eval.py 7.1 KB
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#!/usr/bin/env python
__author__ = 'xinya'

from bleu.bleu import Bleu
from meteor.meteor import Meteor
from rouge.rouge import Rouge
from cider.cider import Cider
from collections import defaultdict
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import string

import sys

_tok_dict = {"(": "-lrb-", ")": "-rrb-",
             "[": "-lsb-", "]": "-rsb-",
             "{": "-lcb-", "}": "-rcb-",
             "[UNK]": "UNK", '&': '&amp;', '<': '&lt;', '>': '&gt;'}

def _is_digit(w):
    for ch in w:
        if not(ch.isdigit() or ch == ','):
            return False
    return True

def detokenize(tk_list):
    r_list = []
    for tk in tk_list:
        if tk.startswith('##') and len(r_list) > 0:
            r_list[-1] = r_list[-1] + tk[2:]
    return r_list

def fix_tokenization(text):
    input_tokens = text.split()
    output_tokens = []
    has_left_quote = False
    has_left_single_quote = False

    i = 0
    prev_dash = False
    while i < len(input_tokens):
        tok = input_tokens[i]
        flag_prev_dash = False
        if tok in _tok_dict.keys():
            i += 1
        elif tok == "\"":
            if has_left_quote:
            has_left_quote = not has_left_quote
            i += 1
        elif tok == "'" and len(output_tokens) > 0 and output_tokens[-1].endswith("n") and i < len(input_tokens) - 1 and input_tokens[i + 1] == "t":
            output_tokens[-1] = output_tokens[-1][:-1]
            i += 2
        elif tok == "'" and i < len(input_tokens) - 1 and input_tokens[i + 1] in ("s", "d", "ll"):
            output_tokens.append("'"+input_tokens[i + 1])
            i += 2
        elif tok == "'":
            if has_left_single_quote:
            has_left_single_quote = not has_left_single_quote
            i += 1
        elif tok == "." and i < len(input_tokens) - 2 and input_tokens[i + 1] == "." and input_tokens[i + 2] == ".":
            i += 3
        elif tok == "," and len(output_tokens) > 0 and _is_digit(output_tokens[-1]) and i < len(input_tokens) - 1 and _is_digit(input_tokens[i + 1]):
            # $ 3 , 000 -> $ 3,000
            output_tokens[-1] += ','+input_tokens[i + 1]
            i += 2
        elif tok == "." and len(output_tokens) > 0 and output_tokens[-1].isdigit() and i < len(input_tokens) - 1 and input_tokens[i + 1].isdigit():
            # 3 . 03 -> $ 3.03
            output_tokens[-1] += '.'+input_tokens[i + 1]
            i += 2
        elif tok == "." and len(output_tokens) > 0 and len(output_tokens[-1]) == 1 and output_tokens[-1].isupper() and i < len(input_tokens) - 2 and len(input_tokens[i + 1]) == 1 and input_tokens[i + 1].isupper() and input_tokens[i + 2] == '.':
            # U . N . -> U.N.
            k = i+3
            while k+2 < len(input_tokens):
                if len(input_tokens[k + 1]) == 1 and input_tokens[k + 1].isupper() and input_tokens[k + 2] == '.':
                    k += 2
            output_tokens[-1] += ''.join(input_tokens[i:k])
            i += 2
        elif tok == "-":
            if i < len(input_tokens) - 1 and input_tokens[i + 1] == "-":
                i += 2
            elif i == len(input_tokens) - 1 or i == 0:
                i += 1
            elif output_tokens[-1] not in string.punctuation and input_tokens[i + 1][0] not in string.punctuation:
                output_tokens[-1] += "-"
                i += 1
                flag_prev_dash = True
                i += 1
        elif prev_dash and len(output_tokens) > 0 and tok[0] not in string.punctuation:
            output_tokens[-1] += tok
            i += 1
            i += 1
        prev_dash = flag_prev_dash
    return " ".join(output_tokens)

class QGEvalCap:
    def __init__(self, gts, res):
        self.gts = gts
        self.res = res

    def evaluate(self):
        output = []
        scorers = [
            (Bleu(4), ["Bleu_1", "Bleu_2", "Bleu_3", "Bleu_4"]),
            (Meteor(), "METEOR"),
            (Rouge(), "ROUGE_L"),
            # (Cider(), "CIDEr")

        # =================================================
        # Compute scores
        # =================================================
        for scorer, method in scorers:
            # print 'computing %s score...'%(scorer.method())
            score, scores = scorer.compute_score(self.gts, self.res)
            if type(method) == list:
                for sc, scs, m in zip(score, scores, method):
                    print("%s: %0.5f" % (m, sc))
                print("%s: %0.5f" % (method, score))
        return output

def eval(out_file, src_file, tgt_file, isDIn=False, num_pairs=500):
        Given a filename, calculate the metric scores for that prediction file

        isDin: boolean value to check whether input file is DirectIn.txt

    pairs = []
    with open(src_file, 'r') as infile:
        for line in infile:
            pair = {}
            pair['tokenized_sentence'] = line[:-1].strip().lower()

    with open(tgt_file, "r") as infile:
        cnt = 0
        for line in infile:
            pairs[cnt]['tokenized_question'] = line[:-1].strip()
            cnt += 1

    output = []
    with open(out_file, 'r') as infile:
        for line in infile:
            line = fix_tokenization(line[:-1].strip()).lower()

    for idx, pair in enumerate(pairs):
        pair['prediction'] = output[idx]

    # eval
    from eval import QGEvalCap
    import json
    from json import encoder
    encoder.FLOAT_REPR = lambda o: format(o, '.4f')

    res = defaultdict(lambda: [])
    gts = defaultdict(lambda: [])

    for pair in pairs[:]:
        key = pair['tokenized_sentence']
        res[key] = [pair['prediction'].encode('utf-8')]

        # gts

    QGEval = QGEvalCap(gts, res)
    return QGEval.evaluate()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-out", "--out_file", dest="out_file",
                        default="./output/pred.txt", help="output file to compare")
    parser.add_argument("-src", "--src_file", dest="src_file",
                        default="./qg_data/test/test.pa.txt", help="src file")
    parser.add_argument("-tgt", "--tgt_file", dest="tgt_file",
                        default="./qg_data/nqg_processed_data/tgt-test.txt", help="target file")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    print("scores: \n")
    eval(args.out_file, args.src_file, args.tgt_file)