为了使`OpKernel`的计算过程书写更加简单,并且CPU、CUDA的代码可以复用,我们通常借助 Eigen unsupported Tensor模块来实现`Compute`接口。关于在PaddlePaddle中如何使用Eigen库,请参考[使用文档](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/doc/fluid/dev/use_eigen_cn.md)。
- 例如:`Suggested Fix:If your classifier expects one-hot encoding label,check your n_classes argument to the estimatorand/or the shape of your label.Otherwise, check the shape of your label.`
##### FAQ 典型问题
1. 无报错信息或报错信息过于简单,不能给用户提供有效的提示!
问题示例1 :未写提示信息
PADDLE_ENFORCE(ctx->HasInput("X"), "");
问题示例2 :提示信息过于简单
PADDLE_ENFORCE(i != nullptr, "i must be set"); // i是什么?
2. 在报错信息中使用开发人员定义的变量缩写,不易理解!
PADDLE_ENFORCE(forward_pd != nullptr,
"Fail to find eltwise_fwd_pd in device context"); //eltwise_fwd_pd用户可能看不懂
We sincerely appreciate your contribution. This document explains our workflow and work style.
## Workflow
PaddlePaddle uses this [Git branching model](http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/). The following steps guide usual contributions.
1. Fork
Our development community has been growing fastly; it doesn't make sense for everyone to write into the official repo. So, please file Pull Requests from your fork. To make a fork, just head over to the GitHub page and click the ["Fork" button](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/).
1. Clone
To make a copy of your fork to your local computers, please run
For daily works like adding a new feature or fixing a bug, please open your feature branch before coding:
git checkout -b my-cool-stuff
1. Commit
Before issuing your first `git commit` command, please install [`pre-commit`](http://pre-commit.com/) by running the following commands:
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
Our pre-commit configuration requires clang-format 3.8 for auto-formating C/C++ code and yapf for Python.
Once installed, `pre-commit` checks the style of code and documentation in every commit. We will see something like the following when you run `git commit`:
➜ git commit
CRLF end-lines remover...............................(no files to check)Skipped
yapf.................................................(no files to check)Skipped
Check for added large files..............................................Passed
Check for merge conflicts................................................Passed
Check for broken symlinks................................................Passed
Detect Private Key...................................(no files to check)Skipped
Fix End of Files.....................................(no files to check)Skipped
clang-formater.......................................(no files to check)Skipped
[my-cool-stuff c703c041] add test file
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 233
NOTE: The `yapf` installed by `pip install pre-commit` and `conda install -c conda-forge pre-commit` is slightly different. Paddle developers use `pip install pre-commit`.
1. Build and test
Users can build PaddlePaddle natively on Linux and Mac OS X. But to unify the building environment and to make it easy for debugging, the recommended way is [using Docker](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/develop/doc/howto/dev/build_en.md).
1. Keep pulling
An experienced Git user pulls from the official repo often -- daily or even hourly, so they notice conflicts with others work early, and it's easier to resolve smaller conflicts.
You can "push" your local work into your forked repo:
git push origin my-cool-stuff
The push allows you to create a pull request, requesting owners of this [official repo](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle) to pull your change into the official one.
To create a pull request, please follow [these steps](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/).
If your change is for fixing an issue, please write ["Fixes <issue-URL>"](https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-using-keywords/) in the description section of your pull request. Github would close the issue when the owners merge your pull request.
Please remember to specify some reviewers for your pull request. If you don't know who are the right ones, please follow Github's recommendation.
1. Delete local and remote branches
To keep your local workspace and your fork clean, you might want to remove merged branches:
git push origin :my-cool-stuff
git checkout develop
git pull upstream develop
git branch -d my-cool-stuff
### Code Review
- Please feel free to ping your reviewers by sending them the URL of your pull request via IM or email. Please do this after your pull request passes the CI.
- Please answer reviewers' every comment. If you are to follow the comment, please write "Done"; please give a reason otherwise.
- If you don't want your reviewers to get overwhelmed by email notifications, you might reply their comments by [in a batch](https://help.github.com/articles/reviewing-proposed-changes-in-a-pull-request/).
- Reduce the unnecessary commits. Some developers commit often. It is recommended to append a sequence of small changes into one commit by running `git commit --amend` instead of `git commit`.
## Coding Standard
### Code Style
Our C/C++ code follows the [Google style guide](http://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html).
Our Python code follows the [PEP8 style guide](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/).
Our build process helps to check the code style. In [`build.sh`](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/b84e8226514b8bb4405c3c28e54aa5077193d179/paddle/scripts/docker/build.sh#L42), the entry point of our [builder Docker image](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/b84e8226514b8bb4405c3c28e54aa5077193d179/Dockerfile#L88), the CMake argument `WITH_STYLE_CHECK` is set to `ON` by default. This flag is on
Please install pre-commit, which automatically reformat the changes to C/C++ and Python code whenever we run `git commit`. To check the whole codebase, we can run the command `pre-commit run -a`, as in the [`check_style.sh` file](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/b84e8226514b8bb4405c3c28e54aa5077193d179/paddle/scripts/travis/check_style.sh#L30), which is invoked by [our Travis CI configuration](https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle/blob/b84e8226514b8bb4405c3c28e54aa5077193d179/.travis.yml#L43).
### Unit Tests
Please remember to add related unit tests.
- For C/C++ code, please follow [`google-test` Primer](https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/master/googletest/docs/Primer.md).
- For Python code, please use [Python's standard `unittest` package](http://pythontesting.net/framework/unittest/unittest-introduction/).
### Writing Logs
We use [glog](https://github.com/google/glog) for logging in our C/C++ code.
For general information, please use `LOG`. For debug information, please use [`VLOG`](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/google/glog/blob/master/doc/glog.html#verbose). The reason is at [here](https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/msg/chromium-dev/3NDNd1KzXeY/AZKMMx37fdQJ).
`VLOG` requires a *verbose level* parameter. For example:
VLOG(3)<<"Operator FC is taking "<<num_inputs<<"inputs."
When we run a PaddlePaddle application or test, we can specify a verbose threshold. For example:
This will enable VLOG messages generated by `buddy_allocator.{h,cc}` and in the verbose range of 0 to 3, so you will see above example VLOG message, which is in level 3. This suggests that we output overall messages in lower verbose levels, so they display with higher probability. When coding C++, please follow the verbose level convention as follows:
PaddlePaddle manages its branches using "git-flow branching model", and [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/) as it's version number semantics.
PaddlePaddle manages its branches using Trunk Based Development, and [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/) as it's version number semantics.
Each time we release a new PaddlePaddle version, we should follow the below steps:
1. Fork a new branch from `develop` named `release/[version]`, e.g. `release/0.10.0`.
1. Push a new tag on the release branch, the tag name should be like `[version]rc.patch`. The
first tag should be `0.10.0rc1`, and the second should be `0.10.0.rc2` and so on.
1. After that, we should do:
* Run all regression test on the Regression Test List (see PaddlePaddle TeamCity CI), to confirm
that this release has no major bugs.
* If regression test fails, we must fix those bugs and create a new `release/[version]`
branch from previous release branch.
* Modify `python/setup.py.in`, change the version number and change `ISTAGED` to `True`.
* Publish PaddlePaddle release wheel packages to pypi (see below instructions for detail).
* Update the Docker images (see below instructions for detail).
1. After above step, merge `release/[version]` branch to master and push a tag on the master commit,
then merge `master` to `develop`.
1. Update the Release Note.
* Do ***NOT*** merge commits from develop branch to release branches to keep the release branch contain
features only for current release, so that we can test on that version.
* If we want to fix bugs on release branches, we must merge the fix to master, develop and release branch.
1. Create a new release branch from `develop`,named `release/[version]`. E.g.,`release/0.10.0`
2. Create a new tag for the release branch, tag format: `version-rc.Patch`. E.g. the first tag is `0.10.0-rc0`。
3. New release branch normally doesn't accept new features or optimizations. QA will test on the release branch. Developer should develop based on `develop` branch.
4. If QA or Developer find bugs. They should first fix and verify on `develop` branch. Then cherry-pick the fix to the release branch. Wait until the release branch is stable.
5. If necessary, create a new tag on the relese branch, e.g. `0.10.0-rc1`. Involve more users to try it and repeat step 3-4.
6. After release branch is stable,Create the official release tag,such as `0.10.0`.
7. Release the python wheel package to pypi.
8. Update the docker image (More details below).
* bug fix should happen on `develop` branch, then cherry-pick to relese branch. Avoid developing directly on release branch.
* release normally only accept bug fixes. Don't add new features.
## Publish Wheel Packages to pypi
@@ -97,26 +92,22 @@ You can then checkout the latest pushed tags at https://hub.docker.com/r/paddlep
## Branching Model
We use [git-flow](http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/) as our branching model,
with some modifications:
*`master` branch is the stable branch. Each version on the master branch is tested and guaranteed.
*`develop` branch is for development. Each commit on develop branch has passed CI unit test, but no
regression tests are run.
*`release/[version]` branch is used to publish each release. Latest release version branches have
bugfix only for that version, but no feature updates.
PaddlePaddle's documentation includes both Chinese and English versions. The documentation is built using the ``cmake`` command to drive the ``sphinx`` compiler. The PaddlePaddle.org tool helps us to implement this compilation process and provides better preview results.
How to build Documentation
PaddlePaddle's documentation is built in two ways: using the PaddlePaddle.org tool and without using it. Both methods have their own advantages. The former facilitates previewing, while the latter facilitates debugging by the developer. We could choose to build the documentation with Docker or without it in each of the above ways.
We recommend using PaddlePaddle.org tool to build documentation.
Using PaddlePaddle.org tool
This is the recommended method to build documentation, because it can automatically compile the documentation and preview the documentation directly in a web page. Note that, although you can preview the documentation in other ways, its style may not be consistent with the official website. Compiling with the PaddlePaddle.org tool produces a preview that will be consistent with the official website documentation style.
The PaddlePaddle.org tool can be used with Docker and Docker needs to be installed first. Please refer to `Docker's official website <https://docs.docker.com/>`_ on how to install Docker. After installing Docker, you may use the following commands to activate the tool
.. code-block:: bash
mkdir paddlepaddle # Create paddlepaddle working directory
cd paddlepaddle
# Clone the content repositories. You may only clone the contents you need
Specify the PaddlePaddle working directory for the environment variable CONTENT_DIR so that the tool could find where the working directory is.
Use a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000. Click the buttons to compile the documentation
The compiled documentations will be stored in <paddlepaddle working directory>/.ppo_workspace/content
Please `click here <https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddlePaddle.org/blob/develop/README.md>`_ for more information about the PaddlePaddle.org tool.
Manually Building the Documentation
Build PaddlePaddle's documentation with Docker,you need to install Docker first. Please refer to `Docker's official website <https://docs.docker.com/>`_ on how to install Docker. This method is quite similar to ` Build From Sources <http://paddlepaddle.org/docs/develop/documentation/en/build_and_install/build_from_source_en.html>`_ , by constructing, from source code, a docker image that can be used to build PaddlePaddle documentation. Enter the Docker container and use the script ``build.sh`` in the source directory to build the PaddlePaddle documentation. The specific steps are as follows:
# Use build.sh to build PaddlePaddle documentation
bash -x /paddle/paddle/scripts/docker/build.sh
Note: The above commands maps the current directory (source root directory) to the :code:`/paddle` directory in the container.
After compiling, there should be two generated directories: ``doc/v2`` and ``doc/fluid``, where three subdirectories ``cn/html/``, ``en/html`` and ``api/en/html`` are generated. Please enter these directories respectively and execute the following commands:
.. code-block:: bash
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8088
Use a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000, you could see the compiled ``v2`` 's and ``fluid`` 's Chinese/English documents page and English APIs page.
If you do not wish to use Docker, you can also use the following commands to directly build the PaddlePaddle documentation.
# If you only need to build documents, use the following commands
make -j $processors paddle_docs
# If you only need to build APIs, use the following commands
make -j $processors paddle_apis
$processors indicates that as many processes as the CPU cores are started to compile in parallel. It should be set according to the number of CPU cores of your machine.
After compiling, there also should be two generated directories: ``doc/v2`` and ``doc/fluid`` . If you chose to build documents, two subdirectories ``cn/html/`` and ``en/html`` will be generated in both two directories. If you chose to build APIs,a subdirectory ``api/en/html`` will be generated. Please enter these directories respectively and execute the following commands:
.. code-block:: bash
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8088
Use a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000, you could see the compiled ``v2`` 's and ``fluid`` 's Chinese/English documents page and English APIs page. The following figure is an example of the built ``v2`` 's English documents home page. Note that due to the sphinx's original theme used in the example, the style of the page is not consistent with the official website, but this does not affect the developer's debugging.
.. image:: src/doc_en.png
:align: center
:scale: 60 %
How to write Documentation
PaddlePaddle uses `sphinx`_ to compile documentation,Please check sphinx official website for more detail.
How to update www.paddlepaddle.org
Please create PRs and submit them to github, please check `Contribute Code <http://www.paddlepaddle.org/docs/develop/documentation/en/howto/dev/contribute_to_paddle_en.html>`_ 。
PaddlePaddle develop branch will update the documentation once the PR is merged. User may check latest `Chinese Docs <http://www.paddlepaddle.org/docs/develop/documentation/zh/getstarted/index_cn.html>`_ and