#!/bin/bash API_FILES=("doc/fluid") for API_FILE in ${API_FILES[*]}; do
API_CHANGE=`git diff --name-only upstream/$BRANCH | grep "${API_FILE}" | grep -v "doc/fluid/design/mkldnn" || true`
if [ "${API_CHANGE}" ];then approval_line=`curl -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_API_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/repos/PaddlePaddle/FluidDoc/pulls/${GIT_PR_ID}/reviews?per_page=10000` if [ "${API_FILE}" == "doc/fluid" ];then
APPROVALS=`echo ${approval_line}|python ./scripts/check_pr_approval.py 1 31623103 2870059 27208573 28379894`
fi fi if [ "${APPROVALS}" == "FALSE" ]; then if [ "${API_FILE}" == "doc/fluid" ];then
echo "You must have one TPM (saxon-zh or Boyan-Liu or swtkiwi or Heeenrrry) approval for the api change! ${API_FILE} for the management reason of API interface and API document."
fi exit 1 fi done