paddle related errors paddle.v2 and paddle.init
paddle related errors paddle.v2 and paddle.init
Created by: liuborama
I fount the paddle has updated a lot. we can't import paddle.v2 now . If I change from paddle.v2 to paddle, then we will find the paddle.init can't find too. We can't use and because of this. Does anyone find the solution for this paddle upgrade issue? Can anyone help?
Created by: saibharani
remove existing paddle version using command sudo pip uninstall paddlepaddle-gpu and install old deepspeech supported version for cuda 9.x and cudnn 7 sudo pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==1.2.0-post97 for cuda 8.x and cudnn 7 sudo pip install paddlepaddle-gpu==1.2.0-post87