提交 64ab19c1 编写于 作者: X Xinghai Sun

Add multiprocess version of xmap_reader to speedup training.

Add seqbin data parser to adapt to internal 1w data training.
上级 37a29bf1
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import io
import struct
import re
import soundfile
import resampy
from scipy import signal
......@@ -114,6 +116,46 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
data = sndfile.read(frames=end_frame - start_frame, dtype='float32')
return cls(data, sample_rate)
def from_sequence_file(cls, filepath):
"""Create audio segment from sequence file.
:param filepath: Filepath of sequence file.
:type filepath: basestring
:return: Audio segment instance.
:rtype: AudioSegment
# parse filepath
matches = re.match(r"(.+\.seqbin)_(\d+)", filepath)
if matches is None:
raise IOError("File type of %s is not supported" % filepath)
filename = matches.group(1)
fileno = int(matches.group(2))
# read headers
f = open(filename, 'rb')
version = f.read(4)
num_utterances = struct.unpack("i", f.read(4))[0]
bytes_per_header = struct.unpack("i", f.read(4))[0]
header_bytes = f.read(bytes_per_header * (num_utterances + 1))
header = [
struct.unpack("i", header_bytes[bytes_per_header * i:
bytes_per_header * (i + 1)])[0]
for i in range(num_utterances + 1)
# read audio bytes
f.seek(header[fileno - 1])
audio_bytes = f.read(header[fileno] - header[fileno - 1])
# create audio segment
return cls.from_bytes(audio_bytes)
except Exception as e:
samples = np.frombuffer(audio_bytes, dtype='int16')
return cls(samples=samples, sample_rate=8000)
def from_bytes(cls, bytes):
"""Create audio segment from a byte string containing audio samples.
......@@ -7,11 +7,13 @@ from __future__ import print_function
import random
import tarfile
import re
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np
import paddle.v2 as paddle
from threading import local
from data_utils.utility import read_manifest
from data_utils.utility import xmap_readers_mp
from data_utils.augmentor.augmentation import AugmentationPipeline
from data_utils.featurizer.speech_featurizer import SpeechFeaturizer
from data_utils.speech import SpeechSegment
......@@ -100,7 +102,14 @@ class DataGenerator(object):
:rtype: tuple of (2darray, list)
speech_segment = SpeechSegment.from_file(filename, transcript)
if filename.startswith('tar:'):
speech_segment = SpeechSegment.from_file(
self._subfile_from_tar(filename), transcript)
elif re.findall(r".seqbin_\d+$", filename):
speech_segment = SpeechSegment.from_sequence_file(filename,
speech_segment = SpeechSegment.from_file(filename, transcript)
specgram, text_ids = self._speech_featurizer.featurize(speech_segment)
specgram = self._normalizer.apply(specgram)
......@@ -231,27 +240,23 @@ class DataGenerator(object):
result[tarinfo.name] = tarinfo
return f, result
def _get_file_object(self, file):
"""Get file object by file path.
def _subfile_from_tar(self, file):
"""Get subfile object from tar.
If file startwith tar, it will return a tar file object
It will return a subfile object from tar file
and cached tar file info for next reading request.
It will return file directly, if the type of file is not str.
if file.startswith('tar:'):
tarpath, filename = file.split(':', 1)[1].split('#', 1)
if 'tar2info' not in self._local_data.__dict__:
self._local_data.tar2info = {}
if 'tar2object' not in self._local_data.__dict__:
self._local_data.tar2object = {}
if tarpath not in self._local_data.tar2info:
object, infoes = self._parse_tar(tarpath)
self._local_data.tar2info[tarpath] = infoes
self._local_data.tar2object[tarpath] = object
return self._local_data.tar2object[tarpath].extractfile(
return open(file, 'r')
tarpath, filename = file.split(':', 1)[1].split('#', 1)
if 'tar2info' not in self._local_data.__dict__:
self._local_data.tar2info = {}
if 'tar2object' not in self._local_data.__dict__:
self._local_data.tar2object = {}
if tarpath not in self._local_data.tar2info:
object, infoes = self._parse_tar(tarpath)
self._local_data.tar2info[tarpath] = infoes
self._local_data.tar2object[tarpath] = object
return self._local_data.tar2object[tarpath].extractfile(
def _instance_reader_creator(self, manifest):
......@@ -266,13 +271,12 @@ class DataGenerator(object):
for instance in manifest:
yield instance
def mapper(instance):
return self.process_utterance(
return paddle.reader.xmap_readers(
mapper, reader, self._num_threads, 1024, order=True)
return xmap_readers_mp(
lambda instance: self.process_utterance(instance["audio_filepath"], instance["text"]),
def _padding_batch(self, batch, padding_to=-1, flatten=False):
......@@ -44,12 +44,26 @@ class SpeechSegment(AudioSegment):
:type filepath: basestring|file
:param transcript: Transcript text for the speech.
:type transript: basestring
:return: Audio segment instance.
:rtype: AudioSegment
:return: Speech segment instance.
:rtype: SpeechSegment
audio = AudioSegment.from_file(filepath)
return cls(audio.samples, audio.sample_rate, transcript)
def from_sequence_file(cls, filepath, transcript):
"""Create speech segment from sequence file and transcript.
:param filepath: Filepath of sequence file.
:type filepath: basestring
:param transcript: Transcript text for the speech.
:type transript: basestring
:return: Speech segment instance.
:rtype: SpeechSegment
audio = AudioSegment.from_sequence_file(filepath)
return cls(audio.samples, audio.sample_rate, transcript)
def from_bytes(cls, bytes, transcript):
"""Create speech segment from a byte string and corresponding
......@@ -59,8 +73,8 @@ class SpeechSegment(AudioSegment):
:type bytes: str
:param transcript: Transcript text for the speech.
:type transript: basestring
:return: Audio segment instance.
:rtype: AudioSegment
:return: Speech segment instance.
:rtype: Speech Segment
audio = AudioSegment.from_bytes(bytes)
return cls(audio.samples, audio.sample_rate, transcript)
......@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ import json
import codecs
import os
import tarfile
import time
from Queue import Queue
from multiprocessing import Process, Manager
from paddle.v2.dataset.common import md5file
......@@ -61,3 +64,98 @@ def unpack(filepath, target_dir, rm_tar=False):
if rm_tar == True:
class XmapEndSignal():
def xmap_readers_mp(mapper, reader, process_num, buffer_size, order=False):
"""A multiprocessing pipeline wrapper for the data reader.
:param mapper: Function to map sample.
:type mapper: callable
:param reader: Given data reader.
:type reader: callable
:param process_num: Number of processes in the pipeline
:type process_num: int
:param buffer_size: Maximal buffer size.
:type buffer_size: int
:param order: Reserve the order of samples from the given reader.
:type order: bool
:return: The wrappered reader
:rtype: callable
end_flag = XmapEndSignal()
# define a worker to read samples from reader to in_queue
def read_worker(reader, in_queue):
for sample in reader():
# define a worker to read samples from reader to in_queue with order flag
def order_read_worker(reader, in_queue):
for order_id, sample in enumerate(reader()):
in_queue.put((order_id, sample))
# define a worker to handle samples from in_queue by mapper and put results to out_queue
def handle_worker(in_queue, out_queue, mapper):
sample = in_queue.get()
while not isinstance(sample, XmapEndSignal):
sample = in_queue.get()
# define a worker to handle samples from in_queue by mapper and put results to out_queue with order
def order_handle_worker(in_queue, out_queue, mapper, out_order):
ins = in_queue.get()
while not isinstance(ins, XmapEndSignal):
order_id, sample = ins
result = mapper(sample)
while order_id != out_order[0]:
out_order[0] += 1
ins = in_queue.get()
def xreader():
# prepare shared memory
manager = Manager()
in_queue = manager.Queue(buffer_size)
out_queue = manager.Queue(buffer_size)
out_order = manager.list([0])
# start a read worker in a process
target = order_read_worker if order else read_worker
p = Process(target=target, args=(reader, in_queue))
# start handle_workers with multiple processes
target = order_handle_worker if order else handle_worker
args = (in_queue, out_queue, mapper, out_order) if order else (
in_queue, out_queue, mapper)
workers = [
Process(target=target, args=args) for _ in xrange(process_num)
for w in workers:
# get results
sample = out_queue.get()
while not isinstance(sample, XmapEndSignal):
yield sample
sample = out_queue.get()
finish = 1
while finish < process_num:
sample = out_queue.get()
if isinstance(sample, XmapEndSignal):
finish += 1
yield sample
return xreader
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