlepaddle, tensors are broadcastable when following rulrs hold(ref: Numpy Broadcasting <https://numpy.org/doc/stable/user/basics.broadcasting.html#module-numpy.doc.broadcasting>`):
1. there should be at least one dimention in each tensor
2. when we compare their shapes element-wise from backward to forward, two dimensions are compatible when
they are equal, or one of them is 1, or one of them does not exist.
For example:
.. code-block:: python
import paddle
import numpy as np
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,3,4), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,3,4), np.float32))
# Two tensor have some shpes are broadcastable
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,3,1,5), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((3,4,1), np.float32))
# compare from backward to forward:
# 1st step:y's dimention is 1
# 2nd step:x's dimention is 1
# 3rd step:two dimentions are the same
# 4st step:y's dimention does not exist
# So, x and y are broadcastable
# In Compare
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,3,4), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,3,6), np.float32))
# x and y are not broadcastable because in first step form tail, x's dimention 4 is not equal to y's dimention 6
Now we know in what condition two tensors are broadcastable, how to calculate the resulting tensor's size follows the rules:
1. If the number of dimensions of x and y are not equal, prepend 1 to the dimensions of the tensor with fewer dimensions to make them equal length.
2. Then, for each dimension size, the resulting dimension size is the max of the sizes of x and y along that dimension.
For example:
.. code-block:: python
import paddle
import numpy as np
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,1,4), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((3,1), np.float32))
z = x+y
# z'shape: [2,3,4]
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,1,4), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((3,2), np.float32))
z = x+y
# InvalidArgumentError: Broadcast dimension mismatch.
In addition, axis is introduced to PaddlePaddle's broadcasting semantics. when using smaller shape tensor y to broadcast a larger tensor x,
and y's length of dimentions is smaller than x's, we can specify a aixs to indicate the starting dimention to do broadcasting.
In this case, the comparation on dimentions runs from forward to backward started at axis. when axis=-1, axis = rank(x) - rank(y).
when the last dimention of y is 1, it will be ignored.
For example:
.. code-block:: python
import paddle
import numpy as np
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,1,4), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((3,1), np.float32))
z = paddle.elementwise_add(x,y,axis=1)
# z'shape [2, 3, 4]
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,3,4,5), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((4,5), np.float32))
z = paddle.elementwise_add(x,y,axis=1)
# InvalidArgumentError: Broadcast dimension mismatch.
# axis is indicated, comparation between dimentions starts at axis.
x = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((2,3,4,5), np.float32))
y = paddle.imperative.to_variable(np.ones((3), np.float32))
z = paddle.elementwise_add(x,y,axis=1)
# z'shape [2, 3, 4, 5]
# Start comparation at axis=1 from forward to backward.
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