未验证 提交 2427e9cb 编写于 作者: J Jeff Wang 提交者: GitHub

Use timeout function to force timeout on Travis. This will allow caching (#111)

上级 0986e7f6
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ cache:
- $HOME/.ccache
- $HOME/.cache/pip
- $HOME/docker
# - $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/external/
- $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/external/Paddle/build/third_party
sudo: required
......@@ -24,26 +23,20 @@ addons:
- python2.7-dev
- sudo pip install pylint pytest astroid isort
# Load cached docker images
#- if [[ -d $HOME/docker ]]; then ls $HOME/docker/*.tar.gz | xargs -I {file} sh -c "zcat {file} | docker load"; fi
- sudo pip install pylint pytest astroid isort
- sudo pip install pylint pytest astroid isort
# Force the script to be timed out after certain duration
- function timeout() { perl -e 'alarm shift; exec @ARGV' "$@"; }
- script: scripts/deploy_docs.sh full
# Force the deploy_docs.sh to time out after 40 minutes.
# Travis CI will terminate the build completely after 50 minutes and won't allow caching to happen.
# Time out the build preemptively to cache built libraries.
- script: timeout 2400 scripts/deploy_docs.sh full
name: Generate Docs
- script: scripts/deploy_docs.sh pybind
name: Cache pybind build
- script: scripts/deploy_docs.sh proto
name: Cache proto build
- script: scripts/deploy_en_external_docs.sh
name: Generate EN external docs
# # Save tagged docker images
# - >
# mkdir -p $HOME/docker && docker images -a --filter='dangling=false' --format 'paddlepaddle/paddle:latest-dev {{.ID}}'
# | xargs -n 2 -t sh -c 'test -e $HOME/docker/$1.tar.gz || docker save $0 | gzip -2 > $HOME/docker/$1.tar.gz'
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