
    PaddleSpeech is an open-source toolkit on PaddlePaddle platform for a variety of critical tasks in speech and audio, with the state-of-art and influential models.

    PaddleSpeech won the NAACL2022 Best Demo Award, please check out our paper on Arxiv.

    Speech Recognition
    Input Audio Recognition Result

    I knocked at the door on the ancient side of the building.

    Speech Translation (English to Chinese)
    Input Audio Translations Result

    我 在 这栋 建筑 的 古老 门上 敲门。
    Input Text Synthetic Audio
    Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

    For more synthesized audios, please refer to PaddleSpeech Text-to-Speech samples.

    Punctuation Restoration
    Input Text Output Text
    今天的天气真不错啊你下午有空吗我想约你一起去吃饭 今天的天气真不错啊!你下午有空吗?我想约你一起去吃饭。


    Via the easy-to-use, efficient, flexible and scalable implementation, our vision is to empower both industrial application and academic research, including training, inference & testing modules, and deployment process. To be more specific, this toolkit features at:

    • 📦 Ease of Use: low barriers to install, CLI, Server, and Streaming Server is available to quick-start your journey.
    • 🏆 Align to the State-of-the-Art: we provide high-speed and ultra-lightweight models, and also cutting-edge technology.
    • 🏆 Streaming ASR and TTS System: we provide production ready streaming asr and streaming tts system.
    • 💯 Rule-based Chinese frontend: our frontend contains Text Normalization and Grapheme-to-Phoneme (G2P, including Polyphone and Tone Sandhi). Moreover, we use self-defined linguistic rules to adapt Chinese context.
    • 📦 Varieties of Functions that Vitalize both Industrial and Academia:
      • 🛎Implementation of critical audio tasks: this toolkit contains audio functions like Automatic Speech Recognition, Text-to-Speech Synthesis, Speaker Verfication, KeyWord Spotting, Audio Classification, and Speech Translation, etc.
      • 🔬 Integration of mainstream models and datasets: the toolkit implements modules that participate in the whole pipeline of the speech tasks, and uses mainstream datasets like LibriSpeech, LJSpeech, AIShell, CSMSC, etc. See also model list for more details.
      • 🧩 Cascaded models application: as an extension of the typical traditional audio tasks, we combine the workflows of the aforementioned tasks with other fields like Natural language processing (NLP) and Computer Vision (CV).

    Recent Update

    • 👑 2022.05.13: Release PP-ASRPP-TTSPP-VPR
    • 👏🏻 2022.05.06: Streaming ASR with Punctuation Restoration and Token Timestamp.
    • 👏🏻 2022.05.06: Server is available for Speaker Verification, and Punctuation Restoration.
    • 👏🏻 2022.04.28: Streaming Server is available for Automatic Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech.
    • 👏🏻 2022.03.28: Server is available for Audio Classification, Automatic Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech.
    • 👏🏻 2022.03.28: CLI is available for Speaker Verification.
    • 🤗 2021.12.14: ASR and TTS Demos on Hugging Face Spaces are available!
    • 👏🏻 2021.12.10: CLI is available for Audio Classification, Automatic Speech Recognition, Speech Translation (English to Chinese) and Text-to-Speech.


    • Scan the QR code below with your Wechat, you can access to official technical exchange group and get the bonus ( more than 20GB learning materials, such as papers, codes and videos ) and the live link of the lessons. Look forward to your participation.


    We strongly recommend our users to install PaddleSpeech in Linux with python>=3.7 and paddlepaddle>=2.3.1. Up to now, Linux supports CLI for the all our tasks, Mac OSX and Windows only supports PaddleSpeech CLI for Audio Classification, Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech. To install PaddleSpeech, please see installation.

    Quick Start

    Developers can have a try of our models with PaddleSpeech Command Line. Change --input to test your own audio/text.

    Audio Classification

    paddlespeech cls --input input.wav

    Speaker Verification

    paddlespeech vector --task spk --input input_16k.wav

    Automatic Speech Recognition

    paddlespeech asr --lang zh --input input_16k.wav

    Speech Translation (English to Chinese) (not support for Mac and Windows now)

    paddlespeech st --input input_16k.wav


    paddlespeech tts --input "你好,欢迎使用飞桨深度学习框架!" --output output.wav

    Text Postprocessing

    • Punctuation Restoration
      paddlespeech text --task punc --input 今天的天气真不错啊你下午有空吗我想约你一起去吃饭

    Batch Process

    echo -e "1 欢迎光临。\n2 谢谢惠顾。" | paddlespeech tts

    Shell Pipeline

    • ASR + Punctuation Restoration
    paddlespeech asr --input ./zh.wav | paddlespeech text --task punc

    For more command lines, please see: demos

    If you want to try more functions like training and tuning, please have a look at Speech-to-Text Quick Start and Text-to-Speech Quick Start.

    Quick Start Server

    Developers can have a try of our speech server with PaddleSpeech Server Command Line.

    Start server

    paddlespeech_server start --config_file ./paddlespeech/server/conf/application.yaml

    Access Speech Recognition Services

    paddlespeech_client asr --server_ip --port 8090 --input input_16k.wav

    Access Text to Speech Services

    paddlespeech_client tts --server_ip --port 8090 --input "您好,欢迎使用百度飞桨语音合成服务。" --output output.wav

    Access Audio Classification Services

    paddlespeech_client cls --server_ip --port 8090 --input input.wav

    For more information about server command lines, please see: speech server demos

    Quick Start Streaming Server

    Developers can have a try of streaming asr and streaming tts server.

    Start Streaming Speech Recognition Server

    paddlespeech_server start --config_file ./demos/streaming_asr_server/conf/application.yaml

    Access Streaming Speech Recognition Services

    paddlespeech_client asr_online --server_ip --port 8090 --input input_16k.wav

    Start Streaming Text to Speech Server

    paddlespeech_server start --config_file ./demos/streaming_tts_server/conf/tts_online_application.yaml

    Access Streaming Text to Speech Services

    paddlespeech_client tts_online --server_ip --port 8092 --protocol http --input "您好,欢迎使用百度飞桨语音合成服务。" --output output.wav

    For more information please see: streaming asr and streaming tts

    Model List

    PaddleSpeech supports a series of most popular models. They are summarized in released models and attached with available pretrained models.

    Speech-to-Text contains Acoustic Model, Language Model, and Speech Translation, with the following details:

    Speech-to-Text Module Type Dataset Model Type Example
    Speech Recogination Aishell DeepSpeech2 RNN + Conv based Models deepspeech2-aishell
    Transformer based Attention Models u2.transformer.conformer-aishell
    Librispeech Transformer based Attention Models deepspeech2-librispeech / transformer.conformer.u2-librispeech / transformer.conformer.u2-kaldi-librispeech
    TIMIT Unified Streaming & Non-streaming Two-pass u2-timit
    Alignment THCHS30 MFA mfa-thchs30
    Language Model Ngram Language Model kenlm
    Speech Translation (English to Chinese) TED En-Zh Transformer + ASR MTL transformer-ted
    FAT + Transformer + ASR MTL fat-st-ted

    Text-to-Speech in PaddleSpeech mainly contains three modules: Text Frontend, Acoustic Model and Vocoder. Acoustic Model and Vocoder models are listed as follow:

    Text-to-Speech Module Type Model Type Dataset Example
    Text Frontend tn / g2p
    Acoustic Model Tacotron2 LJSpeech / CSMSC tacotron2-ljspeech / tacotron2-csmsc
    Transformer TTS LJSpeech transformer-ljspeech
    SpeedySpeech CSMSC speedyspeech-csmsc
    FastSpeech2 LJSpeech / VCTK / CSMSC / AISHELL-3 fastspeech2-ljspeech / fastspeech2-vctk / fastspeech2-csmsc / fastspeech2-aishell3
    Vocoder WaveFlow LJSpeech waveflow-ljspeech
    Parallel WaveGAN LJSpeech / VCTK / CSMSC / AISHELL-3 PWGAN-ljspeech / PWGAN-vctk / PWGAN-csmsc / PWGAN-aishell3
    Multi Band MelGAN CSMSC Multi Band MelGAN-csmsc
    Style MelGAN CSMSC Style MelGAN-csmsc
    HiFiGAN LJSpeech / VCTK / CSMSC / AISHELL-3 HiFiGAN-ljspeech / HiFiGAN-vctk / HiFiGAN-csmsc / HiFiGAN-aishell3
    WaveRNN CSMSC WaveRNN-csmsc
    Voice Cloning GE2E Librispeech, etc. ge2e
    GE2E + Tacotron2 AISHELL-3 ge2e-tacotron2-aishell3
    GE2E + FastSpeech2 AISHELL-3 ge2e-fastspeech2-aishell3
    End-to-End VITS CSMSC VITS-csmsc

    Audio Classification

    Task Dataset Model Type Example
    Audio Classification ESC-50 PANN pann-esc50

    Speaker Verification

    Task Dataset Model Type Example
    Speaker Verification VoxCeleb12 ECAPA-TDNN ecapa-tdnn-voxceleb12

    Punctuation Restoration

    Task Dataset Model Type Example
    Punctuation Restoration IWLST2012_zh Ernie Linear iwslt2012-punc0


    Normally, Speech SoTA, Audio SoTA and Music SoTA give you an overview of the hot academic topics in the related area. To focus on the tasks in PaddleSpeech, you will find the following guidelines are helpful to grasp the core ideas.

    The Text-to-Speech module is originally called Parakeet, and now merged with this repository. If you are interested in academic research about this task, please see TTS research overview. Also, this document is a good guideline for the pipeline components.


    • PaddleBoBo: Use PaddleSpeech TTS to generate virtual human voice.


    To cite PaddleSpeech for research, please use the following format.

        title = {PaddleSpeech: An Easy-to-Use All-in-One Speech Toolkit},
        author = {Hui Zhang, Tian Yuan, Junkun Chen, Xintong Li, Renjie Zheng, Yuxin Huang, Xiaojie Chen, Enlei Gong, Zeyu Chen, Xiaoguang Hu, dianhai yu, Yanjun Ma, Liang Huang},
        booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: Demonstrations},
        year = {2022},
        publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      title={Fused acoustic and text encoding for multimodal bilingual pretraining and speech translation},
      author={Zheng, Renjie and Chen, Junkun and Ma, Mingbo and Huang, Liang},
      booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},

    Contribute to PaddleSpeech

    You are warmly welcome to submit questions in discussions and bug reports in issues! Also, we highly appreciate if you are willing to contribute to this project!



    Besides, PaddleSpeech depends on a lot of open source repositories. See references for more information.


    PaddleSpeech is provided under the Apache-2.0 License.


    Easy-to-use Speech Toolkit including Self-Supervised Learning model, SOTA/Streaming ASR with punctuation, Streaming TTS with text frontend, Speaker Verification System, End-to-End Speech Translation and Keyword Spotting. Won NAACL2022 Best Demo Award.

    🚀 Github 镜像仓库 🚀


    发行版本 15

    PaddleSpeech r1.4.1


    贡献者 99



    • Python 69.6 %
    • C++ 23.3 %
    • Shell 2.8 %
    • Perl 2.0 %
    • C 1.1 %