In Fluid, some layers contain the parameter :code:`name` , such as :ref:`api_fluid_layers_fc` . This :code:`name` is generally used as the prefix identification of output and weight in network layers. The specific rules are as follows:
In Fluid, some layers contain the parameter :code:`name` , such as :ref:`api_fluid_layers_fc` . This :code:`name` is generally used as the prefix identification of output and weight in network layers. The specific rules are as follows:
* Prefix identification for output of layers. If :code:`name` is specified in the layer, Fluid will name the output with ``nameValue_number.tmp_number`` . If the :code:`name` is not specified, ``OPName_number.tmp_number`` is automatically generated to name the layer. The numbers are automatically incremented to distinguish different network layers under the same operator.
* Prefix identification for output of layers. If :code:`name` is specified in the layer, Fluid will name the output with ``nameValue.tmp_number`` . If the :code:`name` is not specified, ``OPName_number.tmp_number`` is automatically generated to name the layer. The numbers are automatically incremented to distinguish different network layers under the same operator.
* Prefix identification for weight or bias variable. If the weight and bias variables are created by ``param_attr`` and ``bias_attr`` in operator, such as :ref:`api_fluid_layers_embedding` 、 :ref:`api_fluid_layers_fc` , Fluid will generate ``prefix.w_number`` or ``prefix.b_number`` as unique identifier to name them, where the ``prefix`` is :code:`name` specified by users or ``OPName_number`` generated by default. If :code:`name` is specified in ``param_attr`` and ``bias_attr`` , the :code:`name` is no longer generated automatically. Refer to the sample code for details.
* Prefix identification for weight or bias variable. If the weight and bias variables are created by ``param_attr`` and ``bias_attr`` in operator, such as :ref:`api_fluid_layers_embedding` 、 :ref:`api_fluid_layers_fc` , Fluid will generate ``prefix.w_number`` or ``prefix.b_number`` as unique identifier to name them, where the ``prefix`` is :code:`name` specified by users or ``OPName_number`` generated by default. If :code:`name` is specified in ``param_attr`` and ``bias_attr`` , the :code:`name` is no longer generated automatically. Refer to the sample code for details.