提交 6e8b3d0f 编写于 作者: H huangyuxin

fix the quick start

上级 ed8802bd
......@@ -27,15 +27,8 @@ More detailed information are provided in the following sections. Wish you a hap
## Training a model
The key steps of training for Mandarin language are same to that of English language and we have also provided an example for Mandarin training with Aishell in ```examples/aishell/local```. As mentioned above, please execute ```sh data.sh```, ```sh train.sh```, ```sh test.sh```and ```sh infer.sh```to do data preparation, training, testing and inference correspondingly. We have also prepared a pre-trained model (downloaded by local/download_model.sh) for users to try with ```sh infer_golden.sh```and ```sh test_golden.sh```. Notice that, different from English LM, the Mandarin LM is character-based and please run ```local/tune.sh```to find an optimal setting.
The key steps of training for Mandarin language are same to that of English language and we have also provided an example for Mandarin training with Aishell in ```examples/aishell/local```. As mentioned above, please execute ```sh data.sh```, ```sh train.sh```and```sh test.sh```to do data preparation, training, and testing correspondingly.
## Speech-to-text Inference
An inference module caller `infer.py` is provided to infer, decode and visualize speech-to-text results for several given audio clips. It might help to have an intuitive and qualitative evaluation of the ASR model's performance.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash local/infer.sh
We provide two types of CTC decoders: *CTC greedy decoder* and *CTC beam search decoder*. The *CTC greedy decoder* is an implementation of the simple best-path decoding algorithm, selecting at each timestep the most likely token, thus being greedy and locally optimal. The [*CTC beam search decoder*](https://arxiv.org/abs/1408.2873) otherwise utilizes a heuristic breadth-first graph search for reaching a near global optimality; it also requires a pre-trained KenLM language model for better scoring and ranking. The decoder type can be set with argument `decoding_method`.
## Evaluate a Model
To evaluate a model's performance quantitatively, please run:
......@@ -44,20 +37,4 @@ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash local/test.sh
The error rate (default: word error rate; can be set with `error_rate_type`) will be printed.
## Hyper-parameters Tuning
The hyper-parameters $\alpha$ (language model weight) and $\beta$ (word insertion weight) for the [*CTC beam search decoder*](https://arxiv.org/abs/1408.2873) often have a significant impact on the decoder's performance. It would be better to re-tune them on the validation set when the acoustic model is renewed.
`tune.py` performs a 2-D grid search over the hyper-parameter $\alpha$ and $\beta$. You must provide the range of $\alpha$ and $\beta$, as well as the number of their attempts.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash local/tune.sh
The grid search will print the WER (word error rate) or CER (character error rate) at each point in the hyper-parameters space, and draw the error surface optionally. A proper hyper-parameters range should include the global minima of the error surface for WER/CER, as illustrated in the following figure.
<p align="center">
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PaddlePaddle/DeepSpeech/develop/docs/images/tuning_error_surface.png" width=550>
<br/>An example error surface for tuning on the dev-clean set of LibriSpeech
Usually, as the figure shows, the variation of language model weight ($\alpha$) significantly affect the performance of CTC beam search decoder. And a better procedure is to first tune on serveral data batches (the number can be specified) to find out the proper range of hyper-parameters, then change to the whole validation set to carray out an accurate tuning.
After tuning, you can reset $\alpha$ and $\beta$ in the inference and evaluation modules to see if they really help improve the ASR performance. For more help
We provide two types of CTC decoders: *CTC greedy decoder* and *CTC beam search decoder*. The *CTC greedy decoder* is an implementation of the simple best-path decoding algorithm, selecting at each timestep the most likely token, thus being greedy and locally optimal. The [*CTC beam search decoder*](https://arxiv.org/abs/1408.2873) otherwise utilizes a heuristic breadth-first graph search for reaching a near global optimality; it also requires a pre-trained KenLM language model for better scoring and ranking. The decoder type can be set with argument `decoding_method`.
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